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North Africa
The Monthly Record of the North Africa Mission
formerly called "Mission to the Kabyles and Other Berber Races"
1960 - 1969

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This Mission was formed in 1881 from a deep sense of the pressing spiritual needs of the Kabyles of Algeria, who with the rest of the Moslems of North Africa were quite unevangelised, and was then called the Kabyle Mission. In 1883 it was reorganised, and widened its sphere to the other Berber races. Since then, under the name of the North Africa Mission, it has step by step extended its work, establishing stations in various towns of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, and a branch mission in Northern Arabia.

It aims by the help of God to spread through the whole of North Africa and North. Arabia, amongst the Moslems, Jews, and Europeans, the glad tidings of His love in giving His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by sending forth consecrated, self-denying brethren and sisters.

North Africa Journal has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers.


  • Jan.-Feb. 1960 - No. 30 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Getting to Know One Another By Rev David W. Orrock
    • Hope House: An Urgent Need
    • Strategic Witness By Marge Ballard
    • Public Attractions By Dr Julian Carlile
  • March-April 1960 - No. 31 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • In Morocco Today By Rev. Lawrence A. Lufburrow
    • Vision and Venture. The Tetuan Farm By Harold W. Stalley
    • The Life Story of Mohammad Ben Ali. Chapter Seven
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Algeria; Tunisia; Libya
    • Wedding Rules
    • To Our U.K. Readers
    • Birth
    • Arrivals
  • May-June 1960 - No. 32 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Rugged Dicipleship By Robert I. Brown
    • "I was There". The Agadir Story: Part 1"
    • Faithful Unto Death. Homecall of a Tangier Christian
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Algeria; Tunisia; Libya
    • Are Camps Worth While? By Joyce Morgan
    • New Venture of Faith in Rabat By Fern A. Wilson
    • Guided Giving
  • July-August 1960 - No. 33 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Life - and Death - in Alcazar By Rev. Laurence A. Lufburrow
    • The Agadir Story. Part II: The Other Side of the Picture
    • The Life Story of the Mohammed ben ali. Chapter Eight
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer
    • "Hent Sent His Word..." United Christian Witness at the International Fair in Casablanca By J.C. Stalley
  • Sept.-Oct. 1960 - No. 34 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Desert shall Blossom By Lilian Evans
    • Mabel Jones. Homecall of a Great Warrior
    • Recording Studio and Rest Station. A Double Vision
    • Notes from a Camp Commandant's Diary
    • The Rev. Dallas S. Green
    • New Bible in Colloquial Arabic
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer
    • D.V.B.S. With a Difference
  • Nov.-Dec. 1960 - No. 35 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Widow of a Missionary Martyr. Homecall of Mrs Mary Nairn
    • Snaps from the Camps
    • Neighbour By Mrs H.W. Stalley
    • Blessing in a Book-store By Thomas R. Wilson
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Algeria; Morocco
    • Poster Evangelism
    • Births
    • Mr & Mrs Ernest Long


