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A Thirsty Land
A Quarterly Magazine of the Algiers Mission Band

Vols. 81-100 (1947-1952)

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Algiers Mission Band

A Thirsty Land was the quarterly magazine of the Algiers Mission Band, founded by Lilias Trotter in 1888. The magazine ran from 1927 until the agency joined with the North Africa Mission (currently AWM-Pioneers) in 1964.

A Thirsty Land has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers. You can download all the available journal issues by right-clicking here and selecting "save as" to download a zip file. Please note that the file is around 186 MB. If you chose this option to download, please consider making a donation using the "Tip Jar" on the right.

Volume 81 (Summer 1841) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—Millicent H. Roche
  • Notes by the General Secretary—H.W. Buckenham
  • First Impressions: Bou Saada—G. CHollet; Tlenchen—Andree Jeanne Robert
  • Changes and Chances—P.M. Russell
  • Psalm 65. 9-13—A. Butticaz
  • News From Tlemcen—A.M. Farmer & Edith Clark
  • "After Many Days"—Mabel D. Grautoff
  • A Flash from Touggourt: A Sunday Evening Walk—I.K. Nash
  • Home Notes—Harold W. Stalley

Volume 82 (Autumn 1947) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—Harold W. Stalley
  • Itinerating in the Qued Rhir, M'zab—S. Lull
  • From the General Secretary—H.W.Buckenham
  • The Desert Lion again—I.K. Nash
  • "Pleasing in hi Sight"—H.W.B.

Volume 83 (Winter 1948) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Diamond Jubilee Meetings
  • Editorial
  • First Post-War Field Rally—H.W. Buckenham
  • Personalia—E.B. Russell
  • Annual Re-Union, 1947
  • Counting the Cost
  • An Impression of September 23rd, 1947
  • The Gospel in the Sahara—S. Lull
  • God's Spirit is Working—A. Butticaz
  • For Prayer and Praise: Algiers; Extract from a Moslem Review

Volume 84 (Spring 1948) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • March 11, 1888
  • After Sixty Years
  • Tipaza—1919
  • After Forty Years
  • Going Forward—1948
  • The M'Zab Re-Visited
  • "Thou Shalt Remember"
  • Notes and News from Our Stations: Algiers; Blida; Bou SaadaTolga; Touggourt; Miliana; Tlencen; The Home Base
  • Spirit of Prayer in Algiers

Volume 85 (Summer 1948) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Dar Raama–March 10th 1948—H.W. Buckenham
  • Back to M'Zab—M.D.G.
  • The Home Secretary Abroad: Headquarters; Bou Saada; Tolga; Touggourt; The Mobile Unit; Miliana; Relizane; Mostagenem & Mascara; Tlemcen; Blida; Tiz-ouzou
  • Pedlar's Prattle
  • Annual London Meetings

Volume 86 ()

Volume 87 (Winter 1949) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • From the Desert
  • Field Rally, 1948
  • Mobile Unit
  • Literature
  • Building Operations: Tolga—M. & S. Lull
  • Open Doors: Bou Saada
  • Sunlight and Shadow: Touggourt—I.K. Nash
  • Blida
  • Miss S. Perkin
  • The Treasury
  • 1949 Anniversary Services: Wednesday, March 9th
  • Focus for Prayer

Volume 88 (Spring 1949) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "He Maketh Small the Drops of Water" (Job 36.27)—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Tenting in the M'Zab—P.M. Russell
  • An Afternoon Visit—M.D. Grautoff
  • Local Point for Prayer: Ghardaia
  • The Treasury
  • Look on the Fields: Tlemcen; Tolga; Touggourt; Tamanrasset; Blida; Bou Saada—A. Butticaz
  • In Memoriam: Walter G. Stalley—H.W. Buckenham & W.C.C.; M. Maoudj–Kabyle Christian Leader—H.W. Buckenham
  • Spring Anniversary Meetings

Volume 89 (Summer 1949) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Missionary's Secret—H.C.G. Moule, D.D.
  • Lo! I do a new thing: Even now shall it spring forth; Will ye not regard it?" Is. XLIII.19—H.W.S.
  • For Young People
  • The Treasury
  • Vision and Challenge—A.E.Powell
  • Two Thirsty Men in "A Thirsty Land"!
  • A Strange Pupil—I.K. Nash
  • Look on the Field!: Bou Saada; Tolga; Touggourt; Tamanrasset; Blida; Miliana

Volume 90 (Autumn 1949) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Chosen Vessels—I. Lilias Trotter
  • The Needs of the North: Colportage—P.M. Russell
  • Felixstowe, 1949—J.C.S.
  • News from the Stations: Bou Saada & Setif; Tolga; Tlemcen; Blida
  • A Weak Brother—M.D. Grautoff—H.W.S.
  • The Annual Meeting—J.C.S.

