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North Africa
The Monthly Record of the North Africa Mission
formerly called "Mission to the Kabyles and Other Berber Races"

1900 - 1909

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This Mission was formed in 1881 from a deep sense of the pressing spiritual needs of the Kabyles of Algeria, who with the rest of the Moslems of North Africa were quite unevangelised, and was then called the Kabyle Mission. In 1883 it was reorganised, and widened its sphere to the other Berber races. Since then, under the name of the North Africa Mission, it has step by step extended its work, establishing stations in various towns of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, and a branch mission in Northern Arabia.

It aims by the help of God to spread through the whole of North Africa and North. Arabia, amongst the Moslems, Jews, and Europeans, the glad tidings of His love in giving His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by sending forth consecrated, self-denying brethren and sisters.

North Africa Journal has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers.

1900 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1900 - No. 137 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Outlook
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • The French Wesleyan Misslon in Kabylia
    • Morocco—Opening up New Ground by Mr. H. Nott
    • Algeria--Yamina: First-fruits in Cherchel; Glimpses of Women's Life in Kabylia by Miss J. Cox & Miss K. Smith
    • Tunisia—Mohammedan Cowardice and Christian Courage in Tunis by Mr J.C. Purdon, Tunis
    • Egypt—New Work in the Nile Delta by Mr. C.T. Hooper & Mr. A.T. Upson
    • Our Weekly Prayer Meeting
    • Extract from an Address by the late Mr. George Muller
    • For the Young—Romish Idolatry in Tunis by S. Liley
    • Retrospection
  • February 1900 - No. 138 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Hard Pressed"
    • The Late Mrs. Bridgford
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Late Miss A. Watson, of Rosetta, Egypt
    • Mohammedan Brotherhoods
    • Morocco—Visiting in Casablanca by Miss L. Sexton; The Tulloch Memorial
    • Algeria—Cherchell: as it Was and as it Is by Miss H.D. Day
    • Egypt—Extracts from Letters from Workers in Alexandria: Mrs Dickens, Mrs Fairman, Miss K.E. Float
    • Our Moslem Girls' Treat by Miss B.N. Tiptaft (Alexandria)
    • Karl Gottlieb Pfander, D.D.
    • ln Due Season by the Late George Muller
  • March 1900 - No. 139 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Price of Overcoming
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Mohammedan Brotherhoods
    • The Book Shop at Constantine by Mr. P. Smith
    • On the Watch
    • Extracts from Letters and Diaries by Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); Miss A. Welch (Algiers); Mr. A.V. Leiley (Tunis); Miss Grissell (Tunis); Miss G.L. Addinsell (Kairouan); Miss E.Z. North (Kairouan)
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Mediums by Mr. J.J. Cooksey (Kairouan)
    • For the Young: Prize Day Among the Arab Giels of Tunis by Mrs Purdon
    • The Power of the Cross
  • April 1900 - No. 140 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The History of a Redeemed Soul
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Mosquitoes
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • North Africa Workers' Union Report, 1899
    • Notes of a Mohammedan Sermon
    • From Kairouan to Kef with the Lantern
    • Extracts from Letters and Diaries
    • Review: "The Moorish Empire."
    • His Mercy Endureth for Ever
  • May 1900 - No. 141 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Divine Worship
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Progress at Djemaa Sahridj
    • English Public School-Boys in Morocco
    • Extracts from Letters and Diaries
    • The Feast of Tabernacles
    • Reviews: "Students and the Missionary Problem"; " Emma Herdman"
    • The Servant Attitude of our Lord
    • An Egyptian Woman with her Water-bottle
    • Loved so Well, and Loved so Long!
  • June 1900 - No. 142 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Encouragement for the Servants of the Lord
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Ecumenical Missionary Conference
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Failure of Islam
    • Our Visit to Gafsa
    • English Public School-boys in Morocco
    • Extracts from Letters and Diaries—From Mr. H. E. Jones; From Miss Case; From Mrs. Michell
    • Some Extracts from "To Khartoum and Back"
  • July 1900 - No. 143 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Time is Short
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Missio
    • The Eclipse of the Sun in Tripoli
    • A Trip Down South in Tunisia
    • On the Edge of the Aures Mountains, Kabylia
    • The French Protestant Mission, Kaby!ia
    • Mohammedans and Controversy
    • Extracts from Letters and Diaries
    • For the Young.—Prize Day in Kairouan
    • Extract from an Address by Mr. Muller
  • August 1900 - No. 144 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Truth Enjoyed
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Examination Day in the Moslem Girls' School, Alexandria
    • Has Mohammedanism Prepared the Way for Christianity?
    • Asia's Great Need
    • Extracts from Letters and Diaries
    • Visit to the Algerian Sahara
    • Bible Reading
    • Our Illustrations
    • For the Children.—An Egyptian School Treat
  • September 1900 - No. 145 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our Foes
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Beds in the Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss E. A. Craggs; From Mr. H. Nott; From Mr. W. T. Bolton; From Miss H. D. Day; From Mr. J. L. Lochhead; From Dr. T. Ci. Churcher
    • The Mohurrum at Allahabad
    • Hymn
    • Bible Reading
  • October 1900 - No. 146 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Annual Report
  • November 1900 - No. 147 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Steadfast Continuance. By Pastor James Stephens
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers
    • Missionaries in Egypt
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss J. Jay; From Miss Craggs; From Mr. W. T. Bolton; From Mrs Cirissell; From Mr. A. V. Liley; From Mr. A. T. Upson
    • The Annual Farewell Meetings
    • Bible Reading—A Personal God
  • December 1900 - No. 148 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Blessed Servants. By Dr. Henry Soltau
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Along the Line
    • An Arabic College in India
    • Our New Workers
    • Fruits of the Work of the late Dr. K. G. Pfander
    • Our Illustrations
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. D. J. Cooper; From Mons. E. Cuendet; From Mr. W. G. Pope; From Miss L. Read; From Mr. A. V. Liley; From Mr. W. T. Fairman; From Miss B. M. Tiptaft
    • Notices of Books
    • "Your· Father Knoweth"

1901 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1901 - No. 149 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our Royal Mandate
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • An Arabic College in India
    • Review—"Arabia, the Cradle of Islam." By Samuel M. Zwemer, F.R.G.S.
