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China and Formosa. The Story of the Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England
James Johnston [1819-1905]

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Book Description

China and Formosa. The Story of the Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England
Publication Year:
Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ltd.
Christian Missions, China
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

James Johnston [1819-1905], China and Formosa. The Story of the Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England


  • Preface
  1. Origin of the China Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England
  2. The Mission Field
  3. The People and Their Disposition Towards Us
  4. The Practical Religion of the Chinese
  5. The Planting of the Mission
  6. Times of Blessing
  7. The Story of the Amoy Mission
  8. The Story of the Shatow Mission
  9. The Story of the Formosa Mission
  10. A Retrospect
  11. Looking Forward
  12. The Story of the Amoy Mission (continued)
  13. The Story of the Amoy Mission (continued)
  14. The Story of the Shatow Mission (continued)
  15. The Story of the Shatow Mission (continued)
  16. The Story of the Formosa Mission (continued)
  17. The Story of the Formosa Mission (continued)
  18. The Story of the Singapore Mission
  19. Facts and Reflections
  20. Other Missions in China
  • Appendix
  • Index
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