  • Jan.-Feb. 1961 - No. 36 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Missionaries, too, are People By Rev. Lawrence A. Lufburrow
    • Tripoli By Harold W. Stalley
    • Across the Field in Prayer and Prayer
    • House Hunting but fir a New Reason By Joyce Morgan and Muriel Butcher; Algeria; Morocco
  • March-April 1961 - No. 37 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • New Beginnings in Taroudant By Walter Jackson
    • A Recruit in Marrakesh By Helen Wilson
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer
    • A Double Dedication - Book-Shop and Baby; Algeria; Tunisia
    • News from Tripoli
    • Dates to Remember
  • May-June 1961 - No. 38 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Day in Dr Scott By Patricia M. St. John
    • Please, can I go to Camp again? By Joyce Morgan
    • The God Who Answers By Anne Swank
    • On the Trail in Tunisia By Wendell Evans
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Algeria; Tunisia
    • New Arrival: Timely Help from Congo Missionaries
    • Mr & Mrs Howard Long
  • July-August 1961 - No. 39 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "For the Trumpet Shall Sound"
    • The Neighbours Again By J.C. Stalley
    • "God... Commanded the Light to Shine..." Witness at the International Fair at Casablanca
    • Can This be Casablanca? By Joyce Morgan
    • "God... Commanded the Light to Shine" By J.C. Stalley
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Morocco
    • Wedding
    • New Arrivals: Miss Frederica Hauener; Miss Elizabeth Hall
    • Date for the Diary
  • Sept.-Oct. 1961 - No. 40 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Fifty-Two Years with the N.A.M. Homecall of Mr. I.E. Bowles
    • Visiting in Southern Tunisia By Helen Morriss
    • Moroccan "Keswick," 1961 BY D.M. Henman
    • An Invitation to Lunch... and a Day Out By Anne Swank
    • Through the Field in Praise and Prayer: Tunisia; Algeria; Morocco
    • Engagement
    • Birth
    • Resignation
  • Nov.-Dec. 1961 - No. 41 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Preparation Unto Every Good Work" By Dr. Francis R. Steele
    • Through the Field in Praise and Prayer: Algeria
    • Snapshot from the Camps
    • MoroccoHomecall [Madame Juan Padilla; Miss Grace Carty]
    • Christmas Gifts
    • Births


  • Jan.-Feb. 1962 - No. 42 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Tunisia; Algeria
    • First Impressions By Elizabeth Hall
    • Was it Worth While? By J.C. Stalley
    • Our Literature Programme
    • Correspondence Courses
    • Miss Kathleen Carter
    • Miss Kathleen Dykes
    • Birth
  • March-April 1962 - No. 43 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Better than ALl Our Fears". Moroccan Christian Conference in Tangier By Dr Janet St. John
    • On the Southern Trail By Stephen Heusser
    • Until He finds Them By Dr F.A.R. St. John
    • Overheard
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Algeria; Tunisia
    • Mr and Mrs R. Stanley Miles
    • Homecall of the Rev. E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Homecall of Mrs E.A. Simpson
  • May-June 1962 - No. 44 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Camp—from the Inside By J.C. Inside
    • Little Missionary
    • New Christian Book Shop in Sfax By Roland Lilley
    • Camps Again By Joyce Morgan
    • The Life if a Sunday School Booklet By Joyce Morgan
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Tunisia; Morocco
  • July-August 1962 - No. 45 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Two Sides to the Algerian 'Cease Fire'. 1. From the Mountains By Kathleen Castle; 2. In the City By Dallas Green
    • Date for the Diary
    • Wedding
    • Missionary on Deputation By Muriel Butcher
    • The Life of Mohammed ben Ali. Chapter Ten
    • Across the Field in Praise and Prayer: Algeria; Tunisia; Morocco
  • Sept.-Oct. 1962 - No. 46 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Missionary Facts By Edward H. Glenny
    • Helping in the Fez Book Store By C.A. Bowring
    • Among the Shilha-Speaking People By Helen Wilson
    • Pausing to Take Stock By Elizabeth Hall
    • A Evening Out By Cathy Bell
    • Births
    • Missionary Outlook in Algeria BY Bernard Collinson
    • Down on the Farm By Bernard and Vivian Leat
    • Encouragement at the Hospital By Elizabeth Smetana
    • Homecall of Miss Ada Buxton
  • Nov.-Dec. 1962 - No. 47 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • So You're a Missionary Candidate!
    • Blessing at Camp and Conference By Jim Harris
    • To a Strangely-Named Village With the Gospel By Walter Jackson
    • Obey—Then Trust! By Donald Richards
    • A Moorish Wedding By Gladys Fox
    • Reaching Island and Oasis Dwellers By Alma Strautins
    • In ALgiers To-day By Marge Ballard
    • Births
    • Misprint
    • To Boys and Girls
    • Christmas Gifts to Missionaries


