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North Africa
The Monthly Record of the North Africa Mission
formerly called "Mission to the Kabyles and Other Berber Races"

1920 - 1929

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This Mission was formed in 1881 from a deep sense of the pressing spiritual needs of the Kabyles of Algeria, who with the rest of the Moslems of North Africa were quite unevangelised, and was then called the Kabyle Mission. In 1883 it was reorganised, and widened its sphere to the other Berber races. Since then, under the name of the North Africa Mission, it has step by step extended its work, establishing stations in various towns of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, and a branch mission in Northern Arabia.

It aims by the help of God to spread through the whole of North Africa and North. Arabia, amongst the Moslems, Jews, and Europeans, the glad tidings of His love in giving His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by sending forth consecrated, self-denying brethren and sisters.

North Africa Journal has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers.

1920 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1920 - No. 140 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Almighty God
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier
    • From Boghni to Bougie
    • A Visit to Sifroo—Miss M. Mellett
    • Extracts from "Mr. Liley's Circular Letters"
    • The Late Dr. Gabrielle Breeze—E.H.G.
    • Rome in Tangier—Mr. A.J. Moore, B.A.
    • For the Children—Mrs. Short
    • New Workers on the Field (illustration)
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1920 - No. 141 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • With Fear and Trembling—George Goodman
    • "In Journeyings Oft"—Harvey Farmer
    • Two Months Spent at Cherchell—Miss Edith L. Goozee
    • Amar and His French Friend—Mrs. T.J. Warren
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H.Glenny
    • The Late Miss F. R. Brown—E.H.G.
    • For the Children—Miss E. Whitton
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1920 - No. 142 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Essential Unity—Harvey Farmer
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • First Experiences in Tangier—Dr. James A. Liley
    • New Workers—E.H.G.
    • "In Journeyings Oft"—Harvey Farmer
    • News from the Mission Field.
      • From Mons. E. Cuendet (Algiers)
      • Mr. S. Arthur (Mekla)
      • Miss A.M. Lackersteen (Tebessa)
      • Miss E. Degenkolw (Bougie)
    • For the Children—Mrs. Webb
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • July-Aug. 1920 - No. 143 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • God dwells with the Humble
    • Review of the Work of the N.A.M. (1919)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Current Notes
    • Cherchell Carpet Industry
    • Our Disabled Missionaries' Fund
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer..
  • Sept.-Oct. 1920 - No. 144 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Doing the Possible—Pastor E. Poole-Connor
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Jose Contreras—Mr. A.J.Moore, B.A.
    • Guided Steps—Mrs. Simpson
    • An Answered Prayer—Miss Jay
    • Visiting in Kabylia—Mrs. Ross
    • Small Things—Mr. E.E. Short
    • Report of N.A.M. Workers' Union—Miss Una Tighe
    • For the Children—Miss G.E. Petter
    • The late Pastor W.T. Float
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov-Dec. 1920 - No. 145 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • The Waiting Harvest—Rev. W.G. Ovens, M.A. LL.B.
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings—Harvey Farmer
    • Notes of an Address—Pastor E.L. Hamilton
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • My First Impressions of Tunis—Miss K.M. Gotelee
    • With Christ—Miss Jay
    • For the Children—Miss H. Kenworthy
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer

