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A Thirsty Land
A Quarterly Magazine of the Algiers Mission Band

Vols. 121-140 (1958-1962)

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Algiers Mission Band

A Thirsty Land was the quarterly magazine of the Algiers Mission Band, founded by Lilias Trotter in 1888. The magazine ran from 1927 until the agency joined with the North Africa Mission (currently AWM-Pioneers) in 1964.

A Thirsty Land has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers. You can download all the available journal issues by right-clicking here and selecting "save as" to download a zip file. Please note that the file is around 186 MB. If you chose this option to download, please consider making a donation using the "Tip Jar" on the right.

Volume 121 (March 1958) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Devoted Life. Fragmentary testimonies of Mlle. Augusta Butticaz's 38 years of service in the Algiers Mission Band—H.W. Buckenham
  • In Remenbrance—November 16—M.D. Grautoff
  • The "Saida" of Bou-Saada
  • A War-time Memory—T.H. Hook
  • How the Year Ended at Touggourt—I.K. Nash
  • Relizane—Nothing Too Hard—Edith Clark & A.E. Powell
  • Abassia: Not Dead But Living Unto God—A. Porteous
  • Algeria's Needs: A Call to Prayer
  • "Fire Upwards"
  • Home Office Notes
  • Resignation of Miss E. Ahier
  • "A Thirsty Land"
  • "Horizons of Hope"
  • Statement of Accounts

Volume 122 (June 1958) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—V.W.
  • A Thirsty Land and God's Channels
  • A Flying Visit to the Mission Station at Touggourt—M.D. Grautoff
  • Touggourt 63 years ago
  • Relizane—A.E. Powell & E. Clarke
  • Thursday Afternoon
  • Almsgiving in Islam—V. Wood
  • Tolga
  • The Land of the Vanished Church

Volume 123 (Sept. 1958) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • The Sheikh. An Address to Seekers after God among the Muslms—Miss I. Lilias Trotter
  • Literature in Algeria. A Short Paper on the Literature Production of the Algiers Mission Band—P.M. Russell
  • A Sketch of a Young Muslim Couple—M.D. Grautoff
  • New Horizons—I.K. Nash
  • Fleeing to Tarshish (Jonah 4:2)—M.D. Grautoff
  • The Wordless Book—M.H.R.
  • Home Office Notes. Appointments of Secretary-Treasurer for Gt. Britain

Volume 124 (Dec. 1958) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • "I Should Like to Be a Missionary"
  • Isaiah 30:21—Augusta M. Farmer
  • The Sheikh (continued)—I.Lilias Trotter
  • Mostaganem. November, 1958—A.E. Powell & E. Clark
  • Our Family—Miliana: M.D. Grautoff & E.Collins
  • Gleanings from Dar-Naama Letter Box—V.W.
  • A Year Ago—G. Chollet
  • Book Review: "THe Love That Was Stronger" by Mrs. I.R. Govan-Stewart
  • Home Office Notes—D.B.E.

Volume 125 (March 1959) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Desert Christmas—Touggourt, 1958—I.K. Nash
  • A.M.B. Literature—V. Wood
  • Helpful Gifts and Those Who Enjoy Them—M.D. Grautoff
  • A Women's Meeting in Relizane—E. Clark & A.E. Powell
  • A Year Ago—And Now—R.J. Waine
  • Christmas at Tolga—M. Lull
  • Home Office Notes—D.B.E.
  • A Easter Thought [Poem]
  • Statement of Accounts

Volume 126 (June 1959) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • One More in the Mzab District—M.D. Grautoff
  • "...The Lord Led.."—P.M. Russell
  • Make Straight in the Desert a Highway for our God—R.J. Waine
  • There were Twelve Little Girls...
  • News of the Stations, Spring, 1959
  • Used Postage Stamps—D.B. Edge

Volume 127 (Sept. 1959) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Changes and Calls for Prayer Seen From Headquarters—V. Wood
  • George Herbert's teaching on the Love of Christ to sinners [poem]
  • A Difference of Belief and What It Can Mean—V. Wood
  • Lamb of God taketh away the Sin of the World. Quoted from "The Glory of the Cross" by Samuel M. Zwemer
  • Labourers Together with God—P.G. Longley (treasurer)
  • Mostaganem—A Town in a Thirsty Land—E. Clark & A.E. Powell
  • The Things Which Cannot Be Shaken—P.G. Longley
  • Tlemcen Holiday Bible School. June, 1959—M.R. Waine
  • A New Worker's Testimony to God's Leading: August, 1959—Bella Gow
  • News from "Algiers House"—D.B. Edge

Volume 128 (Dec. 1959) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Make Straight in the Desert a Highway for Our God. Isaiah 40:3. A Photographic Record of a Missionary Trek in the Sahara
  • The Lord's Promise For His Vineyard—I.K. Nash
  • Dreaming and Digging in Tolga
  • Items of News: From Tlemcen—R.J. & M. Waine;News of Touggourt; News from Setif; About Miliana; At Tolga; Relizane and Mostaganem; At Blida
  • Home Office Notes
  • An unknown writer thinks about Christmas Day [poem]