  • Jan.-Feb. 1963 - No. 48 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Own Up! Pay Up! By Rev. Andrew Kennedy
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station By the late Sydney Arthur. Chapter One: In the Land of the Deaf
    • Healing for Algeria's Wounds BY Muriel Butcher
    • While the Church Slumbers
    • The Offence of the Cross By Tom Wilson
    • Wonderful News from Tunis
    • Though Rain and Mud to the Classes By Selma Klau and Margaret Chipperfield
    • On Night Duty
    • Specially for Duty
    • Ministry to Shut-In Ones By Flora Logan
    • Could You Use a Film-Strip?
    • Homecall of Mr Allen Willson
  • March-April 1963 - No. 49 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Darkness and Light in Algeria By Kathleen Castle
    • Ishmael and Isaac at the Same Well By Tom and Fern Wilson
    • At the Vocational Training Centre, Tetuan By Stan Smurthwaite
    • Wanted, A Nurse By Owen Theakston
    • Do Read This!
    • Cheering the Faint at Marrakesh By Mrs Bernard Cookman
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station. Chapter Two. A Day among the students
    • Arabic Services in London
    • Our New Film-Sound Strip
    • "Specially For Children"

    May-June 1963 - No. 50 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Hands Steady—Harvest Sure By Bernard Collinson
    • A Grateful Word to Anonymous Donors
    • Earthquake and Floods in North Africa By Ernest Long
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station. Chapter 3. A Day among the Old Men
    • The Reoccupation of Tlemcen By Francis Ewing
    • Out and About from the Fez Bookshop By John H. Thompson
    • Reaching Moslem Youth by Win Davey
    • Encouragement at Azemmour By Dorcas M. Henman
    • Tunisians Confessing Christ
  • July-August 1963 - No. 51 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Day's Colportage in Algeria By Muriel Butcher
    • A News Budget from Tangier by Rene Morgan
    • Back From Our First Furlough By Roland and Ella Lilley
    • A Saviour of Life—and Death By Abe Wiebe
    • Witnessing in Tunisian Oases By Alma Strauton
    • Conference of National Believers By H.W.S.
    • Early Weeks in a Strange Country By Janey Ames
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station, Chapter Three (continued). A Day among the Old Men
    • Disappointment Turned to Profit
  • Sept.-Oct. 1963 - No. 52 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • At the Cross Roads By Harold W. Stalley
    • Retirement of Miss Norah Andrew and Miss Doris Richardson
    • Life in a Moorish Mountain Village By Don and Mary Harris
    • The New Algeria By Ruth Stewart
    • Heart-Cry from Casablanca
    • Among Kabyle Girls By Kay Castle
    • Our Tangier Hospital By Doris Evans
    • Back in Marrakesh By Dolores Parillo
    • Important Notice. Parcels and Luggage for North Africa
  • Nov.-Dec. 1963 - No. 53 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Heart-Cry from Tunisia
    • Closing Down By Helen Morriss
    • Closing Doors By Helen Morriss
    • Births
    • An Opening Door By John Green
    • Looking Back Upon the Camps By Joyce Morgan
    • Among the Poor of Marrakesh By Edith Jacobsen
    • The Adversary... and the Advocate By Gwen Theakston
    • Pressing on in Algeria By Marge Ballard


