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A Thirsty Land
A Quarterly Magazine of the Algiers Mission Band

Vols. 1-20 (1927-1932)

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Algiers Mission Band

A Thirsty Land was the quarterly magazine of the Algiers Mission Band, founded by Lilias Trotter in 1888. The magazine ran from 1927 until the agency joined with the North Africa Mission (currently AWM-Pioneers) in 1964.

A Thirsty Land has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers. You can download all the available journal issues by right-clicking here and selecting "save as" to download a zip file. Please note that the file is around 186 MB. If you chose this option to download, please consider making a donation using the "Tip Jar" on the right.

Volume 1 (Summer 1927) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Thirsty Land and God's Channels. 1. "The Thirsty Land"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Secretary's Notes
  • Land Ahead!—A.E.T.
  • "Out with Those books" or Co-operation in circulating the Message Quickly
  • The Little Hill of Flies—F.H.F.
  • The Story of Tozeur—I. Lilias Trotter
  • The Power of Faith—J.R. Miller, D.D.
  • Requests For Praise and Prayer
  • Standing in the Gap—Unknown Source
  • Let the Dead Bury Their Dead
  • Location of Workers, Winter 1926-7

Volume 2 (Autumn 1927) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Thirsty Land and God's Channels. 2. "The Way of the Watercourses"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • El Kantara
  • Editorial
  • "Coming." "They Shall Come from the East"—A.B.
  • Pilgrim's—Whither Bound?—A.E.T.
  • A Holiday Echo—M.H.R.
  • Facts in Fiction Form
  • Miliana Then and Now—M.D.G.
  • The Home of Many Martyrs
  • Arab Proverbs
  • Aurés Mountains
  • Autumn Quarter, 1927
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Literature Notes
  • Location of Workers, 1927-28

Volume 3 (Winter 1928) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Thirsty Land and God's Channels. 3.—"The Way of the Springs"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Aicha—S.P.
  • Finding the Landing-Place—A.E.T.
  • "Make the Books Speak"
  • Colea's Day—H.W.B.
  • Editorial
  • In the Aurès Mountains—A. McI.
  • Coming A.M.B. Issues
  • Submission
  • Arab Beliefs and Etiquette
  • "Tight the Fire"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • The Home of Many Martyrs
  • Winter Quarter, 1928. Home Notes
  • Hoped for Advances in the Field
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1927-28

Volume 4 (Spring 1928) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Thirsty Land and God's Channels. 4.—"The Way of the Wells"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • To His Praise from "The Green Wing of Algiers."—M.W.
  • The Zaoula—A.E.T.
  • In the Desert of the Sand Dunes
  • Editorial
  • Spring Literature Issues—A.M.B.
  • The Home of Many Martyrs
  • Homes Notes
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1927-28

Volume 5 (Summer 1928) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The New Thing. "They shall look upon Him Whom they have pierced"—Northcote Deck
  • Editorial
  • Mr. Smeeton's Work Among the Blind—F.H.F.
  • "Down South"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • An Itineration to hte Mzab Towns—M.D.G.
  • "These Forty Years"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Dar el Fedir—The House of Dawn—J.J.
  • From "The Life of Josephine Butler"
  • If I am but His
  • Prospecting in the Sahara—A.T.U.
  • Home Notes
  • A.M.B. Literature Notes
  • A List of Book on the Moslem Question
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1927-28

Volume 6 (Autumn 1928) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Lesson of the Palm Tree
  • Lilias Trotter
  • "Found"—A.E.T.
  • How We Spend Sunday: At Dar Naama—F.H.F.; At Blida—M.H.R.; At Relizane—M.K.R.; at Miliana—M.D.G.
  • A Door and a Wall—B.H.C.
  • The Rally at Eccleston Hall
  • Victory
  • Home Notes
  • A.M.B. Literature Notes
  • Recent Books and Booklets

Volume 7 (Winter 1928-29) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Ripened Life—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial
  • Miss I. L. Trotter
  • Home Notes
  • Reports for 1927-28: Belcourt—M.M.W.; Blida—M.H.R.; Colea—H.W.B.; Dellys—A.M.F.; Miliana—M.D.G.; Relizane—E.K.M.R. "Who Knocks?"—V.W. Bou Saada—A. McI.; Tlemcen
  • Subdued to Himself—A.E.T.
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1927-28

