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North Africa
The Monthly Record of the North Africa Mission
formerly called "Mission to the Kabyles and Other Berber Races"

1910 - 1919

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This Mission was formed in 1881 from a deep sense of the pressing spiritual needs of the Kabyles of Algeria, who with the rest of the Moslems of North Africa were quite unevangelised, and was then called the Kabyle Mission. In 1883 it was reorganised, and widened its sphere to the other Berber races. Since then, under the name of the North Africa Mission, it has step by step extended its work, establishing stations in various towns of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, and a branch mission in Northern Arabia.

It aims by the help of God to spread through the whole of North Africa and North. Arabia, amongst the Moslems, Jews, and Europeans, the glad tidings of His love in giving His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by sending forth consecrated, self-denying brethren and sisters.

North Africa Journal has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers.

1910 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1910 - No. 56 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Paul's Parting Charge
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Late Miss Day of Cherchell, Algeria
    • At Rest
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); From Dr. Churcher (Sfax)
    • Some Account of Recent Work done in the Tulloch Memorial Hoepital at Tangier
    • The Kabyles of Algeria 15 To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • February 1910 - No. 57 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Guidance. By M.E.S.W.
    • The Wealthy Place
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Conference of Kabyle Converts and Missionaries at Djemâa Sahridj, Algeria
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss E.K. Aldridge (Laraish); From Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); From Miss F.M. Harrald (Tripoli)
    • Extracts from the Report of a Native Evangelist
    • Old Rahma. By Miss Jennie Jay (Tangier)
    • The Kabyles of Algeria (Contd.)
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Helpers Union
  • March 1910 - No. 58 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "With Jesus, Now and for Ever." By W. Blair Neatby, M.A.
    • Jehovah Jireh
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A New- Mission Station among the Kabyles
    • The Work of Others
    • 40 N ew-s from the Mission Field—From Miss Jennie Jay (Tangier); From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); From Miss R.J. Marcusson (Bizerta)
    • The New Mission House at Shebin-el-Kom
    • Some Religious Aspects of the Turkish Revolution
    • The Opening of the New Spanish Church at Tangier
    • Notices of Books
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • April 1910 - No. 59 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Nothing to Pay. By Colonel G. Wingate, C.I.E.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Thanhsgiving for Temporal Supplies
    • Baptism at Susa
    • The Key-Stone
    • To the Members of the N.A.M. Workers' Union
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); From Miss C.S. Jennings (Laraish); From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); From Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax)
    • A Wedding Among the Riffs By Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan)
    • Some More Extracts from the Report of a Native Evangelist
    • Notice of Book
    • For the Children
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • May 1910 - No. 60 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Extracts frorn an Address by Colonel G. Wingate, C.I.E.
    • The Lord"s Work and the Lord's Supply
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Mrs. Isaacs (Tangier); From Mrs. O.E. Simpson (Casablanca); From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); From Mrs. H. Webb (Sfax); From Mr. W. Diekins (Alexandria)
