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A Thirsty Land
A Quarterly Magazine of the Algiers Mission Band

Vols. 41-60 (1937-1942)

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Algiers Mission Band

A Thirsty Land was the quarterly magazine of the Algiers Mission Band, founded by Lilias Trotter in 1888. The magazine ran from 1927 until the agency joined with the North Africa Mission (currently AWM-Pioneers) in 1964.

A Thirsty Land has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers. You can download all the available journal issues by right-clicking here and selecting "save as" to download a zip file. Please note that the file is around 186 MB. If you chose this option to download, please consider making a donation using the "Tip Jar" on the right.

Volume 41 (Summer 1937) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Gideon's Prayers. Judges 6.36-40. (An Address given at our Annual Meeting last year)—Alan Stibbs
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • The Same Old Game in the M'zab—P.M. Russell
  • Literature for Moslem Boys (Abridged)—I. Lilias Trotter
  • "Keep on Keeping on!"—J.C. Stalley
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Here There and Everywhere!—M.H. Ross
  • A Boy and a Girl from Setif—Sadie Thomson
  • A Gift of God—J.K. Butler
  • A Mountain Girl
  • A Parable from an Outpost
  • Extracts from the Account of a Missionary Gathering at Easter 1937—Mary Anderson
  • The Mouloud
  • Home

Volume 42 (Autumn 1937) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "All the Nations Shall Serve Him"
  • Reports for 1936-1937; Algiers—I.K. Nash; Algiers Student Centre—G. Millon; Blida—H.W. Buckenham; Bou Saada—Mlle. A. Butticaz; Dar Naama. El Biar. Headquarters—S. Perkin; Mostaganem; Miliana—M.D.C.; Nefta—V. Wood; Relizane—J.C. Stalley & H. Stalley
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Setif—A.M. Farmer
  • Dellys Itineration—I.S.
  • Tlemcen "Preparations"—J.K. Butler
  • Tolga—S. Lull
  • America—M.H.R.
  • Literature Report
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche

Volume 43 (Winter 1937-38) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Christmas Message. The His Power—H.W.B.
  • Victory!—J.C. Stalley
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • Si Saduk (Mr Faithful)—E.K.M. Ridley
  • From "Abdul Fady"—A.T. Upson
  • From the Bible Society—H.W. Cummins
  • Westward Ho!—P. Nicoud
  • Literature Report 1936-37—P.M. Russell
  • Seed Sowing in Mostaganem—A. Gayral
  • Book Depot Setif—Jas. Thomsom
  • The Language of Love—M. Lull
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Annual Meeting 1937
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche
  • God's Glory in Providence—H.W. Buckenham

Volume 44 (Spring 1988) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Gloria in Excelsis. 1888-1938
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • From Dr. Zwemer—S.M. Zwemer
  • From a Veteran of the "North Africa Mission"—Kate S. Smith
  • "I am that sweet-smiling Jesus. And the World is alive through Me"—P. Hurst
  • "A Touch of the Fire"—C. Firmin
  • Early Days—Francis C. Brading
  • From the Secretary of the "Algerian Mission Band"—Mrs J.A. Walker
  • From the Nile Mission Press—(A.T. Upson) Abdul Fady
  • "Linking Up"—Sonia E. Howe
  • From "The Faith Mission"—L.A. Govan
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • In Loving and Thankful Memory of Mary May—M.H.R.
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche
  • How A.M.B. Literature began and Developed

Volume 45 (Summer 1938) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • Address given at the Jubilee Meeting. March 8th 1938
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • A Jubilee Journey in Three Stages: Our Journey to the Land of the Beni M'zab. First Stage—P.Nicoud; Our Journey to the "Town of a Thousand Domes". Second Stage—S. Lull; A Camel to the Rescue! Third Stage—P. Nicoud
  • A Circular Tour—M. Alice McIlroy
  • Jubilee Celebrations at an Out-station—J.C. Stalley
  • Worth While?—M.D. Grautoff
  • "Sure to Win"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Desert Jewels—I.K. Nash
  • Car or Bus?—P.M. Russell
  • "Perplexed but not in Despair"—Jas. G. Thomson
  • Arab Hospitality—S. Perkin
  • Public Meeting. Held at Eccleston Hall, London, March 8th, 1938—M.H. Roche
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche
  • Pastor Jean Paul Cook
  • How You May Help

Volume 46 (Autumn 1938) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "A Well of Water springing up into Everlasting Life"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial
  • Reports for 1937-1938: Algiers—I.K. Nash; Algiers Student Centre—G.M.; Blida—H.W. Buckenham; Bou Saada—A. McIlroy; Colportage—P. Nicoud; Dar Naama. El Biar. Headquarters—S.P.
  • Literature Report—P.M. Russell
  • Miliana—Miss M.D. Grautoff
  • Mostaganem—A. Gayral
  • Relizane—J.C. & H.W. Stalley
  • Setif (Rue Belique)—I.S.
  • Setif (Rue 3 Girailleurs)—J. & S. Thomson
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Janet Kathleen Butler. Algeria 1916-1937—M.H.R.
  • Tlemcen—J.C.S.
  • Tolga—S. Lull
  • Tozeur and Nefta—Miss V. Wood
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche

Volume 47 (Winter 1938-1939) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "I am... The bright and Morning Star"
  • Editoral—M.H.R.
  • "My peace I give unto you"—A.E.T.
  • From the Office Mail Bag During November 1938 Blida—H.W.B.; Tlencen—J.S.; Relizane; Liliana—M.D.C.; Bou Saada—A. McI.
  • Tolga—S.L.
  • "A Man which was Blind"
  • Revisiting the Field—Francis C. Brading
  • Fat'ma of Relizane—E.K.M. Ridley
  • Canada—A.M. Farmer
  • "By the Wayside"—M.H. Roche
  • First Impressions!—Evelyn B. Russell
  • Fellowship—H.W. Buckenham
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche
  • Annual Meetings. Jubilee Year, 1938

Volume 48 (Spring 1939) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Vine in Springtime
  • Editorial—M.H.R.
  • "With God"—F.H. Freeman
  • A Letter from Ghardaia—M.D. Grautoff
  • "I was an Hungred"—S.E. Perkin
  • "One in Christ Jesus"—Pierre Nicoud
  • Uprooting—Planting—J.C. Stalley
  • Blida Jottings—H.W. Buckenham
  • Sing! [Poem]—Pleasant Hurst
  • New Year's Day in the Atlas Mountains—I.K. Nash
  • Relizane—J.C.Stalley
  • Christmas in the Sahara—M. Lull
  • Heavenly Light on Daily Life
  • The Lesson of the Coal
  • The Lesson of the Lamp
  • The Lesson of Spinning—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Who's Knocking?—M.H. Roche
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche

Volume 49 (Summer 1939) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "Our Lord Jesus Christ"
  • Editorial
  • The Upward Look—A.E. Theobald
  • Jottings from Selif—I. Sheach
  • "If Only a Little Daughter"—V. Wood
  • Easter 1939—A.M. Farmer
  • Reminiscence
  • Colportage in the South—P. Nicoud
  • "The... Desert Shall Rejoice and Blossom as the Rose"—M. Alice McIlroy
  • "Reaching Forth"—James C.S,S, Thomson
  • Guerrara, 1939—P.M. Russell
  • Tizi Ouzou Conference—M.D. Grautoff
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • "The Word of God"—Commandant G. Flandre
  • The Shahada or Creed
  • The Dance for the Dead in the Desert—M.W.
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche

Volume 50 (Autumn 1939) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever"—M.H. Roche
  • Reports for 1938-1939: Algiers (Boulevard Bru)—I.K. Nash; Algiers (Rue Danton). Among the Students—M. & Mme. Millon
  • Blida—H.W. Buckenham
  • Bou Saada—A. McI,
  • Literature Report. A.M.B.—1938-1939—P.M. Russell
  • Miliana—M.D. Grautoff
  • Nefta and Tozeur—Miss V. Wood
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Relizane—Editor
  • Selif (Rue Belgique)—A.M.F.
  • Selif (Rue 3 Triroilleurs)—J. & S.T.
  • Tlecem—Mr J.C. & Mrs H. Stalley
  • Tolga (M.L. & Mme. S. Lull
  • "More Fruit"—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Dellys (Itineration)—Miss I Sheach
  • Saharan Pictures. May 1939—H.W. StalleyH
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche
  • Ramadhan from a Moslem Point of View—F.H. Freeman
  • Algiers Mission Band Home Office Accounts

Volume 51 (Winter 1939-1940) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Be Still and know that I am God—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial—M.H. Roche
  • Patience—A.E. Theobald
  • The Open Door—M.D. Grautoff
  • From the Office Mail Bag: Dar Naama—P. Nicoud; Tlencen—J. Stalley; Miliana—M.D. Grautoff; "The Word of God in not bound"—H. Stalley
  • Mountain Echoes—S.E. Perkin
  • The Tent baby. An Echo from Bou Saada—M.H. Roche
  • THe Way a Dispute was Settled in the Desert—I.K. Nash
  • "Being Dead, Yet Speaketh"—George Harris
  • Mostaganem—A. Gayral
  • Home Notes—Millicent H. Roche
  • Praise and Prayer Requests

Volume 52 (Spring 1940) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—M.H. Roche
  • The Desert—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Going Forward at Tlemcen—J. Stalley & H.W. Stalley
  • Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Late News
  • Oasis Visits—S. Lull
  • "It Might have Been!"—S. Perkin
  • "God is not unrighteous to forget"—E.K.M. Ridley
  • The Redeemer Shall Come—A. McIlroy
  • Sowers Went Forth
  • From a Blida Journal
  • Christmas in War-Time—M.D. Grautoff
  • The Hadj—F.H. Freeman
  • Home Notes

Volume 53 (Summer 1940) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—M.H. Roche
  • From the Office Mail Bag

Volume 54 (Autumn 1940) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—M.H. Roche
  • Items of News from the Field

Volume 55 (Winter 1940-41) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "We are saved by Hope"—Millicent H. Roche

Volume 56 (Spring 1941) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Faith is rooted in God's great facts—Millicent H. Rochee

Volume 57 (Summer 1941) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Morning Star—Millicent H. Roche

Volume 58 (Autumn 1941) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—M.H. Roche
  • "Pray for Us"—M.D.G.

Volume 59 (Winter 1941-1942) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—M.H. Roche

Volume 60 (Spring 1942) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—M.H. Roche
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