    • Mr. William Summers
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Bolton; From Miss M. Knight; From Miss K. Smith and Miss J. Cox; From Mr. E. E. Short; From Mr. W. T. Fairman
    • The Work of Others
    • A Book
    • For the New Year
    • Our Illustrations
  • February 1901 - No. 150 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Be Not Weary
    • "Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Our First Year at Sbebin-el-Kom, in the NIie Delta
    • Answers to Prayer
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss E. A. Craggs; From Miss Jay; From Miss Sexton; From Mr. P. Smith; From Miss Day; From Mrs. Liley; From Mr. A. V. Liley; From Miss Harnden; From Mrs. Dickins; From Miss Tiptaf
    • Illustrations
  • March 1901 - No. 151 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Ood's Providence
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mis:sion
    • At the Eleventh Hour
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. H. Nott; From Miss Sexton • • 29 ,, Miss Jennings; From Mr. E. E. Short; From Mr. G. B. Michell ; From Mrs. Purdon 31 ,, Miss A. Cox; From Miss Tiptaft; From Mr. W. Dickins; From Mrs. Dickins 33 ,, Mr. W. Fairman; From Mr. A. T. Upson; From Mrs Hooper
    • The. Work of Others
    • For the Children
  • April 1901 - No. 152 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Claims of God
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • "For the sake of the Name they went Forth"
    • Eskimos In Algeria
    • Report of the North Africa Workers' Union for 1900
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. W. Bolton; From Mr: H. E. Jones; From Miss Sexton; From Miss De la Camp; From Mr.G. B. Michell; From Mr. W.T. Fairman; From Miss Philpott; From Mr. A. T. Upson
    • The Work of Others
    • "Arabia the Loved"
    • Early Morning Gleaning
  • May 1901 - No. 153 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Foundation of Faith
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • The late Dr. Henry Smith
    • Bishop French: A "Christian Fakir"
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. Cuendet; From Miss E. Smith; From Miss H. D. Day; From Mr. Michell; From Miss North; From Miss A. Cox
    • Pilgrimage to Mecca
    • Amongst the Fellaheen of Lower Egypt
    • Notices of Books
    • Our Illustrations
    • For the Children
  • June 1901 - No. 154 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Whole-Heartedness for God
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • Itinerating in the Province of Oran
    • Itinerating in Kabylia
    • The Morocco Orphanage
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Aldridge; From Miss Read; From Mr. J. L. Lochhead; From Miss Lochhead; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From Miss Orissell; From Mr. H. E. Webb
    • "The Gospel in North Africa"
    • Movements among Moslems
    • For the Children
  • July 1901 - No. 155 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Faith to Endure the World's Enmity
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N·. Africa Mission
    • Methods of Evangelistic Work Among Moslems
    • The Spanish Work in Tangier
    • News from the Mission Field—-From Miss Sexton; From Mr. D. J. Cooper; From Miss A. Cox; From Mr. Fairman; From C. T. Hooper; From A. T. Upson; From Hope
    • Our Illustrations
    • The Work of Others
    • For the Children
  • August 1901 - No. 156 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The. Living God
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • Work Among Muhammadans in South India
    • A Month's Evangelising in the Djerid
    • Home Helpers for the North Africa Mission
    • Our Illustrations
    • News from the Mission Field—-From Mrs. Simpson; From Miss Kate Smith; From Miss M. Ericsson; From Miss Harnden; From Mr. W. Reed; From Mr. W. Dickins; From Miss Philpott; From Mrs. Hooper
    • For the Children
  • September 1901 - No. 157 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Fallen Asleep
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Auxiliaries
    • Missionaries at Home Prepared to Undertake Meetings
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • Mohammedan Question in Missions
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts; From Mr. H. E. Jones; From Miss Markusson; From Miss G. L. Addinsell; From Miss B. M. Tiptaft; From Mrs. Dickins; From Mr. C. T. Hooper; From Mr. S. Fraser
    • For the Children
  • October 1901 - No. 158 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Annual Report
  • November 1901 - No. 159 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Strong in the Lord
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • Missionary Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • Brighton and Hove Auxiliaries
    • Annual Farewell Meetings
    • Among the Shawia
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Banks; From Mr. D. J. Cooper; From Miss I. de la Camp; From Miss M. A. Case; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From Mr. A. T. Upson
    • Spanish Work, Tangier
    • Christ with Us
    • For the Children
  • December 1901 - No. 160 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Battle of the Bible
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • The Late General Haig
    • Missionary Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • Bible Reading
    • Among the Shawia
    • News from the Mission Field—From Dr. Roberts; From Mr. O. E. Simpson; From Miss L. Sexton; From Miss Knight; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon
    • For the Children .

1902 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1902 - No. 161 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Little More Patience
    • Nctes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • Offices of the Mission
    • Spanish School, Tangier
    • The Policy of Faith
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Jay; From Miss G. Hubbard; From Mr. J. L. Lochhead; From Mrs. Short—Mrs. Purdon; From Mr. J . H. Purdon; From Mrs. Dickins; From Mr. Dickins; From Mrs. Hooper; From Mr. C. T. Hooper
    • Bible Reading
    • The Work of Others
  • February 1902 - No. 162 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Immortality
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Offices of the Mission
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • Our New Workers: Miss Ada Wenden, Mr Angus Levack
    • The Leach Memorial Fund
    • Missionary Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Jennings; From Miss O. Hubbard; From Miss G. L. Addinsell; From Mr. H. E. Webb; From Mr. W. Reid; From Mr. Dickins; From Mr. A. T. Upson
    • Mission Work io the Delta of Egypt
    • Missionary Wants
    • Our Illustrations
    • For the Children
  • March 1902 - No. 163 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Some Motives and Methods in Mission Work
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • "The Mohammedan's Church"
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Jay; From Mrs. O. E. Simpson; From Miss G. Hubbard; From Mr. H. E. Jones; From Miss Emily Smith; From Miss E. K. Lochhead; From Mr. W. Dickins; From Mr. A. T. Upson; From Mr. W. T. Fairman
    • Missionary Literature
    • For the Children
  • April 1902 - No. 164 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Divine Call for Missionaries
    • Ndes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • The Late Mrs. Flad
    • Report of the North Africa Workers' Union for 1901
    • A Sketch
    • Faith for a Sixpence
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. E. E. Short; From Mrs. Purdon; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From Mrs. Venables; From Mr. W. Reid; From Mr. Levack; From Mr. W. T. Fairman
    • The Oil Tree in the Wilderness
    • For the Children
  • May 1902 - No. 165 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Day of Distress
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • A Day at the Sousse Medical Mission
    • Living Nigh to God
    • The Bible and Tract Depot, Tunis
    • Our Illustrations
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss E. K. Aldridge; From Miss Sexton; From Mr. Percy Smith; From Mr. Stewart Fraser
    • "Thy Kingdom Come"
    • What One Bible Did
    • For the Children
  • June 1902 - No. 166 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • God Led Them
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To tbe Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • The Late Mrs. Summers
    • Ten Days at Gafsa
    • In Perils among the Moors
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Sexton; From Miss H. D. Day; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From Dr. Churcher; From Mr. W. T. Fairman
    • A Wanderer Restored
    • For the Children
  • July 1902 - No. 167 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Keeping God in View
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • The Completion of the Kabyle New Testament
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Sexton; From Dr. Grieve; From Mr. H. Nott; From Mr. A. T. Upson
    • Omar's Baptism and Testimony
    • Shall They Plead in Vain?
