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North Africa
The Monthly Record of the North Africa Mission
formerly called "Mission to the Kabyles and Other Berber Races"

1930 - 1939

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This Mission was formed in 1881 from a deep sense of the pressing spiritual needs of the Kabyles of Algeria, who with the rest of the Moslems of North Africa were quite unevangelised, and was then called the Kabyle Mission. In 1883 it was reorganised, and widened its sphere to the other Berber races. Since then, under the name of the North Africa Mission, it has step by step extended its work, establishing stations in various towns of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, and a branch mission in Northern Arabia.

It aims by the help of God to spread through the whole of North Africa and North. Arabia, amongst the Moslems, Jews, and Europeans, the glad tidings of His love in giving His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by sending forth consecrated, self-denying brethren and sisters.

North Africa Journal has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers.

1930 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1930 - No. 194 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • His Name and Our Faith By Harvey Farmer
    • A Happy Reunion By Miss K.W. Johnston
    • Lafayette and Lesser Kabylia By Mr. C.R. Marsh
    • Sketches from Kairouan By Miss I.M. Davis
    • Notes from Michelet By Miss L.M. Fison
    • Snapshots from Tetuan By Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • Some Mistaken Ideas about Kabylia By Mr. S. Arthur
    • For the Children By Miss A. Stoneham
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • March-April 1930 - No. 195 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Ebenezer By Henry Oakley
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • A Prayer for North Africa (Poetry) By E.J. Poole-Connor
    • By the Wayside in Tunisia By Mr. E.E. Short
    • "The House that is not Home" By Mr. E.J. Long
    • A New Worker
    • The Market Day By Mr. E.E. Short
    • The late Miss Jay of Tangier By E.J. Poole-Connor
    • For the Children By Mrs. E.J. Long
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • May-June 1930 - No. 196 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Snare of Service By Rev. Thos. Houghton
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • News from the Field: From—Mr. L.V. Robinson (Rabat); Mrs. Ross (Algiers); Miss L.R. Wholman (Cherchell); Signor A. Finotto (Bizerta)
    • The Kairouan Street Boy By Mr. R.S. Miles
    • The Bible Depot at Rabat By Mr. L.V. Robinson
    • For the Children By Miss K.M.E. Gotelee
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • July-August 1930 - No. 197 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Notes of an Address at May Meeting
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • With the Seed Bask et in S. Algeria By Miss L.M. Fison
    • " Heightside" Convention
    • Our Annnal Report
    • New Map of N.A.M. Stations
    • The N.A.M. May Meetings By Mr. E.J. Long
    • Memories of a Mission Motor-Car By Mr. E.E. Short
    • The Kiosk Kaleidoscope By Mrs. Webb
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Sept.-Oct. 1930 - No. 198 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • That which the Apostle was forward to do By Pastor E.J. Poole-Connor
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • Souk-Ahras By Mrs. Fisher
    • Notes of Tour in Gabesian District By Mr. R.S. Miles
    • Led By Mr. S. Arthur
    • Ramadan By Mr. E.E. Short
    • The "Slavanka" Convention By Mr. E.J. Long
    • For the Children By Miss M.M. Glen
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • Nov.-Dec. 1930 - No. 199 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Notes of an Address at N.A.M. Farewell Meetings By John Weston
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • Sunday Afternoon at Dar-es-Selam
    • Our Farewell Meetings By H.F.
    • New Workers
    • Among the Women of Lesser Kabylia By Mrs. C.R. Marsh
    • The late Signor Arnone By Miss G.E. Petter
    • For the Children By Senora Padilla
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise

1931 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1931 - No. 206 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • List of Donations
    • The Communiion of the Holy Ghost by Harvey Farmer
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • News from Djemâa Sahridj. From a circular letter by Miss Fearnley
    • Then and Now by Mr. E.E. Short
    • Comparaisions and Contrasts. Extracts from Mopns. Th. Hocart's Report of his visit to Kabylia
    • Touring in the Bougie District
    • Ramadan (Continued) by Mr. E.E. Short
    • For the Children by Miss D. Oakley
    • Home and Foreign News
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
    • List of Donations
  • Mar.-April. 1931 - No. 207 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Grace and yet more Grace By S S. McCurry
    • From Headquarters by the Hon. Secretary
    • Tuesday at Michelet by Miss L.M. Fison
    • Our Change of Headquarters By E.J. Poole-Connor
    • The late Mrs. Harvey Farmer
    • The late Miss Mellett of Fez
    • "He goeth before".. by Miss L. Evans
    • For the Children By Mrs. E J. Long
    • New Workers
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • May-June. 1931 - No. 208 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Dwell Deep by Pastor Percy Smart
    • From Headquarters by the Hon. Secretary
    • The Doctrinal Basis of the N.A .M.
    • The late Dr. F.E. Marsh By E.J. P .-C.
    • Dedication of our New Headquarters
    • Matters of Moment
    • Horseshoes and Henna by Mr. E.J. Long
    • For the Children by Miss D. Povoas
    • At Heightside by E.H . Devin
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • July-Aug. 1931 - No. 209 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Notes of an Address at Spring Meetings by Rev. W.G. Neatby
    • From Headquarters
    • Annual Report
    • General Cash Statement
    • The N.A .M. Spring Meetings by E.H. Devin
    • Home a nd Foreign Notes
  • Sept-Oct.. 1931 - No. 210 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Keep On Story by Henry Oakley
    • From Headquarters
    • The Aures Mountains by Mr. C. Cook
    • The "House of Prayer" .by Miss K.S. Smith
    • The "Slavanka," Convention by E.H. Devin
    • Touring around Bougie by Mr. A. Shorey
    • For the Children by Miss K. M. E. Gotelee
    • The Ways of Divine Grace
    • The late Mrs. Miller of Casablanca by Mr. C.C. Gabriel
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • Nov.-Dec. 1931 - No. 211 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Notes of an Address at N.A.M. Jubilee Meetings, 1931 by Dr. Northcote Deck
    • From Headquarters
    • Reconnoitring by Mrs. Simpson
    • New Workers
    • The Jubilee Meetings by Mr. E.H . Devin
    • Kabyles in whom we are interested by Mr. A. Shorey
    • Three-fold Challenge by Mr. L. . Bocking
    • For the Children by Mrs. Short
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Subjects for Prayer and Praise

1932 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Mar. 1932 - No. 212 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • First Fruits from Tripoli
    • From Headquarters
    • The Only Remedy. Visting North Africans In France by Mr S. Arthur
    • Home & Foreign Notes
    • New Workers
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital by Dr. F.J. Scrimgeour
    • Some Visitors to the Bible Depot at Tunis
    • "All Souls are Mine". Gospel Work Amongst in North Africa
    • For the Children by A Lady Missionary
  • April-June. 1932 - No. 213 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Jottings from Djerba
    • Plodding on in Bougie
    • "Unforgettable Friends for Ever" by Mr T. Warren, in charge of N.A.M. work in Paris
    • From Headquarters
    • News from the Field
    • "Go and Tell". Visiting among the Bedouin in Algeria
    • A Week's Work on a Mission Station by Mr C.R. Marish, Lafayette
    • For the Childen by Miss E. Fearnley
    • Carrying the Gospel to the Algerian Oases
  • July-Sept. 1932 - No. 214 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • From Headquarters
    • Among the Chaouia
    • The late Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • "These Forty Years"
    • Annual Report for 1931
    • A Morning at the Kiosk by Mrs Webb, Sfax
    • Carrying the Word of Life in Kabylia by Mlle. Bocchetti of Michelet, Kabylia
    • "Then Cometh the Wicked One" by Miss Irene Dew
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Oct.-Dec. 1932 - No. 215 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Strategic Importance of Gabes
    • Sousse—an old N.A.M. Station Re-occupied by E.J. Long
    • The Unexpected
    • From Headquarters
    • Pioneering in Morocco
    • Beginnings in Tiaret by Edwin Wigg
    • Jottings From a Paris Journal
    • Home and Foreign News

