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North Africa
The Monthly Record of the North Africa Mission
formerly called "Mission to the Kabyles and Other Berber Races"

1890 - 1899

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This Mission was formed in 1881 from a deep sense of the pressing spiritual needs of the Kabyles of Algeria, who with the rest of the Moslems of North Africa were quite unevangelised, and was then called the Kabyle Mission. In 1883 it was reorganised, and widened its sphere to the other Berber races. Since then, under the name of the North Africa Mission, it has step by step extended its work, establishing stations in various towns of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, and a branch mission in Northern Arabia.

It aims by the help of God to spread through the whole of North Africa and North. Arabia, amongst the Moslems, Jews, and Europeans, the glad tidings of His love in giving His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by sending forth consecrated, self-denying brethren and sisters.

North Africa Journal has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers.

1890 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1890 - No. 19 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • Our Monthly Issue
    • Notes and Comments
    • Encouraging Work in Tripoli. Extract from Mr. H. G. Harding's Diary
    • Lights and Shades of Christian Work in Tunis. Extract from Miss A. Harding's Diary
    • Our Illustrations: An Arab Shoeblack; Moorish Mountaineers
    • First Days in an Eastern City. Extract from Miss Rosa Johnson's Journal
    • Encouragements in Algiers. Notes from Miss L. Trotter
    • Visit to Sheshawan. From Mr.W. Summers Journal
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters from Mr Bureau
    • The North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council of the Mission, etc.
    • Location of Missionaries
  • February 1890 - No. 20 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • Missionary Facts
    • Notes and Comments
    • Seed on Rocky Soil. Jottinrrs by Mr. G. B. Michell and Mr, H. G. Harding
    • Streaks of Light from Tunis. By Miss Grissell
    • Notes from Algiers. By Miss L, Trotter
    • Our Illustrations
    • In the Arab Quarter. By Miss L. Granger
    • Work Among Arab Women in Tiemeen. From Miss L. Read's Journal
    • Encouraging Work Amongst the Kabyles. By Mr. E. Cuendet and Miss Smith
    • The Spanish Work, Tangier. Letter from Mr. Patrick
    • Miss Jay Amongst the Patients
    • Our Brethren in Tetuan. From the Diary of Mr. Edwards
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • The North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council of the Mission, etc.
    • Location of Missionaries
  • March 1890 - No. 21 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • The Present Crisis
    • Notes and Comments
    • How we Spent Christmas in Kabylia. By Miss Kate Smith
    • Our Field of Labour: Article on Mohammedanism. By Mr. H. D. Harding
    • Visiting in Moorish Homes by Hope House Workers. From Miss Jay's Journal
    • Notes of Work in Tetuan. By Mr. J. J. Edwards
    • Our Illustrations
    • Market Day in Akbou. From the Diary of Mr. A. S. Lamb
    • Miss B. Vining in Oran
    • Dr. Pierson on Foreign Missions
    • Christmas at Mostaganem. By Mrs. Liley
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Winter in Fez. From the Journals of Miss Herdman and Miss Copping
    • Mostaganem, Algeria. From Mr. Li!ey's Journal
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Council of the Mission, etc.
  • April 1890 - No. 22 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • Wllling-Hearted and Wise-Hearted
    • Notes «nd Comments
    • Visit to Bizerta, Tunis, By Mr. G. Mercadier
    • Gathering of Young Converts in Tunis. By Miss M. F. Harris
    • The Soke el Atbe. (Illustration)
    • Our tllustrations
    • Notes from Aigiers. By Miss L. Trotter
    • With the Moors at Rabat, Morocco. Notes from the Diary of Miss Jennings
    • Line upon Line. Extracts from Miss Read's Diary
    • As Others See Us, By a French Paster
    • The "Tabeeba" on Her Rounds. From the Diary of Miss Jay
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Council of the Mission, etc.
  • May 1890 - No. 23 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • A Retrospect
    • Notes and Comments
    • Leading the Weary to Rest. From Miss A. A. Harding's Journal
    • Notes from Algiers. By Miss L. Trotter
    • Our Illustrations A Greater than Mohammed
    • A Peep into Moorish Homes
    • Christ or Mohammed
    • Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier. Notes from the Hospital Wards
    • Miss Banks and Miss Bolton in Tetuan
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Council of the Mission, etc.
  • June 1890 - No. 24 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • The Great Need
    • Notes and Comments
    • An Interesting Morning in Tlemcen
    • Mr. Cheeseman in Mascara
    • Jottings from a Journal of Mr. J. Edwards (Tangier)
    • Our Illustrations
    • Encamped with the Bedouins. By Mr. Van Tassel
    • In the Native Shops. Notes from Mr. Liley's Journal
    • Moorish Prisons at Rabat. By Miss Jennings
    • Our Field of Labour: Algeria
    • The Students of Fez
    • A Moorish Judge. Notes from Miss Jay's Journal
    • The Appeal of the Hour, Extract from an Address by Dr. Judson Smith
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Council of the Mission, etc.
  • July 1890 - No. 25 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • Missionary Trials—Disappointed Hopes
    • Notes and Comments
    • A People who do not require the Good Tidings. By Miss ·Rose Johnson
    • Taking the Gospel to Mansourah, By Miss A. Gill
    • One of our Arab Friends. By Miss Gristell
    • Medical Mission Work at Tangier. By Miss Jay
    • Our Illustrations
    • Notes from Fez
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • In Central Morocco
    • Tulloch Memorial Hospital
    • Salvation and Service
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Council of the Mission, etc.
  • August 1890 - No. 26 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • Some Impressions of a Visit to Algeria. By Pastor James S\ephens
    • Notes and Comments
    • Information for Candidates applying to the North Africa Mission
    • Work in Tangier, Morocco
    • Notes from Miss Jennings at Rabat, Morocco
    • Our Illustrations
    • With Moorish Women at 'l'etuan
    • Notes from Algiers. By Miss I. L. Trotter
    • In and Around Mostaganen
    • The Villages Around Akbou
    • Our Field of Labour; A Journey into Kabylia
    • Children's Missionary Band
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • For the Young
    • List of Donation
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Council of the Mission, etc.
  • September 1890 - No. 27 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa
    • Map Our Financial Stewardship
    • Notes and Comments
    • In the· Sous Country
    • A Spirit of Enquiry at Mascara
    • Our Illustrations
    • A Visit to Benisaf. By Miss Read and Miss.Day
    • Bible Work in Susa and Kerouan. By Mr. G. Mercadier
    • Camping in a Moorish Village, Notes by Miss C. S. Jennings
    • For the Young
    • Additional Labourers
    • General Cash Statement
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Council of'the Mission, etc.
  • October 1890 - No. 28 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • A Few Thoughts on Missionary Needs a nd Individual Responsibility and Faith
    • Notes and Comments
    • ·Around Mazagan, Morocco. Extracts from Miss Herdman's Diary
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Mr. Graham Wilmot Brooke in the Soudan
    • The Spanish Work in Tangier
    • Our Illustrations
    • Arabic Tracts
    • Visiting the "Douars." From the Journal of Mr. A. V. Li!ey
    • Our Field of Labour—Mohammedanism and Christianity
    • Mohammedan Homes in Tunis
    • For the Young
    • Who will Go for Us?
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Miasionaries
    • Council of tbe Missioo, etc.
  • November 1890 - No.29 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • Spiritual Needs and their Supply
    • Notes and Comments
    • Some of My Visitors. By Mr. H . G. Harding
    • Settlement in Casablanca. By Mr. J. Edwards
    • Toiling on in Mascara
    • Our Illustrations
    • Some of the In-Patients—Jottings from the Journal of Miss Lambden
    • Extxacts from Missionary Publications
    • Our Field of Labour—The Traras
    • Further Notes from a Moorish Village. By Miss A. K. Chapman
    • Miss Banks in Tetuan
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
  • December 1890 - No. 30 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • The Divine Commission. An Address by Pastor James Stephens at the Farewell Meeting in Exeter Hall, on Tuesday, Oct. 14th, 1890
    • Notes and Comments
    • Our Illustrations
    • Farewell Meetings at Exeter Hall. SPEAKERS:—J. H. Mathieson, Esq. (Chairrnan, morning); E. H . Glenny, Esq. (Hon. Sec.); Pastor Stephens; Dr. H. Grattan Guinness (Chairman, evening); Miss Cox, Mr. Harding, Dr. Terry, Miss Cash, Miss Day, Mr. G. B. Michell, Miss K. Smith, Miss Colville, Dr. G. M. Grieve, Miss Read, Miss Shelbourne, and A. C. P. Coote, Esq.
    • Outfits and Passages
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries

1891 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1891 - No. 31 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Another Mile-stone
    • Notes and Comments
    • Jottings from Tunis
    • Under canvas
    • Miss Trotter's Visit to Tunis
    • Our Illustrations
    • A Welcome to Djemaa
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Bible Work in Southern Tunis
    • Our Arab Tea Party. in London
    • Visiting the Tribes
    • Our Field of Labour
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map
    • Locations of Missionaries
  • February 1891 - No. 32 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Faith in Spiritual Realities
    • Notes and Comments
    • The Work of Others
    • Supporting a Missionary
    • Slavery in Morocco
    • Visit to Tiaret and Frendah
    • With the Children
    • Our Illustrations
    • The Sisters in Tetuan
    • In and Around Tangier
    • My First Fortnight in North Africa
    • Gideon's Band (Poetry)
    • Notes of Visits in Tunis
    • Opening of a Refuge at Tangier
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map
    • Location of Missionaries
  • March 1891 - No. 33 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Rejected Volunteers
    • Notes and Comments
    • The House We Live In
    • A False Hope
    • A Cry from Tunis
    • A Winter's Work in a Kabyle Village
    • Our Illustrations
    • The Evangelization of Arabia
    • Spanish Work in Tangier
    • Three Days in an Arab Country House
    • Earthquake in Algeria
    • Extracts from Workers Letters
    • Our Field of Labour—Arabia
    • Miss Trotter in Algiers
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map
    • Location of Missionaries
  • April 1891 - No. 34 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Mission Publications
    • Am I Called to be a Foreign Missionary
    • Notes and Comments
    • Our Needs: A Misunderstanding
    • Tunis—A Message for Someone 40 How We Live
    • Tripoli—Mr, H. G. Harding in Tripoli
    • Our Illustrations
    • Algeria—Breaking up Fallow Ground
    • Morocco—Moorish Converts in Central Morocco
    • Our Field of Labour—Mohammedan Sects
    • The Work of Others—The South Morocco Mission
    • The Gospel in Fez
    • North Arabia
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map
    • Location of Missionaries
  • May 1891 - No. 35 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Mission Publications
    • Proportionate Giving
    • Notes and Comments
    • Algeria—Our Kabyle Friends; The Locust; Plague; Winter in the Mountains of Kabylia; Africa for Christ our Lord
    • A Death-Bed in Africa
    • The Rival Mahdists of the Soudan
    • Our lllustrations
    • Morocco—Tulloch Memorial Hospital and Medical Mission Tangier; Our Sisters in Fez
    • Tunis—A Visit to Mousell
    • Shall We Enter Egypt?
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map—Location of Missionaries
  • June 1891 - No. 36 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Rock of His Sonship
    • Notes and Comments
    • Tunis—Items from my Diary; A Dying Bedouin
    • Believing God
    • A Visitor's Testimony
    • Algeria—Our New Friends in Cherchel
    • Our Illustrations
    • Algeria—With the Arabs of Mascara; Visiting the Arab Duars
    • Morocco—Medical Work in Fez; Preparing the Way of the Lord
    • A Worker's Experience in Spain
    • The Work of Others
    • Extracts from Workers ' Letters
    • Life Through Death
    • For the Young-—Slavery
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map
    • Location of Missionaries
  • July 1891 - No. 37 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • North Africa Map
    • The Life of Faith
    • Notes and Comments
    • Moslem Progress versus Decay
    • Algeria—The "Dahra"; Progress of the Work in Djemaa Sahridj
    • Morocco—A Glance at our Mission Stations in Morocco
    • Our Illustrations
    • From Tangier to Casablanca
    • Tunis—An Unvisited Arab Town
    • The Work of Others
    • Children's Missionary Band
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map
    • Location of Missionaries
  • August 1891 - No. 38 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Need of a Deeper and Wider Interest
    • Notes and Comments
    • Tunis—Scattering the Word of God in Southern Tunis; Another Dark Spot
    • Algeria—Kabylc Customs
    • Morocco—Notes from Tetuan; From Miss F. M. Banks
    • Morocco—Mr. Edwards in Tangier
    • Our Illustrations
    • Our Field of Labour—Tetuan
    • Extracts from Workers ' Letters
    • For the Young
    • The Work of Others
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map, Location of Missionaries
  • September & October 1891 - No. 39 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Justifying God
    • The Conversion of Mohammedans
    • Humiliation and Blessing
    • The Morocco Government and Christian Missions
    • Notes and Comments
    • Tunis—Cases of Blessing in the Frtnch Meetings; Tent Work Around Tunis; From Miss Johnson; From Miss A. Harding
    • Algeria—The Gospel in Cherchel
    • In the Mountain Villages
    • Morocco—News from the South; From Miss I. L. Reed; Our Moorirh Refuge
    • Morocco—Tulloch Memorial Hospital; Visiting Arab Homes in Tetuan
    • "Moorish Funeral Song"
    • Our Field of Labour—Tripoli
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • The Work of Others
    • Our Illustrations
    • Balance Sheet
    • Notes on the N. A. General Cash Account for 1890-1
    • Outfits and Passages
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map
    • Location of Missionaries
  • November 1891 - No. 40 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Unfinished Work
    • Notes and Comments
    • Religious Reforms in Islam
    • A Personal Testimony Respecting Proportionate Giving
    • Three Glances at North Africa
    • Algeria—Our Sisters in Tlemcen
    • Morocco—Preaching and Healing
    • Tunis—A Seaside Village; From :Miss A. Harding
    • Tripoli—Medical Work in Tripoli
    • Our Field of Labour—Tripoli
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Our Illustrations
    • Outfits and Passages
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map
  • December 1891 - No. 41 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Sufficiency of Christ
    • Notes and Comments
    • Some Moorish Homes in Casabianca
    • Some Medical Mission Work amongst the Tangier Jews
    • Dark Morocco
    • Algeria—In the Mountain Villages
    • Tunis—More Notes from Ras El Djebel, Tunis
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Our Field of Labour—Tripoli
    • Our Illustrations
    • The Waning Power of Islam
    • For the Young
    • List of Donations
    • North Africa Map

1892 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1892 - No. 42 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The cceptable Year of the Lord
    • Notes and Comments
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Notes in North Africa; Some Reasons For Wishing to be a Foreigh Missionary
    • Algeria - Some of Our Arab Friends; Miss Trotter in Algiers
    • Morocco—In Village and Hospital
    • Tripoli—Medical Work in Tripoli - Mr H.G. Harding
    • Extracts from Worker's Letters
    • Descriptions of Illustrations - Group of Missionaries in Morocco; Village of El Maslour
    • The Work of Others—London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews
    • The Master's Call - Sarah Geraldina Stock
    • For the Young
    • Outfir and Passage Fund
    • Three Texrs on Grace and Giving
  • February 1892 - No. 43 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Why the World Needs the Gospel of God
    • Notes and Comments
    • Historical Notes
    • Personal Influence
    • Morocco—Missionary Journey in South Morocco; Some Moorish Homes in Casablanca
    • Algeria—A Welcome Back; My First Diary
    • Tunis—An Arab Wedding
    • Poetry—The Missionary's Cry in North Africa
    • Outfit and Passage Fund
    • Description of lllustrations
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • For the Young
    • North Africa Map
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
  • March 1892 - No. 44 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    • Notes and Comments
    • Honour the Lord
    • Morocco—Missionary Journey in South Morocco; Re-opening of the Medical Mission in Fez; Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier—Some of our Patients; First Impressions of Morocco
    • Spanish Prayer Meeting, Tangier
    • Algeria—In Contact with Infidelity
    • Jottings for a Month from Mostaganem
    • Tunis—An Arab Wedding
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Description of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • North Africa Map
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
  • April 1892 - No. 45 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Week of Prayer
    • Notes and Comments
    • Historical Notes
    • Preaching Not Controversy
    • Gifts
    • Algeria—Mission Work amongst the Kabyles
    • Morocco—Some of our Moorish Patients; Mrs. Boulton (Tangier); Our Sisters in Fez; Some Moorish Hornes in Casablanca
    • Tunis—"She Did Not Know Him"
    • Poetry—The Glorious Coming
    • Our Field of Labour
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Description of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • North Africa Map
    • List of Donation
    • Location of Missionaries
  • May 1892 - No. 46 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Entering Egypt
    • Notes and Comments
    • Historical Notes
    • Morocco—Our New Neighbours; The Walk Home from the Prayer Meeting;
    • Labour for Christ among the Spaniards of Tangier
    • Lower Egypt Map
    • Algeria—In the City of Constantine; Visit to an Arab House; Tunis-Hearts Opening to the Truth; Our Every-day Life
    • Description o{ Illustration
    • In Memoriam—Graham Wilmot Brooke
    • North Africa Map
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
  • June 1892 - No. 47 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Abraham: His Faith and Failures
    • Notes and Comments
    • Receipts and Expenditure
    • The Stranger Within Thy Gates (?)
    • Proportionate Giving: An Important Testimony
    • Morocco—Labour for the Lord in Tetuan; Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier; Seeking to Save
    • Algeria—Witnessing for Christ in Mostaganem; Visiting the Races
    • Tunis—Visitors to My Shop
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Poetry: Dark North Africa
    • Description of Illustrations
    • For the Young: A Jewish Passover in Tunis
    • Map of Africa
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
  • July 1892 - No. 48 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • William Carey
    • Notes and Comments
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Church in North Africa
    • Morocco—Experience in Morocco; Daily Life in Tetuan; Medical Work in Fez
    • Tunis—A Return Visit to Tebourba
    • Tripoli—Some Notes on our Medical Mission in Tripoli
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Map of Africa
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
  • August - September 1892 - No. 49 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Faith in God and Human Means
    • Notes and Comments
    • Annual Visit to Mission Stations The Misunderstandings of the French A utborlties with regard to our Work in Algeria
    • Year ending April 30th, 1892: Review of Work in the North Africa Mission
    • Medical Mission Work in Tangier
    • North Africa Mission: General Cash Account from May 1st, 1893, to April 30th, 1892
    • Remarks on the North Africa Mission General Cash Account for 1891-92 Morocco—Our Visit to Ceuta
    • Tunis—A Visit to Teboursouk
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • For the Young
    • Map of Africa
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
  • October 1892 - No. 50 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Future Prospects
    • Notes and Comments
    • Medical Mission Work—Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Church in North Africa
    • Tripoli—Record of Medical Work in Tripoli
    • Tunis—The Difficulties of our Work
    • Algeria—Notes of our Friends in Tiemcen
    • Work for God amongst Kabyles and French
    • Morocco—The Accident Ward—Recent Events in Morocco
    • Things Seen and Felt
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • A Daughter's Plea (Poetry)
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Map of Africa
    • List of Donations
    • Location of Missionaries
  • November 1892 - No.51 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Appropriating our Portion
    • Notes and Comments
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Church in North Africa
    • "Fear Not"
    • An Important Summons
    • Last Moments of Arab Women
    • Morocco—With the Out-Patients; An Open Letter
    • Morocco—Among the Moors in Tetuan; Notes of Mission Work at Tangier; Letter from a Moorish Convert
    • Algeria—Itinerating in Kabylia; A Mission at Milianah
    • Tunis—By the Sea
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • "What Meanest Thou, O Sleeper?" (Poetry)
    • Description of Illustrations
  • December 1892 - No. 52 - Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Evangelisation of Mohammedans
    • Notes and Comments
    • Prayer for More Labourers
    • Egypt—Old Work in a New Land
    • Tripoli—Among the Women of Tripoli
    • Moroco—Medical Work in Casablanca; Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier;
    • The Medical Mission, Tangier
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Description of Il!ustrations
    • Review—"The Drink Traffic in Central Africa"
    • Map of Africa
    • The North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications


  • January 1893 - No. 53 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Motive Power of Missions
    • Notes and Comments
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Church in North Africa
    • Apostolic Missions and their Results
    • A Witness for Christ in Persia
    • Tunis—Sorrows of an Arab Woman
    • Algeria—Heatty Greetings in Kabylia; Tent Meetings in Philippeville
    • Morocco—From Tangier to Fez; ... Village Medical Mission Work
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • A Yielded Life (Poetry)
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Workers' Union for North Africa
    • Map of Africa
    • The North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications :
  • February 1893 - No. 54 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A New Backward Movement Needed
    • Notes and Comments
    • Death of Miss Chapman
    • Witnesses for Christ in Mohammedan Lands
    • Arabia—A Visit to Sanaa
    • Tripoli—My Stay in Tripoli
    • Algeria—Among the. Arabs at Mostaganem
    • Morocco—Our Sisters in Tetuan
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Workers' Union for North Africa
    • Map of Africa
    • The North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • March 1893 - No. 55 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Obedience and Faith
    • Notes and Comments
    • How to Meet the Need
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Church in North Africa
    • Tunis—Visit to El Kef, Tunisia
    • Morocco—First Experiences of Fez Life
    • Moorish Children's Home: Making Preparations
    • Requests for Prayer
    • Among Moorish Women
    • The Spanish Mission in Tangier
    • Your Own (Poetry)
    • Description of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • Workers' Union for North Africa
    • Map of Africa
    • The North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • April 1893 - No. 56 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Grace and Gift
    • Notes and Comments
    • Egypt—Who Will Help to Bring Forth the People?
    • Requests for Prayer
    • Algeria—Christmas in North Africa
    • Morocco—On the Road to Dimnat
    • Slavery in Morocco
    • Spanish Work in Tangier
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • "The Right of Redemption is Thine" (Poetry)
    • Description ol Illustrations
    • Workers' Union for North Africa
    • Map of Africa
    • The North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • May 1893 - No. 57 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Decentralization in Missions
    • Notes and Comments
    • Requests for Prayer
    • Witnesses for Christ in Mohammedan Lands
    • Tripoli—The Medical Mission in Tripoli
    • Tunis—Missionary Work in Tunis
    • Algeria—My First Diary
    • In the Mountains of Kabylia
    • Morocco—Work among Spaniards in Tangier
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Map of Africa
    • The North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • June 1893 - No. 58 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Difficulties and Encouragements
    • Notes arid Comments
    • Our Missionaries in Algeria
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Church North Africa
    • Morocco—Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier; Brief Items from Fez
    • Algeria—My Arab Girls; A Tour Amongst the Mountains of Kabylia
    • Tunis—Mrs. Michell's Class
    • Egypt—Notes of our Journey to Calioub
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Description 01 Illustrations
    • For the Young—Victory!
    • Workers! Union for North Africa
    • Review
    • Map of Africa
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • July 1893 - No. 59 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Some Missionary Stimulants
    • Notes and Comments
    • "Mohammedans are all Total Abstainers" - Are they?
    • Witnesses for Christ in Mohammedan Lands
    • Tunis—A Month in Kerouan; Miss Harding's Account
    • A Brief Visit to Nabeul
    • Morocco—Medical Work in Fez, Morocco; The Work amongst Spaniards in Tangier; Six Weeks in Sifroo
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Reviews
    • Map of Africa
    • The North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • August 1893 - No. 60 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Christlikeness
    • Neglected Means
    • Notes and Comments
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Dilawur Khan
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christtian Church in North Africa
    • Tulloch Memorial Hospital
    • Algeria—Visit to Arab Douars
    • Tunis—Tunis Medical Mission
    • Tripoli—Mr. Reid's Experiences
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • A Missionary Farewell (Poetry) Description ot Illustrations
  • September 1893 - No. 61 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Facts for the Thoughtful
    • Notes and Comments
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Historical Noles—The Early Christian Church in North Africa
    • Witnesses for Christ in Mohammedan Lands—Dilawur Khan
    • Christianity and Islam
    • Islam in England
    • Morocco—Making known the Gospel in Tetuan; In and around Sifroo
    • Algeria—Mohammedan Fatalism; Seeking to Save
    • Tunis--A Letter from Miss Case
    • The Work of Others—The American Mission lo Arabia
    • Anywhere (Poetry)
    • The Latest Mohammedan Martyr
    • Description ol Illustrations
  • October 1893 - No. 62 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "How shall they Preach, except they be Sent?"
    • Notes and Comments
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Review of Work in the North Africa Mission, Year ending April 30th, 1893. Morocco—Tangier—Fez—Sifroo—Tetuan Casablanca—Algeria—Djemaa Sahridj—Constantine—Akbou—Tiemcen—Cherchell—Mostaganem— Mascara—Algiers—Tunis—Tripoli—Egypt
    • General Cash Account, North Africa Mission—1892-3
    • Cash Account, 1892-3, Explanatory Statement
    • Description of Illustration
    • North Africa Mission, Form of Bequest
    • List of Donations
  • November 1893 - No. 63 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit
    • Notes and Comments
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Church in North Africa
    • Review of Work in the North Africa Mission
    • Early Missionary Efforts Amongst the Moslems of North Africa—A.D. 1291 to 1315
    • Monthly Letter
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters
    • Egypt—The Next Step in Egypt
    • Morocco—Tulloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier; Camp Life in Zeiteen; Our Experience under Canvas
    • Tunis—Interesting Items
    • Description of Illustrations
    • North Africa Mission
    • Form of Bequest
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • December 1893 - No. 64 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Constraining Love of Christ
    • Notes and Comments
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Historical Notes—The Early Christian Church in North Africa
    • The Work of Others—Early Missionary Efforts Among the Moslems of North Africa—A.D, 1291 to 1315
    • Tunis from the Roof of the Medical Mission
    • Egypt—Gospel Meetings in Alexandria
    • Tunis—At Our New Medical Mission House
    • Our Visit to Gabes
    • Morocco—Notes of Work among Spaniards in Tangier
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young—A Visit to the Hospital Children
    • The Coming of the King
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Missionary Publications