  • Jan.-Feb. 1963 - No. 54 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Nine Eventful Years By Warren Gaston
    • Changes at the Tangier Hospital By Farnham A.R. St. John
    • Tangier Carpet School By Winifred Drury
    • Journeying Mercies By Flora Logan
    • Early Days in Taroudant By Anne Swank
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station, Chapter Four. We sepnd a Day in a Kabyle Village
    • Two New Publications
  • March-April 1964 - No. 55 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Algeria's Day of Opportunity By Bernard Collinson
    • Univesity Students at the Fez Bookshop By Bernard Leat
    • "B.C.C." Follow-up Ministry By Muriel Butcher
    • Visiting in a Moorish Hoise By Janet Ames
    • Bread Cast Upon the [Flood] Waters By Margaret Chipperfield
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station. Chapter Four (Continued). We Spend a Day in a Kabyle Village; Chapter Five: We Spend a Day at the Market
    • Births
    • The Vocational Training Centre, Tetuan
    • Young Men Confessing Christ
    • Dates For Your Diary
  • May-June 1964 - No. 56 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Special Announcement
    • Through Crisis to Fulfilment By Harold W. Stalley
    • Third Generation Missionary [Miss Lois Morriss]
    • The Tetuan Bookshop By Ruth Barkey
    • Among the Men and Youths of Marrakesh By Bernard and Maria Cookman
    • The Ordeal of the Fast Month By Dolores Parillo
    • Alcazar in the Year 1721
    • The Outcast By Donald R. Rickards
    • Mrs E.L. Liley
    • Miss Dorcas M. Henman
    • Miss Elfriede Gamber
    • Homecall of Mr H.P. Elson of Tangier
  • July-August 1964 - No. 57 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Bleating of Sheep By Rene Morgan
    • Rain in a Desert Region By Madame M. Lull
    • Waiting Upon God Together By Harold W. Stalley
    • Preparing for the Summer Camps By Bob and Eileen Cox
    • Among Students at Algiers University By Ruth E. Stewart
    • Missionaries of the North Africa Mission
    • What Would Your Answer Be? By A Missionary
    • Glad to be Alive? By Muriel Butcher
    • A Last Prayer Letter from the Field [Miss C.A. Bowring]
    • Radio School of the Bible By Harold W. Stalley
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station. Chapter Five. A Day at th Market (continued)
    • The Moroccan Summer Camps
    • Algerian Camp Dates
    • Birth
    • Marriages
    • Dates for your Diary
    • Timely Legacies
  • Sept.-Oct. 1964 - No. 58 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Thousand years of Missionary Service. Our Retitred Workers By E.J.L.
    • Encouragement at Our Missionary Training Centre By Robert I. Brown
    • Parable of the Pecan Tree By Roy and Janet Rawls
    • Has God some Better Plan? By Stan Smurthwaite
    • My Sheep Hear and Follow By Walter Jackson
    • The Last Two Months of Her Life By Dr. Farnham A.R. St. John
    • Calling All Londoners
    • Journey in Southern Morocco By Bert and Mary Hollinhead
    • Eyes Opened at the Prayer Meeting By a Missionary
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station. Chapter Five. A Day at the Market (continued)
    • Mr and Mrs J.A. Harris—El Jadida
    • Important Dates for your Diary
    • Births
  • Nov.-Dec. 1964 - No. 59 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Radio School of the Bible-Marseilles By Warren Gaston
    • Little Personalities at the Camps By Kay Castle
    • Missionaries' Photographs: Please Note!
    • Bruised Reeds and Smoking Flax By Gwen Tweakston
    • Visiting in Blida - and Beyond By Miss P.M. Russell and Mlle. J. Guibe
    • In Tunisia To-day By Alma Strautins
    • Reaching Young Algerians By Ruth E. Stewart
    • Retirement of Miss Elizabeth Prideaux
    • Do You Contact Arab Students?
    • Christmas Gifts to Missionar
    • ies
    • Arabic Services in London
    • Deliverance—Yet Again?—By Legacy