    • Invitation to N.A.M. Meeting at the Mildmay Conference
    • The Need of New Workers for the Field
    • Cherchell Industrial Mission Carpet Industry
    • An Afternoon's Visiting in Laraish
    • Notice of Book
    • A Jewish Wedding at Tangier
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Mernbers of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • June 1910 - No. 61 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Jehovah Nissi
    • N.A.M. Meeting at the Mildmay Conference
    • Morocco—Tangier, Spanish Work; Fez; Tetuan; Casablanca; Laraish
    • Algeria—Djemáa Sahridj; Constantine
    • General Cash Account—Cherchell; Algiers; Tebessa
    • The Regency of Tunis—Tunis; Italian Work; Susa; Kairouan; Sfax; Bizerta
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Shebin-el-Kom
    • Home Department
    • Current Notes
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • July 1910 - No. 62 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "I Change Not"
    • The Need of Self-Sacrifice for the Advancernent of the Work of God
    • News from the Mission Field—Frorn Mrs. A.A. Isaacs (Tangier); Frorn Miss Jay (Tangier); Frorn Mr. A.J. Moore (Tangier); Frorn Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); Frorn Mr. D. Roes (Djernaa Sahridj); Frorn Miss A.M. Case and Miss Benzahine (Tunis); Frorn Mrs. Churcher (Sfax)
    • Another Baptisrn at Susa
    • Saved, yet so as by Fire
    • "The Religion of the Future" and Missions
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Mernbers of the Prayer and Worhers' Union
  • August-Sept. 1910 - No. 63 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Late Dr. Grattan Guinness
    • The Late·Mr. Alfred Chapman
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Wilson (Tangier); From Miss C.S. Jennings (Arzila)
    • Italian Work at Tunis
    • Baptism of a Syrian Convert
    • The World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh
    • The Barrel of Meal
    • Algeria Re-visited
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Needs of the Women's Hospital, Tangier
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union .
  • October 1910 - No. 64 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Consider Thyself
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Miss De la Carnp (Fez); From Miss Ethel Turner (Cherchell)
    • How Sorne People Help
    • Extracts frorn the Report of a Native Evangelist
    • ltinerating in Kabylia
    • Lantern Work Among Mohamrnedans and Jews
    • Further Development at Shebin-el-Kom
    • Algeria Re-visited (II.)
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Notices of .Books
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • November 1910 - No. 65 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Testimony of Two Converts from Islam
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. A.A. Isaacs (Tangier); From Miss M. Mellett (Fez); From Mr. A. Shorey (Algier); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj)
    • Our Annual Fare-well Meetings
    • A Visit to the Mines (Tunisia)
    • The Law of Harvest
    • Extracts from the Report of a Native Evangelist
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Notices of Books
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • December 1910 - No. 66 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Lest the Cross of Christ should be Made of None Effect." By Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. A.C. Isaacs (Tangier}; From Mr. A. Shorey (Algiers); From Miss L. Read (Cherchell); From Mr. W. Diekins (Alexandria)
    • Missions and Ritualistic Criticism. By Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D.
    • "The Battle is not Yours, but God's"
    • Marabouts
    • An Artisan Evangelist at Cherchell
    • Notices of Books
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union

