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A Thirsty Land
A Quarterly Magazine of the Algiers Mission Band

Vols. 21-40 (1932-1937)

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Algiers Mission Band

A Thirsty Land was the quarterly magazine of the Algiers Mission Band, founded by Lilias Trotter in 1888. The magazine ran from 1927 until the agency joined with the North Africa Mission (currently AWM-Pioneers) in 1964.

A Thirsty Land has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers. You can download all the available journal issues by right-clicking here and selecting "save as" to download a zip file. Please note that the file is around 186 MB. If you chose this option to download, please consider making a donation using the "Tip Jar" on the right.

Volume 21 (Summer 1932)

Volume 22 (Autumn 1932) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • North Africa's Claim for the Gospel (Summary of Dr. Zwemer's Address at our Annual Meeting. Not Revised by the Speaker)
  • A Mozabite House—M.D. Grautoff
  • "Stir into Flame"—Alexander Smellie
  • "What is Man?" [Poem]—E.L. Briggs
  • In the Street of the Devil—E.K.M. Ridley
  • A Bible Study (Taken from Miss Trotter's Notes)
  • The Stones by the Wayside
  • For the Young People: Desert Visiting—F.H. Freeman
  • Sowing the Seed—P.M. Russell
  • Literature: New Publication
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 23 (Winter 1932-33) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Retrospect. The following is an extract from Miss Trotter's Journal, written twenty-five years after her arrival in Algiers. In giving the Report of the past year's work it seems appropriate to reprint this retrospect and show from what small beginnings the work has sprung.
  • The Rev Percy Smith: A Tribute—E.B. Browning
  • Editorial—F.H.F.
  • Literature Report, 1932—M.H. Roche (Sec. Literature Committee)
  • Reports for 1931-1932: Algiers—I.K. Nash & L.E. Theobald; Blida—M.H. Roche; Bou Saada—M. Alice McIlroy & A. Butticaz; Clemcen—J.H. Butler & D. Graham; Dellys—A.H. Farmer & I. Sheach; Tolga—S.E. Perkin; Miliana—M.D. Grautoff; Colea—H.W. Buckenham; Tozeur—V. Wood; Relizane—E.K.M. Ridley
  • Home Notes
  • Literature
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Statement of Accounts for the Year ending June 30th, 1932

Volume 24 (Spring 1933) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "The Just Shall Live by Faith"—Hab. 2.4—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial
  • In Remembrance—F.H.F.
  • A Call... and an Answer"—J.C. Johnston
  • "Drink Ye All of It"
  • Ramadhan Days at Colea—H.W. Buckenham
  • "Behold My Hands"—A. Butticaz
  • The Wells and Streams—A.E. Theobald
  • For the Children: An Experiment—P.M.Russell
  • A Warm Reception in the Mountains—I. Sheach
  • Home Notes
  • Literature: New Publication
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 25 (Summer 1933) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Challenge to Faith—I. Lilias Trotter (revised)
  • Editorial
  • Seed at Relizane—R,H.P.
  • Six Weeks in the M'zab—M.D. Grautoff
  • Tozeur Neighbours—E.K.M. Ridley
  • A Well in the South [Poem]—William Olney
  • Happenings Here and There: From Algiers; From the Desert; From Dellys; Colportage
  • Itineration News
  • For Young People: "En Rouie"—E.K.M. Ridley
  • Home Notes—E. Armitage
  • Annual Meeting
  • Literature
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 26 (Autumn 1933) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Church and the Nations
  • Across the Sahara with the Bible—Dugald Campbell
  • Editorial—M.H. Roche
  • "By Interpretation 'Sent'"—H.W. & A. Buckenham
  • Stories Told us about the Kaaba or Sacred Stone—M.D. Grautoff
  • For the Young People: "Jewel"—J.C. Johnston
  • Our Literature in the Convict Settlement of Cayenne–French Guiana. Extract from a letter to Monsieur Lull
  • An Annual Meeting at Eccleston Hall
  • Literature
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 27 (Winter 1933-34)