    • Penny Traders in Tunis
    • "Signs of the Times in Egypt"
    • Extract from an Address by Mr. Muller
    • The Work of Others
    • For the Children
  • August 1902 - No. 168 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The late Mr. Oeorge Pearse
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • The late Robert Chapman, of Bunstaple
    • At Tiemcen Again
    • Notes· and Extracts
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss I. de la Camp; From Mr. H. Nott; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From Dr. T. G. Cburcher; From Mr. C. T. Hooper
    • The Nile Press and Christian Literature Society
    • Seaside Meetings
    • The Origin of the Name "Africa"
    • For the Children
    • "Not in Vain"
  • September 1902 - No. 169 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Learning to Walk
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Native Races of North Africa
    • The late Mrs. Jones
    • The late Robert Chapman, of Barnstaple
    • The Feast of Sitte Damiana
    • Owaysha's Baptism
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Bolton; From Miss Jennings
    • The funeral of the Bey of Tunis
    • Reviewd—The Land of the Moors
    • The Work of Others
    • For the Children
  • October 1902 - No. 170 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Annual Report
  • November 1902 - No. 171 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Confidence
    • Notes· and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission
    • Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • The Baptism of Sidi Beddai and his Wife, Habeeba
    • The Baptism of Sheikh Aly Hassan
    • Djemaa Sahridj, Kabylia News from the Mission Field—From Mr. A. l. Blanco; From Miss Mellett; From Miss Sexton
    • "Notes on a Comparative Table of Berber Dialects of North Africa"
    • A Visit to El Djem and its Roman Amphitheatre
    • The Resurrection of Christ
    • Higher Critics and Missions
    • For the Children
  • December 1902 - No. 172 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • God's Ways Past Finding Out
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N; Africa Mission
    • David James Cooper, Missionary and Martyr
    • The Sheikh es-Senusi
    • The New Workers
    • The New Mission School at Shebin-el-Kom
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss L. Read; From Mrs. Purdon
    • Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • The Effort to Reform Islam
    • The Spirit that will Prevail
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children


  • January 1903 - No. 173 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • He Careth for You. A Fact for 1903 and all Other Years
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission By Edward H. Glenny
    • The Fathers of the North African Church: Clement of Alexandria. By John Rutherford, M.A., B.D.
    • Honour the Lord with thy Substance." By Pastor J ames Stephens, M.A.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. O. E. Simpson; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From Mrs. Churcber; From Miss Addinsell
    • A Child's Wedding in Tangier. (Extracts from a Description sent by Miss Jay.)
    • Our Point of View toward Islam. By Rev. Henry Otis Dwight, LL.D.
    • The Work of Others
    • Wanted—Men. By Bishop Hartzell
    • For the Children
  • February 1903 - No. 174 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "The Key to the Missionary Problem"
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the friends of the N. Africa Mission By Edward H. Glenny
    • The Fathers of the North African Church: Origen. By John Rutherford, M.A., B.D.
    • The Illustrations
    • "Your Labour is not in Vain in the Lord." By M. B. Grissell
    • This Grace Also. By Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Welch; From Miss Read; From Mr. A. V. Liley
    • Raymund Lull
    • For the Children
  • March 1903 - No. 175 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Pray, Brethren, Pray!
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission, By Edward H. Glenny
    • The. Fathers of the North African Church: Tertulllan. By John Rutherfurd, M.A., B.D.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Sexton; From Mr. J. Lochhead; From Miss Harnden; From Miss L. E. Roberts; From Mrs. Venable
    • "Memories of the Life of General F. T. Haig. By His Wife"
    • For the Children
  • April 1903 - No. 176 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Lamenting after the Lord
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission. By Edward H. Glenny
    • The Fathers of the North African Church: IV.—Cyprian. By J . Rutherfurd, M.A., B.D.
    • "As he Purposeth in his Heart, so let him Give." By Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • Bible Reading—Response
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. H. Nott; From Miss Banks
    • "A Little Cloud." By Miss E. Turner
    • Report of the North Africa Workers' Union for 1902
    • Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • Raymond Lull
    • Notice of Book
    • For the Children
  • May 1903 - No. 177 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Promise
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission, By Edward H. Glenny
    • The Story of Book Depot and Colporteur. By Mr. C. T. Hooper
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts; From Mrs. Simpson; From Mr. H. Nott; From Miss Hubbard; From Mr. A. V. Liley; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From Miss Harrald; From Mr. W. Dickins
    • For the Children
  • June 1903 - No. 178 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Promise (continued)
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission By Edward H. Glenny
    • The Fathers of the North African Church: V,-Athanasius. By Rev. J. Rutherfurd, M.A., B.D.