1921 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1921 - No. 146 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Encouragement for those labouring in hard places
    • News from the Mission Field.
      • From Miss Edith L. Goozee (Tetuan)
      • Miss Ethel Turner (Cherchell)
      • Mrs. Warren (Mekla)
      • Mr. Harold A. Underwood (Tunis)
    • New Workers—E.H.G.
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Obituary Notices
    • For the Children.—Mrs. Roberts
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1921 - No. 147 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Gospel of the Spirit—Pastor Wilton M. Marshall
    • How Si Tahar found Rest to his Soul—Mrs. A.V. Liley
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • An Itinerating Incident—Mr. A. Fallaize
    • By the Wayside in Tunisia—Mr. A.V. Liley
    • On the King's Business in Barbary—Harvey Farmer
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1921 - No. 148 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • For His Name's Sake—Prebendary H.E. Fox, M.A.
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • The Gospel in the T.M. Hospital, Tangier—Mr. A. Fallaize
    • Christmas Colportage in Tangier
    • Mr. Harvey Farmer's Retirement and Mr. E. Poole-Connor's Appointment—E.H.G.
    • New Workers—E.H.C.
    • Our Visit to Morocco—Mr. S.S. McCurry
    • For the Children—Mrs. Webb
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • July-Aug. 1921 - No. 149 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Vindicating God's Character—E.H.G.
    • The Story of the N.A.M. (1920)
    • Current Notes
    • Cherchell Carpet Industry
    • Our Disabled Missionaries' Fund
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Sept.-Oct. 1921 - No. 150 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • The Uplifted Saviour. Record By E. Poole-Connor
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—E.H.G.
    • A Word from Laraish—Miss E. K. Aldridge
    • Our Visit to Morocco—Mr. S.S. McCurry
    • Distributing Scriptures among Refugees—Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Itinerating in Morocco—Mr. A. Fallaize
    • A Visit to Tabarouth—Mr. A. Shorey
    • For the Children—Mrs. Ross
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov-Dec. 1921 - No. 151 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • "The Communion of the Holy Ghost"—Pastor H. Tydeman Chilvers
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings—E.P.-C.
    • Called Home—Miss Jay
    • To the Members of the N.A.M. Workers' Union
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—E.H.G.
    • A Visit to Tabarouth (continued)—Mr. A. Shorey
    • Extracts from a Circular Letter—Mrs. A.V. Liley
    • Reaping—Mr. C.C. Gabriel
    • Returning to Work—Miss Petter & Miss Gotelee
    • A Word from Mr. Poole-Connor
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer

1922 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1922 - No. 152 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Reasonableness of Faith in God
    • A False Messiah. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Tripoli in North Africa. By E.H.G.
    • A Morning in the Country. By Mr. H.A. Underwood
    • New Workers
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • An Outlook from a Hillside. By Mr. E.E. Short
    • For the Children. By Mrs. J.A. Liley
    • Missionary Equipment
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1922 - No. 153 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Indwelling Christ By S.S. McCurry
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By E.H.G.
    • The Waifs of Tangier By Mr. A. Fallaize
    • Mainly about Markets By Mr. S. Arthur
    • Impressions of North Africa By E. Poole-Connor
    • By the Wayside in Tunisia By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Early Days at Sfax By Miss L. Evans
    • The Late Miss A.M. Case By E.H.G.
    • The Late Miss A.H. Gill By E.H.G.
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1922 - No. 154 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Radiant Reflection By Harvey Farmer
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • An Operation in T.M. Hospital, Tangier By Dr. J.A. Liley
    • The Jebalies of Tripoli By Mr. W. Reid
    • New Workers By E.H.G.
    • "Doing Religion" By Miss K.M.E. Gotelee
    • The Late Miss A.L. Cox By E.H.G.
    • "Holding Forth the Word of Life" By Mrs. Webb
    • Impressions of North Africa By E. Poole-Connor
    • By the Wayside in Tunisia By Mr. E.E. Short
    • For the Children By Mrs. Shorey
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • July-August 1922 - No. 155 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Jehovah 's Servant not Discouraged By E.H.G.
    • A Review of the Work of the N.A.M. in Algeria and Morocco during 1921
    • General Cash Account
    • The Cherchell Carpet Industry
    • London to Edinburgh in Three Months by E. Poole-Connor
    • Current Notes
  • Sept.-Oct. 1922 - No. 156 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Against the Lord, and against His Christ" By E. Poole-Connor
    • A Review of the Work oft he N.A.M. in 1921 (Tunisia, Tripoli, Egypt)
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard's Diary
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • A Missionary Tour By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • The Late Mrs. Arthur By E.H.G.
    • The Late Madame Nicolle By E.H.G.
    • For the Children By Mrs. Ross
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov.-Dec. 1922 - No. 157 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "My Trust" 93 By Benjamin E. Greenwood
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings By E.P.-C.
    • Questions and How to Treat Them By Mr. E.E. Short
    • New Workers By E.H.G.
    • For the Children By Mrs. Webb
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer

1923 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1923 - No. 158 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Christ's Present and Prospective Work
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard's Diary
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Questions and How to Treat Them—Mr. E.E. Short
    • The Work of the B . and F. Bible Society in North Africa—E.H.G.
    • Preaching Through an Interpreter—E . Poole-Connor
    • The Late Mr. E.A Talbot
    • For the Children—Mrs E. Short
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1923 - No. 159 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Ye Shall be My Witnesses"—S.S. McCurry
    • Christmas Guests—Miss Jay
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard's Diary
    • New Workers—E.H.G.
    • The Late Mr. Harold Underwood—E.H.G.
    • Near a Volcano—E. Poole-Connor
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Scraps from New Workers
    • Filling the Gap—Mr. R. Stanley Miles
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1923 - No. 160 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Essential Equipment—Harvey Farmer
    • News from the Field. From:
      • Mrs. Roberts (Tangier)
      • Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan)
      • Miss L. Evans (Fez)
      • Mr. A.G. Willson (Mekla)
      • Mons. P. Nicolle (Cherchell)
    • My Fellow-Passenger—E. Poole-Connor
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • For the Children—Miss K. Gotelee
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • July-Aug. 1923 - No. 161 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Review of the Work of the N.A.M. during 1922—E. Poole-Connor
    • Morocco
    • Algeria
    • General Cash Account
    • Cherchell Carpet Industry
    • Tunisia
    • Tripoli and Egypt
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Current Notes
  • Sept.-Oct. 1923 - No. 162 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • A Devotional Meditation—E. Poole-Connor
    • Six Months' ltineration in Kabylia—Mr. S. Arthur
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • ltinerating in Morocco—Mr. A. Fallaize
    • Moroccan Towns—E. Poole-Connor
    • "Your Members as Instruments"
    • For the Children—Miss E. Higbid
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Nov-Dec. 1923 - No. 163 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Separation—Rev. Thomas Houghton
    • With Our Gospel-Car in Morocco—Mr. C.C. Gabriel
    • The Late Mr. J.A. Goadby—Edward H. Glenny
    • A Welcome Message from India—Harvey Farmer
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Dispensary Work in Tripoli—Mr. W. Reid
    • Old Work Done in a New Way—Mrs. J.A. Liley
    • New Workers—E.H.G.
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings—E. Poole-Connor
    • For the Children—Miss I. de la Camp
    • Obituary Notices—E.H.G.

1924 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1924 - No. 164 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Ambassadors for Christ"
    • News from the Field—From Miss Jay (Tangier); Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); Miss E.K. Aldridge (Laraish); Miss L.M. Fison (Azazga); Miss K. Gotelee (Tunis)
    • Moroccan Towns By E. Poole-Connor
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Concerning Hats and Hearts By Mr. E.E. Short
    • Notices of Books Home and Foreign Notes
  • March-April 1924 - No. 165 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Grace of Continuance By S.S. McCurry
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Notes from Log-Book of the N.A.M. Gospel Car
    • A New Worker By E.H.G.
    • Some Things as they are in Djemaa Sahridj By Miss E. Jennison
    • Dr. Mott and the N.A.M. By E. Poole-Conner
    • For the Children By Mr. A.E. Chatfield
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1924 - No. 166 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • With the King for His Work By arvey Farmer
    • Items of Interest
    • Moroccan Towns (Part III) By E. Poole-Connor
    • Notes from Log-Book of the N.A.M. Gospel Car
    • News from the Field. From: Miss. W. Ross (Tangier); Mrs. Ross (Algiers); Mrs. D. Oakley (Algiers)
    • For the Children By Mrs. Webb
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • July-August 1924 - No. 167 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Presence which brings Rest By Harvey Farmer
    • Lengthened Cords and Strengthened Stakes. A Review of 1923 51 By E. Poole-Connor
    • General Cash Account
    • Cherchell Carpet Industry From the Council Chamber
    • Three Years at the T.M. Hospital By Dr. James A. Liley
    • Straining and Swallowing By E.E. Short
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Sept.-Oct. 1924 - No. 168 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Christ's Work and His Witness By Edward H. Glenny
    • Saved By Miss Jay
    • The Cry of the Children By Miss K.S. Smith
    • Leaping Over a Wall By E. Poole-Connor
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard's Diary
    • A Tour in Kabylia By Mr. A. Shorey
    • Contrasts—but the Same Need By Mr. R. Stanley Miles
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov.-Dec. 1924 - No. 169 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Missionary Candidate and His Critics By Montague Goodman
    • The Lord's Messengers By Harvey Farmer
    • The Cry of the Children By Miss K . Smith
    • Notes from the Logbook of the N.A.M. Gospel Car
    • New Workers By H.F.
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings By E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Extracts from Miss Higbid's Diary
    • Current Notes