Volume 28 (Spring 1934) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Prayer for the Muslim World Today
  • Death is the Gate of Life. (Extracts from "Parables of the Cross" by I. Lilias Trotter)
  • Editorial
  • Miss Currie and Miss Roche
  • First Impressions of the M'zab Outpost. January 1934—P.M. Russell
  • A Fternoon at Mostaganem—A. Gayral
  • On Tour. Renewed Contacts with Souls—M. Alice McIlroy & A. Butticaz
  • For the Young People: Short Stories from Tozeur
  • For His Sake
  • Tolga, 1934—P. Nicoud
  • The Mzab—M.D. Grautoff

Volume 29 (Summer 1934) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Life Poured Out (From "Parables of the Cross" by I. Lilias Trotter)
  • Editorial
  • El Biar—I.K. Nash
  • Twenty Days' Colportage in Western Algeria—P. Nicoud
  • AN Arab Girl's Dream—J.K.B.
  • Hindrances—M.H. Roche"as thy days shall thy strength be" [Poem]—H.G.Lamb
  • A Day in an Ancient Desert Town—M.D. Grautoff
  • A Visit to Setif–April 26th–May 3rd—A. Farmer
  • In the Villages—I. Sheach
  • Notices
  • Annual Meeting
  • Erratum
  • Literature
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 30 (Autumn 1934) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • Frances Helen Freeman in Loving Memory—H.M. Proctor
  • Other Family Recollections—M. Vansittart
  • Tributes from Fellow-Workers—A. Gayral, E.K.M. Ridley & J.C. Johnston
  • Sidi Ferruch Girls' Camp,1934—E.K.M. Ridley
  • For the Young People. A Story of Long Ago—F.H. Freeman
  • In the Mother Tongue—J.C.J.
  • Home Notes

Volume 31 (Winter 1934-35) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "A God... which worketh for him that waiteth for Him" (From "Parables of the Cross" by I. Lilias Trotter)
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • Literature Report 1933-34—P.M. Russell
  • Reports for 1933-1934: Algiers—I.K. Nash & L.E. Theobald; Blida—F.K. Currie & M.H. Roche; Bou Saada—M. Alice McIlroy & A. Butticaz; Colea—H.W. Buckenham; Dellys—M. Farmer & I. Sheach
  • Headquarters Dar Naama—S.E. Perkin; Miliana—M.D. Grautoff & P.M. Russell; Mostagomem—A. Gayral; Tlemcen—J.K. Butler & E. Clark; Tozeur—V. Wood; Tolga—S. Lull
  • Called Home—M.H.R.
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 32 (Spring 1935) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Spring Time—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • Risen with Christ—Jennie B. Logan
  • "Stony Ground"—A.M. Farmer
  • For the Young People: Boys and Boys—H.W. Stalley
  • A Stolen Gospel—S.E. Perkin
  • The Faithful Sower—A.E. Theobald
  • In Memoriam—M.H.R.
  • An Incident—E.K.M. Ridley
  • "After Many Days" (Mostoganem)—A. Gayral
  • "The Pulling Down of Strongholds"—P. Nicoud
  • M'sila Re-visited—M. Alice McIlroy
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer

Volume 33 ()

Volume 34 (Autumn 1935) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—M.H. Roche
  • The Story of 1934-1935—S. Perkin
  • Literature Report. 1934-35—P.M. Russell
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • The Glory of Autumn (From "Parables of the Cross" by I. Lilias Trotter)
  • Setif. Thirsty Souls in a Thirsty Land—I. Sheach
  • Brothers of the Inward Way (Continued) II—A.E. Theobald
  • For the Young Folks. Who's Who in Algeria?—M.H. Roche
  • Home Notes
  • Annual Meeting