    • The Baptism of Another Convert in Tunis
    • ltineration Work: ltinerating in Kabylia. By Monsieur Cuendet
    • A Trip to Djebibina. By Dr. T. G. Churcher
    • A Few Leaves from My Diary at Gafsa. By Miss Grissell
    • A Visit to Djemaa Sahridj Mission Station. By Rev. John Sutherland
    • For the Children By Mrs. Dickins
  • July 1903 - No. 179 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our Responsibilities
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission, By Edward H. Glenny
    • Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • Arab Funerals
    • The Peerless Joy of the Missionary Life. By Geo. T. Smith
    • The Fathers of the North African Church: VI.—Augustine. By John Rutherford, M.A., B.D.
    • New Workers—Miss L. Ethel Roberts; From Miss Florence R. Dundas
    • News from the Mission Field—From Dr. Roberts; From Miss J. Jay; From Mr. H. Nott; From Miss Roberts
    • To the Friends of the Hove Auxiliary
    • For the Children
  • August 1903 - No. 180 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Now or Never
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Moslem Belief and Superstition. By Mrs. Liley
    • News from the Mission Field—from Mr. W. T. Bolton; From Mr. A. V. Liley; From Miss Harrald
    • I Have Nothing Left to Give—but Myself." By Miss B. G. Vining
    • On Concert in Prayer
    • Bible Reading
    • For the Children
  • September 1903 - No. 181 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Unseen Friends and Foes
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the N. Africa Mission By Edward H. Glenny
    • Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • News from the Mfssioo Field—From Monsieur Cueodet; From Mrs. Roberts; From Miss Lilian Sexton; From Miss Dundas
    • Government Medical Aid for Algerian Moslem Women
    • Bible Reading
    • Faith in God Honoured
    • The Work of Others
    • For the Children
  • October 1903 - No. 182 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Annual Report
  • November 1903 - No. 183 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Worker's Ctdtivation of his· own Spiritual Life. By Pastor Stephens
    • Notes and Extracts
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Boulton; From Miss Aldridge; From Miss De La Camp; From Mr. H. Nott; From Mr. O. E. Simpson
    • Bushaib. By Dr. H. D. Roberts
    • "Them which sleep in Jesus." By Miss J. Jay
    • The Burning of the Spanish Church, Tangier By Mr. W. T. Bolton
    • The Missionary Problem. By Rev. C. S. Macalpine, B.D.
    • For the Children
  • December 1903 - No. 184 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Holy Spirit of Ood. By Rev. John Rutherford, B.D.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Si El Madani Ed Dimnati. By Mr. O. E. Simpson
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Simpson; From Miss Ciuillermet; From Miss Harnden; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon
    • Algerian Jews, By Mr. P. Smith
    • "The Things of Others"
    • For the · Children


  • January 1904 - No. 185 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Blessed to be a Blessing
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Gospel .of Luke in Moorish Colloquial Arabic
    • The Mission House at Djemaa Sahridj
    • Miss Albina Cox's Deputation Work
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Grissell; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From From Mr. E; Short; From Mr. W. T. Bolton; From Mr. Dicken's
    • N.A.M. Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • Dead and Living Saints
    • For the Children
  • April 1904 - No. 186 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Pathway of Obedience, the Pathway .of Blessing
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • To the Members of the North Africa Workers' Union
    • Morocco
    • Revival in Morocco
    • Olive Gathering in Tunisia
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Bolton; From Mr. H. Nott; From Miss· E. Smith; From Miss A. Hammon; From Mrs. Purdon; From Mr. Evan E. Short; From Miss Harrald; From Mr. Dickins
    • Floods in Tripoli-Barbary
    • Valuable Expositiry Works of Robert Brown, Esq.
    • For the Children
  • July 1904 - No. 187 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • They that Dwell upon the Earth
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Algeria
    • News from the ·Mission Field—From Mr. W. T. Bolton; From Miss.De la Camp; From Mr. O. E. Simpson; From Miss. C. S. Jennings; From Miss F. Harnden; From Mr. A. V. Liley; From Miss A. Cox; From Miss Dundas; From Mr. W. Dickins
    • Sketches from Tozeur
    • For the Children
  • October 1904 - No. 189 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Notes on the General Cash Budget
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Modifications in the Management of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • General Cash Account from May 1st 03 to April 1904

1905 New Series - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1905 - No. 1 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Word of Jehovah, in which we Rest
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.
    • Resuming Work in Tunis
    • Persecution of a Native Christian in Tunis
    • News from the Mission Field— From Miss Cohen; From Mrs. Simpson; From Mr. Simpson; From Miss A. Bolton; From Miss Harrald; From Miss Jennings; From Mr. A.V. Liley; From Miss A. Hammon
    • N.A.M. Medical Missions
    • Europeans in North Africa
    • For the Young
  • February 1905 - No. 2 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • He is Faithful that Promised
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Read; From Miss Harnden; From Miss Harrald; From Mr. A.V. Liley
    • "Muhammadan Objections to Christianity"
    • The Need of Home Helpers for the North Africa Mission
    • Europeans in North Africa
    • Notes and Comments To the Members of the Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • Map with Notes
    • Location of Missionaries
  • March 1905 - No. 3 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Shut up to God
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.
    • The Carpet-Weaving School at Cherchell
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss F.R. Brown; From Miss Jay
    • The Society for the Free Distribution of the Scriptures
    • The Late Mr. James Wright
    • Suggestions to Home Helpers
    • Short Account of an Educated Enquirer
    • In the Wilds of Morocco
    • Europeans in North Africa
    • Notes and Comments
    • For the Young
  • April 1905 - No. 4 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Divine Grace
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. Worhers' Union
    • "Pouring In," By Miss Marian B. Grissell (Tunis)
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss J. Hubbard; From Mr. H. Nott; From Mrs. Nott; From Mr. O.E. Simpson; From Mrs. Ross
    • Home Mission Work in Essex. From Mr. Caswell (Tilbury)
    • Our Illustrations
    • Notes and Comments
    • For the Young
  • May 1905 - No. 5 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Saint's Knowledge of Christ's Love. By John Bunyan (1628- 1688)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.