1894 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1894 - No. 65 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "May I be a Missionary?" By Pastor J. Stephens
    • Notes and Comments
    • Giving to God
    • Early Effort of the Moravians in North Africa, 1739-1740
    • Extract from a Sermon Preached by Mr. Muller
    • Mohammedanism and Women
    • Morocco—Medical Mission Patients
    • Notes of Hospital Patients
    • The Message of God's Love to Spaniards and Moors
    • Algeria—Items from Tiemcen
    • Mohammedan Religiousness
    • Egypt—The Azhar of Cairo
    • "A Sufficiency"
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young
    • "By their Fruits"
    • Descriptions of Illustrations
    • Africa (Poem)
  • February 1894 - No. 66 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Call to Prayer
    • Monthly Letter
    • Notes and Comments
    • Algeria—Our Christmas Gatherings at Cherchel
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Descriptions of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • Without Him—Through Him (Poetry)
    • North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • March 1894 - No. 67 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Faithfulness of God
    • City Prayer Meeting
    • Notes and Comments
    • Monthly Letter
    • Algeria—Evangelistic Tour among the Mountains
    • Morocco—Missionary Life in Tetuan
    • The City of Muley Edris
    • Impressions of a New Worker in Morocco
    • Tunis—"The Truth shall Make You Free"
    • Tunis—Christmas Time in Tunis; Life at the Medical Mission, Tunis
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Descriptions of Illustration
    • North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • April 1894 - No. 68 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • God Making Himself Known
    • City Prayer Meeting
    • Notes and Comments
    • Monthly Letter
    • Morocco—Re-opening of the Men's Refuge, Tangier
    • Algeria—Our Christmas Gatherings in Tiemcen
    • Letter from Miss K. Smith, of Djeinaa N' Sahridj
    • Miss Colville's and Miss Granger's Work in Constantine
    • Tunis—Tunis Medical Mission
    • Egypt—Egypt and its Spiritual Claims
    • For the Young
    • Poetry—"That shall he a also reap"
    • Descriptions of Illustrations
    • North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • May 1894 - No. 69 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Family of God
    • Notes and Comments
    • Monthly Letter
    • Workers' Union
    • The Law of Apostasy in the Turkish Empire
    • Missionary Trading Pennies
    • Map of Lower Egypt
    • Egypt—Egypt and its Spiritual Claims
    • Tunis—Our Visit to Tebessa, Algeria; A Testing-Time; An Interesting Document
    • Morocco—Moorish Children's School; Notes from Fez
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young
    • Descriptions of Illustrations
    • North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Form of a Bequest
    • Mission Publications
  • June 1894 - No. 70 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Conformity to Christ
    • Notes and Comments
    • Monthly Letter
    • The Work of Others—Effort of the Brethren in Egypt, 1752-82
    • Algeria—Carrying the Message
    • Tunis—Baptism ol Sidi Ahmed El Gemati
    • The Convert's Letter
    • Visit to Tunis Homes
    • Egypt—Egypt and its Spiritual Claims
    • Letter from Miss Rose Johnson, Alexandria
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Descriptions of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Form of a Bequest
    • Mission Publications
  • July 1894 - No. 71 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Conformity to Christ
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Monthly Letter
    • An Open Letter
    • Egypt—On the Mahmoodeeyah Canal
    • Tunis—A Visit to Mahdia
    • Algeria—With Moslems and Jews in Constantine; Awakened Interest among the Spaniards at Mostaganem
    • Morocco—Among the Beni Hassan
    • Amongst Moorish Women and Girls-Our Sisters in Tetuan
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Description of Illustrations
    • North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Form of a Bequest
    • Mission Publications
  • August 1894 - No. 72 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Conformity to Christ
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Monthly Letter
    • Christian Efforts amongst Indian Mohammedans
    • Assassination of President Carnot
    • Islam on the Defensive
    • Morocco—Spanish Industrial Exhibition, Tangier; Moorish Children's School; Men's Refuge, Tangier
    • Algeria—The Spanish Meetings at Mostaganem
    • Egypt—Journeyings on Egyptian Waterways
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Description of Illustrations
    • North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Form of a Bequest
    • Mission Publications
  • September 1894 - No. 73 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Conformity to Christ
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Monthly Letter
    • Morocco—Bread Cast upon the Waters
    • Algeria—Sunshine and Shadows of Christian Work in Tiemcen; Mission Work in Cherchel, Algeria
    • Tunis—An Arrest—and Deliverance
    • Egypt—Journeyings on Egyptian Waterways
    • Some Thoughts on Giving
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Poetry—Jesus only
    • North Africa Mission
    • List of Donations
    • Counci
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Form of a Bequest
    • Mission Publications
  • October 1894 - No. 74 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Urgency in Prayer
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Monthly Letter
    • Review of Work in the North Africa Mission, Year ending April 30th, 1894. Morocco—Tangier—Tetuan—Fez—Casablanca—Algeria— Djemaa Sahridj—Constantine—Tiemcen—Cherchel—Mostaganem— Mascara—Algiers—Tunis—Tripoli—Egypt
    • Comments on the General Cash Account
    • The Women's Medical Mission, Tangier
    • Description of Illustration
    • North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • November 1894 - No.75 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Object of our Mission
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Surfeited and Starved
    • Evangelistic Tour in Morocco
    • Dispensary and School Work in Tetuan
    • Algeria—Mostaganem; A Tour on Wheels
    • Some Items of Interest
    • Tripoli—Letter from Mr. W. Read
    • A Country Excursion
    • Egypt—The Medical Work in Alexandria
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • December 1894 - No. 76 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Giving and Receiving
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Burning of the Great Omeyyad Mosque at Damascus
    • How Can They Do It?
    • The World at Large
    • Extract from an Address given by Mr. Muller, Feb, 5th, 1893
    • The Mosque of St, Sophia
    • A Controversy with Mohammedans in India
    • Morocco—Annual Report of Mr. J.J. Edwards; A Day's Work at the Tulloch Memorial Hospital; The Last Three Months; Out and About in Tangier
    • Algeria—Among the Arabs at Mostaganem; Life on the Algerian Desert
    • Alone with God
    • Specimen of a Mohammedan Prayer
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Description of Illustrations
    • North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications

1895 - index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1895 - No. 77 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Colour Map: North Africa including the Soudan
    • Christ's Second Coming
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A Controversy with Mohammedans in India
    • Extracts from Article by Dr. Geo, T, Dowkontt, on "The Need of Medical Missions"
    • Morocco—The Hospital Wards
    • Tunis—A Record or His Faithfulness throughout October, 1894
    • A Journey to Gafsa
    • Visiting in Tunis
    • Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young
    • Moslem Stagnation and Its Cause
    • Description of Illustrations
    • North Africa Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • February 1895 - No. 78 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Rights of the Creator
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • My Late Visit to North Africa
    • Morocco—The Hosrital Wards; Dispensary and School Work in Tetuan
    • Tunis—New Surroundings
    • Algeria—First Experiences in North Africa; Itmeraung on the Frontier of Morocco
    • Tripoli—First Weeks in Tripoli
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Description of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • March 1895 - No. 79 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Learning of Christ
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Mohammedan Idea of God
    • Morocco—The Men's Refuge, Tangier; Our Classes in Tetuan; The Hospital Wards
    • Algeria—The Gospel Amongst the Kabyles; Close of the First Year's Work in Constantine
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • "How Shall They Hear Without a Preacher?"
    • Description of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • April 1895 - No. 80 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Infinite Worthiness of Christ
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Annual Report of Workers' Union
    • The Mohammedan Idea of God
    • Missionary Trading Pence
    • Mohammedan Converts in India
    • Paper for the Cash Box
    • Morocco—New Year in the Moorish Children's Home, Tangier; The Hospital Wards; One of my Patients; A Note of Praise; An Opening to the Soudan; Doors of Entrance at Dar-al-Baida
    • Algeria—Petitions and Answers
    • Tunis—Jottings from Tunis; A Word about my Old Friends
    • Egypt—Daily Life in the Mission House at Alexandria
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Description of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • May 1895 - No. 81 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Walking before God
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Mohammedan Idea of God
    • Morocco—Visiting in Tangier; The Hospital Wards; Dispensary Work in Tetuan
    • Tunis—Progress of the Work in Tunis; A Visit to Mahomediyah
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Description of Illustrations
    • For the Young
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • June 1895 - No. 82 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Mohammed and Christ
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Mohammedan Idea of God
    • Morocco—Doors of Entrance at Dar-al- Baida; The Hospital Wards; Among Moorish Women arid Children
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Algeria—Work amongst the Little Ones at Djemaa Sahddj; Mr. and Mrs. Lochhead in Constantine; Hindrances to Work at Mostaganem
    • Tunis—Jottings from Tunis
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Misunderstandings
    • For the Young
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donation
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • July 1895 - No. 83 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Loathing God's Provision
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Morocco—Description of Women's Medical Mission, Tangier; The Hospital Wards; Notes of the Women's Medical Mission, Tangier
    • Progress Amidst Difficulties
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Algeria—Notes of a Journey in Kabylia; Our Stewardship
    • Tunis—Three Days in the Island of Kerkenah; A Personal Question
    • Egypt—Daily Life at the Mission House, Alexandria
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • August 1895 - No. 84 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Missionary Psalm
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Ottoman Empire
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Morocco—The Hospital Wards; A Visit to Tetuan; Notes of the Lord's Work in Casablanca
    • Tunis—An Interesting Visit
    • 'l'ripoli—With the Patients at Medical Mission, Tripoli
    • Egypt—Daily Life at the Mission House, Alexandria
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • September 1895 - No. 85 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Christ Head over all Things
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The First Missionary
    • The Twaregs
    • Historical Notes
    • The Work of Others
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Religious Sects among the Javanese
    • A Plea for Sfax
    • The Call of the Hour
    • Morocco—The Hospital Wards; Notes of the Women's Medical Mission; Notes of the Lord's Work in Casablanca; A Letter from Mr. Barnard
    • Tripoli—Visiting in Tripoli
    • Egypt—Daily Life at the Mission House, Alexandria
    • Training of Missionaries
    • Reviews of Books
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
  • October 1895 - No. 86 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Review of Work in the North Africa Mission Year ending April 30th, 1895. Tangier—Morocco:—Women's Medical Mission—Work among Men—Night Refuge for Men—Girls' School in Tangier—Spanish Work—Fez—Tetuan—Casablanca. Algeria:—Djemma Sahridj—Cberchel—Tiemcen—Mostaganem—Mascara— Constantine—Algiers—Tunisia:—Susa—Tripoli—Egypt
    • Explanatory Notes on the General Cash Acccunt
    • Annual Farewell Meetings of the Mission
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List or Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • November 1895 - No. 87 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Resting and Going—Address at the Annual Farewell Meetings in Exeter Hall
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Description of Illustrations
    • Annual Farewell Meetings
    • Morocco—The Cholera in Tangier; A Voice from Dark Morocco
    • Tunisia—Notes on the Lord's Work in Tunis
    • Tunisia—Encouraging Reports from Susa
    • Address by Pastor James Stephens, M.A., at Annual Meetings in Exeter Hall
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications
  • December 1895 - No. 88 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Missionary Psalm
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Ask, and Receive
    • The Rise and Progress of Modern Christian Missions in Arabia
    • The Work of Others
    • The Work of the Missionary
    • Morocco—The Cholera in Morocco
    • Algeria—A Summer Holiday in Algeria
    • Tunisia—The Medical Mission in Susa
    • Afternoons with the Arabs
    • Domestic Life among the Arabs
    • Form of a Bequest
    • List of Donations
    • Council
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Mission Publications