1911 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1911 - No. 67 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Urgency of Christ's Commission
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan);From Miss J. Cox and Miss K. Smith (Djemaa Sahridj); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • Loving Kindness and Truth
    • A Night with Dervishes in Algeria
    • The Missionary, the Bible and the Mohammedan
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • February 1911 - No. 68 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Gardener or Carpenter
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Miss Jay (Tangier)
    • Frorn Mrs. O.E. Sirnpson (Tangier); Frorn Mrs. A.C. Isaacs (Tangier); Frorn Miss A.M. Hubbard (Tetuan); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); Frorn Miss H. Kenworthy (Tunis); Frorn Mr. W. Reid (Tripoli)
    • God's Bountifulness
    • "Ye Have Need of Patience"
    • A New Native Evangelist at Alexandria
    • Notes and Extracts
    • "The Throstle"s Mission" (Poetry)
    • To the Mernbers of the Prayer and Workers" Union
  • March 1911 - No. 69 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Covert from the Ternpest. By W. Blair Neath, M.A.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. A.J. Moore, B.A. (Tangier); From Miss M.L. Eason (Tetuan); From Miss N. Webb (Constantine); From Mr. D.G. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj)
    • " Have Fai1h in God"
    • In the Synagogue at Bizerta
    • Fruit After Many Days
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • April 1911 - No. 70 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Need for God - Prepared Missionaries in North Africa
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); From Mr E.E. Short (Kairouan)
    • The Late Mr. William T. Bolton
    • The Visit to the Mission Field of the Organising Secretary, Mr. E.A. Talbot
    • To the Members of the N A.M. Workers' Union
    • How it Strikes a Stranger
    • A Moslem Funeral. By Mr. E.E. Short
    • Famine in Southern Morocco
    • Notice of Book
    • A Missionary Tour in the Sahara. By Mr. A. Shorey
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • May 1911 - No. 71 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Living God
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. A.C. Isaacs (Tangier); From Mr. A.J. Moore (Tangier); From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); From Miss C.S. Jennings (Arzila); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • The Late Mr. D.G. Ross
    • Political Unrest and Fighting in Morocco
    • Mafuddla—An Unfinished Story
    • A Missionary Tour in the Sahara. By Mr. A. Shorey
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • June 1911 - No. 72 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Current Notes—New from Fez
    • The Annual Report
    • Morocco—Tangier; Casablanca; Tetuan; Arzila; Laraaish; Fez
    • Algeria—Djemâa Sahridj; Constantine; Cherchell; Algiers; Tebessa
    • The Regency of Tunis—Italian Work; Susa; Sfax; Bizerta; Kairouan
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Shebin-el-Kom
    • Home Department
  • July 1911 - No. 73 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Believer's Completeness in Christ. By Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); From Mr. T.J. Warren (Tangier); From Miss A.L. Cox (of Tebessa)
    • A Missionary Tour in the Sahara. By Mr. A. Shorey
    • The Troubles in Morocco
    • With our Home Helpers and Workers
    • Our Monthly Prayer Meeting
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • August-Sept. 1911 - No. 74 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Witness-Bearing. By David Baron
    • A Busy Weeh in Southern Tunisia. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • How the Clinic was Built at Shebin-el-Kom. By Mr. W.T. Fairrnan
    • The Baptism of Ten Converts (Italian) at Tunis
    • Preaching and Healing in the Desert. By Dr. T.G. Churcher
    • Patients in Tetuan
    • Extract from Letter from Mr. Simpson
    • With our Home Helpers and Workers
    • Our Monthly Prayer Meeting
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • October 1911 - No. 75 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Pilgrimage
    • The Late Dr. Henry Soltau
    • Our Outgoing Missionaries (D.V.) October, 1911
    • A Contrast
    • Light and Shadow
    • Baptisms at TunisA Letter from Djemâa Sahridj
    • A Peep into the Prisons of Tangier
    • Notices of Books
    • With our Home Helpers and Workers
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Members of the Prayer and Workers' Union
  • November 1911 - No. 76 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Lord Before—Behind—Round About His People, By Rev. William Houghton
    • Entire Dependence on God
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings
    • Among the Fellaheen. By Mr. W. Dickins
    • "In Season, Out of Season"
    • "Fruit unto Perfection"
    • Extracts from the Report of a Native Evangelist
    • Description of Tripoli City
    • At the Jews' Cemetery. T etuan. By Miss M. Eason
    • Notices of Books
    • Matters of the Moment
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • December 1911 - No. 77 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "He Ever Liveth to Make Intercession." By Pastor Jarnoe Stephens, M.A.
    • Digging the Ditches
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Jay (Tangier); From. Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); From Miss C.S. Je nnings (Arzila); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • An Address by Colonel Wingate
    • Healing for Soul and Body From the Organising Secretary's Letter Basket
    • Notices of Books
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer

1912 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1912 - No. 78 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Manner of Man—The Manner of God. · By M.E.S.W.
    • The King's Encampment
    • Hitherto—Herein—Henceforth. By Mr. Edward A. Talbot
    • Itinerating Among the Mountains of Kabylia. By Mons. E. Cuendet
    • Contrasts. By Miss A. Cox
    • A Day to be Remembered. By Miss E. Cragg
    • A Visit to Fez. By Mr. O.E. Simpson
    • Bible Talks in Tunis. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Our Helpers' Page
    • Notices of Books
    • Current Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • February 1912 - No. 79 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Place of Broad Rivers and Streams." By Rev. J. Rutherfurd, M.A., B.D.
    • The Believer's Prospect
    • News from. the Mission Field—From. Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); From. Miss M. Knight (Tetuan); From Miss J. Cox and Miss K. Smith (Djemâa Sahridj)
    • A Word of Greeting from Fez
    • Ramadan. By Mr. E.E. Short
    • A Short Tour in Kabylia, By Mr. A. Shorey
    • Our Work in Tripoli
    • For the Children
    • Notices of Books
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • March 1912 - No. 80 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Great Possessions. By W. Blair Neatby, M.A.
    • The Riches of Liberality
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); From Mrs Warr,on (Djemâa Sahridj); From Miss L. E.. Roberts (Tunis)
    • The New Islam. By Colonel Wingate
    • Slaves in Morocco. By Miss I. De La Camp
    • At Raisuli's Headquarters
    • The Devices of Loving Hearts
    • For the Children
    • Evangelising Among Tent-dwellers
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • April 1912 - No. 81 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Dorninant Fact
    • News frorn the Mission Field—Frorn Miss E.H. Aldridge (Laraish); Frorn Mrs. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj); Frorn Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); Frorn Mr. E.E.. Short (Kairouan); Frorn Mr. W.T. Fairman (Shebin-el-Korn)
    • The Late Mrs. A.V. Liley
    • Putting God First
    • Wilderness Experiences
    • "Great Waters"—"Deliverance"
    • The Claims of the Moslem World
    • For the Children
    • Horne and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • May 1912 - No. 82 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Purses Which Wax Not Old." By Pastor the James Stephens, M.A.
    • Who Will Go for Us?
    • Resignation of the General Secretary
    • A Week of Prayer for North Africa
    • Jotting from Cherchell
    • Moknes: A Deserted Mission Station
    • A Colporteur's Experiences in Morocco
    • Some Missionary Churches
    • The Cherchell Carpet lndustry
    • Our Deputation Work
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • June 1912 - No. 83 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "I Shall Not Want." By Jarnes H. McConkey
    • Mission Work frorn Two Points of View
    • "His Mercy Endureth for Ever."
    • Marabouts and Flags
    • The Disturbances at Fez
    • With the Book in Morocco
    • The Work of Others in North Africa
    • Was Moharnrnedanism a New Religion or a Development of Apostasy?
    • Frorn Our Letter Baskets
    • For the Children
    • Horne and Foreign Note
    • Request for Praise and Prayer
  • July 1912 - No. 84 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Thou Art with Me."
    • News fro:rn the Mission Field—From Mrs. Rose (Djernaa Sahridj); From Mr. A. Shorey (Algiers); From Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • Attracting Moslems at Shebin-el-Kom. By Mr. W.T. Fairman
    • How Disease is Spread in Tunisia
    • Lessons frorn the Loss of the "Titanic." By Philip Mauro
    • News from Fez
    • Notes frorn Ireland
    • Fez. By Miss I.C. de la Carnp
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Roberta, Tangier
    • Horne and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • August-Sept. 1912 - No. 85 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Christ's Prayer for Unity. By Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
    • Supplies and Needs
    • "A New Thing." By Miss Ethel Turner (Cherchell)
    • The Late Mr. J. E. Mathieson
    • The Late Pastor J.W. Harrald
    • "A Good Warfare"
    • Impressions of Cherchell
    • Visiting in Alexandria. By Miss J.E. Ear
    • "In the Hand of God"
    • Fez. By Miss I.C. de la Camp (Part II.)
    • Deputation Notes
    • For the Children. By Miss F.M. Harrald
    • Horne and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • October 1912 - No. 86 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Return of Christ
    • Jottings frorn Tetuan, By Miss A. Bolton and Miss M. Knight
    • A Native Bible Reader. By Miss Jay
    • Moslem Prejudice against Christian Doctrine. By Mr. Evan E. Short
    • The Needs of our Medical Missions
    • The Special Clairns of North Africa A Sad Story. By a Moslem Writer
    • The Spaniards of Morocco. By Mr. A.J. Moore, B.A.
    • For the Children. By Miss M.L. Eason
    • Wattville Street, Birrningham
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • November 1912 - No. 87 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Knowledge of God
    • Notes of an Address at the N.A.M. Annual Meeting. By Pastor E.L. Hamilton of Bristol
    • Kabyle Sketches. By Mr. T.J. Warren
    • The Goodness of the Lord
    • The Late Miss Lydia Greathead
    • Returning to North Africa
    • A Native Wedding at Algiers By Mr. A. Shorey
    • The Spaniards of Morocco. By Mr. A.J. Moore, B.A.
    • The Soldier and the Loaf. By Miss B.G. Vining
    • Visiting North Africa
    • For the Children. By Miss L.E. Roberts
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • December 1912 - No. 88 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "He is Lord of All." By Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • The Story of a Stray Leaf. By Mr. T.J. Warren
    • "He Careth for You"
    • Cripples Walking
    • To the Members of the N.A.M. Workers' Union
    • A Willing Shepherd—G. Fred Bergin
    • Visiting the Villages
    • Home Organisation Notes
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer

1913 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • A Review of 1911 and 1912 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our Lord's Commission and Ours
    • Morocco—Tangier, Spanish Work; Fez; Tetuan; Casablanca; Laraish and Arzila
    • Algeria—Djemaa Sahridj; Cherchell; Algiers; Tebessa
    • Tunisia—Tunis; Kairouan; Sfax; Bizerta
    • Tripoli, 1911-12—Tripoli City
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Shebim-El-Kom
    • The Cherchell Carpet Industry, 1912

    January 1913 - No. 89 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • God's Delight. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Past Experiences and Future Plans
    • Past—Present—Future
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); Miss L. Read (Cherchell); Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); Miss M. Thomassen {Alexandria)
    • Dispensary Work at Tetuan
    • Sketches from the Home Base
    • Mohammedanism in the Sudan
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • February 1913 - No. 90 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Mountain and Sea. By. W. Blair Neatby, M.A.
    • God Does not Fail His Servants
    • Evangelisation in Egypt. By Mr. W. Dickins
    • A Blood-Feud in the Riff
    • Fez
    • Back Again at Arzila. By Miss C.S. Jennings
    • The Stream and the Source
    • Sketches from the Home Base
    • Medical and other Notes
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • March 1913 - No. 91 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Hot Bread" By M.E.S.W.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); Miss E. K. Aldridge (Laraish); Miss J. Cox and Miss K. Smith (Djemaa Sahridj); Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); Dr. T.G. Churcher (Sfax )
    • Sketch Notes of Service among the Poor of Arzil a. By Miss C. S. Jennings
    • Rahemu, the Lame Girl
    • Visiting the Villages in Upper Egypt. By Mrs. W. Dickins
    • A Moslem Cemetery. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Bible Translation and Circulation in North Africa
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • April 1913 - No. 92 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Sinless One Made Sin. By MiIton H. Marshall
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss M. Eason (Casablanca); Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); Mr. E.E. Sllort (Kairouan)
    • The Silver and the Gold
    • Abundantly Satisfied with His Goodness
    • To the Members of the N.A.M. Workers' Union
    • Missionary Statistics
    • Sketches from the Home Base
    • Negroes in Tunis. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • For the ChiIdren
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • May 1913 - No. 93 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "To Me to Live is Christ." By John Rutherford, M.A., B.D.
    • Our Week of Prayer
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); Miss May (Tangier); Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); Miss L. Read (Cherchell); Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • The Livingstone Centenary. By E.A.T.
    • "The Old Paths." By E.H.G.
    • The Secret of Missionary Interest. By E.A. Talbot
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Warren
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • June 1913 - No. 94 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Need of a Sense of Need. By E.H G.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); Miss M. Mellett (Fez); Miss M . Eason (Casablanca); Miss L.E. Roberts (Tunis)
    • The Week of Prayer and After
    • A Conference of Missionaries and Native Christians at Tazmalt
    • A Morning at the Sfax Medical Mission. By Mrs. Churcher
    • The Work of Others in North Africa. By Edward A. Talbot
    • Women Converts Baptised at Djemaa Sahridj
    • Matters of the Moment. By the Organising Secretary
    • For the Children. A Wonderful Box. By Miss Annie M. Liley
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • July 1913 - No. 95 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Door of Hope. By Pastor E. Poole-Connor
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. G. Hubbard (Tetuan) 99 Mr. E. E. Short (Kairouan); Miss F. M. Harrald (Tripoli); Mrs. W.T. Fairman (Shebin-el-Kom)
    • Furloughs and Finance
    • Baptism of Italian Converts at Tunis
    • Special Meetings at Djemaa Sahridj
    • Up-to-date Travelling in Kabylia
    • Seventeen Years in Egypt
    • After the War. By the Rev. W.R.W. Gardner
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Ross
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • August-Sept. 1913 - No. 96 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Prophetic Inspiration. By Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); Mrs. W.T. Fairman (Shebin-el-Kom)
    • Holiday Finance
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier
    • "The Old Paths" (continued)
    • Rahemu
    • A Moslem Saint. By Miss Hubbard
    • The Southern Morocco Mission
    • Items from our Letter Baskets
    • The British and Foreign Bible Society's Work in North Africa
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children. By Mrs. E.E. Short
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • October 1913 - No. 97 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Getting Back to the Source. By E.H.G.
    • From Tangier to Fez and Back. By Mr. O.E. Simpson
    • Baptism at Djemaa Sahridj
    • Holidays and Hardships
    • The Parting of the Ways. By G.W.
    • China and the Gospel. By E.H.G.
    • The Waning Power of "My Lord Ramadan." By E.E. Short
    • The Orphan Homes of Bristol
    • The Power of Medical Mission Work
    • For the Children. By Miss Jay
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • November 1913 - No. 98 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Missionary's Exemplar. By Pastor W. Fuller Gooch
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss C.S Jennings (Arzila); Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); Mons. E. Cuendet (Algiers)
    • The N.A.M. Conference at Gloucester
    • Little Faith--A Slack Giver
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings
    • From the Organising Secretary's Desk
    • The late Professor James Orr, D.D.
    • Notice of Book
    • For the Children. By Blanche G. Vining
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • December 1913 - No. 99 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our Christian Warfare - Its Methods and Its Objective. By Mr. Frank W. Challis, M.A.
    • "My Grace is Sufficient for Thee"
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. A.J. Moore, B.A., Tangier; Miss E.K. Aldridge (Laraish); Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan)
    • Happy Memories of Keswick—Gloucester. London. By a Missionary on Furlough
    • Points of Contact or of Contrast. By Rev. C. Stanley G. Mylrea
    • A Native Christian's Letter
    • Along Our Helpers
    • For the Children. By Mrs. T.J. Warren
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer

1914 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1914 - No. 100 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Absolute Authority of our Lord's Words
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Chapman, Tangier; From Miss Jay (Tangier); Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • Ways and Means
    • A Happy New Year. By E.E. Short
    • Sunday in a Missionary's Life. By Mrs. Ross
    • The Unreached South of Tunisia
    • An Appreciation. By A.G.W.
    • A Stock of Good Works. By E.E. Short
    • Notes by the Organising Secretary
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children. By Miss G.E. Petter
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • February 1914 - No. 101 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "If the Lord Deli ght in Us." By Pastor James Stephens, M.A.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); Mr. A. Shorey (Algiers); Miss F.M. Harrald (Tripoli)
    • A Call to Patient Continuance
    • From a Traveller's Journal
    • Changes in Tetuan. By Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • A Conference at Cairo
    • Gleanings from Various Sources
    • From Our Home Helpers' Correspondence
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children. By Miss R.J. Marcusson
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • March 1914 - No. 102 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The All-Sufficient God. By E.H.G.
    • The late Mr. O.E. Simpson (of Tangier). By E.H.G.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); Mons. E. Cuendet (Algiers); Miss Jay (Tangier); Mr. A. Shorey (Algiers); Mr. E. E. Short (Kairouan)
    • The Cost of Evangelising North Africa
    • Encouraging Words from Tunis. By Miss A.M. Case
    • The Coin that did not Ring
    • The Blackheath Missionary Helpers' Band. By E.A.T.
    • Here and There
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • April 1914 - No. 103 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • An Equation of Love. By W. Blair Neatby, M.A.
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Aiweesha. By Miss Jay
    • A New Worker
    • To the Members of the N.A.M. Workers' Union
    • "Look on the Fields." Algeria. By E.H.G.
    • Armando, By Miss A.M. Case
    • Visiting in Tripoli. By Miss F.M. Harrald
    • The Profession and Practice of Begging, By Mr. E.E. Short
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard's Journal
    • Meetings and Auxiliaries
    • Notice of Book
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • May 1914 - No. 104 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Unsearchable Riches of Christ. By John Rutherturd , M.A., B.D.
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission. By Edward H. Glenny
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss C. S. Jennings (Arzila); Mr. A.J. Moore, M.A. (Spanish Work); Miss E.K. Aldridge (Laraish); Miss A.M. Case (Italian Work); Mrs. E.E. Short (Kairouan)
    • "Look on the Fields." Morocco. By E.H.G.
    • From Tunis to the Country of the Troglodytes by Motor. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Notes from Scotland
    • God Knows—Loves—Cares
    • For the Children
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • June 1914 - No. 105 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "And they Remembered His Words," By Pastor E. Poole-Connor
    • Our Heavy Losses at Tangier
    • The Late Dr. George Wilson
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission, By Edward H. Glenny
    • The Missionary on the Field. By E.E. Short
    • The Recognition of Tangier
    • Further Scottish Notes
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Short
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • July 1914 - No. 106 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Word of the Lord. By Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); Mr. A. Shorey (Algiers); Mrs. Warren (Djemaa Sahridj); Miss A.M. Case (ltalian Work)
    • The Late Miss Blanche Vining. By E.H.G.
    • Twenty-two Years in North Africa. An Interview with Mr. Herbert E. Webb
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard's Journal
    • A Contrast. By Mrs. Ross
    • For the Children. By Mrs. H.E. Webb
    • A Home and Foreign Notes
    • Scene Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • August-Sept. 1914 - No. 107 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Message Fully Proclaimed. By Pastor Milton H. Marshall
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan); Miss K. Smith (Djemaa Sahridj); Miss E. Turner (Cherchel); Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis)
    • The Cash Account for 1913
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • An Answer to Lord Headley
    • A Colporteur's Experiences in Morocco
    • Moslem Teaching about the Lord's Return
    • A Sheikh's Testimony to Christ
    • For the Children. By Miss F.R. Brown
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • October 1914 - No. 108 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus Our Lord. By John Rutherfurd, M.A., B.D.
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The War as it Affects the Mission. By Pastor F.E. Marsh
    • Christian Marriage in Kabylia. By Miss J. Cox and Miss K. Smith
    • Extracts from Miss Knight's Diary
    • Notes from Tangier
    • "This Grace Also"
    • Our Friends in Heaven
    • Notes by the Organising Secretary
    • For the Children. By Miss Harrald
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov.-Dec. 1914 - No. 109 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Need of the Hour. By Pastor F.E. Marsh
    • A New Mission Station
    • "Sent away Paul" ... "Paul Waited'' ... "PauI Stood"
    • A Kabyle Convert and his Family
    • Jottings from CherchelI
    • The Falling Asleep of Mrs. Eccles
    • The Outlook
    • Teaching—Preaching—Healing. By Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • Illustrations from the Field. By F.E.M.
    • "Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right?"
    • For the Children. By Mr. Sydney Arthur
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer

1915 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • A Review of 1913 and 1914

