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Countries in East Asia


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Associated Missionaries:

Gladys Aylward | Roland Allen | Thomas Barclay [1849-1935] | Maud Elizabeth Boaz [1873-1937] | Nellie Botham [?-1934] | Ernest Whitby Burt [1867-1951] | Dugald Christie [1855-1936] & Eliza Christie | Thomas Cochrane [1866-1953] | Leila R. Cooke [?-1943] | Mary Elizabeth Darley [c.1870-1934] | Hannah Davies [1875-1904?] | James Outram Fraser [1886–1938] | Archibald Edward Glover [1859-1954] | Jonathan & Rosalind Goforth | Gershom Whitfield Guinness [1869-1927] | Geraldine Guinness (A.K.A. Mrs Howard Taylor) [1865-1949] | David Hill [1840-1896] | Dixon Edward Hoste [1861-1946] | Herbert Stanley Jenkins [1874-1913] | Griffith John [1831-1912] | Bill [1870-1947] & Nettie Junkin [1878-1957] | Frank Doggett Learner [1886-1947] | Frank Lenwood [1874-1934] | Margaret Patterson Mack [1906-2005] | David Duncan Main [1856-1934] | George Leslie Mackay [1884-1901] | John Kenneth MacKenzie [1850-1888] | Elsie Marshall [1869-1895] | Campbell Naismith Moody [1866-1940] | Robert Morrison [1782-1834] | Archibald Orr-Ewing [1857-1930] | Brown Craig Patterson [1865-1953] & Anne Houston Patterson [1867-1954] | Craig Houston Patterson [1897-1990] & Frances Glasgow Patterson [1899-1975] | Samuel Pollard [1864-1915] | Philip Rees [1877-1913] | Timothy Richard [1845-1919] | Matteo Ricci [1552-1610] | Cecil Frederick Robertson [1884-1913] | John Ross [1842-1915] | Xi Sheng Mo [1836-1896] | John Whiteford Stevenson [1844-1918] | Robert Warren Stewart [1850-1895] & Louisa Stewart [c.1850-1895] | George Stott [1835-1889] & Grace Ciggie Stott [?-1922] | John Shang-chieh Sung [1901-1944] | The Hudson Taylors | Christine Isabel Tinling [1869-1943] | Harry Wyatt [1895-1938] | Andrew Young [1869-1922] | Florence Selina Harriet Young [1856-1940]

On-line Resource Anonymous, According to Plan "I Will build my Church" A recent survey of the work of the CHINA INLAND MISSIONAnonymous, According to Plan "I Will build my Church" A recent survey of the work of the CHINA INLAND MISSION. London: China Inland Mission, [1944]. Pbk. pp.93. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of OMF International-UK]
On-line Resource BMS Missionaries, Through Toil and Tribulation. Missionary Experiences in China during the war of 1939-1945BMS Missionaries, Through Toil and Tribulation. Missionary Experiences in China during the war of 1939-1945. London: Carey Press, 1947. Hbk. pp.208. View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
Book or monograph Education For Service in the Christian Church in China. The Report of a Survey Commission 1935. New York: Board of Founders, Nanking Theological Seminary, 1935. Hbk. pp.165.
Book or monograph Paul E. Adolph [1901-?], Surgery Speaks to China. The Experiences of a Medical Missionary to China in Peace and in War. Philadelphia: China Inland Mission, [1945]. Hbk. pp.195.
On-line Resource Connie Au, "The Pentecostal Holiness Church's Mission in the Anti-Christian Movement in the China (1920-30)," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 14.1 (Jan. 2011): 27-55. View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Charlotte Bacon, Where EAST Meets WEST in CHINA. London & Edinburgh: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd., [1929]. Hbk. pp.96.
Book or monograph 'Barnabas', Christian Witness in Communist China, 2nd edn. London: SCM Press Ltd., 1952. Pbk. pp.79.
Book or monograph Pat Barr, To China With Love: The Lives and Times of Protestant Missionaries in China, 1860-1900. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1972. pp.210.