    • The Lord's Work and its Needs at Shebin-el-Kom. By Mr. W. T. Fairman
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr, W, T. Bolton; From Miss Read; From Mr. W. Reid; From Mrs. Dickins
    • The Closing of the Girls' School, Tunis. By Miss A. Hammon
    • Renunciation of Roman Catholicism
    • The Jews of North Africa
    • Three Motives for Earnestness in Mission Work at Home and Abroad
    • Notes and Comments
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • For the Young
  • June 1905 - No. 6 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • He Careth for You
    • "Lo, I am -with you alway"
    • Special Notice
    • The Annual Report
    • Medical Missions
    • Meetings and lnterviews—with Moslem Men
    • Industrial Work
    • Work amongst Moslem Women
    • Work amongst Moslem Children
    • The Native Converts Work amongst Europeans
    • Home Department
    • General Cash Account
  • July 1905 - No. 7 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • From Demoniac to Missionary. By Rev. Henry H. Jessup, D.D.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our One Life
    • Special Statement to the Friends of the N.A.M.
    • The Work of the British and Foreign Bible Society in North Africa
    • An Operation in the Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier. By Dr. H. D. Roberts
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Simpson; From Miss E. Smith; From Miss L. E. Roberg
    • Spiritual Guides for Egypt. By Mr. W. Dickins
    • Horneward Bound By Mrs. A.V. Liley
  • August-Sept. 1905 - No. 8 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Late J. Hudson Taylor
    • News from the Mission Field—A Missionary Ride Outside Sfax; From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon; From Mr. W. T. Fairman
    • Bedouin Marriage By Mr. Arthur V. Liley
    • The Late Mrs. Emma Grimke and the Fez Colporteurs
    • Sebai
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Ideal Missionary Campaign
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children
  • October 1905 - No. 9 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Following Fully"
    • The Annual Meetings
    • "Look on the Fields"
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss E.K. Lochhead (Constantine); From Mr. J.H.C. Purdon (Tunis); From Miss K. Johnston (Susa); From Mrs. Short (Kairouan)
    • The Total Eclipse at Tripoli, Barbary By Miss F.M. Harrald
    • Mohammedanism among the Ashanti Tribes
    • Notes and Extracts
    • For the Children
  • November 1905 - No. 10 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Holy Spirit's Programme of Missions
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • School Work at Shebin-el-Kom, Egypt
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. W. T. Bolton (Tangier); From Mr. O.E. Simpson (Fez); From Miss F. Dundas (Tripoli)
    • "The Moslem Doctrine of God." By S.M. Zwemer, D.D.
    • "The Things of Others"
  • December 1905 - No. 11 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "As the Cold of Snow in the Time of Harvest"
    • Notes and Extracts
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss M. Knight (Tetuan); From Miss Day (Cherchell); From Mr. A .V. Liley (Tunis) 206 From Mrs. Purdon (Tunis) 207 From Mr. J. H. C. Purdon (Tunis); From Mr. E.E. Short (fiairouan)
    • A Native Wedding at Susa. By Mrs. H. E. Webb


  • January 1906 - No. 12 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Encouragement for a New Years Work. By J.R.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A New Year's Wish
    • A Daily Cycle of Prayer for North Africa
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. O.E. Simpson (Fez); From Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax)
    • A Flying Visit to Zaghouan. By Miss M. B. Grissell
    • A Specimen Meeting. Cox "Nicodemus" By Miss A.L. Cox
    • A Mohammedan "Saint," By Mrs. Liley (Tunis)
    • "After Many Days"
    • Notices of Books
  • February 1906 - No. 13 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Jesus' Hour
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To our Readers
    • The Late Mrs. William Boulton, of Hope House, Tangier (née Hannah Glenny)
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Read (Cherchell); From Mrs. Purdon (Tunis); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); From Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax)
    • Needs at the Women's Hospital, Tangier
    • A Message from the Borderland
    • Merrymahing among the Bedouin. By Mrs. A.V. Liley
  • March 1906 - No. 14 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Programme of Missions
    • Notes and Extracts
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Jay (Tangier); From Miss E. Smith (Algiers); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj); From Miss Cohen (Tunis)
    • Among the Jews
    • The Month of Ramadhan. By Mr. H. E. Webb (Susa)
    • The Little Red Garment
    • "Life in Morocco"
  • April 1906 - No. 15 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Circles of Divine Power and Love. By Dr. Henry Soltau
    • Notes and Extracts
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. H.D. Roberts (Tangier); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj); From Miss A. Hammon (Tunis); From Miss Case and Miss Roberts (Tunis); From Miss North (Kairouan)
    • Marabouts. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • To the Members of the North Africa Workers' Union
    • Impressions of Algeria. By Pasteur R. Saillens
    • "Preparation for the Chrbtian Ministry"
    • For the Children
  • May 1906 - No. 16 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Circles of Divine Power and Love. Dr. Henry Soltau (concluded)
    • Notes and Extracts
    • In Memoriam: Dr. J. H. D. Roberts; Miss Ida Smith
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Hubbard (Tetuan); From Mrs. Dickins (Alexandria)
    • The Hajj or Pilgrim
    • A Missionary Summer School
    • "Jewels"
    • For the Children
  • June 1906 - No. 17 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "The Grace of our Lord Jesus be with your Spirit"
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Late Dr. George Milne Grieve, of Casablanca
    • The Year 1905
    • Morocco—Tangier; Fez; Tetuan; Casablanca; Laraish
    • Algeria—Djemaa Sahridj; Constantine
    • General Cash Account
    • Algeria (continued)—Cherchell; Algiers
    • Regency of Tunis; Tunis; Susa; Kairouan; Bizerta; Sfax
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Shebin-el-Kom
    • Home Department
  • July 1906 - No. 18 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Practical Character of the Bible in the Present Age. By Adolph Saphir, D.D.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Thirteen Days ltinerating in Kabylia
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss de la Camp (Fez); From Mr. Shorey (Algiers); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj); From Miss F. E. Harnden (Constantine); From Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax)
    • From an Outsider's Point of View
    • "The Things of Others''
    • For the Children. By Miss J. Jay
  • August-Sept. 1906 - No. 19 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Holy Spirit's Present Help in Missions
