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A Thirsty Land
A Quarterly Magazine of the Algiers Mission Band

Vols. 101-120 (1952-1957)

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Algiers Mission Band

A Thirsty Land was the quarterly magazine of the Algiers Mission Band, founded by Lilias Trotter in 1888. The magazine ran from 1927 until the agency joined with the North Africa Mission (currently AWM-Pioneers) in 1964.

A Thirsty Land has been digitised in partnership with AWM Pioneers. You can download all the available journal issues by right-clicking here and selecting "save as" to download a zip file. Please note that the file is around 186 MB. If you chose this option to download, please consider making a donation using the "Tip Jar" on the right.

Volume 101 ()

Volume 102 (Winter 1952-53) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Year of Joys and Sorrows in the Work—A. Porteous
  • Miss Isabella Sheach. Missionary among the Muslims of Algeria from 1922 to 1939—A.M. Farmer
  • The fight fought, the course finished, the kept—H.W. & A. Buckenham
  • A Bit About the Babies—M.D. Grautoff
  • The Little Ones Jesus Wants—Grethe Arenholt
  • A.M.B. Literature and Where it Goes—V. Wood

Volume 103 (Spring 1953) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • The Everet Magnet
  • Everest—A.P.
  • A Besetting Sin—V. Wood
  • Jottings from Relizane—Edith Clark & Annie E. Powell
  • Bousaada Re-visited—A. Butticaz & G. Chollet
  • The Wind and the Spirit—J.W.Fletcher
  • The Town of the Thursday Market—P.M. Russell
  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • Monsiour Pierre Nicoud
  • Who Will Go?—R. Waine

Volume 104 ()

Volume 105 (Autumn & Winter 1953-54) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • F.K.C.—P.M. Russell & V. Wood
  • At Relizane–Autumn, 1953—E. Clark & A.E. Powell
  • Those Others. Has no one given them the Good News?—M.D. Grautoff
  • Three Diverse Visits—M.D. Grautoff
  • Why Am I a Christian?—V. Wood
  • Stir Me—A. Porteous
  • Home Secretary's Notes—R.J. Waine
  • C. Neville Russell
  • London Annual. September 1953
  • Scotland—1953. Is Your Journey Really Necessary?—R.J. Waine
  • Local Auxiliaries—R.J. Waine
  • Introducing–Mr. Peter G. Longley, B.D.—P.G.L.
  • Make Do and Mend—M.R.W.
  • Statement of Accounts

Volume 106 ()

Volume 107 (September 1954) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • Bread on the Waters at Relizane—E. Clark & A.E. Powell
  • Feasting and Fasting. Miliana: June, 1954—M.D> Grautoff
  • Patron Saints
  • Annual Meetings
  • The Wave and the Tide
  • Sunny Africa can be cold
  • Reinforcements—Gladys Dowling
  • "From Whence Cometh Our Help"—A. Porteous

Volume 108 (December 1954) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Notes on the Rally
  • Womanhood and Islam—I.W. Fletcher
  • Relizane in the Summer
  • Food and Prayer
  • The Christ of Christmas, The Hope of the World
  • Can these Bones Live?—John Dowling
  • "Out of the Mouths..."—M.R. Waine
  • Jesus Shall Reign [Poem]
  • Orleansville - September 1954—R.J. Waine
  • Reactions to Earthquakes—M.D. Grautoff
  • Thank You—R.J. & M.R. Waine
  • Overheard (during deputation work)—Anonymous
  • Tolga Mission School Re-opened
  • News from the London Office—P.G. Longley
  • Latest News

Volume 109 ()

Volume 110 (June 1955) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial—V.Wood
  • Thirsty Souls—H.W.B.
  • Giving the "Milk of the Word"
  • Thirst Quenched
  • Still Unsatisfied
  • Seven Days in the Sahara—M.D. Grautoff
  • Missionary Convention
  • Deputation
  • DIstrict Representatives in Great Britain
  • The M'Zab is Different
  • How's Busines (Another View of the Situation)—R,J, Waine
  • Missionary Boxes
  • Pillars of Religion: "Prayer"—V. Wood
  • Death—A & J. Porteous

