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Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], editor. Last Letters and Further Records of Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission

London: China Inland Mission, 1901. Hbk. pp.105.

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Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], editor. Last Letters and Further Records of Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission


  • Preface by Rev. J. Hudson Taylor, M.R.C.S.
  • Editor's Preface
  • List of Martyred Missionaries of the C.I.M.
  • List of Martyred Missionaries of other Societies

  • The Martyrs' Last Letters
    The Last Letters of Mrs. Duncan Kay, Mr. G. Peat, Mrs. G. Peat, Miss E. G. Hurn, Miss Edith Nathan, Miss MayNathan - Pastor Chang's Letter - Extracts from the Last Letter of Dr. Lovitt

    Memorials of Ta-T'ung Martyrs
    The Confirmation of the Massacre - A Brief Account

  • In Memoriam
    Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McKee, Mr. and Mrs. C. I'Anson, Miss M. E. Smith, Miss Maria Aspden

  • The Sufferings of Some Who Escaped "A Great Conflict of Suffering"
    Mrs. Ogren's story: Flight-Down the Yellow River Rapids – Caught by robbers - In caves and dens of the hills – Taken prisoner - The training of a Boxer - The Boxer organisation - Separated from my husband - Alone in a Chinese tomb - Nearly drowned - Secret friends - In a Chinese prison - My husband's suffering - A run for life-Sick and delirious - Divine consolations - My husband's death - Home at last

  • Through Much Tribulation"
    The escape of Mr. G. McKie, Miss Chapman, and Miss Way – The flight to the mountains - Hiding in a cave – Climbing the mountains - Our faithful native boy - Answers to prayer - The sufferings of the Native Christians

  • "Kept in Prison"
    Dr. J.W. Hewett's story: One month of wanderings among the mountains - Two months in a Chinese prison - A friendly official - My journey to the coast

  • The Reorganisation of the Work
    The memorial services at Pao-ting-fu-The Mission to Shan-si - The reception - The memorial services - The Native-Christians' indemnity

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