1933 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Mar. 1933 - No. 216 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Baptisms in Morocco
    • The Mogrebi New Testament by Mr C.C. Gabriel
    • Secretary's Notes
    • Ramadhan: The Month of the Mohammedan Fast. The Need of Prayer for Native Christians
    • Hope without Foundation by Miss A.C. Hubbard
    • Settat by Miss K. Reed, S.R.N.
    • Onlook —Outlook —Uplook by Mr A.H. Levete
    • The Late Miss Hilda Kenworthy
    • News from the Field
  • Apr-June. 1933 - No. 217 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Down South
    • The Story of Sa'adiya by Miss De La Camp. Fez
    • The Spoken Word: The Printed Page. Notes of a Gospel Tour in Algeria by Mr L.J. Bocking
    • "Many of them said, He hath a devil."
    • Progress in Djerba
    • Secretary's Notes
    • Honme and Foreign Notes
    • Off the Beaten Track. Experience during a Gospel Tour in Kabylia by Mr C.R Marsh
    • The Tunis Bible Deport by Mr E.E. Short
    • The Camel [poem]
    • Beware of Dogs by Mrs L.J. Bocking
  • July-Sept. 1933 - No. 218 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Strking Story of Conversion
    • The Feast of Sheep-Killing
    • The Desert Shall Rejoice
    • Secretary's Notes
  • Oct-Dec. 1933 - No. 219 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • A Good Beginniing
    • "Upon the Mountains... Pubishing Peace"
    • "The Feet of them that Preach the Gospel"
    • Rest-House and Guest-House. New Plans for Tangier
    • "A Budget from Barbary"
    • Cisterns at Carthage (see frontispiece)
    • Secretary's Notes
    • Opening of a New Out-Station. Progress in the Djemaa District
    • For the Junior Readers. Moorish Children by Mrs L.C. de la Camp
    • Christmas Parcels

1934 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Mar. 1934 - No. 220 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Secretary's Notes
    • Gospel Work in a Garrison Town
    • Relics of the Ancient Faith
    • "Martha " Serving
    • Homes and Hearts Open to the Gospel
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital by Dr. F.J. Scrimgeour
    • The Cross, The Crescent, or Communion
    • Home & Foreign Notes
    • Extracts from Missionary Letters
  • Apr.-June. 1934 - No. 221 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Is This the Fast that I ahve Choseb?". Relfections After Ramadhan by Miss A.G. Hubbard, Tetuan
    • Ramadhan by Miss I.C. de la Camp
    • "Whiter than Snow" (Adapted)
    • The Tangier Conference
    • Secretary's Notes
    • Fishing for Men by Mr S. Arthur
    • A New beginning in Oran
    • The Value of Medical Work (extract from Mr L.J. Bocking's Report)
    • Change
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • July-Sept.. 1934 - No. 222 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Lasters" by Miss E. Turner
    • A Missionary Jubilee. Mr Eugene Cuendet's Fifty Years of Service in the North Africa Mission
    • Fishing for Men by Mr S. Arthur
    • Chaouia Version fo "God Hath Spoken"
    • Secretary's Notes
    • Ditch-Digging in Rabat by Mr C.W. Proctor
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Oct.-Dec. 1934 - No. 223 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital by Dr F.J. Scrimgeour
    • A Forward Movement in the Tangier Medecal Mission
    • A Dialogue
    • "Martha" on Trek by Miss H.M. Tapp
    • Secretary's Notes
    • The Gospel Banner at La Redoute by Mr G.K. Gillott
    • Home & Foreign Notes
    • Christmas Parcels

1935 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Mar. 1935 - No. 224 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Tunis City, 1934 by Mr. R.S. Miles
    • A Tunis "Lighthouse"
    • A Dialogue (Concluded)
    • Child-Rescue in Kabylia by Miss E. Fearnley
    • Secretary's Notes
    • The Story of a Wonderful Conversion
    • "To Help to Visualise the Need" by Mrs Wigg (Oran)

    April-June 1935 - No. 225 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Jubilee Year of the Tulloch Memorial Hospital by Dr. F.J. Scrimgeour
    • Extract from the Minutes of Council
    • "Compassion on the Multitude". Village Visitation Around Tangier by Mr L.V. Robinson
    • "The Village over against you" by Miss Lillian Evans
    • On the Borders of the Sahara. The Autumn Tour of Miss Marston and Miss Chapman
    • Experiences of a Medical Missionary in Fex by Dr, James Liley
    • Secretary's Notes

    July-Sept. 1935 - No. 226 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • First-Fruits unto Christ in Djerba. The Story of Sesseva by Miss E.M. Tilney
    • Kairouan Re-visited by Mr E.E. Short
    • Notes from Headquarters
    • The Gospel on Skis. A New Method of Carrying the Gospel in North Africa by Mr C. Cook
    • "How hardly shall they... enter!" by Miss D. Poyoas

