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Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission with a Record of the Perils & Sufferings of Some Who Escaped
Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937]

London: China Inland Mission, [1901]. Hbk. pp.329.

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Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission with a Record of the Perils & Sufferings of Some Who Escaped


  • Preface
  • Introductory: The Crisis in China: Its Causes and Issues
  • The Province of Shan-Si
  • South Shan-Si: The Swedish Missionary Society
  • South Central Shan-Si: In Memoriam; Escape from P'ing-Yao to Han-Kow; Escape From Lu-Ch'eng; Escape from Lu-an; Escape from Kie-Hiu to P'ing-Yang-Fu; Escape from P'ing-Yang Han-Kow
  • North Central Shan-Si: In Memoriam
  • North Shan-Si: In Memoriam
  • The Province of Chih-Li: In Memoriam; Captured by the Boxers
  • The Province of Cheh-Kiang: In Memoriam
  • The Province of Ho-Nan: The She-k'i-tien Riot; The Siang-Ch'eng Troubles; Riots at Chau-KiaK'eo and Si-Hua; From Sin-an top T'ai-ho; Three Weeks' Dangers and Deliverances; My Escape From Siang-Ch'eng
  • Concerning the Native Christians
  • Causes for Thankfulness
  • Appendices:
  • A. Complete Set of Mission Cables from China
  • B. Diary of Events from January 1, 1900
  • C. A Chinese Statesman on Opium
  • D. China's Apologia. Text and Translation
  • E. A Boxer Placard
  • F. Letter to The Times by Mr. Sloan, Secretary of C.I.M.
  • G. Official Status of Missionaries
  • H. Lady Missionaries in the Interior
  • I. Missionaries and Looting; Missionary Societies in China; Detailed Statistics of all Missionary Societies in each Province
  • General Index
  • Index to Route Map

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