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Baptist Missionary Herald
1959 - 1978

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  • January - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Man who wanted to be a pastor
    • One fifth more
    • It is nice to have a change—Fred Stainthorpe
    • What will you do?
    • They beckoned to their partners—Peter BrewerWomen's Lib. in Zaire—Brenda Rumbol
  • February - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • New opportunities in Sri Lanka—George Oakes
    • Does history repear itself?
    • Who would have thought...
    • Enquirers in the Punjab
    • Now it is good to be a Baptist in Jamaica—William Porch
    • There is increasing activity at Bolobo
    • Roots and branches—David Grainger
    • A Pauline Ministry in Delhi—Ernest Young Campbell
    • You could work in Hong Kong—Frank Wells
    • Legacies and gifts
    • More medical care for villages
  • March - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Are we good partners—A.S. Clement
    • We must be on the frontier—John Pullin
    • Sidelights on teaching training—Pat Woolhouse
    • Angola
    • "Thanks be to God, who giveth, us the victory"—Andrew Ogle
    • News from Nepal
  • April - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The children need our help
    • Experience of Christ's love leads to service—David Masters
    • Evangelistic team moves out from Boobo
    • Your attendence is requested
    • Bricks, books, and batteries—Margaret Hughes
    • There is encouragement and opportunity in Nepal—Sylvia Slade
    • I must go back—Sylvia James
  • May - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Strong arms and rubber sandals—Ann Bothamley
    • The Story of Walthamstow Hall 1838 to 1970
    • The walk miles for medicine—Edna Skirrow
    • Missionaries leave but Christ remains—Wilma Harkness
    • A broief visit to Bengal bring encouragement—Paul Rigden Green
    • Unexpected guests—Averil Cooper
    • Decisions among students
  • June - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • CURITIBA. Churches join together for evangelism
    • CURITIBA. One church, the first of many—Pastor M.G. Terxeira
    • Kettering and Serampore are linked again—Reginald Spooner
    • CURITBA. A house church needs a new home—Michael Wotton
    • CURITBA. T|he church that began on the jungle's edge—Pastor Mauro Serafim
    • "thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory"—Robert Versey de Carle Thompson
    • Disaster means opportunity
  • July - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Introducing the MIDDLE RIVER REGION OF ZAIRE
    • Church and Church become independent
    • The administration had to be shared
    • You may have to walk miles for help
    • Chuch workers now receive training
    • Women value the Christian fellowship
    • Christian Churches share in education
    • A headmaster builds his school
    • The villages need pastors
    • Slow growth in agriculture knowledge
    • There is room for more missionaries
  • August - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Cuttack
    • Sir Clement Chesterman
    • Christian Schools will be needed
    • Sahitya Sadan is the centre for Christian Literature
    • Christian artists drawn together
    • Use our boxes
    • The Christian School that offers much to Indian girls
    • Young people share in personal evangelism
    • "thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory"
    • A return to pioneer evangelism—David Boydell
  • September - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Bengal—East Pakistan—Bangledesh—Gordon Soddy
    • The Mama Ekila Centre Kinshasa
    • There are supply problems in Zaire
  • October - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Kisangani. The city at the island
    • Kisangani. A superintendent comes home
    • First impressions of Pimu, Zaire—Anthony Smith
    • First impressions of Trinidad—Margaret Popham
    • Kisangani. Six Baptist Churches
    • Going to church in a dug-out—Annie Horsfall
    • One nurse for all Scotland—John Formage
    • Kisangani. Meloday makers in the service of the Church
    • Groups in Zaire—David Brydell
    • Groups in Sri Lanka—Mark Churchill
    • Kisangani. First Impressions
    • A missionary marriage
    • Praise for today
  • November - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Bengal—East Pakistan—Bangledesh—Gordon Snoddy
    • There is healing for city and village—Jean McLellan
    • Christian hospitals are still needed—Stanley Thomas
    • A motor cysle will help fight leprosy—Joyce Andrews
    • A trained nurse is always a help in the community—Betty Gill
    • Rising early and working hard
    • 100 years marked by two cards
    • "thanks be to God, who giveth us the vistory"—Gottfried Oram Teichmann
  • December - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Who is Love?—Ros Gooden
    • Pinetree village becomes a great city—David Doonan
    • Ready for Brazil—Ray & Heather Saunders
    • Training that emphasises evangelism—Carolyn Plampin
    • The day the rains came—David Boydell
    • Telugu Christians—Bernard Ellis
    • Christians who have found real security—Frank Wells
    • Book Review: Explorarion in Assembly with Children
    • Think—and Do
    • Surprised and Glad—John Carrington
    • Ann Rudland writes...