1925 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1925 - No. 170 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Earnest Contention for the Faith—R. Wright Hay
    • North Africa at our Doors
    • Taking the Gospel to Pantellaria—Miss K. Gotelee
    • Moroccan Towns—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • From Headquarters
    • In the Cafes of Tunis—Mr. E.E. Short
    • For the Children—Miss A.M . Browett
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1925 - No. 171 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Rejoice Evermore—S.S. McCurry
    • News from the Field
      • From Miss A.M. Browett (Tetuan)
      • Miss E. Jennison (Algiers)
      • Mr. E.E. Short (Tebessa)
    • Giving and Receiving—Harvey Farmer
    • At the Bible Depot, Tunis—Mr. A.V. Liley
    • A Visit to the Field—Harvey Farmer
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard's Diary
    • The late Mrs. F.T. Haig—E.H.G.
    • For the Children—Miss A.M. Browett
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1925 - No. 172 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "While God is God to me"—Henry Oakley
    • Returned from Furlough—Mrs. J.A. Liley
    • The Opening of the Kabyle Hall in Paris—Mr. T, Warren
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • Sugar-coated Pills—Mr. E.E. Short
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard's Diary
    • Scraps from Mons. Hocart's Notebook
    • The late Miss L. Colville—E.H.G.
    • For the Children By Miss K. Gotelee
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Topics for Praise and Prayer
  • July-Aug. 1925 - No. 173 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "We Faint Not"—Montague Goodman
    • Our Annual Report—
    • General Cash Account
    • Cherchell Carpet Industry
    • Nine Days' Tour in Kabylia—Mr. A. Shorey
    • ltinerating in Morocco and France
    • A New Chapter—Mrs. A.V. Liley
    • The Religion of a Moslem Woman—Mr. E.E. Short
    • Our May Meetings—Harvey Farmer
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Topics for Praise and Prayer
  • Sept.-Oct. 1925 - No. 174 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Our Only Hope—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • From the Secretary's Pen—Harvey Farmer
    • At the Bible Depot, Tunis—Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Impressions—Mr. I.E. Bowles
    • Sermons in Stones—Mr. E.E. Short
    • Obituary Notices—Edward H. Glenny
    • For the Children—Miss L. Evans
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov-Dec. 1925 - No. 175 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • He Goeth before Them—Rev. G.H . Lunn, M.A.
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • New Workers—Harvey Farmer
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • For the Children—Dr. James A. Liley
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer

1926 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1926 - No. 176 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Nevertheless at Thy Word I Will"—Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • A Miracle in Our Midst—Miss K. Johnston
    • Extracts from a Circular Letter—Miss Higbid & Miss Harman
    • Itinerating from Taza—Miss F. Marston
    • Round about Paris—Mr. T.J. Warren
    • The late Miss A.M. Browwett
    • For the Children—Mrs. F.M. Webb
    • A Prayer for Moslems (Hymn)—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1926 - No. 177 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "The Friend of God"—Harvey Farmer
    • A Sketch of the Life and Labours of the late Edward H. Glenny—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Made Great (Poetry)—R. Wright Hay
    • Memorial Service in Algiers—E.T. and K.J.
    • Opening of the New Hall at Djemâa Sahridj—Miss E.J. Cox
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • May-June 1926 - No. 178 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The World-wide Love of God—Pastor W. Fuller Gooch
    • From the Secretary's Pen—Mr. Harvey Farmer
    • News from the Field—
      • From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan)
      • Mr. S. Arthur (Azazga)
      • Mr. R.S. Miles (Sfax)
      • Mr. T.J. Warren (Paris)
    • Easter Convention at Heightside—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • For the Children—Miss G.E. Petter
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • July-Aug. 1920 - No. 179 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Thou art coming to a King"—Henry Oakley
    • Our Annual Report—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • General Cash Account
    • Our May Meetings
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • " Heavy Laden" and "Bitter of Soul"—Mrs. Short
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Topics for Praise and Prayer
  • Sept.-Oct. 1926 - No. 180 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Waiting upon God—Percy J. Smart
    • ltinerating in Kabylia—Mr. A. Shorey, Mr. R. Twaddle & Mr. C.R. Marsh
    • Visiting the Women in Kabylia—Miss L.M. Fison
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • Opening of New Hall at Casablanca—Mrs. Fisher
    • Recent Conventions
    • The late Miss M.L. Eason
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov-Dec. 1926 - No. 181 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Notes of an Address at Farewell Meeting—Rev. J. Russell Howden, B.D.
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • The Gospel in Pantellaria—Signor A. Finotto
    • Enemies of the Cross of Christ—R.S. Miles
    • New Workers
    • N.A.M. Convention at "Slavanka"
    • Settat—Mrs. E. Fisher
    • By the Wayside in Tunisia—Mr. A.V . Liley
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • A Hot Day in Tunis—Miss K. Gotelee
    • For the Children—Mrs. Padilla
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Topics for Praise and Prayer