  • Jan.-Feb. 1965 - No. 60 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • When Muslim Speaks well of Christian By Ralph Burns
    • Visiting in an Algerian Village By Muriel Butcher
    • The Great Chain Maker at Work By John and Violet Thompson
    • Universal Week of Prayer—1965
    • Retirement of Mr & Mrs Ernest Long
    • Near Departure of the Rev. Arthur Coffey
    • Help from the Rev. Bernard Collinson
    • Retirement of Miss Ada Clack
    • "The God who Answers..." By Mrs H.W. Stalley
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station.Chapter Five. A Day at the Market (concluded)
  • March-April 1965 - No. 61 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Furnished Minds By Elisabeth O. Hall
    • Feeding the Famished
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station. Chapter Six. Reaching the Kabyles with the Gospel
    • Moroccan Journey Sixty Years ago By the late Miss L. de la Camp
    • Algerian Journey - To-day By Richard and Ruth Heldenbrand
    • "He Beheld the City - and Wept" By Bob and Eileen Cox
    • Homecall of Mrs Janet Bergin
    • F.F.M. Prayer Conference
    • Heightside N.A.M. Conference
    • The N.A.M. Keswick House-Party
    • Dates to Note in Your Diary
    • The Past Few Months in Blida
    • Birth
  • May-June 1965 - No. 62 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "For Such a Time as This" By Herbert C. Wilson
    • Our New International Chairman By Rev Geoffrey C. Robinson
    • A Message from Marseilles
    • A Missionary Romance
    • The Tangier School and its Problems By Mrs L.J. Bocking
    • The Folk we are Seeking to Win for Christ By Tom Wilson
    • Growth By Paul McCollough
    • Splendid Opportunities at Tolga By Madame M. Lull
    • Early Days in Marseilles By Don Harris
    • Letter from a B.C.C. Student
    • Heightside N.A.M. Conference
  • July-August 1965 - No. 63 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The House in Rue Tourbet-el-Bey By Helen Morriss
    • Eventful Days in Algeria By Morriss Butcher
    • Homecall [Mrs. E. S. Poole-Connor]
    • At Blida during the Last Month By P.M. Russell & Jeanne Guibe
    • 'Where prayer is wont to be made'. N.A.M. Groups
    • THe Cost of Breaking the Fast By Ralph Burns
    • Spiritual Need in Alcazar By Margaret Chipperfield and Selma Klau
    • Life on a Mountain Mission Station.Chapter Seven. House to House Visitation
    • Groping Towards The Light By Dave Goldmann
    • Homecall of Mr. P. Padilla
    • Algerian Camp Dates
    • Our Annual Meetings Preliminary Notice
    • F.F.M. and A.I.M. United Jubilee Thanksgiving Service
    • Births
  • Sept.-Oct. 1965 - No. 64 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Message from... Radio School of the Bible, Marseilles
    • A Hitch-Hiker Converted at Fex
    • Our Annual London Meeting
    • Our Supreme Need is - Love By Bob and Barbara Klaus
    • A Spiritual Lesson By Paul McCullough
    • From the Tangier Hospital By Gwen Theakston
    • National Christians Undergo Persecution By Dave Goldmann
    • "Baptised—Kicked Out" By Box Cox
    • God is Working in Algeria By Marge Ballard
    • How the Work in North Africa Began
    • Life on a Mountain Mission By the late Sydney Arthur. Chapter Eight. Out with the Missionary, Off the Beaton Track
  • Nov.-Dec. 1965 - No. 65 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • I am an Ambassador... By Tran Thuyan
    • Two Outstanding Events By Harold W. Stalley
    • A Message From Blida
    • Looking Back By Edith Jacobsen
    • A Moorish Girl's Testimony
    • Precious Building Stones
    • A Book for Christmas
    • Christmas Gifts to Missionaries
    • Births
    • Marriages
    • Anonymous Gifts


  • Jan.-Feb. 1966 - No. 66 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • THe Household Church By Dr. Francis R. Steele
    • The Unseen Presence By Helen Morriss
    • An Urgent Need
    • "Some Better Thing". A New Year Message to Our Readers from the Radio Talk Bible School Marseilles
    • Happy Children at the Cherchell Camp By Muriel Butcher
    • Morcoccan Camps—and a Moorish Christian
    • Some Good News from Tangier By Dr. Farnham St. John
  • March-April 1966 - No. 67 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Re-introducing the Rev. Robert I. Brown By Ernest J. Long
    • Facing a New Task By Robert I. Brown
    • Can You Help in This Way?
    • The Changing Face of Oran By Muriel Butcher
    • Where Moorish Christian Workers take the Lead By Flora Logan
    • Contacting "B.C.C." Students in Skikda By Richard Heldenbrand
    • A Bookshop for Casablanca By Ruth Barkey
    • Two New Coucil Members
    • The N.A.M. Keswick House-Party
    • Dates to Note in Your Diary
  • May-June 1966 - No. 68 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Obedience to the Call By Robert I. Brown
    • Candidates from the Mission
    • The Student World - Today's Strategic Opportunity By Marge Ballard
    • Fatima, the Heart By Ethel A. Brown
    • From the Prayer Letters
    • Farwell to Mr. and Mrs. Long By General Secretary
    • Hamid Riffi
    • Radio Bible School
    • "We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood" By Doris L. Evans
    • Progress on Prayer Groups
    • Congratulations
    • Sailings
    • Births
    • Our Moroccan Student in the Lebanon Bible Institute
  • July-August 1966 - No. 69 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • In the Steps of the Master's Servants By Gordon Humphreys
    • Language Study at Neuchatel By Howard Dearborn
    • From the Prayer Letters
    • "...make Disciples" By Richard Heldenbrand
    • "Return of the "Hadjadj" By Muriel Butcher
    • Those in Authority By Laurence Lufburrow
    • There they Heard His Voice By Abe Wiebe
    • Communication without Words By Mary Jeane Henry
    • Your Fellowship in the Gospel By Robert Gilbert
    • Other Men Laboured and ye are Entered into Their Labours
    • Candidates School
  • Sept.-Oct. 1966 - No. 70 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Costly Discipleship, Then... and Now
    • From the Prayer Letters
    • New Recruits... and their Testimonies: Iain MacKellar; Barbara MacKellar; Peter Thorne; Monique van de Velde; Peter Swann; Anne Welch; Gudrun Jacobsen; Margaret Higgs
    • Summer Children's Camps By Muriel Butcher
    • "Some of Them Believed" By Walter Jackson

