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In Quest of God. The Life Story of Pastors Chang and Ch'ü, Buddhist Priest and Scholar
Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937]

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Book Description

In Quest of God. The Life Story of Pastors Chang and Ch'ü, Buddhist Priest and Scholar
Publication Year:
China Inland Mission
Christian Mission, China
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], In Quest of God. The Life Story of Pastors Chang and Ch'ü, Buddhist Priest and Scholar


  • Preface
  1. A Disciple of Buddha
  2. The Village Temple
  3. The Sacred Page
  4. Following the Gleam
  5. More Light
  6. Resolute Disciples
  7. Some First Fruits
  8. Persecution
  9. Christ or Confuscius?
  10. The Regions Beyond
  11. A New Departure
  12. Ch'ü Appointed Pastor
  13. A Memorable Deputaton
  14. Toward the South Country
  15. Developments at Taning
  16. Progress at the Other Centres
  17. A Great Conflict of Suffering
  18. In the Track of the Tempest
  19. After the Storm
  20. Revival and Tragedy
  21. A Farewell Visit
  22. Epilogue
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