1896 - index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1896 - No. 89 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Sense of Responsibility
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • George Muller on Faith
    • The Rise and Progress of Modern Christian Missions in Arabia
    • Mohammedanism in its True Light
    • Poetry—Vessels of Mercy, Prepared unto Glory
    • Tunisia—Cheering News from Tunis
    • The Medical Mission in Susa
    • Egypt—A Protege
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
  • February 1896 - No. 90 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Peace
    • Notes and Extracts
    • A Kabyle Youth, Constantine
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Our New Workers
    • A Story of an Afghan Testament
    • Calvary versus Mecca
    • Arrival of a Caravan from the Desert
    • Morocco—Sad Days in Tangier; Cholera in the Moorish Villages
    • Algeria—ltinerating amongst the Mountains of Kabylia; In the Villages around Tiemcen; Back again in Cherchel
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journal
    • Poetry—Brethren, Pray for us
    • For the Young
  • March 1896 - No. 91 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Subjection
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Our New Workers
    • Tunisia—In the Arab Villages around Susa
    • Morocco—Visits to a Moorish Prison; Settling in for a Winter's Work
    • The Work of Others
    • An Arab Girl, North Africa
    • Algeria—Three Days in Kabylia; An Evangelising Tour in the Mountains and Plains of Kabylia
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young
  • April 1896 - No. 92 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Mystery of Trial
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Tunisia—Visit to the Sacred City of Kerouan
    • Morocco—From Mr. C. Mensink
    • Group of Missionaries in Tunis
    • Algeria—Visiting the Villages around Tiemcen; Notes of a Week's Tour in Algeria
    • A Shed, or Baraka, at Susa
    • To the Local Secretaries and Members of the North Africa Workers' Union
    • A Startling Contrast—Drink versus Missions
    • Bible Reading
    • My Best Days
    • For the Young
  • May 1896 - No. 93 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Patience of Faith
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Quays of Algiers
    • Mission Work amongst the Mohammedans of Sumatra
    • The Financial Problem and its Solution
    • Algeria—Notes of an ltinerating Tour; A few Facts Regarding Work in Cherchel; The Mosque of Sidi-el-Haloui
    • Tunisia—An Interview with some Arab Visitors; Some Thoughts on the Work in Tunis; An Oil-press at Djemaa Sahridj
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • June 1896 - No. 94 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • My faithful Martyr
    • Notres and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Murder of Dr. and Mrs. Leach
    • The Leach Memorial
    • Egypt—Baptising a Convert; A Few Incidents of Work in Alexandria
    • Algeria-Visits to Arab Encampments; With Algerian Jews at Passover Time; Israel in Algeria; Patio, or Courtyard, of Superior Arab House
    • Morocco—Labours among Moors and Spaniards in Tetuan
    • Missionary Chant
    • Tunis—Incidents of Work in Tunis; Pictures of Mission Life and around Sousse Across the Bay
    • For the Young—A Letter to all the Boys I Know Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • A Strong Tower
  • July 1896 - No. 95 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • God's Committee
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • An Incident in the North Africa Mission
    • Noorah's Prayer
    • Group of Date Palms
    • Extract from an Address by Mr. Muller
    • Two Young Mohammedans
    • A Few Thoughts on the Contrasts between the Character and Teachings of Mohammed and the Lord Jesus Christ
    • Morocco—A Journey to Fez; My Sewing Class of Moorish Women; With the Lads and Locusts at Casablanca; Items from Miss Jay's Diary
    • The Work of Others
    • Laraiche, Morocco
    • For the Young—Our Two Arab Girls—Stop, Thief!
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Bible Reading
  • August 1896 - No. 96 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Representing a Great King
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Contrasts between Mohammed and the Lord Jesus Christ
    • Baptisms of Spaniards in Tangier
    • To all the Members of the Lord's Committee
    • They shall see His Face
    • The Tuariks of the Sahara
    • Algeria—Some of my Arab Visitors
    • Tunis—News of the Lord's Work in Tunis
    • Extract from an Address by Mr. Müller
    • Tripoli—Medical Mission Work; Illustrations from Tripoli, Barbary
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young
  • September 1896 - No. 97 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Progress in North Africa during a Hundred Years
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Missionary Candidates and their Training
    • Egyptian Illustrations
    • The Present Outlook for Missions in Turkey
    • Tunisia—Mission Work in Sousse, Tunisia; A Bit of Cheer; Wanted, a Doctor; or, An Afternoon's Work in Tunis
    • The Christian's Bible
    • The Work of Others
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young
    • Bible Reading
  • October 1896 - No. 98 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Report of North Africa Mission for 1895-96:—Morocco: "Tulloch Memorial " Hospital in 'faugier—Women's Hospital—Tetuan—Casablanca—Fez. Algeria: Djemaa Sahridj—Constantine—Tlemcen—Cherchell—Mostaganem —Algiers. Tunis: Sousse. Tripoli. Egypt
    • General Cash Account
    • Explanatory Notes on the General Cash Account
    • "That take... for Me and thee"
    • The Work of Others
    • List of Donations
    • The Form of a Bequest
    • Location of Missionaries
    • Council
    • AnnuaI Farewell Meetings
  • November 1896 - No. 99 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Importance of Truth as well as Faith
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Our Annual Farewell Meetings
    • The Suk, Kerouan, Tunisia
    • Morocco—Notes of Journey from Fez to Mogador; Talks with the Women and Girls
    • Algeria—My Jewish Maidens
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • Kef, Tunisia
    • Tunisia—An Interview with some Arab Visitors
    • Diversity of Service
    • Prayer for Mohammedans
  • December 1896 - No. 100 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Our Calling
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Charges against English Missionaries in Algeria
    • Jews in Morocco
    • Morocco—Day by Day in Tetuan; Notes of Journey from Fez to Mogador
    • Village Girls near Biskra carrying Water
    • Algeria—Among the Jews on the Day of Atonement
    • Tunisia—Awaesha; To Christian Friends in England; Jottings from my Journal
    • Bible Reading
    • Tripoli—The Medical Mission, Tripoli
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals
    • For the Young
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer


  • January 1897 - No. 101 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Spiritual Growth
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Morocco—Jottings from my Journal by MIss C.S, Jennings (Tangier); Notes of Journey from Fez to Mogador by Miss S.M. Denison; Arab Girls in Tiemcen; Women's Medical Mission and Hospital, Tangier by Dr (Miss) G.R.S. Breeze
    • Algeria—ltems of' our Work in Cherchel by Mrs H.D. Day
    • Tunisia—Conversations with Jews, Roman Catholics and Freethinkers by Mrs Michell; Two Cries by Miss M.B. Grissell
    • Extract
    • For the Young
    • Bible Reading
  • February 1897 - No. 102 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Seeking the Kingdom of God the Best Policy
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers: Miss Florence K. Tregillus; Miss Emma Dunbar
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Morocco—Notes of Mission Life in Tetuan by Miss A. Bolton; From Tangier to Mequinez
    • Algeria—A Letter from o.ur Sisters in Kabylia by Jamie C. Cox & Kate S. Smith; The Kabyles
    • Tunisia—Notes of a Tour in the District of Suuassi, Central Tunisia by Miss Albina Cox
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals by A.G. Hubbard (Tetuan), Miss Jay (Tangier), Mrs Venables (Tripoli), Miss Gertrude L. Addinsall (Tripoli) & Mr J.L. Lochhed (Constantine)
    • For the Young—The Arab Children in Tetuan, Morocco
  • March 1897 - No. 103 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Faith the Channel of every Blessing
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Our New Workers: Mr Harry Nott, Mr Herbert Ernest Jones & MIss Isabella C. de la Camp
    • Travelling Agents by Miss B.G. Vining
    • Pihahiroth
    • Stealing the Prisoners' Bread
    • Arablan Mission, Busrah
    • Morocco—Some Visitors at the Medical Mission, Tangier; Our Sisters in Tetuan
    • Tunisia—Notes of a Tour in the District of Souassi, Central Tunisia by Miss Albina Cox
    • Poetry—"According fo that a Man Hath"
    • Tripoli—In Arab Houses by Miss G.L. Addinsell
    • Bible Reading
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals: Mr. W. Dickens (Alexandria) & Miss Herdman (Fez)
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Christmas Gatherings by Miss A. Watson (Alexandria) & Miss Vining (Tangier)
  • April 1897 - No. 104 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Grace Sufficient
    • Missionaries Landing on the Morocco Coast
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers: William Thomas Bolton & Miss Ada Watson
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • From Islam to Christ
    • God's Moments
    • Morocco—A Short Description of Tangier; and Some Branches of Work in Connection with the North Africa Mission by Mrs C. Mensing
    • The Eve of Ramadan by Miss B. Vining
    • In and Around Mequinez
    • Algeria—Amongst the Children in Chercbel
    • Tunisia—Italians and Sicilians in Tunis by A.M. Case; Evangelising at a Weekly Sok by Mr. H.E. Webb
  • May 1897 - No. 105 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The God of Jeshurun
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission Workers' Union by Edward H. Glenny
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Morocco—Service amongst the Moorish Children and Women by Miss J. Jay (Tangier); One Day's Missionary Life at Eshcol by Mr J. Edwards (Casablanca); Medical Work in Pez by Miss M. Copping; Labours Among the Lowly: Miss S. Jennings
    • Algeria—Some Items of our Work in Constantine by Mrs Lochead
    • Tunisia—A Visit to Mesakin by J. Cooksey; Mr H.E. Webb
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals: Mr W. Summers (alexandria) & Mr D.J. Cooper (Tripoli)
    • Christians, Awake!
  • June 1897 - No. 106 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Discouraging God's People
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Morocco—Seed-Sowing at Casablanca by Mr. J. Edwards; Loving Darkness rather than Light by Miss G. Hubbard (Tetuan)
    • Algeria—Our Visit to Djemaa Sahridj by Miss Ada D. Welch
    • Tunisia—Kairouan the Holy by Mr. Joseph J. Cooksey; For All Things; Through Tunisian Villages by Mr. H.E. Webb
    • Tripoli—Some Visitors to our Medical Mission by Mr. W. Reid; Amongst the Villages of Kabylia
    • Egypt—Distributing the Word of God in Egyptian Villages by Mr. C.T. Hooper, Alexandria; Buying Up Opportunities. Extract from Monthly Report of Mr. W, Dickens (Alexandria); Missions to Moslems by the Rev. S.M. Zwemer
    • Bible Reading—Praise the Lord
  • July 1897 - No. 107 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Interest in Foreign Missions
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Spiritual Movements of the Century. "The Faith-Work" by Arthur T. Pierson, D.D.
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Morocco—From Casablanca to Tangier by Mr. J. Edwards (Casablanca); The Late Distress in Morocco
    • Extract from an Address by Mr. Muller, March 8th 1896.
    • Tunisia—Sousse, Tunisia by Mr. H.E. Webb; "He led them forth by the Right Way" by Mr W.G. Pope, Sousse; A Visit to Sidi Amr and Hamada by Mr. Joseph J. Cooksety; Items of Interest at Sousse. Extracts from Letter from Mrs Churcher
    • Spread of Islam in the Dutch lndies
    • Poetry—"Good "
    • The Work of Others—The Arabian Mission. Report for October-December 1896 by Rev. James Cantine (Busrah)
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • August 1897 - No. 108 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Mission Work in the Light of the Lord's Return. Extracts from an Address by Pastor W. Fuller Gooch
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Courtyard of Mission House, Tripoli
    • The Spiritual Movements of the Century "The Faith-Work" by Arthur T. Pierson, D.D.
    • Morocco—First Efforts in Casablanca by Miss Lilian Sexton; Notes of Medical Work in Fez by Miss M. Copping; Evangelizing in Morocco by Mr. C. Mensink
    • Algeria—ltinerating in Eastern Constantine by Miss L. Colville
    • Tunisia—In Conflict with the Powers of Evil by Mr. Herbert E. Webb (Sousse)
    • Ebenezer
    • Prayei: for Moslem Lands by C.T. Wilson
    • Extract from Workers' Letters: Mrs Venables (Tripoli)
    • The Work of Others—Missions in the Dutch East Indies
    • The Gospel Union m Morocco
    • Conquest and Re-Conquest. Extract from Mrs Bishop's Speech at St. Jame's Hall
    • Bible Reading—He Speaketh Peace
    • For the Young—About Some Little Missionaries by Rev. S.M. Zwemer
    • Poetry—"Surely I come quickly"
  • September 1897 - No. 109 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Mission Work in the Light of the Lord's Return
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • The Spiritual Movements oi the Century
    • Dealing with Individual Souls
    • Extracts from an Address by Mr. Müller
    • Lessons on Memory
    • The Marine Gate, Tunis
    • Tunisia—Fresh Efforts in Sousse
    • Bible Reading
    • Morocco—In Camp amongst the Tetuan Mountains; The Diamond Jubilee in Tangier; Opening up New Work in Casablanca; A Brief Experience of Camp Life
    • The Work of Others—The Arabian Mission
    • For the Young—Worth Winning
    • Poetry—"She Came Aforehand"
  • October 1897 - No. 110 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Report of the N. A. Mission, 1896-97
    • Finance
    • Algeria
    • Oran
    • Morocco—Miss E.K. Aldridge; Mr C. Mensink; Miss S. Jennings; Dr G.R.S. Breeze; Miss J. Jay; Mr. Hardingham Patrick
    • General Cash Account
    • Morocco—Casablanca; Tetuan; Fez
    • Regency of Tunis; Sousa
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt
    • Barking
    • Donations
    • Annual Farewell Meetings
  • November 1897 - No. 111 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • God's Delays
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Frlends of the North Africa Mission
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Morocco—Day's Work in the Tuiloch Memorial Hospital, Tangier; From Fez to Wazzan; ltinerating Work in the Villages in the Summer of 1897; A Fortnight amongst a Tribe of Robbers; A Feast-Day in Casablanca; Individualism in Missionary Work
    • Tunisia—Some Moslems whom we have Met
    • Egypt—Visiting in Alexandria
    • A Pomegranate
    • For the Young—Rescued Slave Boys at Muscat
  • December 1897 - No. 112 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • For God
    • Notes and Extracts
    • God my Exceeding Joy
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Our New Workers
    • A Delayed Message
    • Spiritual Movements of Half-Century—Independent Missions by Arthur T. Pierson
    • Enemies of Christendom
    • Tunisia—Sunshine and Shadow in Tunis by Marian B. Grissell
    • Morocco—The Medical Mission in Fez by Miss M. Copping; Our Sisters in Sifroo by MIss M. Mellett; A Visit to Larache, Extracts from Journal of MIss C.S. Jennings
    • Egypt—Statement of Work done during the Months of August and September by Avoub Abdallah (a native convert)
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals: Miss A. Watson (Casablanca); Miss L. Sexton (Casablanca); Mr H. Nott (Casablanca); Mr J. Cooksey (Kairowan); Dr (Miss) G.R.S. Breeze (Tangier); Mrs Venables
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Poetry—Looking