    January - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Christian life Style for 1975—Basil Amey
    • Kinshasa. Capital of Zaire
    • The Christian church must help people to grow
    • New B.M.S. Candidate Secretary appointed [Rev. Mrs. A.W. (Nancy) Thomas]
    • Women are prepared to lead—Mama Pastor Ditina Diakubama
    • Lisala—the church that unites many—-Rev. Lopes
    • Laymen have helped the church grow
    • Masina—the church hat is still to grow—Pastor Fernandes
    • People with a motive strengthen the church—Bernard McCulloch
    • The Gospel of Christ in the Buddhist world—Eric Sutton Smith
  • February - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • There us still a place for missionaries—Barbara Diaper
    • Christian Witness in the National University of Zaire—Matuba K.M. Kaditu
    • How water came to the hospital—Peter Riches
    • Coming in at half-time!-
    • God's coincidences and blessings—George Lee
    • A shop for B.M.S.
    • Caring and sharing—Basil Amey 1974-1976
  • March - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Coming in at half-time?—John Carrington
    • Zaire Today
    • Chandrahona Women's Project
    • Roads mean churches
    • The Richmond Board
    • For Pinu—David and Margaret Pendrill
    • For Serampore, India—Edward Burrows
    • I received an invitation to Bandu
    • A Volunteer Reports
    • The triangle of love
    • Pioneers in India—Basil Amey
    • Morag Ross Philip. Baptist Missionary 1959-1975. A tribute—Stanley Thomas
  • April - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • There is enjoyment in work—Gerald Myhill & family
    • The Right doors opened—Elizabeth Wainwright
    • This is how I see Nepal—Eileen Talbot
    • The house at Vila Sonia
    • I believe God is with me—Margaret Popham
    • Pastor and Printer—Mrs Gladys Ennals
    • Call to prayer
  • May - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • We adapt so that we may survive
    • Working for the future—Rosalie Harris
    • These are women with a purpose—Lesley Fuller
    • Angola Calling
    • New ventures in school and in church—Ruth Page
    • Growth brings joy and resonsibility—Rev. D.K. Mohanty
    • A new view of the world—Basil Amey
    • Zairian Quotes
  • June - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • After the frontier—Brian Taylor
    • Angola
    • Baptists share in a growing Church—Frank Wells
    • There us slow but encouraging growth—Frank Vaughan
    • A problem and an answer—Christine Farrer
    • A Quem Honra, Honra!
    • Do it yourself!
  • July - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • All change—Boyd Williams
    • Back to Bogra—Mary White
    • Life in the Litoral—Roy Davies
    • Why be a missionary?—Robert Young
    • "Prepare ye the way"—Christine Farrer
    • The struggle in the hills—Joan Smith
  • August - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • They must say why they have become Christians—Barbara Bond
    • "My Witnesses... to the Uttermost part of the Earth": Margaret Bishop, S.R.N., S.C.M, H.V.; Pamela Smart
    • The churches receive many enquirers—Sue Le Quesne
    • "My Witnesses... to the Uttermost part of the Earth": Adrian Hopkins; David King & Joan King; Ken Russell; Colin Foulkes; Doreen Foulkes
    • We may learn from the churches overseas
    • B.M.S. Chairman 1975-76...
    • A new Director (Citizen Lufimpadio)
    • "He saw a tumult"—Christine Farrer
    • "My Witnesses... to the Uttermost part of the Earth": Joyce Brown; Flora Morgan
    • Baptism bring new life—Stephen Welegedera
    • The peace is rebuilt!
    • "My Witnesses... to the Uttermost part of the Earth": Pauline Weatherby; Peter Cousins
  • September - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Indian Women who are leaders—Jean McLellan
    • Working with the women of Bangledesh—Valerie Hamilton
    • Chandraghona—Celia Moon
    • More new after twenty years!
