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According to Plan "I Will build my Church" A recent survey of the work of the CHINA INLAND MISSION

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Book Description

According to Plan "I Will build my Church" A recent survey of the work of the CHINA INLAND MISSION
Publication Year:
China Inland Mission
Christian Missions
Copyright Holder:
OMF International-UK

Reproduced by kind permission of OMF International-UK

According to Plan "I Will build my Church" A recent survey of the work of the CHINA INLAND MISSION


According to Plan by General Director, Bishop Houghton

Fitly Framed Together

  1. Co-operation witht he Church - R.E. Thompson
  2. Missionary Co-operation - it is still desired? - H.A.J. Lea
  3. New Vision in Honan - Phyllis Thompson
  4. New Vision in Anhwei - J.H. Kane
  5. Eight-Five Years in Building - E.A. Kohfield
  6. Reconstruction of a Ruin - L.T. Lyall
  7. The Place of Medical Work:
    Lanchow City Clinic - Dr Rupurt M. CLarke
    Mobile Medical Work - Dr. Max B.W. Gray

The Structure Rising

  1. Stone by Stone - T.E. Benson
  2. Among Students - Mrs. A. Strange
  3. Among Women:
    (a) in Eastrern Szechwan - Mrs H.G. Iliff
    (b) In Honan - Norah M. Conway
    (c) In Chekiang - Bertha M. Lang
  4. Indigenous Building:
    (a) In Suanhan, Szechwan - F.A. Skinner
    (b) in Tuchang, Kiangsi - Minna V. Allworden
    (c) In Wenling, Chekiang - J. Thompson
  5. In the Quarry:
    (a) The Honan Bible Institute - Otto V. Schoerner
    (b) A Tribal Bible Institute - W.T. Simpkin
    (c) By Chinese Invitation - Kathleen Heath
  6. Among the Tribes:
    (a) In Kweichow - E.W. Norgate
    IN Yunnan - A.C.W. Crane

Preparing the Ground

  • On the Border of Tibet - Floyd M. Larsen
    The Evangelisation of Muslims - G.K. Harris

The Consummation of the Plan

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