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Great Ruins of Egypt. By Mr. Geo. Goodrnan
    • A Visit to Kef, the Ancient Sicca Veneria. By Miss Grissell
    • News fro:rn the Mission Field—Frorn Misses Mellett and Denison (Fez); Frorn Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj); Frorn Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax); Frorn Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan)
    • The Cairo Conference
    • For the Children
    • From Miss Harrald (Tripoli)
  • October 1906 - No. 20 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Feeding the Five Thousand
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A Day of Special Prayer, October 10th
    • The Late Mr. J. Ed-ward Budgett Meakin
    • Mr. Elson's Orphanage, Tangier. By Miss M. Ward
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); Frorn Misses A. Welch and E. Srnith (Algiers); Frorn Miss E. Roberts (Tunis); Frorn Mr. W. Dickins (Alexandria)
    • For the Children. Frorn Miss C.S. Jennings
  • November 1906 - No. 21 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Christ sent me... to Preach the Gospel"
    • Notes and Extracts
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Monsieur Cuendet (Algiers); Frorn Mr. D.G. Ross (Djernaa Sahridj)
    • A Jewish Funeral by Night. By Mr. E. E. Short
    • The Annual Farewell Meetings
    • "As Others See Us"
    • " Red Garments and H.abyle Girls"
    • " The Things of Others"
    • "Islam: Its Rise and Progress"
    • When the Deacon Talked in Church
  • December 1906 - No. 22 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Possessing and Passing on Spiritual Blessings. By Mr. E.H. Glenny
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Helpers' Union
    • The Faithfulness of God
    • The Present Need at Shebin-el-Kom, Egypt. By Mr. W.T. Fairman
    • Deputation Work.—Mr. Percy J. H. Kirnner
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss C.S. Jennings (Laraish); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); From Mrs. Short (Kairouan)
    • The N.A.M. Ladies' Committee 189 Notice of Boo h. 189 For the Children


  • January 1907 - No. 23 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A New Year of Service
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier—Dr. and Mrs. George Wilson; Miss Georgine Marie Smith
    • Shebin-el-Kom Schools
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. A. Shorey (Algiers); From Miss F. Guillermet (Constantine); From Mr. E. Cuendet (Algiers); From Miss Case (Tunis); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • The Ladies' Committee of the North Africa Mission
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Notices of Books
  • February 1907 - No. 24 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Value of a Human Soul
    • Notes and Extracts
    • For the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. W.T. Bolton (Casablanca); From Miss Lochhead (Constantine); From Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); From Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax); From Miss F. Dundas (Tripoli); From Mr. W.T. Fairman (Shebin-el-Kom)
    • Ladies Committee Notes
    • A Visit to Sfax. By Mr. J. J. Cooksey
    • "Troublous Times." By Miss J. Jay
    • Miss H.E. Woodell
    • For the Children
    • Notices of Books
  • March 1907 - No. 25 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Retrospect, 1881-1896
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Removal of Offices
    • A Day in Gafsa with the Holy Scriptures. By Dr. T.G. Churcher
    • News from the Mission Field—From Dr. Wilson (Tangier); From Miss Bolton (Tetuan); From Miss E. Smith (Algiers); From Miss J. Cox (Djemaa Sahridj)
    • A Perilous Journey
    • Here and There. By Mr. J.J. Cooksey
    • Native Helpers in Kabylia. By Miss H. Smith
    • Itinerating Work in Tunisia
    • Ladies' Committee Notes
    • Notices of Books
  • April 1907 - No. 26 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Creator Word
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Statement
    • The Story of a Converted Kabyle
    • A Baptism at Susa. By Mr. J.J. Cooksey
    • To the Members of the North Africa Prayer and Workers' Union
    • News from the Mission Field—From Dr. Wilson (Tangier); From Miss Hubbard (Tetuan); From Miss Jennings Laraish
    • Ladies Committee Notes
    • Deputation Work
    • Si Arnor El Kenani. By Mr. E.E. Short
    • The Moharnmedan World of To-day
  • May 1907 - No. 27 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Deliverance for Captives. By E.H. Glenny, Esq.
    • Day of Prayer for North Africa and "House-Warming" Meetings
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A Visit to Tozeur, the Village of Palm Trees. By Miss A. Cox
    • "To One of the Least of These." A Plea for the Spanish Work in Tangier
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Roberts (Tunis); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); From Miss Dundas (Tripoli)
    • Ladies' Committee Notes
  • June 1907 - No. 28 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Hora Novissima
    • North Africa Mission—The Year 1906
    • Algeria—Djemaa Sahridj; Constantine; Cherchell; Algiers
    • Morocco—Tangier; Spanish Work; Fez
    • General Cash Account
    • Morocco (continued)—Tetuan; Casablanca; Laraish
    • Regency of Tunis—Tunis City, Italian Work; Susa; Kairouan; 'Bizerta; Sfax
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Shebin-el-Kom
    • Matters Financial
    • The Home Department
  • July 1907 - No. 29 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Watered Gardens. By Mr. J. L. Lochhead
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Advisory and Auxiliary Council
    • "Lottie Leach" Fund
    • North Africa and the Bible. By Dr. Henry Soltau
    • Evangelising the Isles of Kerkennah
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Knight (Tetuan); From Mr. H. Nott (Laraish); From Miss Jennings (Arzila); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); From Miss Benzakine (Sfax)
    • Ladies' Committee Notes
    • A Visit to Djemaa Sahridj, By Monsieur E. Rolland
    • A Retrospect of Meetings
    • For the Children
  • August-Sept. 1907 - No. 30 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Has the Church a Great Social Mission?
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Notes of a Tour in Kabylia. By Monsieur Cuendet
    • Evangelising the Isles of Kerkennah
    • A Day in our Sfax Bible Shop. By Mr. H. E. Webb
    • "Red Garments and Kabyle Girls." By Kate S. Srnith
    • News from the Mission Field—Frorn Mr. W.T. Bolton (Casablanca); Frorn Miss Jennings (Laraish); Frorn Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); Frorn Miss Benzakine (Sfax)
    • Ladies' Cornrnittee Notes
    • For the Children
  • October 1907 - No. 31 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Being and Doing
    • Financial Statement
    • The Annual Farewell Meetings
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A Call to Prayer
    • Our Work among Kabyle Girls
    • A Baptismal Service in Susa. By Mr. J.J. Cooksey
    • The Conversion of a Moslem Wornan
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Miss Jay (Tangier); From Mrs. Webb (Sfax); From Miss L.E. Roberts (Tunis)
    • Meetings! Meetings!! Meetings!!!
