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North Africa
The Monthly Record of the North Africa Mission
formerly called "Mission to the Kabyles and Other Berber Races"

1894 - 1889

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This Mission was formed in 1881 from a deep sense of the pressing spiritual needs of the Kabyles of Algeria, who with the rest of the Moslems of North Africa were quite unevangelised, and was then called the Kabyle Mission. In 1883 it was reorganised, and widened its sphere to the other Berber races. Since then, under the name of the North Africa Mission, it has step by step extended its work, establishing stations in various towns of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, and a branch mission in Northern Arabia.

It aims by the help of God to spread through the whole of North Africa and North. Arabia, amongst the Moslems, Jews, and Europeans, the glad tidings of His love in giving His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by sending forth consecrated, self-denying brethren and sisters.

North Africa Journal has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers.


  • Occasional Paper - December 1884 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Illustration of Hope House, Tangier
    • Map of North Africa
    • Facts about North Africa
    • Funds
    • Who will go?
    • Your Labour is not in vain
    • Map of Kabylia
    • A Visit to Algeria and the Sahara—G. Wilmot-Brooke
    • Illustration of Kabyles Crossing River
    • News from the Mission Stations: Djemaa Sahridj; Tlemcen, Tangier
    • From Tangier to Laratch—Mrs Mackintosh
    • Character and Aims of the Mission
    • Illustration of Hope House
    • Council of the Mission


  • Occasional Paper - May 1885 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Contrast
    • Ebenezer
    • Entering Open Doors in Morocco
    • Extracts from Mr. E. F. Baldwin's Letters, Tangier
    • First Impressions of Tangier—Miss Tulloch
    • Miss E. Herdman's Diary, Tangier
    • Work at Djemaa Sahridj and the neighbourhood, Illustrated
    • uttings from Mr. A.S. Lamb's Letters
    • Mr. Cuendet's Diary: a Visit to the Beni-Yenn
    • The Late Mrs. Johnson
    • Encouragement at Tlemcen
    • Notes from Mr. Bureau's Diary
    • Extracts from Mr. Mercadier•s Diary
    • Map of North Africa
    • Questions about Morocco
  • No. 1 - August 1885 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Djemaa Sahridj: Notes from Mr. Lamb
    • Mrs. Baldwin's Diary
    • Tlemcen: Notes from Mr. Mercadier
    • Itinerating in Morocco
    • Among the Kabyles
    • Reinforcements for Tlemcen
    • E.F. Baldwin's Diary of Trip into Interior of Morocco in May, 1885
    • Miss Herdman's Work
    • Extract from "L'Evangeliste
    • Our Annual Cash Accoun
    • Donations
    • Balance Sheet
  • No. 2 - November 1885 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our Present Opportunity
    • Notes and Comments...
    • "A Nation Overboard"
    • Morocco: Camping Out—Mr. E.F. Baldwin
    • Village Work around Tangier—Miss E. Herdman
    • Extracts from Miss Tulloch's Journal
    • A Visit from British Soldiers
    • Medical Work in Tangier
    • Algeria: Missionary Exploration in Kabylia—Mr. A.S. Lamb
    • Tlemcen. Notes—Mr. G. Mercadier
    • First Impressions—Mr. A.V. Liley
    • An Interesting Arab
    • For the Young