On-line Resource E.R. Beckman [1866-?], The Massacre at Sianfu and Other Experiences in Connection With the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North AmericaE.R. Beckman [1866-?], The Massacre at Sianfu and Other Experiences in Connection With the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North America. Chicago: J.V. Martenson, 1913. Hbk. pp.138. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Nelson Bitton [1870-1955], The Regeneration of New China. London: London Missionary Society, n.d. Hbk. pp.282.
On-line Resource Maud Elizabeth Boaz [1873-1937], "And the Villages thereof".Maud Elizabeth Boaz [1873-1937], "And the Villages thereof". London: Morgan & Scott, [1925]. Hbk. pp.173. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph R.A. Bosshardt [1847-1993], The Restraining Hand. Captivity for Christ in China. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1936. Hbk. pp.288.
Book or monograph Robert Higginson Boyd [1880-1957], The Path of Valour. Belfast: The Foreign Mission Office, 1943. Hbk. pp.206. [Manchuria]
On-line Resource Tobias Bradner, "Premillennial and Countercultural Faith and Its Production and Reception in the Chinese Context," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 14.1 (Jan. 2011): 3-26. View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph A.J. Broomhall [1911-1994], Strong TowerA.J. Broomhall [1911-1994], Strong Tower. London: China Inland Mission, 1947. Hbk. pp.256.
On-line Resource Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission with a Record of the Perils & Sufferings of Some Who EscapedMarshall Broomhall [1866-1937], Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission with a Record of the Perils & Sufferings of Some Who Escaped. London: China Inland Mission, [1901]. Hbk. pp.329. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], editor. Last Letters and Further Records of Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland MissionMarshall Broomhall [1866-1937], editor. Last Letters and Further Records of Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission. London: China Inland Mission, 1901. Hbk. pp.105. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], In Quest of God. The Life Story of PAStors Chang and Ch'ü, Buddhist Priest and ScholarMarshall Broomhall [1866-1937], In Quest of God. The Life Story of Pastors Chang and Ch'ü, Buddhist Priest and Scholar. London: China Inland Mission, [1921]. Hbk. pp.190. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], W. W. Cassels. First Bishop in Western ChinaMarshall Broomhall [1866-1937], W. W. Cassels. First Bishop in Western China. London: The China Inland Mission, 1926. Hbk. pp.378. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], Our Seal. Being The Witness of the China Inland Mission to The Faithfulness of GodMarshall Broomhall [1866-1937], Our Seal. Being The Witness of the China Inland Mission to The Faithfulness of God. London: China Inland Mission, 1933. Hbk. pp.173. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], The Bible in ChinaMarshall Broomhall [1866-1937], The Bible in China. London: The China Inland Mission, 1934. Hbk. pp.190. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph E.W. Burt [?-1951], Fifty Years in China. The Story of the Baptist Mission in Stantung, Shansi and Shensi 1875-1925. London: The Carey Press, n.d. Hbk. pp.127.
On-line Resource Ernest Whitby Burt [1867-1951], After Sixty Years. The Story of the Church Founded by the Baptist Missionary Society in North ChinaErnest Whitby Burt [1867-1951], After Sixty Years. The Story of the Church Founded by the Baptist Missionary Society in North China. London: Carey Press, [1937]. Hbk. pp.148. View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
Book or monograph Mildred Cable [1877-1952] & Francesca French [1871-1960], Dispatches From North-West Kansu. London: The China Inland Mission, 1925. Pbk. pp.74.
Book or monograph Mildred Cable [1877-1952] & Francesca French [1871-1960], Something Happened. London: Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd., 1933. Hbk. pp.320.
Book or monograph Columba Cary-Elwes [1903-1994], China and the Cross. Studies in Missionary History. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1957. Hbk, pp.323.
Book or monograph Eliza Inglis Christie [1865-1962], The Chinese. A Study of Influences Operating in China With Special Reference to Manchuria. Edinburgh: United Free Church of Scotland, [1927]. Pbk. pp.103.
On-line Resource Fish Four and the Lisu New TestamentLeila R. Cooke [?-1943], Fish Four and the Lisu New Testament. London: China In Inland Mission, 1948. Pbk. pp.94. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of OMF International-UK]
On-line Resource George Cousins [1842-?], Gleanings From Many Fields.George Cousins [1842-?], Gleanings From Many Fields, 3rd edn. London: London Missionary Society, 1896. Hbk. pp.216. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Alice Maud Dalton Dinneen [1878-1969], Not of Gennesareth. Romance and Adventure in China. London: The Zenith Press, [1933]. Hbk. pp.143.