    Publication changes name from "North Africa" to "Forward"

  • Nov.-Dec. 1966 - No. 71 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • From the Editors
    • Annual Meeting 1966 by Muriel Butcher
    • Building Bridges by Godfrey Robinson
    • First Arrival in Montpellier by Jain MacKellar
    • From the Prayer Letters
    • The Testimony Continues
    • Vocational Training Centre
    • Short Term Bible School by Harold W. Stalley
    • Homecall of Miss C.A. Bowring
    • N.A.M. Prayer Calendar


  • Jan.-Feb. 1967 - No. 72 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Harmony by Herbery C. Wilson
    • Dedication of the Radio School of the Bible
    • Ezekiel's Message in North Africa by Doris Evans
    • The Missing Turkey by Norah Andrew
    • From the Prayer Letters
    • Could you form a Prayer Group by Dorcas Henman
    • A Baptism by Richard Hildenbrand
    • Tetuan by Doris Evans
    • Indigenous Bible Groups
  • March-April 1967 - No. 73 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Opportunity and Opposition by Bernard Collinson
    • White Robe for a Black Cassock
    • Suffering for Christ by Bernard Cookson
    • Nufeesa by Joyce Wiebe
    • Attack on B.C.C. student
    • State Restrictions by Bernard Collinson
    • From the Prayer Letters
    • Principles
    • Fez by John Thompson
    • lnterview with Miss Effie Low
  • May-June 1967 - No. 74 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Living Water by John MacDonald
    • 'Behold their threatenings:"
    • International Council Meeting by Robert I. Brown
    • Rabat by John Haines
    • From the Prayer Letters
    • Blossom John Haines
    • Letter from Thuyell family
    • Meena Goes to Camp by Ethel Brown
    • From the Auxiliaries
    • Bournemouth Deputation by Muriel Butcher
  • July-August 1967 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "As For God, His Way Is Perfect" by Harold W. Stalley
    • Advance In Algiers by Ruth E. Stewart
    • Language Training Problems by Bob Cox
    • Constantine by Kathleen F. Castle From The Prayer Letters
    • Cherchell Camps by Ruth E. Stewart
    • Nurse In Tangier by June Higginson
    • Youth Page
  • Sept.-Oct. 1967 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • No Staff by Helen Morriss
    • Casablanca Centre by Abe Wiebe
    • "Which Dwelt First... " by Steve & Dinny Vishanoff
    • From The Prayer Letters
    • Disappointment
    • Youth Page
    • Moroccan Characteristics by John Haines
  • Nov.-Dec. 1967 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Annual Meeting 1967 & Accepted Candidates
    • Hope House by Lois Morriss
    • Minibus Project
    • "And When He Sowed..." by Kathleen Castle
    • Lonely At Heart by Helen Morriss
      • "I've Come For My Leg by William Campbell
      • What Am I Doing? by Donna Smith