Volume 35 (Winter 1935-36) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Pathway of Faith. An address given at the Rally (Dar Naama) in October—A.E. Theobald
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • A Challenge to Faith—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Dawn
  • "After Many Days"—S.E. Perkin
  • "In Journeyings Oft"—M.D. Grautoff
  • Islam or Christ?
  • The Testimony of a Tunisian Convert
  • How Heaven came to the Village—J.C. Johnston
  • Young Friends of Algeria—J.C. Johnston
  • "Feeling" Christmas!—M.H. Roche
  • From Tlemcen—J. Thomson

Volume 36 (Spring 1936) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • Spring-Time in Algeria
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • The Pathway of Faith—A.E. Theobald
  • Itinerating Round Relizane—Pierre Nicoud
  • The Pilgrimage to Mecca in 1936
  • Extracts from two Letters from M. Lull
  • "Whom God Hath Joined"—J.C. Johnston
  • Reaching the Unreached—P. Russell
  • Setif. A New Advance—S.E. Perkin
  • Behind the Doors in M'Sila
  • Home Notes
  • How You May Help

Volume 37 (Summer 1936) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • In Loving and Grateful Remembrance—M.H.R.
  • The Hodna—A. Butticaz
  • A Visit to Metlili—M.D. Grautoff
  • Desert Roses—M.W.
  • The Children of Islam—Anonymous
  • "That Reminds Me"—V. Wood
  • For the Young Folks. A Desert Dream
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • From Ghardala. A Mission Out-Station in the M'Zab—M.D. Grautoff
  • In the Desert Reading Room
  • Desert Stars—R. Millon
  • Then and Now. A Journey from Algiers to Bou Saada in 1894 and To-day (from Miss Haworth's Diary)
  • From a Mail Bag
  • Rmanathan in Tozeur
  • Home Notes

Volume 38 (Autumn 1936) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial: "King of Kings and Lord of Lords"
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • "Emmanuel... God With Us"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Reports fro 1935-1936: Algiers City—I.K.N.; Bou Saada—Miss A. McIlroy & Mlle. A. Butticaz; Blida (Dar el Aine)—Mr & Mrs Buckenham—H.W.B.; Blida (Dar er Aib)—E.K.M. Ridley; Headquarters. Dar Naama, El Biar—S. Perkin; Dellys—I. Sheach; Holding Forth the Word of Life—W.G. Stalley; Miliana—Miss. M.D> Grautoff & Miss P. Russell; In the Desert Station of Ghardhaia—M.D.C.; Tlemcan "Precious Seed"—J.K. Butler
  • Literature Report—P.M. Russell (Sec. Lt. Com.)
  • Tozeur—V. Wood
  • Homes Notes—Millicent H. Roche

Volume 39 (Winter 1936-37) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Yet [Poem]—P. Hurst
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • Borken Without Hand—A.E. Theobald
  • For the Young Folks: The Black Beetle—A. Butticaz
  • Veterans–and New Beginnings—J.C. Stalley
  • Moslem Students of Algeria—G. Millon
  • Sickness in a Moslem Home—S.E. Perkin
  • Glimpses of Colportage—P. Nicoud
  • Requests for Praise and Prayer
  • Day to Day in Bou Saada—M. Alice McIlroy
  • Tolga Report. October 1935 to April 1936—S. Lull & J. Thomson
  • Setif. May and June 1936—S. Lull
  • Annual Meetings. September 29th 1936
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche
  • Another Year as Viewed from the Treasury—H.W. Buckenham

Volume 40 (Spring 1937) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "Risen with Christ"
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • Broken Without Hand—A.E.T.
  • From the Office Mailbag. Arrival and First Days in Ghardata (Beni M'Zab)—M.D. Grautoff
  • Making Friends—V. Wood
  • Setif—Jas. G. Thomson
  • Later—Sadie Thomson
  • Recent Census Figures
  • "Was Dead and is Alive Again"—I.K. Nash
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Arab Cookery—S. Perkin
  • "Buying up the Opportunities"—A.E. Theobald
  • Journey's End—A.H. Farmer
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche
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