  • No. 3 - February 1886 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Chapter of Early Missionary Experience—James Stephens, M.A.
    • Our Mission Field, its People and their Language—George Pearse, Esq.
    • Tunis
    • Djemmia Sahridj
    • Tangier—Morocco
    • Mrs. Baldwin's Notes
    • In Village and City—Miss Herdman
    • Miss Baldwin's Notes
    • Tlemcen. Work among Europeans—Mr. Mercadier
    • Notes from Mr. Liley's Journal
    • Map of North Africa
  • No. 4 - May 1886 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Map of North Africa
    • Fellowship Tangier—Our Visitors
    • Ripe Fields Chambers for the Prophets
    • Arzeela, Morocco
    • Tlemcen, Algeria: Mr. Liley's Journal; Mr. Cheeseman's Report
    • Notes and Comments
    • Oran-—Report
    • Tangier—Miss Herdman's Diary
    • Among Moors, Jews, etc.—Miss Baldwin
    • Djemaa Sahridj—Mr. Cuendet
    • So sunny a land, and yet so dark—Miss Cayley
    • List of Donations
    • Funds
  • No. 5 - August 1886 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Map of North Africa
    • My late Visit to North Africa—E.H. Glenny
    • Tour among the Kabyles of the Djur-jura—Mr. A.S. Lamb
    • Medical Mission Work in Tangier—T.G. Churcher, M.B.
    • A Cascade in Algeria (Illustration)
    • My Introduction to North Africa—Miss Hammon
    • First Impressions of Oran—Miss Vining
    • Miss Herdman and Miss Caley's Removal to Arzila In the Market, Tangier—Miss Tulloch
    • Among the Patients—Miss Jay
    • Notes and Comments
    • Form of Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Finances
  • No. 6 - Octpober 1886 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Map of North Africa
    • Shall we Succeed?
    • Tlemcen—Miss Read's Diary
    • Mr. Cheeseman's Notes A Visit to Marnia—Mr. F. Cheeseman
    • Mr. Liley's Notes
    • The Religion of the Kabyles
    • Tunis
    • Medical and Visiting Work in Tangier—Miss Jay
    • Miss Herdman's and Miss Caley's Diary, Arzila
    • Constantine, Algeria—Mr. Pos's Diary
    • Notes and Comments
    • "I was brought low, and He helped me"
    • List of Donations


  • No. 7 - January 1887 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Past and Future
    • Mascara, and Mr. and Mrs. Cheeseman"s Work there
    • The late Miss H.C. Tulloch
    • Our Illustrations
    • Medical Mission - Work at Tangier—T.G. Churcher, M.B.
    • Illustration. The Main Street in Tangier
    • A Missionary Centre
    • Constantine
    • Reflections on Recent Missionary Conferences
    • Northern Arabia
    • The Aissaoua
    • Gleanings from Miss Caley's Journal
    • The Bible Society's Work in North Africa
    • Taamalt, D' Akbou
    • Tunis
    • Our Annual Cash Account
    • Note and Comments
    • List of Donations
  • No. 8 - April 1887 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Map of North Africa
    • North Africa and our Mission There
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier
    • Christianity and Mohamedanism
    • Ways and Means
    • Good News from Fez—E.F. Baldwin
    • Progress in Arzila, Morocco—Miss Herdman
    • Alcazar, Morocco
    • Illustration—Court of good Moorish House
    • Among the Villages in Kabylia. Notes by Mr. E. Cuendet
    • Tunis
    • Incidents in Christian Work in the Province of Oran, Algeria—G. Mercadier
    • Notes and Comments
    • List of Donations
  • No. 9 - July 1887 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Council of Mission
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Notes and Comments
    • Illustration—Nemours
    • His Harvest
    • Work in and Around Mascara, Algeria—Mr. Cheeseman
    • Djemaa [Sahridj. Extracts from Mr. E. Cuendet's Letter
    • Sowing in Tlemcen, Algeria. News from Miss Read
    • Distribution of the Scriptures amongst the Soldiers of the "Legion Etrangere."—Mr. G. Mercadier, Oran
    • Among the Kabyles at Akbou—Mr. W. Pos
    • Warmly Welcomed Back to Tangier—Miss Jay
    • Our Illustrations
    • Labours of Love in Arzila, Morocco
    • Illustration—Tlemcen
    • Medical Mission Work in Morocco. Jottings by Dr. Churcher
    • Larache Visited. Diary of Miss Herdman and Miss C. Caley
    • Itineration in North Morocco—Miss C. Baldwin
    • Our Sisters in Constantine
    • Trials of Faith
    • List of Donations
    • Map of North Africa
  • No. 10 - October 1887 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Council of Mission
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Notes and Comments
    • "Make Disciples of all the Nations"
    • Personal Solicitation for Money
    • Northern Arabia
    • Tunis
    • Good News from Tunis—Mr. Bureau
    • Among the Kabyles at Djemaa Sahridj
    • Illustrations
    • Azeffoun and the Neighbourhood
    • Tlemcen. Notes from Miss Read
    • Jottings from Miss Vining at Tlemcen
    • Mostaganem Occupied. Extracts from Mr. and Mrs. Liley's Journal
    • ltinerating in Morocco—Miss Hermann and Miss Caley
    • In the Country East of Tangier. Notes by Miss Jay
    • A Visit to Tetuan
    • On the way back to Tangier from the South—Miss C. Baldwin
    • Jottings
    • The Central Soudan Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Map of North Africa


