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North Africa
The Monthly Record of the North Africa Mission
formerly called "Mission to the Kabyles and Other Berber Races"

1940 - 1949

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This Mission was formed in 1881 from a deep sense of the pressing spiritual needs of the Kabyles of Algeria, who with the rest of the Moslems of North Africa were quite unevangelised, and was then called the Kabyle Mission. In 1883 it was reorganised, and widened its sphere to the other Berber races. Since then, under the name of the North Africa Mission, it has step by step extended its work, establishing stations in various towns of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, and a branch mission in Northern Arabia.

It aims by the help of God to spread through the whole of North Africa and North. Arabia, amongst the Moslems, Jews, and Europeans, the glad tidings of His love in giving His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by sending forth consecrated, self-denying brethren and sisters.

North Africa Journal has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers.


  • Jan-Feb. 1940 - No. 9 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Methods of Missionary Work
    • "A Little Child Shall Lead Them"
    • A New Recruit for Kabylia
    • Tangier Spanish Gospel Mission
    • Tunis Gospel Broadcast
    • A Missionary writes concerning—
    • The Native Haik
    • Homecall of Mr A Finotto
  • March-April. 1940 - No. 10 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Methods of Missionary Work
    • "Off the Beaten Track"
    • "Little Owaysha"
    • Itinerating Under Difficulties by Mr A.R. Shorey, Algiers
    • Homecall of Pioneer Missionaries
    • Some Brief Biographical Notes
    • A Kabyle Fisher of Men
    • "Heightside"—"Slavanka" "Keswick"
    • Our Publications
    • Births
    • Further Homecalls [Dr. Elliott Glenny, Milton M. Marshall]
  • May-June. 1940 - No. 11 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Methods of Missionary Work
    • Three Recruits: One Goes, Two Stay! - An Unforseen Set-back - Mr Norman T. Peace - Miss Ethel A. Little - Miss Jeannie McRobbin
    • The Late Rev. Milton H. Marshall
    • Dr. Elliot Glenny's Farewell Letter
    • "Slavanka" Conference
    • "Keswick" House-party
  • July-Aug. 1940 - No. 12 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Tidings of Workers: Algiers, Morocco and Paris
    • Eastertide at Djemâa Sahrihj—Our oldest Station: a Joyous Sunday; What Hath God Wrought!
    • Who wants to doa Good Deed?
    • The "Slavanka" Conference
    • France's Capitulation and North Africa
    • Ishmael and Christ
    • The Late Miss K.W. Johnston
    • Finance
  • Sept.-Oct.. 1940 - No. 13 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Reaching the Children
    • A Thankoffering
    • How Our Workers are Faring
    • Local Friendliness
    • An Urgent Problem
    • Tangier: Miss Elsie Tilney; Mr Charles Cook
    • A Moroccan Bride
    • A Great Compliment
    • Covenanted Gifts
    • Our Annual Meeting
  • Nov.-Dec. 1940 - No. 14 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Moslem Boy's Schooldays
    • Finance
    • The Spanish Work at Tangier
    • News from the Field








  • Jan.-Feb. 1947 - No. 51 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our New Prayer Circle Notes
    • Hoemcall of Mr Victor Swanson
    • The Old Order Changeth
    • New Beginnings in Fez
    • Churchell: A Year of Progress
    • A Tunisian Outpost Re-visited
    • A Sense of Things Sacred
  • March-April 1947 - No. 52 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our New Map
    • News of Our "Family"
    • Homecall of Mr W. Reid of Tripoli
    • Christmas at Our Oldest Station by Mrs A. Willson
    • Times of Refreshing at Marrakesh by Miss Dorcas Henman, Marrakesh
    • "In Bounds" by Mrs J.A. Liley, Tripoli
    • Encouragement at Tunis by Miss K.M.E. Gotelee
    • "They do not Deliver Us!" Miss N.E. Chambers
    • Dr Harvey Farmer
    • Urgent!
  • May-June 1947 - No. 53 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Gospel Broadcasts from Tangier
    • Busy Days at Tripoli by Mrs J.A. Liley
    • An Eclipse of the Moon—and Spiritual Darkess by Mr & Mrs Norman Pearce
    • "...After Man Days" by Mr R. Stanley Miles
    • In Southern Morocco
    • Ususual Days
    • Fez—Ancient and Modern (Part I)
    • News in Brief
  • July-August 1947 - No. 54 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Homecall of Miss Alice Chapman of Taza
    • The Late Dr. T. Gillard Churcher
    • Our Hon. Treasurer also Called Home
    • Who WIill Go? By Rev. H.W. Fife
    • News in Brief
    • Retirement of Miss G.E. Petter of Tunis
    • A Serious Position
    • Cost of Living in North Africa. A Table of Comparative Prices
  • Sept.-Oct. 1947 - No. 55 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Visit to Tripoli
    • Fez—Ancient and Modern (Part II)
    • Ordinary Days
    • An S.O.S. from our Oldest Missionary
    • Livingstone College
    • Missionary Convention
  • Nov.-Dec. 1947 - No. 56 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Blessing at Summer Camp
    • Changing Morocco
    • An Eye-Witness writes of Tripoli
    • Changes in our Paris Personnel
    • Homecall of Miss F.E.S. Marston
    • Give Me This Mountain By Rev. Godfrey Robison
    • Our Farewell Gatherings
    • News in Brief


