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The Massacre at Sianfu and Other Experiences in Connection With the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North America
E.R. Beckman [1866-?]

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Book Description

The Massacre at Sianfu and Other Experiences in Connection With the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North America
Publication Year:
J.V. Martenson
Christian Missions, China
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
E.R. Beckman [1866-?], The Massacre at Sianfu and Other Experiences in Connection With the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North America


  • Preface
  • The Scandinavian Alliance Mission
  • Field of Work in China of the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North America
  • During Our Sojourn in the Homelands
  • Forebodings of the Revolution
  • The Revolutionary Outbreak
  • The Attack
  • Mr W.T. Vatne
  • Our Stay at the Military Academy
  • The Funeral
  • Confusing Conditions in General
  • The Journey to the Coast
  • Foreigners Murdered and Illtreated in Other Parts of the Country
  • Sympathy Shown Me at Shanghai and Other Places
  • Mr W.T. Want's Account to the President
  • From Shanghai to Stockholm by the Siberian Route
  • New Trials
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