    • God's Goodness to who cry to the Repentant Him.
    • The Years 1913 and 1914
    • The Cash Statement of the Mission
    • Morocco—Tangier; Spanish Work; Fez; Tetuan;
    • Spanish Work; Casablanca; Laraish & Arzila
    • Algeria—Djemaa Sahridj; Cherchill; Algiers; Tebessa; Boghni
    • Tunisia—Tunis; Italian Work; Kairouan; Sfax; Bizerta
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Shebin-el-Kom
    • Current Notes
    • Cherchell Carpet Industry, 1913-1914
    • Four Little Booklets
  • Jan.-Feb. 1915 - No. 110 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "The things which happened unto me." By Pastor J. Stephens, M.A.
    • The Up-Look. By F.E.M.
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Present Developments at Shebinel- Kom. By Rev. W.T. Fairman
    • Beginnings at Boghni
    • Bible Studies on the Great Words of Scripture. By Pastor F.E. Marsh
    • A Refuge of Lies
    • Voices from the Field and the Word. By F.E. Marsh
    • "Helpers Together." By the Organising Secretary
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Roberts
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1915 - No. 111 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Devotedness. By Geo. Goodman
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Aggressive Work in Spite of War. By E.H.G.
    • The Open Hand. By F.E.M.
    • Extracts from Miss Hubbard 's Journal
    • A Note of Praise from Alexandria
    • "Letting down the Nets"
    • Bible Studies on the Great Words of Scripture. By Pastor F.E. Marsh
    • Notices of Books
    • Practical Sympathy
    • For the Children. By Miss A.MI. Case
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1915 - No. 112 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Holy War. By Edward H. Glenny
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • After Death. By Mr. E.E. Short
    • From a Missionary's Post Bag
    • Changing Customs but Deep-rooted Superstitions
    • The Late Pastor Frank White. By E.H.G.
    • To the Members of the Workers ' Union
    • Bible Studies on the Great Words of Scripture. By Pastor F.E. Mars 44 For the Children. By Miss K. Johnston
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • July-August 1915 - No. 113 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Cease from Man. By Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); Mr. A. Shorey (Boghni); Miss K. Smith (Djemaa Sahridj); Mr. S. Arthur (Djemaa Sahridj); Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • "Stand, therefore.'' By Mr. E.E . Short
    • Dr. and Mrs. Churcher
    • The Late Mrs. Webb
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Dickins
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Sept.-Oct. 1915 - No. 114 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The End of the Lord. By Pastor F. E. Marsh
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Jay (Tangier); Miss A.G.
    • Hubbard (Tetuan); Mr. T.J. Warren (Djemaa Sahridj); Miss Marcusson (Bizerta)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Moslem Women. By Mrs. Chnrcher
    • Bible Studies oh the Great Words of Scripture. By Pastor F.E. Marsh
    • Ramadan in 1915.
    • A For the Children. By Miss F.M. Harrald
    • Scene Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov.-Dec. 1915 - No. 115 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Way of the Wilderness. By Pastor E. Poole-Connor
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); Miss K. Johnston (Cherchell); Mr. A. Shorey (Boghni); Mr. H.E. Webb (Tunis); Mrs. Short (Kairouan)
    • The Annual Farewell Meetings
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • New and Valuable Tracts for Moslems
    • The Day of His Care. By Pastor F.E. Marsh
    • For the Children. By Miss F.R. Brown
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer


1917 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1917 - No. 122 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Concentration
    • "Little Zahara." By Miss Jay
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Journal Jottings. By Miss Jennings
    • The Moslem Feast of Sacrifice. By Mr. W.T. Fairman
    • The Place of Jesus in the Religion of Mohammed. By Mr. E.E. Short
    • The late Mr. William Summers. By E.H.G.
    • For the Children. By Miss F.R. Brown
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1917 - No. 123 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Spiritual Discernment. By George Goodman
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. A.J. Moore (Tangier); Miss M. Knight (Tetuan); Mr. E.E. Short (Kairouan); Mr. H.E. Webb (Sfax)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • A Kabyle Soldier's Baptism in Paris. By Pastor H.S. Anderson
    • "Recompensed." By Miss J . Cox & Miss K Smith
    • The Place of Jesus in the Religion of Mohammed. By Mr. E.E. Short
    • A Day of Repentance and Prayer Bible Studies on the Great Words of Scripture. By Pastor F.E. Marsh
    • For the Children. Mrs. Roberts
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1917 - No. 124 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Discipline
    • Review of the Work of the N.A.M. (1916)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Our Italian Soldiers
    • The Workers' Union
    • By the Wayside in Tunisia. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Extract of a Letter by a Convert from Islam
    • Labouring in the Gospel at Tangier
    • On the Mountain-side
    • "Islam's Sway"
    • Men and Markets
    • For the Children Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • July-August 1917 - No. 125 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Harvest and the Harvest Lord. By Pastor E . Poole-Connor
    • Review of the Work of the N.A.M. (1916)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Itinerating in Algeria. By Mons. P. Nicolle
    • Midsummer Celebrations. By Miss I. de la Camp
    • General Cash Account
    • The Cherchell Carpet Industry
    • The Cash Statement of the Mission
    • The First Kabyle Bible School. By Mr. T.J. Warren
    • The Last Journey to Kairouan
    • The late Mrs. George Pearse
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Ross
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Sept.-Oct. 1917 - No. 126 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Godly Man's Description and Distinction. By Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
    • Review of the Work of the N.A.M. during 1916 (Part III)
    • "A Sunday in Casablanca." By Miss. C.S. Jennings
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Channels of Supply
    • Visiting Old and New Scenes. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Notices of Books
    • For the Children. By Miss F.M. Harrald
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov.-Dec. 1917 - No. 127 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Whatsoever." By Pastor F.E. Marsh
    • Our Annual Meetings. By Mr. Harvey Farmer
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • The Houssas of Tunisia. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • The Pig and the Scarecrow. By Mrs. E.E. Short
    • A Grave Menace to Missionary Work For the Children. By Mr. Sydney Arthur
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer

1918 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1918 - No. 128 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Life and Fellowship
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Bible School Work in Kabylia. By Mr. T.J. Warren
    • Notes from Laraish. By Miss E.K. Aldridge
    • "Our God is marching on." By Miss J. Cox & Miss K. Smith
    • Villages Visited and Unvisited!
    • Olga and Bianca
    • The Bible in Morocco
    • For the Children: By Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April 1918 - No. 129 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our Lord's Acceptance of our Service. By Geo. Goodman
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. A. Shorey (Boghni); Mr. A.V. Liley (Tunis); Mr. E.E. Short (Karouan); Mr. W. Reid (Tripoli)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Baptisms at Cherchell. By Miss K. Johnston & Miss E. Turner
    • Among Moslems & Sailors in Tunis. By Mr. A.V. Liley
    • To Stir up your Pure Minds by way of remembrance. By Harvey Farmer
    • For the Children. By Miss A.H. Gill
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • May-June 1918 - No. 130 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Effectual Prayer. By Harvey Farmer
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • News from the Mission Field—From Miss Jay (Tangier); Mrs. Roberts (Tangier); Mrs. Ross (Djemaa Sahridj)
    • The Spaniards and "Carnival." By Mr. A.J. Moore, B.A.
    • Arabiya and Abdalla. By Mr. W. Reid
    • The "Cast-offs." By Mrs. Short
    • Some Shereefs in Tetuan. By Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • For the Children. By Miss F.R. Brown
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • July-August 1918 - No. 131 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Happy Service
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Review of the Work of the N.A.M. (1917)
    • The late Mrs. Fallaize
    • The Cherchell Carpet Industry
    • Some Shereefs in Tetuan. By Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • "In the Market Daily." By Mr. E.E. Short
    • Current Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Sept.-Oct. 1918 - No. 132 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Ground of Intercession. By Pastor E. Poole-Connor
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • Colportage in Algeria. By Mons. P. Nicolle
    • A Visit to a Koranic Training College. By Mr. S. Arthur
    • Notice of Book
    • Report of N.A.M. Workers' Union. By Miss Una Tighe
    • For the Children. By Mrs. Roberts
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov.-Dec. 1918 - No. 133 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Burden of Allotment. By Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M. By Edward H. Glenny
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mr. Moore (Tangier); Miss Aldridge (Laraish); Mr. Short (Kairouan)
    • The Autumnal Meetings. By Mr. Harvey Farmer
    • Snapshots of a Native Convert. By a Missionary
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer

1919 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • Jan.-Feb. 1919 - No. 134 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Obedience
    • News from the Mission Field—From Mrs. Shor ey (Boghni) Mr. W.T. Fairman (Shehin-el-Kom)
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • By the Wayside in Tunisia—Mr. A.V. Lilley
    • Obituary Notices
    • For the Children—Mrs. Ross
    • The Man Who Kept His Back Turned—Mr. E.E. Short
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • March-April. 1919 - No. 135 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Go in this thy might"—George Goodman
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Sowing the Seed in Algeria
    • Presentation to Mr. Edward H. Glenny
    • Work in Tripoli—Mr. W. Reid
    • Extracts from a Circular Letter—Miss S.H. Jennings
    • New Workers
    • For the Children—Mrs. Webb
    • Home and Foreign Notes
  • May-June 1919 - No. 136 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • A Holy Ambition—Harvey Farmer
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Industrial Work at Djemâa Sahridj—Mr. T.J. Warren
    • The late Mr. Herbert E. Webb
    • For the Children—Miss G.E. Petter
    • Scraps from Mr. Short's Diary
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • July-Aug. 1919 - No. 137 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • Christ, Despised and Rejected
    • Review of the Work of the N.A.M. (1918)
    • A "Disobedient Believer"—Mr. E.E. Short
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • Current Notes
    • Cherchell Carpet Industry
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Sept.-Oct. 1919 - No. 138 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf
    • The Honest Handling of God's Word—Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edward H. Glenny
    • News from the Mission Field—
      • From Miss E. K. Aldridge (Laraish)
      • Miss H. Kenworthy (Cherchell)
      • Mr. A. Shorey (Boghni)
    • Notes of Tour in Morocco—Mr. A. Fallaize
    • Visiting Kabyle Markets—Mr. S. Arthur
    • Extracts from "A Missionary Journey in S. Algeria"—Mons. P. Nicolle
    • For the Children—Miss K. Johnston
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
  • Nov.-Dec. 1919 - No. 139 new series - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Remedy—Pastor E. Poole-Connor
    • To the Friends of the N.A.M.—Edwarrl H. Glenny
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings—Harvey Farmer
    • A Two Days' Conference—Harvey Farmer
    • Extracts from "A Missionary Journey in S. Algeria"—Mons. P. Nicolle
    • Rome in Tangier—Mr. A. J. Moore, B.A.
    • The Late Dr. W. Soltau Eccles—Edward H. Glenny
    • For the Children.—Miss M. Knight
    • Home and Foreign Notes
    • Daily Subjects for Praise and Prayer
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