Volume 8 (Spring 1929) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Treasures of Suffering from the Book of Job—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Two Remembrances. From Mrs Graham Brown, Edinburgh, who, since writing this has also received the Home Call.
  • Editorial
  • Tight Corners and the Way Out—F.H.F.
  • Medea and M'sila. Northa nd South—M.H.R.
  • The Old Fire Pot—A.E.T.
  • The Secret of the Desert—Pleasant Hurst
  • Little Sunbeam—A. Mc. I.
  • "To-day We Sailed On"—A.E.T.
  • Fishers of Men
  • The Month of Ramadhan from the Moslem Point of View—F.H.F.
  • Home Notes—Freedlander
  • Recent Publications for Arab Leaders
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1927-28

Volume 9 (Summer 1929) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Calling Down and Calling Upwards—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Notes of an Address Given by the Late Dr. Chas. Inwood at an A.M.S. Conference
  • Editorial
  • The Other Side—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Other Lands and Other Manners
  • The River is Flowing Through Unseen. An Itineration to the Oued Souf—M.D.G.
  • Prayer—F.H.F.
  • "Son thous art ever with Me and all that I have is thine." (Luke xv. 31)—Freda Hanbury Allen
  • In The Aurès Mountains—A. McI.
  • "He Entered Into a Certain Village"—A.E.T.
  • Home Notes
  • Annual Meeting
  • In The Dark—I. Lilias Trotter
  • A.M.B. Literature for Arabs
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1927-28

Volume 10

Volume 11 (Winter 1929-30) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • This is Algeria (from an Unpublished MS)
  • Editorial
  • To our Helpers Together in Prayer
  • A.M.B. Literature Report
  • Reports for 1928-29: Relizane—E.K.M. Ridley; Dellys—M. Farmer & T.F. Sheach; Tolga—S. Perkin; Miliana—M.D. Grautoff; Tozeur—Uses of a Book Shop—V. Wood; Bilda—M.H. Roche; Clencen—K. Butler; Colea—H.W. Buckenham; Bou Saada. For "His Crowning Day That's Coming"—M.A. McIlroy & A. Butticaz
  • "Only Touching"—A.E. Theobald
  • The Hadj—F.H. Freeman
  • Home Notes: Found in a Diary—I. Lilias Trotter; Chosen—Mrs F. Hanbury Allen
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1927-28

Volume 12 (Spring 1930) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages
  • Editorial—F.H. Freeman
  • Visiting in the Beni M'zab and El Golea—M.D. Grautoff
  • Live.. Looking
  • God's Small Messengers. 1.—The Daisies—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Visiting the Relizane—J.C. Johnston
  • Some Arab Proverbs
  • There is a Lad Here—H.T. Barrow
  • Gleanings from Rassouta Tolga, 1930—S. Perkin
  • Almsgiving—F.H. Freeman
  • First Impressions of Tozeur: Autumn 1929—R. Smeeton
  • Autumn 1894—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Home Notes
  • Recent Books and Booklets Bearing on the Work in North Africa

Volume 13 (Summer 1930) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Waiting
  • "Seen... Afar off" (Heb. xi.13)—A.M.B.
  • Editorial
  • Tell it Again—H.W. Buckehnham
  • A Darkie Version of "The Ninety and Nine"—Author Unknown
  • The Continuation of a Plilgrimage—M. Alice McIlroy
  • God's Small Messengers 1.—The Dew—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Moslem Articles of Belief—F.H. Freeman
  • A Desert Parable
  • Happenings by the Way
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1929

Volume 14 (Autumn 1930) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Lesson of the Ox
  • Editorial
  • Algeria Re-Visited—I.R. Govan
  • An Arab Girl's Testimony to Christ
  • The Carpet Work at Clemcen—K. Butler & D. Graham
  • Happenings—Old and New
  • Book Depot News
  • God's Small Messengers. 3.—The Vine Bloom
  • Glimpses of Dellys Women—A Farmer
  • A Prayer for Moslem Lands—F.A.B.
  • Angels—F.H> Freeman
  • Home Notes
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1929