  • No. 11 - January 1888 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Council of Mission
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Illustrations
    • North Africa Revisited
    • Our Arabian Mission
    • Workers in Tunis. Mr. Michell's Diary. Marshall's Diary
    • Tlemcen, Algeria. Diary of Miss Day
    • Mostaganem, Algeria. Mrs. Liley's Diary
    • Dispensary Work at Tangier
    • Diary of Miss Jennings
    • Larache, Morocco. Diary of Miss Herdman
    • Larache, Morocco. Diary of Miss C. Caley and Miss Herdman
    • Central Soudan Mission—G. Wilmot-Brooke
    • Receipts of the Last Quarter
    • Notes and Comments
    • List of Donations
    • Our Annual Cash Account
    • Balance Sheet
  • No. 12 - April 1888 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Council of the Mission
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Our Change of Name
    • Forest of Olives—Illustration
    • Owning the Lordship of Christ
    • Tunis: Out in the Villages. Extracts from Diary of Mr. G.B. Michell
    • Work in Constantine—Miss Colville and Miss Granger
    • Public Preaching at Djemaa Sahridj. Mr. Cuendet's Diary
    • Witnessing in Mostaganem. Journal of Mrs. Liley
    • A Street in Tlemcen—Illustration
    • Our Illustrations
    • Among the Poor in Tlemcen, Algeria—Miss Read
    • Work among the Patients in Tangier. By Miss Jay
    • Larache, Morocco
    • Our Arabian Mission
    • Central Soudan Mission
    • The Centenary of Missions to the Heathen
    • Notes and Comments
    • Hospital and Medical Work
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Map of North Africa
  • No. 13 - July - 1888 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Council of the Mission
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Notes and Comments
    • A Cafe in Tunis—Illustration
    • Plea for more Labourers
    • The Kind of Workers Wanted for North Africa
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital
    • Northern Arabia. A Visit to the Bedouins of the Hauran—Mr. S. Van Tassel
    • A Visit to Fez. By Four Ladies
    • The Alpha Grass—Illustration
    • Our Illustrations
    • Incidents of Christian Work in Constantine, Algeria
    • Witnessing for God in Akbou, Province of Constantine, Algeria
    • Amongst the Kabyles at Djemma Sahridj
    • Work in Tlemcen
    • Fellowship in the Gospel
    • Central Soudan Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • Notes for Intending Visitors to North Africa
    • List of Donations
    • Map of North Africa
  • No. 14 - October 1888 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Council of the Mission
    • Location of Missionaries
    • List of Donations
    • Lighthouse at Rachgoun—lllustration
    • The late Miss Caley
    • The Last Diary of Miss Caley
    • Through the Plains of the Zamoor. Notes of a Journey from Rabat to Mequinez and back—Dr. T. Gillard Churcher
    • Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier. With the In-Patients—Miss Copping
    • Medical Mission Work at Tangier
    • The Plague of Crickets in Algeria
    • Awakened Interest in Algiers. Notes by Miss I.L. Trotter
    • Workers in Tlemcen, Algeria
    • Workers in Constantine, Algeria
    • Itinerating in the Regency of Tunis
    • Our Arabian Mission. Extracts from the Journal of Mr. S. Van Tassel
    • First ImpressionsMiss I.L. Reed
    • Central Soudan Mission. Letter from Mr. G. Wilmot Brooke
    • Notes and Comments
    • North Africa Mission Annual Cash Statements
    • General Cash Account
    • Tulloch Memorial Hospital Account
    • Map of North Africa