Volume 129 (March 1960) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "These Forty Years"—H.W. Buckenham & V. Wood
  • "Ordered Steps—Open Doors"—I.B. Gow
  • News and Views from the Stations—M. Daniel
  • "Cast Thy Bread upon the Waters for Thou Shalt find it after Many Days" (Eccles. 11.1)—G. Chollet
  • D.V.B.S.
  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • A Flying Visit to Algeria. Leaves from my dary—D.B. Edge

Volume 130 (June 1960) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Thoughts from the Kitchen or "Workers Together". Mrs. Missionary talks with a Friend from the homeland—M.R.Waine
  • Relizane—Edith Clark & Annie E. Powell
  • Miliana Revisited—P.M. Russell
  • "Have You Brought the Jewels?"—I.K. Nash
  • From the Sheep to the Baby, by Way of the D.V.B.S. April, 1960—J. Guibé
  • Stations at Work
  • Come to the Fair—R.J. Waine

Volume 131 (Sept. 1960) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • Seen and Heard in Algiers. Comments from the Secretary's Desk
  • Annual Conference For North Africans; At Dar Naama; God's Provision—P.G. Longley
  • Above all—Read the Bible—R.J. Waine
  • A Quarterly Report of the Work at Touggourt — in April and May, 1960—I.K. Nash
  • Joseph's Brothers and the Others—M.R. Waine
  • Praying for Converts—V. Wood
  • From "The Cry of the Lost Answered" [Poetry]—F.W. Faber
  • London Office Notes
  • Christmas Orders

Volume 132 (Dec. 1960) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial: In Loving Remembrance of Grace Kaye—M.D. Grautoff
  • Mrs S.A. Sutton Kaye—P.M. Russell
  • Algiers—A Port of Call—P.G. Longley
  • "Of Such is the Kingdom"—I.B. Gow
  • A Message from Setif—Germaine Chollet
  • Autumn Term at Miliana—M.D. Grautoff
  • Missionary Work: Is It Dull?—V. Woods
  • October 20th at the Caxton Hall, Westminster—D.B. Edge

Volume 133 (March 1961) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—V. Woods
  • "We Shall Not in the Desert Stray" (Charles Wesley) — Meditations after a desert journey—R.J. Waine
  • Report from Algiers—Peter G. Longley
  • Good Friday and Easter Day [poetry]—H.W. Baker & G. Ter Steegen
  • Miliana Mission Station—M.D. Grautoff
  • Young Women in North Africa—V. Wood
  • Fruit—A.E. Powell
  • Home Office Notes: Prayer Meeting; Postage Stamps—D.B. Edge
  • Statement of Accounts

Volume 134 (June 1961) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • March to May—V. Wood
  • Visit to Bou Saada—A.P. Mee
  • Re-Visiting Bou-Saada—G. Chollet
  • Distribution of Gifts at Miliana—M.D. Grautoff
  • Relizane—E. Clark & A.E. Powell
  • A Fresh Contact—P.M. Russell
  • Helpful Words About Prayer
  • Choosing or Being Chosen

Volume 135 (Sept. 1961) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Summer Activities
  • Changing and Progress—V. Wood
  • Pesseimism and Christianity...
  • Home Office Notes

Volume 136 ()

Volume 137 (January-February 1962) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • Notes from the Secretary's Desk. Algiers, January 1962
  • News and Praye Items: Sowing the Seed at Relizane—A.E.Powel & E.Clark; An Opportunity Happening at Setif; Dar Naama. October-December 1961—V. Wood, P.G. Longley & E.E. Longley
  • The Close of 1961 at Miliana. January 2nd, 1962—M.D. Grautoff, with the help of Miss. E. Chantler; Blida. October-December1961—P.M. Russell & J. Guibe; Tolga. October-December 1961—M. Lull; A 'Te Deum' Tapestry—D.B. Edge
  • Jottings for your Diary

Volume 138 (March-April 1962) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Ediorial—D.B.E.
  • Notes from the Secretary's Desk. Algiers, 19th March, 1962—Peter G. Longley
  • In Memoriam:Miss E.K.M. Ridley, Died February 9, 1962
  • What About the Future?—M.D. Grautoff
  • Further News of Setif. Given by Miss. I.B.Gow
  • Relizane. March, 1962—R. Clark & A.E. Powell
  • Fatma of Relizane
  • A Te Deum Tapestry
  • Statement of Accounts—Peter G. Longley, Treasurer

Volume 139 (May-June 1962) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—D.B.E.
  • Special Items for Praise and Prayer: Setif; Dar Naama
  • Station News: Setif—Germaine Chollet; Tolga—M. Lull; Blida—P.M. Russell & J. Guibé; El Aid & El-Kebir—M.D. Grautoff; Miliana To-day—Rev. & Mrs, H. Isaacs
  • On Trial—R.J. Waine
  • A Te Deum Tapestry—D.E. Edge

Volume 140 (July-August 1962) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • A Date to Remember
  • Notes from the Secretary's Desk—Peter G. Longley
  • Six Changing Months. A Report from Algiers—Peter & Eva Longley
  • Relizane (April-June 1962)—E. Clark & A.E. Powell
  • Challenge to Prayer—M.D. Grautoff
  • A Te Deum Tapestry—D.B. Edge
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