Book or monograph Mrs M.M. Dymond, Yunnan. London & Edinburgh: Marshall Brothers Ltd., [1929]. Hbk. pp.95.
Book or monograph Fred H. Easton [1893-?], A Bit of Old China. The Romance of Golden Hill. London: The Hulbert Publishing Co., Ltd., [1927]. Hbk. pp.271.
Book or monograph Fred H. Easton [1893-?], Barak: The Diary of a Donkey. London: The Hulbert Publishing Co. Ltd., [1928]. Hbk. pp.90.
On-line Resource Albert V. Fedders, "The Four Gospels: a Taiwanese romanized translation," Bible Translator 19.3 (July 1968): 120-124.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph John Foster [1898-1973], Chinese Realities. London: The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1928. Hbk. pp.240.
On-line Resource Albert J. Garnier, A Maker of Modern ChinaAlbert J. Garnier, A Maker of Modern China. London: The Carey Press, [1945]. Hbk. pp.120. View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
On-line Resource John Anderson Graham [1861-1942], On the Threshold of Three Closed Lands. The Guild Outpost in the Western Himalayas, 2nd ednJohn Anderson Graham [1861-1942], On the Threshold of Three Closed Lands. The Guild Outpost in the Western Himalayas, 2nd edn. Edinburgh: R & R Clark, Ltd. / London: A & C Black, 1897. Pbk. pp.178. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Kingston de Gruchè, Doctor Apricot of "Heaven-Below". The Story of the Hangchow Medical Mission (C.M.S.). London & Edinburgh: Maershall Brothers Ltd., 1910. Hbk. pp.144.
Book or monograph Eric Hague, In the Shadow of Nine Dragons. Hong King Sketches. London: The Highway Press, 1958. Pbk. pp.108.
On-line Resource George Hawker [1857-1932], Open the Window Eastward. Glimpses of Women's Missionary Work in India and ChinaGeorge Hawker [1857-1932], Open the Window Eastward. Glimpses of Women's Missionary Work in India and China. London: The Carey Press, [1917]. Hbk. pp.170. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Katherine Hockin, Servants of God in People's China. London: SCM Press Ltd., 1964. Pbk. pp.127.
Book or monograph John Zimmerman Hodge [1872-1960], Salute to India. London: SCM Press Ltd., 1944. Hbk. pp.127.
Book or monograph Alice Jane Home, Ruth Carey's Hundredfold. London: Pickering & Inglis, 1925. Hbk. pp.125.
On-line Resource C. Silvester Horne, The Story of the L.M.S. with an Appendix Bringing the Story up to the Year 1904C. Silvester Horne, The Story of the L.M.S. with an Appendix Bringing the Story up to the Year 1904, new edn. London: London Missionary Society, 1908. Hbk. pp.460. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource J.E. Hutton [1838-1937], A History of Moravian Missions. London: Moravian Publication Office, n.d. Hbk. pp.550. [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource E. Graham Ingram [1851-1926], From Japan to JerusalemE. Graham Ingram [1851-1926], From Japan to Jerusalem. London: Church Missionary Society, 1911. Hbk. pp.232. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John Jackson [1853-1917], In Leper-Land. A Record of 7,000 Miles among Indian Lepers, with a Glimpse of Hawaii, Japan, and ChinaJohn Jackson [1853-1917], In Leper-Land. A Record of 7,000 Miles among Indian Lepers, with a Glimpse of Hawaii, Japan, and China. London: The Mission to Lepers, [1914]. Hbk. pp.208. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource James Johnston [1819-1905], China and Formosa. The Story of the Mission of the Presbyterian Church of EnglandJames Johnston [1819-1905], China and Formosa. The Story of the Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England. London: Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ltd., 1897. Hbk. pp.400. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John Charles Keyte [1875-1942], In China Now. China's Need and the Christian ContributionJohn Charles Keyte [1875-1942], In China Now. China's Need and the Christian Contribution. London: The Livingstone Press, 1923. Pbk. pp.160. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John Charles Keyte [1875-1942], Andrew Young of Shensi. Adventure in Medical MissionsJohn Charles Keyte [1875-1942], Andrew Young of Shensi. Adventure in Medical Missions. London: The Carey Press, [1924]. Hbk. pp.314. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John J. Kijne, "The Bible in modern Chinese - a symposium," Bible Translator 11.3 (July 1960): 100-110.