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East Asia

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Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Kiem-Kiok Kwa & Samuel Ka-Chieng Law, eds., Missions in Southeast AsiaKiem-Kiok Kwa & Samuel Ka-Chieng Law, eds., Missions in Southeast Asia. Diversity and Unity in God's Design. Carlisle: Langham Global Library, 2022. ISBN: 9781839737374. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
On-line Resource Paul Lewis, "Mechanics of New Testament translation into Lahu," Bible Translator 14.1 (Jan. 1963): 22-26.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Rajah B. Manikam, editor. Christianity and the Asian RevolutionRajah B. Manikam, editor. Christianity and the Asian Revolution. India: The Joint East Asia Secretariat of the International Missionary Council and the World Council of Churches., 1954. Hbk. pp.293. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by Permission of the World Council of Churches]
Book or monograph Stephen Neill [1900-1984], The Cross Over Asia. London: The Canterbury Press, 1948. Hbk. pp.159.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Timothy K. Park, Mission History of Asian ChurchesTimothy K. Park, Mission History of Asian Churches. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2011. ISBN: 978-0878085897. pp.258. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
On-line Resource Ernest Alexander Payne [1902-1980], South-East From Serampore. More Chapters in the Story of the Baptist Missionary SocietyErnest Alexander Payne [1902-1980], South-East From Serampore. More Chapters in the Story of the Baptist Missionary Society. London: The Carey Press, 1945. Hbk. pp.92. View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
Book or monograph Maurice T. Price [1888-1964], Christian Missions and Oriental Civilizations. A Study in Culture Contact. Shanghai, China, 1924. Hbk. pp.578.
Book or monograph John Rauws, H, Kraenmer, F.J.F. Van Hasselt & N.A.C. Slotemaker De Brune, The Netherlands Indies. London: World Dominion Press, 1935. Hbk. pp.186.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Scott W. Sunquist, Explorations in Asian ChristianityScott W. Sunquist, Explorations in Asian Christianity. History, Theology, and Mission. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2017. ISBN: 978-0830890859. pp.336. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
On-line Resource Samuel M. Zwemer [1867-1952], The Unoccupied Mission Fields of Africa and Asia. New York: Student Volunteer Movement, 1911. Hbk. pp.260. [This material is in the Public Domain]

Countries in East Asia:

Brunei | Cambodia | China | Indonesia | Japan | Kazakhstan | Kyrgyzstan | Laos | Malaysia | Mongolia | Myanmar | North Korea | Papua New Guinea | Philippines | Singapore | South Korea | Tajikistan | Thailand | Tibet | Timor-Leste | Uzbekistan | Vietnam

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