Volume 15 (Winter 1930-31) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "The Unity of the Spirit" (From Notes tkaen at an Address given at our October Rally)—J.L. Oliver
  • Psalm 133
  • In Lovign Memory of Blanche A.F. Pigott—M.H. Roche
  • A Lullaby or a Battle Cry—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial
  • God's Small Messengers. 4.—Retardation and Growth—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Reports for 1929-30: Colea—H.W. Buckenham; Blida—M.H. Roche; Miliana—M.D.Graitoff; Relizane—E.K.M. Ridley; Clemsen—K. Butler; Dellys—A.M. Farmer & Isa Sheach; Bou Saada—M. Alice McIlroy & Augusta Butticaz; Tozeur—V. Wood
  • Himalyan Climbing
  • The Holy Books—F.H. Freeman
  • Home Notes
  • Recent Books and Booklets
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Location of Workers, 1930-31

Volume 16 (Spring 1931) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Vibrations—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial
  • On Mule-Back in the Aurès. A Three Days' Journey from rugged mountain-top to sandy desert—A. McIlroy
  • A Relizane Love Feast—J.C. Johnston
  • White Unto Harvest (Unrevised Notes of one of Mr. Theobold's recent itinerations)
  • The Silence of Christ—Verrier Elwin
  • Incidents at Work. Christmas at Dellys—I. Sheach
  • Echoes of Ramadhan
  • Extract from a Letter
  • Bringing the Good News—Harold T. Barrow
  • The Inspired Prophets—F.H. Freeman

Volume 17 (Summer 1931) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Vibrations. Second Part—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial
  • God's Small Messengers. 6.—The Sand Lily
  • New from Here and There. Our Algier Room—I.K. Nash
  • Visiting in Algiers—S.P.
  • Extract from a Letter
  • From Tozeur. Story as told by a Blind Arab Woman
  • Going Out and Coming In at Blida—M.H. Roche
  • Touching Him—M.A. McIlroy
  • Worthy in the Lamb—G. MacDonald
  • "On the Breastplate... Chains of Gold"
  • Home Notes
  • Literature Notes—M.H. Roche (Secretary, Lit. Committee)
  • The Melody of Life—John Ruskin
  • Recent Books and Booklets Bearing on the Work in North Africa
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 18 (August 1931) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Defeat that is Not Defeat—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial
  • Home Notes
  • A Caleb's Story—M.H. Roche
  • Other Towns Also—M. Alice McIlroy
  • The Moon—E.K.M. McIlroy
  • For Our Younger Readers
  • The Land of Sand—M.D. Grautoff
  • Boys! Boys! Boys!—P.M. Russell
  • The Day
  • The Outlook of Night-Time (A message once written by Miss Trotter to those returning from Furlough)
  • Recent Books and Booklets Bearing on the Work in North Africa
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 19 (Winter 1931-32) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Victorious Wrestler—Ruth Paxson
  • Editorial—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Reports for 1930-1931: Algiers—I.K. Nash & L.E. Theobald; Colea—H.W. Buckenham; Blida—F.K. Currie & M.H. Roche; Miliana—M.D. Grautoff; Relizane—E.K.M. Ridley; Clemcen—D. Graham, for Miss Butler; Dellys—I. Sheach & A. Farmer; Bou Saada—M. Alice McIlroy; Tolga—S. Lull; Tozeur—V. Wood
  • The King's Courier. The Messenger Setting Forth; The Message; In the Footsteps of the Messengers; Rejoicing Together—A.E. Theobald
  • Literature Notes, 1931—M.H. Roche (sec. Literature Com.)
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 20 (Spring 1932) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Matthew—Mathew Bridges
  • Trained to Rule—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial—F.H.F.
  • Visiting at Rassouta—S. Perkin
  • A Quest for Souls. The Story of an itineration in October, 1931—M. Alice McIlroy
  • The Ramadhan Victory—J.C. Johnston
  • For Young People: "Freedom"—M.H. Roche
  • Heart Yearnings in Moslem Lands—A.E. Theobald
  • Home Notes
  • Annual Meeting. Dr. S.M. Zwemer
  • Literature
  • Recent Books and Booklets Bearing on the Work in North Africa
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
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