    • Hospital chaplain's report
    • Calcutta—Rev. Ernest Madge
  • October - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A continuing medical mission
    • We are taking medical care to the villages—Jill Stilltoe
    • Nurses are needed—Dorothy Humphreys
    • To Comfort Others
    • A radiographer was needed—Audrey Kimber
    • Our share in medical work in Asia
    • Serampore
    • Tribute to a headmistress
  • November - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • What is Angola's future?—Rev. Alvare Rodrigues
    • Prevention is better than cure—Georgina MacKenzie
    • Fourteen days under water
    • A link with Kenya
    • We walked to twety give villages—Beryl Fox
    • A visitor sees a growing country—Rev. Denis Young
    • The B.W.I. of Sri Lanka
    • Kimbangu. An African prophet and his church—Marie-Louise Martin
    • Help for a minority group
  • December - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Baptisms at Christmas—Keith Skirrow
    • Decorations or food?—Edna Skirrow
    • Christmas in Sri Lanka—George and Betsy Lee
    • Seventy three people use buried cups
    • We shall think about Brazil this Christmas—Derek & Joanna Punchard
    • Church Believe in witness and service—Carols Whitmore
    • Mulvany House, Calcutta—Rev. Ernest Madge


    January - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Trinidad
    • "Let me introduce you to Trinidad"—Margaret Popham
    • We now introduce—Edna Marshall
    • "Let me now introduce you to the Baptists of Trinidad (1815-1900)
    • Reminiscences of a Trinidadian Baptist—W.F. Webb
    • We now introduce Josephine Placide
    • We now introduce Shirley Joseph
    • Baptists are looking to the future—Peter Brewer
    • We now introduce—John Charles
    • We now introduce—Sheldon Dewsbury
    • Tailpiece! Wakened by a frog
  • February - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Nepal—Frank Wilcox
    • Christians come from North, South, East, West—Jonathan Lindell
    • Christians serve the isolated and lonely—Anna Weir
    • The school that helps to amke a village important—Glenys Walker
    • An experiment that works!—Stephen Bull
    • We are here to learn and help—Eileen Talbot
  • March - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Worship in Upper Zaire today—John Carrington
    • Angolan Refugee Studies in Brazil
    • Baptist forms of worship in Trinidad—Sam Vernon
    • Simple worship but deep devotion—Jack Wilde
    • 17 New Churches in Four Years—Gwyn Lewis
    • Indian culture influences worship—Tudor Morgan
    • Help the Herald!
    • Together in a divided world?
  • April - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Family life is important—Elsie Green
    • We must be real people—Joan King
    • In the shadow of Kanchenjunga—Ernest Madge
    • We have learnt island life—Dr Woosley
    • Walk slowly... variety—Sheila Brewer
    • Worship in Jamaica—William Porch
  • May - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Christians, Hindus and Muslims can work together in Bangledesh—Veronica Campbell
    • Faith in the villages—Valerie Hamilton
    • Trididad is tolerant—Desmond Gordon
    • Will there be a flood in Sri Lanka?—Eric Sutton Smith
    • Rain brings hope
    • Commitment Sunday
    • Nurses train at Pimu, Zaire
    • The church is lit up!
    • A centre of faith and learning
    • Christians had to move house
    • Reconciliation and growth
    • Missionaries active in Bolobo church
    • Braailian Christians make distinctive witness—Derek Punchard
    • The church it took eighteen years to build—Brian Taylor
    • Christians share in planned development in Nepal—George Tweeddale
    • Please send us books... a report on The Book Service
  • June - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • We are ready to go back—William Keith Hodges
    • We depend on each otehr—Ivy Riches
    • Have you used Silence?
    • Disaster leads to new purpose and new hope—Marilyn Mills
    • Two doctors for Ludhiana
    • Jesus is Alive!—Pauline Weatherby
    • A Good Foundation
    • Rock
  • July - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The 1976 CampaignYouth service fills church
    • Water means life—Joyce Brown
    • Please come back—Rosalie Harris
      Together at Summer School
    • Do we know what has happened—Hazel Pilling
    • Girls who need courage—Joy Knapman
  • August - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Christian brings new situations—Ernest Madge
    • Floods in Chandrahona—S.M. Chowdhury
    • Sight at Chandrahona
    • Short-termers—Derek Rumbol
    • Immigrants—Eric Payne
    • A church is born—Michael Wotton
    • The tests and tensions of change
    • A time of testing
  • September - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • New crops and new life are possible—David Stockley
    • The past is with us—Colin Foulkes
    • Operation Agri—Basil Amey
    • The new farm at Dinajpar—Bob Young
    • Plans for Potinga—Frank & Peggy Gouthwaite
    • Keswick Convention
    • Zaire can grow!