Volume 91 (Winter 1950) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Home Notes
  • In Memoriam: Sasha Perkin—M.H. Roche
  • A Note of Remembrance from a Colleague—M.D. Grautoff
  • An Appreciation from an Ex-Serviceman—T.H. Hook
  • Leadership—I.K. Nash
  • Comradeship—Sonia E. Howe
  • Alice McIllroy—J.C.S.
  • A True Yoke-Fellow—A. Butticaz
  • A Tribute—Annie Buckenham
  • A Sunny Memory—V.C. Wood
  • "In Journeys oft..." B.H. Collinson
  • Edward Johnston
  • Miss Ruth Parson—M.H.R.
  • Impressions after the Rally—R.J. Waine

Volume 92 (Spring 1950) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "What Then?"
  • "Who then is willing... to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?" 1 Chron. 29.3—H.W.S.
  • "Principalities and Powers"—Edward Buckenham
  • In the M'Zab Country
  • God's Initiative—I. Lilias Trotter
  • News from the Stations: Miliana; Blida; Macedonia Calls from the High Plateau; Setif; Tlemcen;
  • "I am a Debtor..." A Testimony—Salvador Lull
  • Touggourt, 1949-50

Volume 93 (Summer 1950) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "This one thing I do..."—I. Lilias Trotter
  • In Memoriam: Lady May Proctor
  • First Impressions—M. Waine
  • Making Contacts in Tamanrasset
  • Another Chapter—F. Baggott
  • Echoes from the M'Zab Coubtry
  • Sowing and Reaping at Tlencem—Alex Porteous
  • "Tizi-ouzou 1950"
  • The whole world over... boys wll be boys. The Imposter—R.J. Waine
  • E.G.M. — N.A.M. — A.M.B.

Volume 94 (Autumn & Winter 1950-51) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Message from the beginning of the Century for the New Year—I. Lilias Trotter
  • Editorial. Autumn and Winter
  • Workers Together with God
  • Streams in the Desert
  • To Givers of a Mobile Unit—Frank Baggott
  • The Seventh Day Feast—M.D. Grautoff
  • So Shall I do for Christ
  • Relizane Re-opened
  • Sowing the Seed in Setif
  • From Ein Arnat to Bousaada
  • Camel Drivers
  • Word Pictures: Children...; Women...; Three Women
  • Blida Barrow Boys
  • Blida
  • Tlemcen
  • Touggourt
  • Tolga
  • Headquarters
  • Rally Days and Aferwards
  • Statement of Accounts

Volume 95 (Spring 1951) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Home Notes: An Open Letter
  • At home with the Lord
  • "Friend, come up higher"
  • Elegy by a Moslem Sheikh
  • Tribute of an Arab Lawyer
  • Memories of Fellowship in Work—Monssieur Pierre Nicoud
  • A Good Man
  • Last Impressions—J.M. Roe
  • A Man to fill the Gap
  • Tolga Station as it is Now
  • Missionary Exhibition in Algeria—P. Nicoud
  • Laubach Literary Visit—P.M. Russell
  • "Wilt Thou not Revive Us"—A & J Porteous, I.W. Fletcher & E. Clark
  • An Open Door at Relizane
  • Who's that Knocking at My Door
  • New Year at Touggourt—I.K. Nash
  • Teaching Adults to Read—M.D. Grautoff
  • A European Midwife in Touggourt—I.K. Nash
  • "Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving"

Volume 96 (Summer 1951) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Annual Meetings
  • "Not far from any one of us" (Acts. 17.16.28)
  • "He Satisfieth" [Poem]—G. Ter Steegen
  • Deputation Work in the U.S.A.
  • Eight Weeks in Nortn Africa
  • "The Disciples were called Christians"—A.P.
  • Prayer
  • Dellys Revisited—A.M. Farmer
  • Teniet-el-Ibaad (after fifteen years)—M.D. Grautoff
  • On Colportage–Spring 1951—Ronald J. Waine
  • Subject for Prayer
  • Praise and Prayer
  • Movements and Missionaries
  • Home Notes

Volume 97 (Autumn 1951) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "Maintain the spiritual glow" (Romans 12. 11)—J.G.S.S. Thomson
  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • Summer Activities—Edmund T.R. Buckenham
  • Jesus Himself drew near...—Ronald & Muriel Wayne
  • Tongue-tied
  • The "Reccab"—M.D. Grautoff
  • Missionary Exhibition and Campaign: London—September 1951
  • Two views of Pudsey Annual A.M.B. Rally
  • The London Annual Meetings
  • "Faith Without Words is Dead"

Volume 98 (Winter 1951-52) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Patience and Time
  • A Christmas Meditation—I.K.N.
  • Loss of the A.M.B. Mission Car—Pierre Nicoud
  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • Visiting in and around El Biar—Annie Buckenham
  • A Moslem Widow's Testimony—Abassia, Madame Mahdi
  • "Little Desert"—E.T.R. Buckenham
  • Commit Thy Way Unto th Lord, Trust also in Him and He Shall Bring it to Pass—M.D. Grautoff
  • Sunday School in Relizane—A.E. Powell
  • Home Notes: Finance; Prayer Letter; A.M.B. Easter House Party; Rev. and Mrs R. Waine—D. Pilcher

Volume 99 (Spring 1952) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Prayer of Faith
  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • An open door–and many adversaries—M.D. Grautoff
  • Mohammed–the Christian—A. Porteous
  • Strongholds of the Desert—Edmund T.R, Buckenham
  • A gramaphone–and garage–and God—R.J. Waine
  • Give ye them to eat—I.K. Nash
  • The A.M.B. Easter House Party—Brian Hogg
  • Home Notes—D. Pilcher

Volume 100 ()

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