1927 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1927 - No. 182 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • An Old Prayer for the New Year—Harvey Farmer
    • Thirty-four Years among the French in Algiers—Mme. E. Cuendet
    • Folks I have met To-day—Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • The Arabs of Algeria
    • Among the Mountains of Kabylia—Mr. S. Arthur
    • In the North of France—Mons. E . Blandenier
    • Mohammedanism (A Catechism)—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • The late Mrs. W. Reid
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1927 - No. 183 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Sword of the Spirit—S.S. McCurry
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • Among the Mountains of Kabylia—Mr. C.R. Marsh
    • Mohammedanism (A Catechism)—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • A New Worker
    • "Look on the Fields"
    • For the Children—Mrs. Fisher
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Topics for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1927 - No. 184 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Strong Tower—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • In and Around Algiers—Miss D. Oakley
    • Jilali—Miss Ethel Turner
    • Mohammedanism—An Elementary Catechism—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Scraps from Mons. Hocart's Note- Book
    • The Last Book—Mr. S. Arthur
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • Pious Phrases Perverted—Mr. E.E. Short
    • A Moslem Version of a Bible Story—Miss I. de la Camp
    • The late Mrs. Shorey of Bougie
    • For the Children—Miss K.M.E. Gotelee
  • 1927 Annual Report (dated July 1928) - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Report of the North Africa Mission, 1927
  • July-Aug. 1927 - No. 185 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Notes of Address at May Meeting—Pastor W.M. Robertson
    • "Faithful through another year"—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • A Young Enquirer—Señora Padilla
    • Easter Conference at "Heightside"
    • Our May Meetings
    • Notice of Book
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Sept.-Oct. 1927 - No. 186 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • The Hand upon the Helm—Henry Oakley
    • The General Secretary's Visit to America
    • First Days in the Enemy's Territory—Mr. C.R. Marsh
    • Meetings for Men at Cherchell—Miss Johnson and Miss Turner
    • A Visit to the Kerkennah Islands—Mr. R. Stanley Miles
    • A New Hall in Tunis
    • A Study in Contrasts—Miss C. Stuck
    • Opportunities at Kairouan—Mr. E.J. Long
    • An Elementary Catechism—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • The late Miss E. Vecchio
    • The Reopening of Bizerta—Signor A. Finotto
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Nov-Dec. 1927 - No. 187 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Witnessing unto Christ—Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • "Ask the Lord: tell His People"
    • Some New Recruits
    • Eight Weeks at Tripoli—Mrs Webb
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings
    • Among the mountains of Kabylia—a Native Evangelist
    • N.A.M. Convention at "Slavanka"
    • For the Children—Miss M.M. Glen
    • Home and Foreign News