Volume 111 (Sept. 1955) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • Killing Two Birds With One Stone—J.G. & P.M.R.
  • Trial By Ordeal—P.M. Russell
  • The People of the Secret Way—M.D. Grautoff
  • Concerning Sidi Ali Gayyour of Blida—J.G. & P.M.R.
  • A Summer Break—A & J. Porteous
  • London Office Notes
  • Stations and Missionaries

Volume 112 (December 1955) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Challenging Thoughts from the Rev. Duncan Campbell
  • The Arab Travelling Doctor—M.D. Grautoff
  • A Little Pot of Oil. 2 Kings 4:1-7—Rev. Duncan Campbell
  • Relizane: A Dry and Thirsty Town—E.C. & A.E.P.
  • Autumn at Ain-Arnat—Germaine Cholley
  • Extracts from the Treasurer's Diary—R.J. Waine
  • London Office Notes
  • Statement of Accounts

Volume 113 (March 1956) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"—I.K. Nash
  • Editorial—V. Wood
  • Wedding Bells
  • "The Captains and the Kings Depart"—R.J. Waine
  • Who Likes Honey?—M. Waine
  • Curfew—A. Porteous
  • The Unfinished Story of Two Zs.—M.D Grautoff
  • God's Leading in Relizane—Edith Clark & A.E. Powell
  • Without God... Without Hope—Gladys Dowling
  • Our Missionaries
  • Stations and Missionaries

Volume 114 (June 1956) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Pillars of Religion. The Third Pillar of Islam: The Fast
  • Annual and Valedictory Meeting, 1956
  • Abassia—A. Porteous
  • Miliana, 1956—M.D. Grautoff
  • News from the Field. Further Visit to the M'Zab
  • Ain-Arnat—A. Butticaz
  • News from the London Office
  • Three Months in the U.S.A.—Annie Buckenham

Volume 115 (Sept. 1956) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Editorial
  • Abassia—(continued)
  • Visiting the M'Zab—P.M. Russell
  • Meetings for Women in Miliana—M.D. Grautoff
  • "Mujehaddine"—R.J. Waine
  • Reinforcements for the Field:Testimonies of Mr & Mrs P.G. Longley—Peter G; Longley & Eva E. Longley
  • Extracts from Station Reports
  • Stations and Missionaries

Volume 116 (Dec. 1956) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Quotations (Gathered from the Addresses of the Rev. Peter Hassam at the A.M.B, Rally held in September, 1956)
  • A Sketch of Miss Trotter's Life in North Africa
  • Mostageanem—Past and Present
  • Abassia (continued)
  • First Impressions—E. Collins

Volume 117 (March 1957) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A New Year Meditation
  • More About Mostaganem—I.K. Nash
  • Keeping the Christmas Feast at Tolga—E. Clark & A.E. Powell
  • To-day at Miliana—M.D. Grautoff
  • Abassia (continued)—A. Porteous
  • Ain-Arnat and Bousaada—G. Chollet

Volume 118 (June 1957) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • A Visit to Tolga in 1957—Annie Buckenham
  • "The Entrance Of Thy Words Giveth Light" (Psalm 119:130)—Edith Clark & Annie E. Powell
  • Life in a Land of Unrest—M.D. Graudtoff
  • In the Easter Holidays—M.R. Waine
  • Blida D.V.B.S.—J. Guibe
  • Impressions of a Visit to Touggourt
  • Abassia
  • A.M.B. London Annual Meeting

Volume 119 (Sept. 1957) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • An Afternoon's Visiting—Annie Buckenham
  • North Africa in France—V. Wood
  • More About Abrassia—A. Porteous
  • The Hajj—or Pilgrimage to Mecca—V. Wood

Volume 120 (Dec. 1957) View in PDF format pdf [Download Complete Issue]

  • Weddings Up-to-Date—P.M. Russell
  • Mostaganem:Witnessing to Natives; Work Among Europeans; "Ripe Already to Harvest"—Edith Clark & Annie E.Powell
  • A Story That Led to a Christian Wedding:The Bride; The Bridegroom; What of the Future?—M.D.G.
  • Summer Wanderings in France: Algerians in France—A. Butticaz
  • Back Again in Tolga—M. Lull
  • Obituary [Madamoiselle Butticaz]
  • October in Miliana—E.F. Collins
  • Bridewell Hall—The Annual Meetings
  • Changing Times and Changing Ways—V. Wood
  • Literature
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