    Oct.-Nov. 1935 - No. 227 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Soap, Sickness, and Superstition" by Miss Hubbard Tetuan
    • "Other Village Also". A First Visit to a Settlement in the Spanish Zone, Morocco by Miss E.J. Bradbury
    • Work of the N.A.M. among Spaniards in Tangier. A Forward Step. by Mrs Padilla
    • An Avergae Depot Day by Mr R.S. Miles, Tunis
    • A Lad, A Garden, and Evangelising in North Africa by Mr C.W. Morriss, Nabeul
    • Young Hopefuls in Tunis. Sketches of Italian and Jewish Children by Miss K.M.E. Gotelee
    • "In the Desert a Highway"
    • Secretary's Notes
    • Among the Women of Bougie by Mrs Twaddle

1936 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Mar. 1936 - No. 228 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Medical Mission Work in Tripoli by Mrs James Liley
    • New Workers - Miss A. Joan Howell - Miss Grace F. Lincoln - Mr Roy B. Smith
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier. Progress in Reconstruction by Dr F.J. Scrimgeour
    • Half-Converted by Mr S. Arthur
    • Advance in Algeria. Development of Out-Stations by Mr A.G. Willson
    • General Secretary's Notes
    • Back to the Fray. Resuming Work in Churchill by Mr L.J. Bocking
    • "Go Again" by Mr C.W. Proctor of Rabat
    • Some Experiences of a Younger Missionary by Mr Roy B. Smith
    • "The offence of the Cross"

    April-June 1936 - No. 229 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Ground of Appeak by Mr E.E. Short, Tunis
    • Outside the Gates. Contact with Tunisian Bedouins by Mr R.S. Miles
    • Down a Moslem Traders' Street by Mr E. Wigg
    • Witnessing in a Paris Mosque. A Missionary Incident by Miss E.M. Tilney
    • Amongst Roman Catholics and Jews in Tunis by Miss E.M. Gotelee
    • The Late Mr george Babington Michell, O.B.E.
    • Notes from Headquarters

    July-Sept. 1936 - No. 230 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Strange Questions by Mr E.E. Short
    • Letter from Native Evangelist
    • "Things Seen and Unseen" by Miss E. Fearnley
    • "The Language of the Angels"
    • Secretary's Notes
    • "Suffer the Children to come unto Me" by Miss M. Ross, Algiers
    • "The Plough, the Seed-Basket and the Sickle". Notes on Missionary Work in Morocco by Mrs E.A. Simpson
    • For the Young: Sand by Mrs Liley
    • Our Witness in Settat by Miss Buxton
    • Notes from Headquarters

    Oct.-Nov. 1936 - No. 231 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Spiritual Progress in Morocco by Mr. C.W. Proctor
    • "Tunisian Tonic". A Service of Baptism at "Bethesda," Tunis by Miss E.M. Tilney
    • Fear and its Antidote by Mr C.R. Marsh, of Lafyette, Algeria
    • Is this Moslem? by Mr S. Arthur
    • Secretary's Notes
    • The Late Miss R. Olive Hodges
    • Sunshine and Shadow. Notes on Colportage Work in France by Mr T. Hogart
    • "Be of Good Comfort"
    • "Whether they will Hear, or whether they will Forbear". Gospel Witnessing in Kabyle Villages by Mr A.R. Shorey
    • New Workers: Two Missionary Nurses for Tangier. Miss D.M. Henman - Miss H.L.E. Painter
    • Moslem Superstition
    • Notes from Headquarters
    • The Faults of Mohammed

1937 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Mar. 1937 - No. 232 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Daily Bread in Tunis by Mr E.E. Short
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital by Dr. G.W. Fraser Anderson
    • Snapshots from Algiers by Miss M. Ross
    • Secretary's Notes
    • "Work... while it is Day" by Miss L.M. Fison
    • "Servant of Christ, Well Done!" The Late Miss Chandler
    • Preaching the Gospel to Every Creature by Mr Roy R. Smith
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • "A Dry and barren Land". Miss Marston and Miss Chapman's Journey to Southern Morocco

    April-June 1937 - No. 233 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Missionary Filming in Tunisia by Mr R.S Miles
    • What god Hath Wrought by Miss W. Ross, Casablanca
    • Visitor! by Mr T.J. Warren, Paris
    • In Spanish Morocco by Miss A.G. Hubbard, of Tetuan
    • Secetary;s Notes
    • A Beacon Shinin in the Night by R. Twaddle
    • "The Women Also" by Mrs Marsh of Lafayette, Algeria
    • Notes from Headquarters