1928 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1928 - No. 188 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Great God—Our Saviour—Hrvey Farmer
    • To our Friends and Helpers—the Acting Secretary
    • An Afternoon's Visiting in Tetuan—Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • Mohammedanism: An Elementary Catechism—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • A New Worker
    • Scraps from Monsieur Hocart's Note-Book
    • For the Children—Miss D. Oakley
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1928 - No. 189 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "But thou art rich"—Percy J. Smart
    • To our Friends and Helpers—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • News from the Field: From:
      • Mr. C.R. Marsh (Lafayette)
      • Mr. R.S. Miles (Sfax)
      • Miss G.E. Petter (Tunis)
      • Miss E.M. Tilney (Nabeul)
    • A New Worker
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1928 - No. 190 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Blessednesses of Forgiveness—Pastor John Wilmot
    • Winter at Michelet—Miss L.M. Fison
    • To our Friends and Helpers—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • New Workers
    • Mohammedanism: An Elementary Catechism—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Visiting the "Saints"—Mr. E.E . Short
    • For the Children—Miss K.M.E. Gotelee
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • July-Aug. 1928 - No. 191 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Lord Presenting Himself—Pastor R. Wright Hay
    • To our Friends and Helpers—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • The New Foyer in Paris—Mr. T.J. Warren
    • ltinerating under Difficulties—Mr. E.J. Long
    • A Journey in the Desert
    • Our May Meetings
    • Three Days in the Gabesian District—Mr. R.S. Miles
    • Visiting the "Saints" (continued)—Mr. E.E. Short
    • The Late Mrs. Leslie V. Robinson
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Sept.-Oct. 1928 - No. 192 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Apollos, A New Testament Witness—Rev. T. Houghton
    • To Our Friends and Helpers—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • News from the Field
      • From Miss Jay (Tangier)
      • Miss E.J.C. Cox (Djemaa Sahridj)
      • Signor A. Finotto (Bizerta)
    • A Journey in the Desert
    • Cross and Crescent in an Arab Mosque—Mr. E.J. Long
    • A Good Steward of the Grace of God—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Formation of a New Auxiliary
    • The N.A.M. Convention at "Slavanka"
    • For the Children—Mrs. Padilla
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Nov-Dec. 1928 - No. 193 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • The Throne—The Floods—The Testimonies—Rev. Louis C. Parkinson, M.A.
    • From the Secretary's Pen—Harvey Farmer
    • Among the Mountains of Kabylia
      • Mr. A. Shorey
      • Mr. C.R. Marsh
    • Our American Auxiliary—Harvey Farmer
    • New Workers—H.F.
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings—E.J. Poole-Connor
    • For the Children—Mrs. Fisher
    • Notice of Book
    • Home and Foreign Notes

1929 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1929 - No. 194 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The God of Peace and Purity By Harvey Farmer
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • To our Friends and Helpers By E.J. Poole-Connor
    • New Workers. By H.F.
    • A Few Facts about Work in Kabylia By Miss L.M. Fison
    • An Arab Wedding By Mrs. E.J. Long
    • A Country Visit in Morocco By Mrs. J.A. Liley
    • For the Children By Miss M.M. Glen
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1929 - No. 195 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Spiritual Apathy By S.S. McCurry
    • To Our Friends and Helpers
    • How Controversy should be Conducted
    • ltinerating in Western Tunisia By Mr. E.J. Long
    • The Religious Beggar By Mr. E.E. Short
    • Jottings from Mrs. Warren's Diary
    • The late Madame Gamati
    • Little Girls in North Africa (For the Children)
    • Home and Foreign ·Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • May-June 1929 - No. 196 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Grace that is Sufficient By Percy J. Smart
    • A Challenge and a Crisis By E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Evangelism in Morocco By Mr. C.C. Gabriel
    • Touring around Azazga By Mr. A. Shorey
    • Mohammedanism: An Elementary Catechism By E.J. Poole-Connor
    • Visiting the Women By Mrss D. Oakley
    • For the Children By Miss K. Gotelee
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
  • July-August 1929 - No. 197 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Notes of Address at May Meeting By E.W. Rogers
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • Kabyle Visits By Mrs. Ross
    • Our Annual Report
    • Easter with the Moslems By Mrs. Short
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Sept.-Oct. 1929 - No. 198 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Pledge and Privilege By E.J. Poole-Connor
    • From the Secretary's Pen
    • Preaching in Oases and Caves By Mr. R.S. Miles
    • The Slavanka Convention By Mr. E.J. Long
    • A Visit to the Aurès Mountains By Mr. Arthur and Mr. Gillott
    • New Workers For the Children By Miss E. Higbid
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • Nov.-Dec. 1929 - No. 199 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Motive and Method in Christian Service By Pastor John Wilmot
    • Welcome News from Cherchell
    • North Africans in the North of France By Mr. S. Arthur
    • Our Annual Farewell Gatherings By Mr. E.J. Long
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard 's Diary
    • For the Children By Miss D. Oakley
    • Notice of Book
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Prayer and Praise
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