    • Ladies' Committee Notes
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
    • For the Children
  • November 1907 - No. 32 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • God be with You. By Rev. Wm. Houghton
    • Financial Position
    • Notes and Extracts
    • "After Many Days" By Mrs A .V. Liley
    • A Definite Call. By Miss E. Turner
    • A Story of Answered Prayer. By Mr. W.T. Fairman
    • The Annual Farewell Meetings
    • Visiting amongst Mohammedan Women By Miss A.L. Cox
    • Ladies' Committee Notes
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children
  • December 1907 - No. 33 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • To Them that Love God. By Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers
    • "Home and School for Kabyle Girls." By Miss H.S. Smith and Miss J.C. Cox
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Hubbard (Tetuan); From Mr. A. Shorey (Algiers); From Mr. Liley (Tunis); From Miss Marian B. Grissell (Tunis); From Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax); From Miss F.M. Harrald (Tripoli)
    • Sick Visiting in Tunis. By Miss A. Hammon
    • Sousse and its Villages. By Mr, J.J, Cooksey
    • Subject Matter for Prayer and Praise
    • Ladies' Committee Notes
    • Notices of Books, etc.
    • For the Children


  • January 1908 - No. 34 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Value of Life. By Pastor Rev. Fuller Gooch
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Reopening of Work at Casablanca
    • Conversion of a Young Jew at Casablanca
    • A Week of Prayer for the Mohamrnedan World
    • News from the Mission Field- From. Mr. Simpson (Tangier); From. Miss A.M. Case and Miss L.E. Roberts (Tunis); From Mrs. Short (Kairouan)
    • Motto for New Year—Union w-ith Christ"
    • Twenty-four Hours in Fez. By Mrs. O.E. Simpson
    • Ladies' Committee Notes
    • For the Children
    • Requests for Prayer and Praise
  • February 1908 - No. 35 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Pattern Shewed in the Mount. By Rev. Stuart Holden, M.A.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Morocco"s Bombarded Town. By Mr. H. Nott
    • Work in Kabylia. By Mr. D.G. Ross
    • A Christmas Fete at Djemaa Sahridj. By Miss H.. Smith and Miss J. Cox
    • Visit of Minister of Education to the Shebin-el-Kom Schools
    • Ladies Committee Notes
    • Missionary Correspondence Course
    • "How Thirty-six Pennies were turned into Seven Pounds Six Shillings and a Penny
    • For the Children
    • Requests for Prayer and Praise
  • March 1908 - No. 36 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Consecration. By John R. Mott, M.A., F.R.G.S.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Ladies Committee Notes
    • Visiting a Patient in Sfax. By Mrs. T.G. Churcher
    • Temperance Work among the Kabyles. By Mr. D.G. Ross
    • Blind Kabyles. By Miss J.C. Cox
    • A Contrast By Mrs. Liley
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Jennings (Laraish); From Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); From Miss Jay (Tangier); From Mr. and Mrs. Short (Kairouan)
    • Translations of the Gospels into Colloquial Arabic
    • Articles for Sale
    • For the Children
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • April 1908 - No. 37 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Fear and Faith. By Alexander Maclaren, D.D.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Articles for Sale
    • To the Members of the N.A. Prayer and Workers' Union
    • Scripture Portions in Colloquial Arabic
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Miss Jay (Tangier); Frorn Miss C. Read (Cherchell); From Mr. H.E. Webb (Sfax); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); From Miss Dundas (Tripoli)
    • "Lottie Leach" Fund
    • For the Children
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • May 1908 - No. 38 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "God is Able"
    • Notes and Extracts
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Miss Jennings (Larache); Frorn Mr. Ross (Djernaa Sahridj); Frorn Mr. Liley (Tunis); Frorn Mr. Cooksey (Sousse); Frorn Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); Frorn Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax); Frorn Miss Albina Cox (Sousse); European Converts in Constantine. By Mr. Percy Srnith
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children
    • For the Members of the Prayer and Worhers' Union
  • June 1908 - No. 39 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The One and Only Method of Evangelization
    • North Africa Mission—The Year 1907
    • Algeria—Djemaa Sahridj; Constantine; Cherchell
    • Algiers—Morocco; Tangier, Spanish Work; Fez
    • General Cash Account
    • Morocco (continued)—Tetuan; Casablanca; Laraish
    • Regency of Tunis—Tunis, Italian Work; Susa; Kairouan; Bizerta; Sfax
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Shebin-el-Kom
    • The Home Department
  • July 1908 - No. 40 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Example of Christ. By Rev. F.L. Hutchieson
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Baptisms at Djemaa Sahridj. By Mr. D.G. Ross
    • The Baptismal Service at Shebin-el-Kom. By Mr. W.T. Fairman
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Simpson (Tangier); From Mr. A. Shorey (Algiers); From Miss Harrald (Tripoli)
    • "lchabod." By Mr. E.E. Short
    • The Things of Others"
    • For the Children
  • August-Sept. 1908 - No. 41 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • When Did the Stone Strike? By Rev. William J. Erdman, D.D.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Thirteen Days' ltinerating in Kabylia. By Monsieur E. Cuendet
    • Arab Weddings . By Mr. H.E. Webb
    • Casablanca Re-occupied
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss H. Johnston (Cherchell); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • For the Children
    • Easy Roads and Their Ends. By Mr. E.E. Short
  • October 1908 - No. 42 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Contrasted Pictures . By Rev. J. Macartney Wilson, B.D.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Medical Missions of the N.A.M. By Mr. Edward H. Glenny
    • The Turkish Constitution in Tripoli. By Mr. Wm. Reid
    • News from the Mission Field
    • From Mrs. O.E. Simpson (Casablanca)
    • Notices of Books
    • World's Sunday School Association
    • For the Children
    • To the Members of the Prayer of the Workers' Union
  • November 1908 - No. 43 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Declaring the Gospel
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our Work in Shebin-el-Korn, Egypt, A Crisis and a Need
    • News frorn the Mission Field—From Mrs Roberts (Tangier); From Mr. O.E. Simpson (Casablanca); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj)
    • The Finances of the N.A.M.