    • Back to the Bible—George Oakes
  • October - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • There is helaing for many—Robert Hart
    • A farmer/nurse partnership—Frank & Peggy Gouthwaite
    • Linking-up doctors and nurses
    • From our Doctors
    • So much happens at Bolobo—Pauline Weatherby
    • Enlisted in this service
    • The day that makes it all worthwhile—Betty Gill
    • The first eleven years
  • November - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Non-Comformity In Union or "Many Happy Returns of the Day"—G.H. Grose
    • The Family of Fingers. Working together—Owen Clark
    • Inter-Mission Co-operation in Bangledesh
    • The United Theological College of the West Indies—David Jelleyman
  • December - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "AM erry Christmas to Us All"—S. Mudd
    • "Natal"—Helen Watson
    • Thank God for the Chemist round the corner
    • Mr Sudhir Singh
    • An L.P. for the B.M.S.
    • Celebration without a holiday!—David Boydell
    • New Workers for God
    • Tata Mbieme's Christmas—Jessie Boydell
    • God's Way
    • A miracle that produced a film—Hugh Baddeley


    January - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • The that became an avalanche—H.W. & B.L. Carter
    • The Bamboo Hospital—Joan Smith
    • The Growth of Mizoram—C.L. Hminga
    • Book Review
    • News in Brief
    • 'To travel hopefully is better than to arrive'—Edna Staple
  • February - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Chinese overseas Christian mission—Mary Lang
    • Comment
    • The church lives in China—George Young
    • Yesterday won't do. Youth lives for today and tomorrow—Martin Howie
    • News in Brief
    • New Workers
    • Book Review
    • China looks to the future—Bob Whyte
  • March - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Prayer for Bangledesh
    • Comment
    • Education in Bangledesh—Frank Mardell
    • Two years' service—Ann Rudland
    • Zaire trains its pastors—David Boydell
    • News in Brief
    • Spinning and weaving—John West
    • Providing work—Stephen Bull
  • April - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • The Living Lord in Zaire—Winifred Hadden
    • Easter n Nepal—Anna Weir
    • News in Brief
    • Through the jungle in fifty days—Georgina McKenzie
    • Yesu wena moyo (Jesus is alive)—Pauline Weatherby & Gwen Hunter
  • May - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Message from the Chairman—E.G.T. Madge
    • Comment
    • From blueprint to reality—John Pullin
    • Book Review
    • Bangledesh the Sleeping Beauty
    • News in Brief
    • Challenge among the Himalayas—Jonathan Lindell
    • Livraria Crista
    • The pink board—A.W. Thomas
  • June - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Gallery
    • Comment
    • Channels of God's Love—Lesley Fuller
    • Caring and sharing—Joan Smith
    • Into the future
    • News in Brief
    • Capptal growth—David McClenaghan
    • Mission through compassion—Pauline Trounson
    • A new venture—Pauline Trounson
  • July - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • Brazil its youth work—David Grainger
    • Fellow workers
    • Paraná Trains Future Leaders—H.R. Davies
    • South Lodge
    • The Boys' Brigade in Jamaica—H McD Messam
    • A Loyal Servant—A.S. Clement
  • August - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Feed Him For Life—Peter Hewitt
    • Comment
    • Water of Life—Jill Brace
    • Money Wanted for a Boring Job—Stan Crees
    • Our Farming Evangelists
    • The Basis Fir Security—Stanley Mudd
    • News in Brief
    • Full but not Fed—Ian Acres
    • Book Review
  • September - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Living in Dacca—Susan Le Quesne
    • Comment
    • The City of a Thousand Mosques—Susan Le Quesne
    • Member Old and New—Robert Sarkar
    • Blind Openings—Veronica Campbell
    • The problem of children—Jacqueline Whitelock
    • Growth among the Garos—Veronica Campbell
    • Called by God
    • CCTB—Denzil Baker
  • October - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Climbing the stairs to a healthy start...—R. Rathbone
    • Comment
    • Healing in Christ's Name at Pimu
    • Working at one of the team—John Davies
    • Another View of Working Overseas—L.F. Wallace
    • Serving the Lord
    • Exiled from the Village—Margaret Robinson
    • Establishing health in Tondo—Susan Evans
  • November - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Book Review
    • Comment
    • Tripura CHurch Still Grows—Stan Edgar
    • News in Brief
    • Sweden joins hands with others—Sven Ohm
    • The spark becomes a fire—Chester J. Jump, Jr.
