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George Hawker [1857-1932], Open the Window Eastward. Glimpses of Women's Missionary Work in India and China. London: The Carey Press, [1917]. Hbk. pp.170.

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Book Description

Open the Window Eastward. Glimpses of Women's Missionary Work in India and China
Publication Year:
The Carey Press
Christian Mission, India, China
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

George Hawker [1857-1932], Open the Window Eastward. Glimpses of Women's Missionary Work in India and China


  • Preface
  1. Pioneers
  2. Zenana Echoes
  3. Zenana Schools
  4. Women's Influence
  5. Village Itineration
  6. Boat-Tours in the Beels
  7. "Going-a-Plaguing"
  8. Famine Relief Work
  9. "Doctor Sahiba"
  10. An Industrial Settlement (Salamatpur)
  11. Education: Dehli, Entally and Ballygunge
  12. India: Review and Outlook
  13. Country Work in Shantung
  14. Bessie Campbell and Her Biographer
  15. Certain Women and their Stories
  16. In the Days of the Second Revolution
  17. The New Opportunity
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