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings
    • The Need of Work among Europeans in North Africa . By Miss L. E. Roberts
    • Progress and Plan at Djema a Sahridj
    • For the Children
    • An Offer
  • December 1908 - No. 44 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Late Mr. R.C. Morgan
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A Crisis at Shebin-el-Korn, Egypt. By Mr. Walter T. Fairman
    • The Late Miss Edith T. North
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss L. Read (Cherchell)
    • Financial Notes
    • "Prospecting" in Cherchell. By Miss E. Turner
    • Moslem Strivings after God. By Mr. J.J. Cooksey
    • Notices of Books
    • The Jealousy of God's Love 186 To the Members of the Prayer and Worl:\.ers' Union

1909 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1909 - No. 45 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Grace for the Corning Year
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Late Mr. R.C. Morgan
    • The Late Mrs Wrn. MacKintosh
    • Funds and Reinforcernents
    • The Late Miss Georgine M. Srnith
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Miss C.S. Jennings (Laraish); Frorn Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); Frorn Miss F. M. Harrald (Tripoli)
    • Algerian Jews. By Mr. Percy Srnith, Constantine
    • For the Children
    • The Jealousy of God's Love
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • February 1909 - No. 46 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Things -which cannot be Shaken
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Urgent Calls for Reinforcements in North Africa
    • House-building at Shebin-el-Kom, Egypt
    • A Story from Egypt. By Mr. George Chapman
    • "Lottie Leach" Fund
    • Financial Progress
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss I.L. Reed (Tangier); From Miss de la Camp (Fez); From Miss Greathead {Fez); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); From Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax); From Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); From Mr. W.T. Bolton (Tripoli)
    • Christmas and Converts at Djemaa Sahridj, Algeria
    • A Day of Good Tidings. By Mrs. Liley (Tunis)
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • March 1909 - No. 47 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Follow Thou Me." By Rev. A.B. Simpson, New York
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The late Mr. Harry Not
    • Praise for Financial Help
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. O. E. Simpson (Casablanca); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj); From Miss H. Johnston (Cherchell)
    • The Circulation of the Scriptures in North Africa
    • The Madrasa Es-Slimania, Tunis
    • Giving for God's Work
    • World Missionary Conference, 1910
    • For the Children
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • April 1909 - No. 48 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Need of a Sense of Sin
    • Notes and Extracts
    • House-Building at Shebin-el-Kom, Egypt
    • To the Members of the N.A.M. Workers' Union
    • "The Silver and the Gold"
    • Old Rahma. By Miss Jennie Jay (Tangier)
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); From Miss de la Camp (Fez); From Miss A. Cox and Miss Bagster (Tebessa); From Miss Loveless (Constantine); From Miss E. Turner (Cherchell)
    • Romish Superstition—"Lettre de Jésus-Christ"
    • For the Children
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • May 1909 - No. 49 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Giving
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A Visit to Southern Tunisia
    • A New Worker
    • News frorn the Mission Field—From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); Trom Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax); From Mrs. Churcher (Sfax)
    • Algerian Jews,—II
    • Islam—A Challenge to Faith To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • June 1909 - No. 50 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Survey of the Year 1908
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Algeria—Djemaa Sahridj; Constantine; Cherchell; Algiers; Tebessa
    • Morocco—Tangier, Spanish Work; Fez; Tetuan
    • General Cash Account
    • Morocco (continued)—Casablanca; Laraish
    • The Regency of Tunis—Tunis; Tunis, Italian Work; Susa; Kairouan; Bizerta; Sfax
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Shebin-el-Kom
    • Home Department
  • July 1909 - No. 51 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Prayer in Relation to Foreign Missions. By Mr. Walter B. Sloan
    • Praying in Funds
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Foreign Notes
    • A Visit to Southern Tunisia. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • 109 News from the Mission Field—From Mr. O.E. Simpson (Casablanca); From Miss Woodell (Tetuan); From Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax); From Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); From Miss F.M. Harrald (Tripoli)
    • Notes on Mission Work at Tangier
    • He Saved Me for Nothing. By Mrs. Churcher
    • The Gospel of Luhe in Algerian Arabic 11!) To the Members of the Prayer and Worhers' Union
  • August-Sept. 1909 - No. 52 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Telling Jesus. Notes from a Sermon by the Rev. J. Macartney Wilson, M.A., B.D.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Recent Baptisms at Constantine
    • The Baptism of a Turkish Mohammedan in Egypt
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs O.E. Simpson (Casablanca); From Miss Hubbard (Tetuan); From Miss Mellett (Fez); From Monsieur E. Cuendet (Algiers); From Mr. D. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj)
    • Our Spanish Work at Tangier
    • Why We are Not Interested in Missions. By Professor James Denney, D.D.
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • October 1909 - No. 53 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Disciple, a Dependent, and a Devotee. By E.H.G.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Missionaries returning to the Field, Autumn, 1909
    • Our Needs and Supplies
    • The Recent Disturbances in Morocco
    • Sale of Work at Malta
    • Ne w s from the Mission Field—From Mrs Roberts (Tangier); From Mr. A.J. Moore (Tangier); From Mr. D. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj)
    • The Circulation of the Scriptures in North Africa
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workh.ers ' Union
  • November 1909 - No. 54 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Remember Jesus Christ, Risen from the Dead'"
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Spiritual Destitution of the Province of Oran
    • Dar-el-Bey. Tunis
    • Our Annual Farewell Meeting
    • Needs and Supplies
    • A Letter from Some Moslem Converts in Egypt
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. O.E. Simpson (Casablanca); From Miss J. Cox and Miss K. Smith (Djemaa Sahridj); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj); From Miss A.M. Case (Tunis)
    • "The Lord of the Harvest"
    • Healing for Body and Soul
    • The Missionary Without a Message
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • December 1909 - No. 55 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Rich Toward God. By Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Modern Pharisees. By Mr. Evan E. Short
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); From Mr. O.E. Simpson (Casablanca); From Miss F. Harnden (Constantine); From Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); From Mr. W . Dickins (Alexandria)
    • Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving
    • The Reproach of Islam. By Rev. W.H.T. Gairdner, B.A., C M.S. (Cairo). A Review
    • Old Rahma and Aiweesha
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Short
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
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