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Central America

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On-line Resource Miguel Alvarez, "The South and the Latin American Paradigm of the Pentecostal Movement," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 5.1 (Jan. 2002): 135-153. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Anonymous, The Advance Guard. 200 Years of Moravian Missions 1732-1932Anonymous, The Advance Guard. 200 Years of Moravian Missions 1732-1932. London: Moravian Book Room, n.d. Hbk. pp.93. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Henry W. Case [1846-1924?], On Sea and Land on Creek and River,Henry W. Case [1846-1924?], On Sea and Land, on Creek and River, Being a account of experiences in the visitation of assemblies of Christians in the West Indies and British Guiana; with reminiscences of Pioneer Missionaries and the slave trade formerly carried on from Bristol. London: Morgan and Scott Ltd., 1910. Hbk. pp.159. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource George Cousins [1842-?], Gleanings From Many Fields.George Cousins [1842-?], Gleanings From Many Fields, 3rd edn. London: London Missionary Society, 1896. Hbk. pp.216. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Georgiana M. Forde [1849/50-1923/1934], Missionary Adventures. A Simple History of the S.P.GGeorgiana M. Forde [1849/50-1923/1934], Missionary Adventures. A Simple History of the S.P.G. London: Skeffington & Son, 1911. Hbk. pp.205. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource J.E. Hutton [1838-1937], A History of Moravian Missions. London: Moravian Publication Office, n.d. Hbk. pp.550. [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Sergio Matviuk, "Pentecostal Leadership Development and Church Growth in Latin America," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 5.1 (Jan. 2002): 155-172. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Marcela Chaván de Matviuk, "Latin American Pentecostal Growth: Culture, Orality and the Power of Testimonies," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 5.2 (July 2002): 205-222. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource William Moister [1808-1891], A Hand Book of Wesleyan MissionsWilliam Moister [1808-1891], A Hand Book of Wesleyan Missions. Briefly Describing Their Rise, Progress and Present State in Various Parts of the World. London: T. Woolmer, n.d. Hbk. pp.252. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource John Brown Myers [1844/45-1915], editor, The Centenary Volume of the Baptist Missionary Society 1792-1892John Brown Myers [1844/45-1915], editor, The Centenary Volume of the Baptist Missionary Society 1792-1892, 2nd edn. London: The Baptist Missionary Society, 1892. Hbk. pp.344. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Virginia Trevino Nolivos, "A Pentecostal Paradigm for the Latin American Family: An Instrument of Transformation," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 5.2 (July 2002): 223-234. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Charles Henry Robinson, History of Christian MissionsCharles Henry Robinson [1861-1925], History of Christian Missions. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1915. Hbk. pp.389-406. [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Augustus C. Thompson [1812-1901], Moravian Missions. Twelve Lectures. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1882. Hbk. pp.516. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]

Countries in Central America:

Antigua and Barbuda | The Bahamas | Barbados | Belize | Costa Rica | Cuba | Dominica | Dominican Republic | El Salvador | Grenada | Guatemala | Haiti | Honduras | Jamaica | Nicaragua | Panama | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent & the Grenadines | Trinidad and Tobago

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