  • No. 15 - January 1889 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Hitherto and Henceforth"
    • Hospital and Medical Mission Work, Tangier
    • On the Road to Fez. Jottings—Miss E. Herdman
    • "Preparing for Work."—Miss E. Herdman
    • In Memoriam—Miss Caley
    • Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier. A Walk through the Hospital Wards. By Dr. T.G. Churcher
    • Notes of Work amongst the Kabyles at Akbou—Mr. A.S. Lamb
    • Our Illustrations
    • Amongst the Arabs in Nemours and Tlemcen, Algeria. Extracts from a Journal of Miss L. Read
    • Work amongst the Kabyles in Djemma Sahridj—Miss Kate Smith
    • Our Sisters at Constantine, Algeria
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • First Experiences in Tunis—Miss A.A. Harding
    • A Visitor's Notes
    • A New Worker's Outlook. Extract from the Diary of Mr. J.J. Edwards
    • Our Arabian Mission. Visit to Baalbec and the Lebanon
    • Central Soudan Mission. Letter from Mr. G. Wilmot-Brooke
    • Notes and Comments
    • Form of Bequest
    • List of Donations
  • No. 16 - April 1889 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Council of the Mission
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Central Soudan Mission
    • Notes and Comments
    • The Preaching of the Gospel: God's only Plan for Saving the Lost
    • Giving to God and Receiving from God Notes on a Recent Visit to North Africa, By E.H. Glenny
    • The Gospel for Europeans and Jews in North Africa
    • Mr. Baldwin's Work in South Morocco
    • Tripoli Occupied
    • Increased Interest in Africa
    • Our Arabian Mission. Notes of a Journey to the East of Jordan. By Mr. Samuel Van Tassel
    • A Visit to the Students in Tunis. From the Journal of Mr. G.B. Michell
    • Our First Winter in Tunis. From the Journal of Miss Grissell
    • Tlemcen, Algeria: Review of the Work. From Diary of Miss Day
    • Mr. Marshall's Work in Tlemcen
    • Miss J.L. Trotter's Work in Algiers. Extract from Letter
    • Our Illustrations
    • Beginning Work in Tetuan, Morocco—W. Summers
    • Our Sisters in Fez. Journal of Miss E. Herdman
    • A Day with the Patients in Fez—Miss M. Copping
    • My First Three Months in Tangier—E.L. Hamilton
    • A Free Tea in Tangier, Extract from the Journal of Mrs. Bolton
    • Amongst the Moors at Tangier. Notes by Miss Jay
    • Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier
    • Extract from Workers' Letters
    • List of Donations
    • Map of North Africa
  • No. 17 - July - 1889 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Council of Mission
    • Location of Missionaries
    • List of Donations
    • He Shail Convict the World of Sin
    • Summary of Encouraging Items for Praise and Prayer
    • A Work of Grace among Europeans
    • Mr. E.F. Baldwin's Work in South Morocco
    • From House to House." Extracts from the Diary of Miss J C. Cox
    • In and Around Mostaganem. Frorn Mr. Liley's Journal
    • Work Amongst the Jews. Record of a Journey by Mr. Cheeseman
    • Miss Vining in Oran
    • Miss Trotter's Work in Algiers
    • Funds
    • Description of Illustrations
    • First Days in North Africa. Notes from Diary of Miss Hodges
    • Amongst the Moorish Troops. Extracts from Miss Jay's Journal
    • In the Villages Around Tangier, Jottings from the Journal of Miss C.S. Jennings
    • From Tangier to Fez. Notes by Dr. T.G. Churcher
    • Gospel and Medical Work in the Moorish Capital, Frorn the Journals of Miss Herdman
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters. Interesting Items by Mr. W.H. Patrick. Awakening in Tangier
    • Notes and Comments
    • Map of North Africa
  • No. 18 - October 1889 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Balance Sheet
    • Notes on Annual Cash Statement
    • Gospel Work among Spaniards in Tangiers
    • In the Arab Cafes. Extracts from Mr. Marshall's Diary in Tlemcen
    • The Misses Grissell, Harding, and Harris in Tunis
    • Amongst the Mountains South of Fez:. An Extract from Miss Herdman's Diary
    • Reinforcements for North Africa
    • Our Illustrations
    • Our Workers in Oran, Algeria
    • A Journey through the Dahra—Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Holding the Fort in Algiers
    • In the Kabyle Villages, By Mr. Cuendet
    • An Interesting Work in Tripoli
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • With the Bedouins at Homs, Northern Arabia. Notes from Mr. S. Van Tassel
    • Fellowship with God
    • A School Treat in Algeria
    • Amongst Medical Mission Patients
    • Notes and Comments
    • Location of Missionaries
    • List of Donations
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