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul King [1853-?], Weighed in China's Balance. An Attempt at Explanation. London: Heath Cranton Ltd., 1928. Hbk. pp.238. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource R.P. Kramers, "Some Thoughts on Revisions of the Bible in Chinese," Bible Translator 7.4 (October 1956): 152-162.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Robert P. Kramers, "On being polite in Chinese," Bible Translator 14.4 (October 1963): 165-173.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Tun-Jou Ku, "Notes on the Chinese Version of the Bible," Bible Translator 8.4 (October 1957): 160-165.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource D. Lancashire, "Chinese Language Reform," Bible Translator 9.1 (January 1958): 26-37.View in PDF format pdf
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Kenneth Scott Latourette, A History of Christian Missions in ChinaKenneth Scott Latourette, A History of Christian Missions in China. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-1463213954. pp.946. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
On-line Resource Frank Doggett Learner [1886-1947], Rusty Hinges. A Story of Closed Doors Beginning to Open in North-East Tibet. London: The China Inland Mission, 1934. Hbk. pp.157. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Delavan L. Leonard [1834-1917], A Hundred Years of Missions or The Story of Progress Since Carey's Beginning. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1895. Hbk. pp.430. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Arthur Lin, The History of Christian Missions in Guangxi, ChinaArthur Lin, The History of Christian Missions in Guangxi, China. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2020. ISBN: 978-1532677717. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
On-line Resource William Moister [1808-1891], A History pf Wesleyan Missions in All Parts of the World from their Commencement to the Present Time, 3rd revised edn.William Moister [1808-1891], A History pf Wesleyan Missions in All Parts of the World from their Commencement to the Present Time, 3rd revised edn. London: Ellis Stock, 1871, Hbk. pp.557. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Colonel G.K. Scott Moncrieff, CEI [1885-1924], Eastern Missions from A Soldier's StandpointColonel G.K. Scott Moncrieff, CEI [1885-1924], Eastern Missions from A Soldier's Standpoint. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1907. Hbk. pp.181. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Campbell L. Moody [1866-1940], A Sound of Abundance of RainCampbell N. Moody [1866-1940], A Sound of Abundance of Rain. London: The Foreign Missions Committee of the Presbyterian Church in England, 1936. Pbk. pp.40. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource T.M. Morris [1830-1904], A Winter in North China with an ntroduction by the Rev. Richard Glover of BristolT.M. Morris [1830-1904], A Winter in North China with an Introduction by the Rev. Richard Glover of Bristol. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1892. Hbk. pp.256. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John Brown Myers [1844/45-1915], editor, The Centenary Volume of the Baptist Missionary Society 1792-1892John Brown Myers [1844/45-1915], editor, The Centenary Volume of the Baptist Missionary Society 1792-1892, 2nd edn. London: The Baptist Missionary Society, 1892. Hbk. pp.344. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Frank L. Norris [1864-1945], China. Handbooks of English Church ExpansionFrank L. Norris [1864-1945], China. Handbooks of English Church Expansion. London & Oxford: A.R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 1908. Hbk. pp.219. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource The Crisis of Missions; or, the Voice Out of the CloudArthur T. Pierson [1837-1911], The Crisis of Missions; or, the Voice Out of the Cloud, 4th edn. London: James Nisbet & Co., [1889]. Hbk. pp.370. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Harold B. Rattenbury [1878-1961], China, My China, 4th edn. London: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1945. Hbk. pp.271.
Book or monograph Ronald David Rees, Christians in Action. A Record of Work in War-time China by Seven Missionaries. London & New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1939. Hbk. pp.115.