1898 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1898 - No. 113 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Work before us
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Our New Workers
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Morocco—Notes of the Medical Missions in Fez by Miss M. Copping; A Visit to Larache by Miss C.S. Jennings; Our Sisters in Sifroo by Miss S.M. Denison; The Hospital Wards by Dr C.L. Terry (Tangier)
    • Tunisia—Watching for Souls by Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Poetry—Awakened
    • Egypt—Through the Villages of the Delta by Mr. Charles T. Hooper; Map of Lower Egypt
    • Mohammedanism in West Africa by Dr. C.F. Harford-Battersby
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse—Consecrated Gain
  • February 1898 - No. 114 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Bread for the World
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Christ's Call to Personal Missionary Service by Rev. George Wilson
    • Poetry—Abraham's Prayer
    • Mohammedan Worship
    • Bible Readings—The Christian Life
    • Morocco—Some of our Neighbours in Casablanca by Miss Sexton; Some of my little Scholars by Miss J. Jay; The Hospital Wards by Dr. C.L. Terry (Tangier); A Visit to Larache by Miss C.S. Jennings; God's Messages to the People by Miss A. Bolton (Tetuan); From Miss I. de la Camp
    • Tunisia—Kairouan the Holy by Mr. J. Cooksey
    • Egypt—Report from Mr. W. Dickins, Alexandria; Labours amongst Women and Girls in Alexandria by Mrs Dickens; Rosetta, Lower Egypt
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse—The Macedonians
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • March 1898 - No. 115 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Bottle and 1he Well
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers: Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm
    • Morocco—Our Poor Neighbours by Miss S. Jennings; The Hospital Wards by Dr. C.L. Terry (Tangier); Notes from Tetuan by Miss I. de la Camp; Extracts from Journal of Miss E. Dunbar; Notes of the Medical Missions in Fez by MIss M. Copping
    • Algeria—Jottings from Algiers by Miss A. Welch
    • Tunisia—The Medical Mission in Sousa, Tunisia by Dr. T.G. Churcher; North Africa Mission, Tunis; The Mecca Certificate
    • Portions of Certificate given to all Moslem Pilgrims to Mecca
    • Bible Readings—Joy in God
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse—The Culture of the Grace of Giving by D.L. Pierson
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • For the Young—Christmas Fêtes in Cherchel by Miss L. Read
  • April 1898 - No. 116 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Human Impossibilities and Divine Certainties
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers: Miss E.A. Craggs
    • ? It's No Use Trying to Convert Mohammedans ? by Rev. S.M. Zwemer
    • Morocco—Visits to Moorish Prisons Miss F.K. Tregillus; Extracts from Letter sent to a Missionary Prayer Meeting by Dr/ Howard D. Roberts; Conversion of a Spanish Woman in Tetuan by Miss A. Bolton; Our Poor Neighbours by Miss J. Jay (Tangier); Our Sisters in Casablanca from Miss Sexton; The Hospital Wards by Dr C.L. Terry (Tangier)
    • Egypt—In and Around Alexandria; Portion of Certificate given to all Moslem Pilgrims to Mecca by Mr. W. Dickens; Encouraging Notes from Alexandria by Mr. C.T. Hooper
    • The Mecca Certificate
    • First Experiences of New Workers from Mr. Walter T. Fairman
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse—Seven Ways of Giving
    • For the Young—My Sewing Class by Miss F.K. Tregillus (Tangier)
  • May 1898 - No. 117 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Thou Remainest by Edward H. Glenny
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • The Need of a Book Fund by Mr. M.H. Marshall
    • Morocco—The Hospital Wards by Dr. C.L. Terry (Tangier)
    • Notes of the Work in Cherchel by Miss H.D. Day
    • Tunisia—Light after Darkness by Miss A.M. Case (Tunis); The Holy War—Arms and Ammunition by Dr. T.G. Churcher; Sousa Medical Mission—The Baraka by MIss L.M. Gray; Encouraging and Otherwise by Miss Addinsell
    • Egypt—Fasting and Feasting
    • Workers' Union, N.A.M.
    • The Work of Others: The American Presbyterian Mission
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse—Storing for God
    • For the Young by Kate S. Smith
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • June 1898 - No. 118 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Way of' Cain
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Spiritual Movements of the Century.The Revival of the Prayer-Spirit by Arthur T. Pierson
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Morocco—-lntinerating in Morocco; How a New Worker Views the Moorish Mission Field by E.A. Craggs; In the Women's Refuge, Tangier; Notes from Casablanca by Mr. H.E. Jones; Our Sisters in Casablanca by Miss E. Dunbar
    • Extract from an Address by the Late Mr. Geo. Müller
    • Tunisia—Extension in Tunis by Miss A.M. Case
    • Egypt—Early Days in Alexandria: Jottings from Mr. Kumm's Journal
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • For the Young by Miss S.M. Denison (Fez)
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse
  • July 1898 - No. 119 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Prepared Servant
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Hope for North Africa by Dr H. Grattan Guinness
    • Morocco—My Work amongst Women and Children by Miss J. Jay; Visiting in Tetuan by Miss I. de la Camp
    • Tunisia—Some of our Arab Neighbours by Miss E. Turner (Tunis); With the Women and Little Ones by Miss K.W. Johnston (Tunis); Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Tunisia—"In Reproaches, in Persecutions, for Christ's Sake" by MIss A. Cox (Sousa)
    • Egypt—Waste, Land in Egypt by Mr. W. Dickins; Seed-Sowing in the Delta of the Nile by Mr. C.T. Hooper; The Entrance of Thy Word Giveth Light by Walter T. Fairman (Damanhour)
  • August 1898 - No. 120 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Prepared Servant
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Frieards of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Requests for Prayer
    • Spiritual Movements of the Century. The Revival of the Prayer-Spirit by Arthur T. Pierson
    • Morocco—The Hospital Wards by Dr. C.L. Terry (Tangier); Notes from the Medical Mission in Fez by Miss M. Copping; "Bread upon the Waters" by Miss L. Sexton (Casablanca); Experiences in Casablanca by Mr H. Nott
    • Algeria—Our Work amongst Children in Cherchel by Miss L. Read; The Berbers of the Aurès Mountains; Testimony for God in Oran by Miss Adelaide Gill; Egyptian Water-Carrier
    • Tunisia—Notes of a Spring Evangelising Tour in Tunisia by Miss Albina Cox (Sousa); Rays of Light in Tunis by Miss Erickson; Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse—Consider your Ways by M.M.D.
    • For the Young—A Story of Two Little Arab Children by Miss A. Hammon
  • September 1898 - No. 121 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Prepared Servant
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers: John H.D. Roberts
    • Morocco—The Hospital Wards by Dr C.L. Terry (Tangier); Visit to the Women's Refuge, Tangier by Miss E. Craggs; "Wiinessing Both to Small and Great" by Miss A.G. Hubbard
    • Poetry—The Missionary's Blessing
    • North African Missionary Cruise
    • To Public School Boys
    • Morocco—A Seeker after Truth by Mr H.E. Jones; Visiting in Casablanca by Miss L. Sexton; Jottings from My Journal by Miss A. Watson (Casablanca)
    • Algeria—Extract from Letter to Members of Y.W.C.A. by Miss H.D. Day
    • Tripoli—Notes of the Lord's Work in Tripoli, Barbary by D.J. Cooper
    • Egypt—"The Daily Round" of a Missionary Probationer in Afrlca by Mr W. Kumm
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals: Mr C.T. Hooper (Alexandria)
    • Men Wanted!
  • October 1898 - No. 122 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Report of the North Africa Mission, 1897-98
    • Morocco—Tangier; Fez; Tetuan; Casablanca
    • Algeria—Djemaa Sahridj; Oran; Constantine
    • General Cash Account; Cherchel; Algiers
    • Regency of Tunis; Tunis; Sousa; Kairouan
    • Tripoli
    • Egypt—Alexandria; Rosetta; Barking
    • Notes on General Cash Account
  • November 1898 - No. 123 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Wonder-Working God by Mr John McVicker
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Our New Workers: Arthur T. Upson
    • Farewell Meetings at Exeter Hill
    • Witness and Work by Pastor Frank H. White
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Morocco—Asking and Receiving by Miss B.G. Vining
    • Encouragement, Progress, and Fruitfulness by Mr. J.J. Edwards (Tangier); Men's Refuge, Tangier; Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals By Lilian Sexton
    • Algeria—Some Arab Houses and their Inmates by MIss H.D> Day
    • Bible Readings
    • Tunisia—Daily Life at Sousse, Tunisia by Mr. W.G. Pope
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse
    • For the Young by Miss de la Camp (Tetuan)
  • December 1898 - No. 124 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Late Mrs. Grattan Guinness by Edward H. Glenny
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • The Missionary's Aim, Motive, and Message by Dr Henry Soltau
    • Mohammedans in China
    • Health in the Mission Field
    • Mohammedanism by George B. Michell
    • The Relation of Missionaries to other Europeans
    • Salvation for Mobammedans by Rev.John Rutherford
    • Bible Readings
    • Morocco—A Walk through the Wards of the Tulloch; Memorial Hospital by Dr J.H.D. Roberts; Visiting in Casablanca by L. Sexton
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals by Mr. W.G. Pope
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse—The Conservation of Energy by Rev. S.A. Dyke
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Poetry—Hitherto ·