    July-Sept. 1937 - No. 234 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Expulsion of N.A.M Missionaries from Tripoli
    • "East, South and West". The Planting of Out-Stations Around Djemaa-Sahridj, Algeria by Mr A.G. Willson
    • Gospel Witness in a Moslem Market by Mr L.J. Rocking, Churchell, Algeria
    • Secretary's Notes
    • "In the Morning... in the Evening" by Miss K.M.E. Gotelee, Of Tunis
    • "There is a Lad Here". Christian Work Amongst Moslem Boys by Mr. E.Wigg, of Oran, Algeria
    • Children of Cherchell by Mrs Bocking

    Oct.-Nov. 1937 - No. 235 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Stepping-Stones by Mr T.J. Warren, Paris
    • "Unknown and yet Well Known". The Life and Labours of a Moslem Convert
    • "Take this Child... and Nurse it for Me" by Miss Glen, Tangier
    • "Abide with us, for it is toward Evening" by Mr S. Arthur
    • A New Opportunity in Northern Nigeria
    • Extension of the N.A.M. Hospital, Tangier
    • "The House of Refuge" by Miss L.F. Evans, Ouezzan
    • Secretary's Notes
    • Light and Shade. Varied Experiences in a Day's Visitation by Miss F. Marston, of Taza Haut.
    • Friendship and Fellowship by Mr R.S. Miles


  • Feb. 1938 - No. 1 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Purpose of our New Publication
    • Note the Only Sources of Information!
    • Prospect of a New Mission Dispensary in Tunis
    • Enlargement of the Tulloch Memorial Hospital
    • Orphanage for Moorish Girls, Tangier
    • European Work in Casablanca
    • Illness of Mr E.E. Short
    • New Mission Dispensary for Moorish Women
    • House Party at Keswick, 1938
    • New Member of Council
    • Finance
    • Deputation Engagements
  • May 1938 - No. 2 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The "Figure-Head" of a "Ship of the Desert"
    • "They Took Up Stones"
    • A Medical Mission in Tunis
    • The Boys of North Africa
    • Seeking to Save the Lads
    • "Holding the Ropes"
    • The Holy Spirit's Teaching Concerning Christian Giving
    • Depotation Work
    • House Party at Keswick, 1938
  • August 1938 - No. 3 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Conferences for Native Christians
    • The Meknes Conference
    • An Increasing Attendance
    • The Testimony of Native Christians
    • "The Women Also"
    • Notable Translators
  • Nov. 1938 - No. 4 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Date Palm
    • A Gospel Motor-Car
    • Finance
    • Bible Depots—Gospel "Lighthouses"
    • The Mosque Towers of Kairouan
    • A Call to Prayer
    • The Annual Meeting and New Workers
    • Deputation Meetings


  • Feb. 1939 - No. 5 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Stones that Speak
    • Fex: City of Contrasts
    • Tunisia
    • The Three M's
    • Finance
    • "Unwanted Babies"
    • An Urgent Deputation Need
    • Our April Convention
    • A Christian Spaniard Speaks
    • Deputation Meetings
  • May 1939 - No. 6 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Watchman, What of the Night?
    • Cross and Crescent
    • Gospel Radio Broadcasts in Tunisia
    • "Heightside"
    • Cheering News from Lafayette
    • The Chaser Chased
    • Bedouin Babies
    • Medical Mission at Tunis
    • The Spanish Work at Tangier
    • N.A.M. Keswick House-Party
    • A "Slavaka" Conference
  • August 1939 - No. 7 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Gafsa: City of Palm Trees
    • baby-Stealing Demon!
    • Our New Hon. Secretary
    • The N.A.M.'s First Field Superintenent
    • Mr T.J.P. Warren
    • The late Miss Elizabeth Fryer
    • Our Keswick Speaker
  • Nov. 1939 - No. 8 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "As Clay... in Mine Hand"
    • "By Way of Remembrance"
    • Personal Work
    • North Africa under War Conditions
    • Travelling to North Africa in War-time
    • Deputation Work
    • Did You See This?
    • Finance
    • A Tunisian Bride
    • Dr Harvey Farmer
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