  • Jan.-Feb. 1948 - No. 57 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Changes at the Tulloch Memorial Hospital
    • Three Friends called to their Rest
    • Some Members of the Tulloch Memorial Hospital Staff
    • Jubilee Rejoicings at Bethesda, Tunis
    • News in Brief
  • March-April 1948 - No. 58 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Ordinary Days
    • Foos, Fuel and the Frame
    • Two New Recruits—Miss Mary Huntington; Miss Christiana Roberts
    • Homecall of Medani the Evangelist
    • Selling the Scriptures to Moslem and Jew
    • The Taming of Jonas By Miss K.M.E. Gotalee
    • Further News from Our Oldest Station By Mr. A. Wilson
    • Encouragement in the Spanish Work at Tangier by Mrs Dorothy Padilla
    • A Strenuous Year at Tetuan
    • Joy and Soorow Interwoven
    • Deputation Meetings
    • An Urgent Need
  • May-June 1948 - No. 59 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Tokens of the Blessing of God. 1.—Further Reinforcements: Miss E.G> Pierce; Mrs J.W. Kent; Miss Elizabeth Prideaux
    • 2.—Firmer Re-establishment: Mr & Mrs P.J. Patching; Mr Charles Cook; Miss Kraulis; Mr & Mrs Cecil Cooper
    • 3.—Fuller Representation: Mr Warren; Rev. Harold W. Fife
    • Please Note the Date!
  • July-August 1948 - No. 60 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "First Impressions"
    • (1) Tripoli By Miss J. Wilberforce
    • (2) Tangier
    • A Disciple, A Dependent, A Devotee By Edward H. Glenny
    • (3) Paris
    • S.O.S.
    • "May he Drink Poison!"
    • Our Oldest Supporter
    • Four New Publications
  • Sept.-Oct. 1948 - No. 61 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Today's Challenge in North Africa By Rev. W. Fife
    • Impressions of the Tizi-Ouzou Conference By a "Junior Missionary"
    • What a Face? By C.W. Proctor
    • Libya for Christ [Poetry] By Miss J. Wilberforce
    • A Further Recuit—Miss Winifred Sellwood
    • Two New Council Members
    • A Heart-felt "Thank You"
    • Annual Valedictory Meetings
    • Our Sick Friends
    • Called Home—Mr Ernest H. Devin
  • Nov.-Dec. 1948 - No. 62 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our New Workers—Miss Winifred Sellwood; Mr & Mrs Peter J. Patching; Miss E. Olwen Pierce; Mr Barnard Collinson
    • Homecall of Charles Cook of Menâa
    • Our Valedictory Meetings
    • To Correct a Misundertanding
    • France, the Franc and our "family"


  • Jan.-Feb. 1949 - No. 63 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Finance: A Call to Prayer
    • Meeting Spiritual Need at the Hospital BY Rev. L.J. Bocking
    • The Spanish Work at Tangier By Mrs D. Padilla
    • Resuming the Task in Arzila By Misses D. Richardson and E. Prideaux
    • News from our Oldest Station
    • Tunis: A Contrast in Faces By K.M.E. Gotelee
    • Preparing the Way of the Lord By R.I. Brown
    • Stop Press News Item

    March-April 1949 - No. 64 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Finance: A Call to Praise!
    • New Workers
    • Nine Baptism at Tangier
    • Encouraging News from Tunis
    • Ancient and Modern in Casablanca By Miss Emily Grant
    • The Lovelessness of Islam By Miss Olwen Pierce
    • Our Family Tomb and Bread and Water Supply
    • Weight-Lifters Wanted!
  • May-June 1949 - No. 65 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Should there be Missions to Moslems? By Mr S. Arthur
    • A Movement of the Spirit at Nabeul By Mrs R. Brown
    • Change and Challenge at Tetuan By Miss E. Low
    • Laying the Dynamite
    • Overheard
    • Three Veterans Pass On—Rev Percy J. Smart; Miss A.M. Knight; Miss F.M. Parkinson
    • White Rags for Tangier Hospital
    • Kaleel—"Friend of God" by Mrs L.J. Bocking

    July-August 1949 - No. 66 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Year of Progress at the Tangier Hospital
    • An Appeal from Tunisia
    • "Only twelve years ago"
    • Rev. Harold W, Fife
    • Council Members' Tour of Mission Stations
    • What can I do?
    • Four New Publications—How you could help
    • Spring Conference for Moorish Believers
    • Our Annual Meetings
  • Sept.-Oct. 1949 - No. 67 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Homecall of Dr Harvey Farmer
    • Finance: Days of Testing
    • Among the Hut-Dwellers
    • Tangier through Irish Eyes
    • How Don Samuel Vidal went Home
    • A final Reminder!
  • Nov.-Dec. 1949 - No. 68 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • European Work at Tunis
    • A Desert Journey in Algeria
    • "God brought him: I shall keep him!"
    • Buying up the Opportunities in Algeria
    • Three Camps
    • Our Annual Meetings
    • A Nursing Recruit
    • Mrs Harvey Farmer
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