    • Richmond aims for the world by 2000 A.D.—Roger M. Smith
  • December - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • A Happy New Year!—Dorothy Smith
    • Light in Darkness—Donald Monkcom
    • Muslims Celebrate—Paul Biswas
    • Zaire Revised—Mary Peters
    • Hindu Festivals—Leslie Wenger
    • Book Review
    • News in Brief
    • Thoughts on Mission


    January - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • First Impressions in Brazil—Sheila Brown
    • "Work, for I am with you"—Keith Hodges
    • New York in Potinga—Frank GouthwaiteThe Hostel Provides the Answer—David Doonan-
    • A New Job—A. Brunton Scott
    • Book Reviews-
    • News in Brief
  • February - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Rev. John Bailey Middlebrook, MA. Home Secretary, BMS 1942-1962. A Tribute—A.S. Clement
    • Comment
    • Kathmandu, capital city—Stephen Bull
    • Acheiving a Balanced Economy—George Tweedale
    • Kathmandu as a Base—Sheila & Stephen Bell
    • What's it Like Out There?
    • Putali Sadak Church—A.E. Easter
    • News in Brief
  • March - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • Relief in the Teeming City—A.E. Easter
    • An Eventful Bus Journey—Joy Knapman
    • Just Living—Dr. L. Ebdon
    • News in Brief
    • God's Nursery—Jack Chen
    • Sister at Large—F.L. Wallace Chandraghona
    • Book Review
    • Serving the Lord
    • Young People's Department
  • April - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • Sao Salvador: The Beginnings of the Congo Mission—Clifford Parsons
    • Women;s Work in Angola—Phyl Gilbert
    • Kibokolo, the Comber Memorial Station 1899-1961—David Grenfell
    • Medical Work in Sao Salvador—Roger Shields
    • Mabaya & Bembe 1904-1961—Jean Comber
    • Angola Today—Jim Grenfell
  • May - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Message from the Chairman
    • Missionaries Literature Association
    • Comment
    • Jamaican Baptists and World Mission—A.B. Johnson
    • The Boy's Brigade Marquee Benefits Brazil—John Furmage
    • The Centenary, or as our African friends insist - The First Centenary—Ruth Page
    • Jamaican Baptists and Home Mission—a Jamaican Baptist
    • The Church in South-East Asia—Violet Hedger
    • News in Brief
    • A Report from the British and Foreign Bible Society
  • June - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Missionary on Furlough—Christine Farrer
    • Comment
    • The Centenary, or as our African friends insist - The First Centenary—Ruth Page
    • 'When the boat comes in'—Christine Farrer
    • News in Brief
    • From the Belgian Congo to the Republic of Zaire—Eileen Motley
    • From the Parents' Point of View
    • Leprosy Changes its Image—Edna Staple
    • Called to Serve in Bangledesh
  • July - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Old Box Pulpit of Dinajpur—Gwyn Lewis
    • Comment
    • Immanuel Primary School—Valerie Hamilton
    • The place where races meet—Joyce Lewis
    • Christian by Proxy of the Husband—Valerie Hamilton
    • T.E.E. in North-West Bangledesh—Gwyn Lewis
    • The Rangpur Pastorate—Swe Hla Phru
    • New Workers for Zaire
    • Millions for Missions
  • August - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • They heard the call
    • Comment
    • The Work is One—Stanley Thorne
    • Farming for survival in Bangledesh
    • Our Agricultural Missionaries
    • Potinga today tomorrow
    • Social work as Missionary work
    • Mr Abinash Chandra Deb—Valerie Hamilton
    • 3,000 miles of singing in Great Britain—John Carrington
    • News in Brief
  • September - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • When I was in Mato Grosso—Matthew MacLachlin
    • Adventuring into the unknown—Yvonne Pullin
    • Expansion Brings Division—David McClenaghan
    • Relatively Speaking—Brunton Scott
    • News in Brief
    • There at Last—John & Maria Dyer
    • Joining the Team
    • Book Review
    • The Centre of Growth—John Pullin
  • October - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Zaire British Association School—Anne North
    • Comment
    • Fitting the Building to the Foundation—Owen Clark
    • Mam Ditina Wins Through
    • Never a Dull Moment—Andrew North
    • Our Plot
    • The Relic that Tells a Story—JIm Grenfell
    • Book Review
    • Last Word from Bangledesh—David Wheeler
  • November - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • Tansen through the eyes of a social worker—Ann Matthias
    • Warmth and Light in Lapsibot—Barbara McLean
    • The Tansen Project—Eileen Talbot
    • Towards a Caring Health System—Anna Weir
    • Western Nurse in a Hindu Kingdom—Joyce Brown
    • Book Review
    • News in Brief...
  • December - Download Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Comment
    • Seasonal Greetings
    • Bats but not books—Paul Chandler
    • Take one egg—Daphne Osborne
    • What Shall We War?—Pauline Wetherby
    • New look, new life—Mary Hitchings
    • Njala—John Mellor
    • Where's Jeremiah?—Beryl Chandler
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