On-line Resource Gilbert Reid [1857-1927], Glances at China. London: The Religious Tract Society, [1892]. Hbk. pp.191. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Charles Henry Robinson, History of Christian MissionsCharles Henry Robinson [1861-1925], History of Christian Missions. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1915. Hbk. pp.160-218. [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Rev. John Ross, "China Past and Present," Sunday at Home 36 No. 1815 (Feb. 9th 1889): 86-88. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Rev. John Ross, "China: Past and Present, Part II," Sunday at Home 36 No. 1816 (Feb. 16th 1889): 108-109. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John Ross, "China: Past and Present. Education," Sunday at Home 36 No. 1824 (April 13th 1889): 236-237. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John Ross, "China: Past and Present. Religion," Sunday at Home 36 No. 1831 (June 1st 1889): 346-348. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Alexander R. Saunders, A God of Deliverances. The Story of the Marvellous Deliverances Through the Sovereign Power of God of a Party of Missionaries, When Compelled by the Boxer Rising to Flee From Shan-Si, North China. London: China Inland Mission, [1901]. Hbk. pp.88. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of OMF International-UK]
Book or monograph William G. Sewell [1898-1984], China Through a College Window. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1937. Hbk. pp.183.
On-line Resource G.W. Sheppard, "The Problem of Translating 'God' into Chinese," Bible Translator 6.1 (January 1955): 23-30.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Arthur H. Smith [1845-1932], The Uplift of ChinaArthur H. Smith [1845-1932], The Uplift of China. Various editions. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Stanley P. Smith [1861-1931], China From Within, or the Story of the Chinese CrisisStanley P. Smith [1861-1931], China From Within, or the Story of the Chinese Crisis, 2nd edn. London: Marshall Brothers, 1901. Hbk. pp.252. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource W. Arthur Tatchell [1869-1937], Medical Missions in China. In Connexion with the Wesleyan Methodist Church with Forty-Six Illustrations. London: Robert Culley, [1909]. Hbk. pp.351. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Mrs Howard Taylor [1865-1949], With Pu and His BrigandsMrs Howard Taylor [1865-1949], With P'u and His Brigands. London: China Inland Mission, 1922. Hbk. pp.76. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of OMF International-UK]
Book or monograph Millicent [1882-?] & Margaret Thomas [1890-?], The Years Behind the Wall. London: The Livingstone Press (L.M.S.), 1936. Hbk. pp.126.
On-line Resource R.G. Tiedemand, "The Origins and Organizational Developments of the Pentecostal Missionary Enterprise in China," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 14.1 (Jan. 2011): 108-146. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Sophie Bronson Titterington [1846-?], A Century of Baptist Foreign Missions. An Outline SketchSophie Bronson Titterington [1846-?], A Century of Baptist Foreign Missions. An Outline Sketch. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1891. Hbk. pp.300. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph John Arthur Taylor [1909-1971], Kwang Tung or Five Years in South China. London: S.W. Partridge & Co.
On-line Resource Bernard William Upward [1873-1944], The Sons of Han. Stories of Chinese Life and Mission WorkBernard William Upward [1873-1944], The Sons of Han. Stories of Chinese Life and Mission Work. London: Church Missionary Society, 1908. Hbk. pp.192. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Vera E. Walker, Margery Horne. London: London Missionary Society, 1920. Pbk. pp.32.
On-line Resource Luke Wesley, "Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal?" Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 7.2 (July 2004): 225-254. View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Henry August Wittenbach [1900-1989], Eastern Horizons. London: The HIghway Press, 1954. Hbk. pp.99.
Book or monograph Chao-Kwang Wu, The International Aspect of the Missionary Movement in China. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press / London: Oxford University Press, 1930. Hbk. pp.285.
Book or monograph George A. Young [1898-1991], The Living Christ in Modern China. London: Carey Press, n.d. Hbk. pp.248.

Taiwan (formerly Formosa)

On-line Resource Ralph R. Covell, "Sediq Syntax as Related to Problems of Bible Translators," Bible Translator 7.4 (October 1956): 171-185.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Campbell N. Moody [1866-1940], The Heathen Heart. An Account of the Reception of the Gospel Among the Chinese of FormosaCampbell N. Moody [1866-1940], The Heathen Heart. An Account of the Reception of the Gospel Among the Chinese of Formosa. Edinburgh & London: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1907. Hbk. pp.253. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John Whitehorn, "Some Language Problems of Formosa," Bible Translator 7.1 (January 1956): 17-22.View in PDF format pdf
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