1899 - Index View in PDF format pdf

  • January 1899 - No. 125 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Sent Forth by the Holy Ghost by Pastor W, Fuller Gooch
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Poetry—I am Debtor
    • The Mohammedan World of Today by Rev. Samuel M. Zwemer
    • Table Showing the Mohammedan World of To-day
    • The Work of Others—The South Morocco Mission
    • Egypt—Amongst the Freeborn of the Desert by Mr W. Kumm
    • Tunisia—Tunisian Children by Miss Ethel Turner; The Missing Link by Mr. J. Cooksey
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • The March of Railways in Africa
    • For the Children—A String of Camels by Miss S.M. Denison
  • February 1899 - No. 126 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "I will send thee far hence" by Pastor James Stephens
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Answers to Prayer—Withholding a Report
    • Morocco—The Mission School, Tangier by Miss Jay; Visiting in Casablanca by Miss L. Sexton
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Bible Readings
    • Algeria—Items of Interest in Cherchel by Miss; Witnesses for Him by Miss E.K. Lochhead
    • Egypt—ltinerating on the Nile by Mr. W. Dickins; Labourers together with God by Mr. C.T. Hooper; Christmas in Alexandria
    • For the Children—A String of Camels by MIss S.M. Denison
    • The Believer's Security. An Address by the Late George Muller
  • March 1899 - No. 127 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Intensity
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Missionary Cruise to North Africa y Mr Milton H. Marshall
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Morocco—A Visit to South Morocco by Mr. H. Nott; Mission School, Tangier
    • Tunisia—A Pew Request for Prayer by Miss K. Johnston; Noah's Anchors by Mr. J.J. Cooksey
    • Egypt—A Dream and its Interpretation by Mr W. Summers
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals by Mr H.E. Jones (Casablanca)
    • For the Children—Christmas in Algiers by MIss A. Welch
  • April 1899 - No. 128 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Some Incentives to Make Known the Gospel
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • Our New Workers: Mr Evan E. Short
    • The Missionary Cruise to North Africa by Mr. Milton H. Marshall
    • Extracts from an Address by the late Mr. Müller
    • "My Lord Delayeth His Coming" by Rev A.B. Simpson
    • Bible Readings
    • Poetry—The Missionary's Charge
    • Algeria—Progress in Djemaa Sahridj by Katy Smith & Janie Cox
    • Morocco—Village Work in Casablanca by Mr. H. Nott
    • Amongst Moorish Women in Casablanca by MIss Lilian Sexton
    • Poetry—My Master
    • Morocco—The Hospital Wards by Miss E.A. Craggs (Tangier)
    • Tunisia—Work among Moslem Students in Tunis by Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals by H.E. Jones (Casablanca), Miss M. Erickson (Biserta)
    • Tithes for the Lord's Storehouse: A More Excellent Way
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • May 1899 - No. 129 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Seed of the Kingdom by W.T.F.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Our New Workers: Mr. Percy Smith
    • The Missionary Cruise to North Africa by Mr Milton H. Marshall
    • Workers' Union, N.A.M.
    • Extract from an Address by Mr. Muller
    • Morocco—The Hospital Wards by Miss E.A. Craggs (Tangier); A Work of God in Tetuan by Miss A. Bolton; Some of our Women by Miss Lilian Sexton
    • Algeria—My First Impressions of Algeria by Percy Smith
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Tunisia—Ramadan in Tunis
    • Poetry—The Scorn of J.b.
    • Egypt—Copts and Missions
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals by Ms Reid (Tripoli)
    • The Fiji's Answer
    • The Work of Others
    • Bible Readings

    June 1899 - No. 130 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Seed of the Kingdom by W.T.F.
    • Notes and Extracts
    • Home Call of Miss Emma Herdman
    • Missionary Hymn
    • Preparation for Missionary Service
    • The Sanusi Dervishes
    • An Instructive Lesson in the Principles of Faith
    • El-Djem, Tunisia
    • Morocco—Visiting in the Douars by Miss L. Sexton; The Hospital Wards by Miss E.A. Craggs (Tangier)
    • Tunisia—Deep-Sea Fishing by Dr. T. Gillard Churcher; The Lights and Shades of Missionary Life by Miss Albina L. Cox (Sousse); A Journey to Sfax by Mr H.E. Webb, Mr W.G. Pope & Mr Joseph J. Cooksey; Early Efforts amongst the Natives by Mr A.T. Upson
    • Bible Readings
    • The Work of Others: Dutch Mission in Egypt by Mr W, Dickins
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • July 1899 - No. 131 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Late Miss Herdman by Edward H. Glenny
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission
    • In Memoriam—Emma Herdman
    • Morocco—Some Interesting Items from Casablanca by Miss Lillian Sexton; Some Experiences with Moorish Women by Miss S. Jennings
    • Algeria—An Adventure in the Mountains of Kabylia by Madame Rolland (Djemba Sahridi)
    • Tunisia—Mohammed and Creation by Joseph J. Cooksey (Kairouan)
    • Egypt—On the Borders of the Desert by W. Kumm; Report of Work for the Month of April Mr W. Wummers (Alexandria); Our Journey in the Delta by Mr. C.T. Hooper
    • Extracts from an Address by Mr. Muller
    • Brief Extracts from Workers' Letters and Journals by Mr. H.E. Jones (Casablanca)
    • Bible Readings
  • August 1899 - No. 132 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Reinforcements
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Notes of Visit to Mission Stations by Edward H. Glenny
    • Ali Khan's Dream
    • Morocco—Our Moorish Girls' School, Tangier by Miss J. Jay; The Hospital Wards by Miss E.A. Craggs; Medical Mission Work in Moorish Villages by Mrs Howard D. Roberts
    • Tunisia—Some of My Arab Visitors by Mr. A.V. Liley
    • Requests for Praise and Prayer
    • Impressions of Tunis and Christian Work there by Mr. D.J. Cooper (Tripoli)
    • Messages in Arab Households
    • Bible Readtng
    • For the Children—Arab Superstitions by Miss Mary M. Scott
    • "Brethren, Pray for us"
    • Poetry—Our Confidence
  • September 1899 - No. 133 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Bondage and Freedom
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • The Present Centre of the Slave Trade by Samuel M. Zwemer
    • A Task for the Church of the Twentieth Century
    • Morocco—Our Moorish Oirls' School, Tangier by Miss J. Jay; Some Experience in Moorish Villages; Some Interesting Items from Casablanca by Miss Lilian Sexton
    • Algeria—A Talk with Jews by Mr. Percy Smith
    • Tunisia—The Sousse Bible Depot
    • Egypt—Light for a Dark Land
    • The Work of Others—Tbe Arabian Mission by Miss I. de la Camp
    • Bible Reading
    • For the Children
  • October 1899 - No. 134 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Report of the North Africa Mission from May 1st, 1898, to April, 30th, 1899
    • Notes on the General Cash Account from May 1st, 1898, to April, 30th, 1899
    • Morocco Mission—Tangier—Men's Hospital; The Women's Hospital; Moorish Girl's School; Spanish Work; Sifroo; Casablanca; Tetuan; Laraish
    • Algerian Mission—Constantine
    • Tunisian Mission; Tunis; Italian Work; Sousa; Kairouan; Bizerta
    • Tripolian Mission; Tripoli
    • Egyptian Mission
    • Barking
    • Preparatory Work
  • November 1899 - No. 135 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Peace
    • Notes and Extracts
    • The Moorish Empire by Budgett Meakin
    • To the Friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • A French Evangelist for Algiers
    • Our New Workers: Miss F.M. Harrald; Miss K.E. Float
    • Bible Reading
    • Morocco—Report of Work in Casablanca by Mr H.E. Jones; From House to House in Casablanca by Miss Lilian Sexton; Among the Anghera People by Mr. J.J. Edwards (Tangier); Medical Mission Experiences by Dr. D.D. Roberts; Native Colporteurs in Morocco
    • Algeria—A Glimpse of Village Life in Constantine by Mr. E. Short
    • "Kamil Abdul Messiah"
    • Prayer in the Tiger Jungle
  • December 1899 - No. 136 - Download complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Men Raised up of God
    • Notes and Extracts
    • To the friends of the North Africa Mission by Edward H. Glenny
    • Our New Workers by Mr & Mrs J.H.C. Purden; Miss Beatrice Mary Tipaft
    • Second International Conference of the S.V.M .U.
    • Morocco—Watching for Souls in Tetuan by Miss G. Hubbard
    • The Tulloch Memorial Hospital Miss E.A. Craggs
    • Algeria—Evangelizing by Bicycle around Constantine by Mr Evan Short
    • Tunisia—Tunis Book Depot
    • "Kamil Abdul Messiah"
    • Believing God by the Late George Muller
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