  • Jan.-Feb. 1968 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Moroccan Situation by Stan Smurthwaite
    • Blossom by Patricia St. John
    • Ramadan by Elsie Maxwell
    • Literature Ministry
    • Missionary Conference by Lois Rowe
    • Contrasts by H.& M. Dearborn
    • Beat! Beat! Beat! by Barbara Lister Omar by Steve Vishanoff
  • March-April 1968 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Bind The Strong Man by Kay Castle & Wendell Evans
    • Fresh Opportunities by Alma Strautins
    • R.S.B. Reports
    • From House To House by Helen Morriss
    • Youth Page
    • Bible School
    • Permit Me To Share A Note by Doris E. Brown
  • May-June 1968 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • From East To West by Alan L. Fawdry
    • Youth Page by Jennie Wilberforce
    • Radio School of the Bible
    • Language Training by Michael Paton
    • Whither T.M.H.? by Gwen Theakston
  • July-August 1968 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "If We Faint Not" by Harold W. Stalley
    • Finland by Home Secretary
    • Movements of Missionaries & New Candidate
    • "Much Affliction, With Joy" by Muriel Butcher & Lydia Hueli
    • From The Prayer Letters
    • Youth Page
    • "With Christ... Far Better" by Bernard Collinson
    • The Enduring Word by Muriel Butcher
    • Financial Statement For 1967
  • Sept.-Oct. 1968 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "They Did Not Kill Him" by Tran Thuyen
    • Postal Penetration
    • Current Situation by Ruth Barkey and Bill & Peggy
    • Call Summer Opportunities by Muriel Butcher & Irene Dew
    • New Candidates
    • Youth Page
    • Personal Evangelism by Abe & Joyce Wiebe
  • Nov.-Dec. 1968 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Antidote To Unbelief by Hernard Collinson
    • Removal To France by Gladys Fox
    • Am I Accepted?
    • Cherchell Camps by Muriel Butcher
    • Inside Hope House by Lois Morriss
    • Youth Page by Jennie Wilberforce
    • Early Experiences by Michael Paton and Peter Thorne


  • Jan.-Feb. 1969 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Government Is On His Shoulder
    • From The Prayer Letters
    • A New Chapter by Bernard Cookman
    • Royal Service by Jessie Stalley
    • Questing Spirits by Helen Morriss
    • "Is It Really The Whole Bible?" by Muriel Butcher
    • Youth Page
    • "Exceeding Abundantly Above" by Kay Castle
    • Secretary—Scottish Council
  • March-April 1969 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Cathedral Parable by Jessie Stalley
    • Contacting Young People by Peter Thorne
    • Youth Page by Flora Logan
    • B.C.C. Student Experiences Opposition
    • From The Prayer Letters
    • A Land The Lord Cares For by Muriel Butcher
    • Television Interview
  • May-June 1969 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Instruments of Defence by Bernard Collinson
    • Questioning and Restrictions by Violet Thompson
    • Awakened Minds
    • R.S.B. Reports
    • Church Development Project by Samuel R. Schlorff
    • From The Prayer Letters
    • Youth Page by Lois Morriss
    • First Words by Dinny Vishanoff
    • In Weakness by Paul & Beverley McCullough
  • July-August 1969 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Highlights And Heart-Aches by Robert I. Brown
    • "What Do You Do?" by Helen Morriss
    • Karima by Muriel Butcher
    • Medical Permit Refusal by Lilian Goodacre
    • Station Re-Visited by Gwen Theakston
    • B.C.C. Contact
    • Youth Page
    • A Family Believes by William Campbell
  • Sept.-Oct. 1969 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Still Forward by Godfrey C. Robinson
    • Pray For Mark
    • New Candidates
    • Our Stewardship
    • Field Report
    • T.M.H. News by Margaret Higgs
    • "Without God" by Helen Morriss
  • Nov.-Dec. 1969 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Annual Meeting
    • National Christians
    • Summer Camps
    • Pastoral Visit by Gwen Theakston
    • Young Disciples by Leary Hood
    • Welcome Back by Peter Thorne
    • T.M.H. News by Lilian Goodacre
    • First Impressions by Jenny Webb
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