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Countries in South America


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Associated Missionaries:

Captain Allen Francis Gardiner R.N. [1794-1851] | Wilfrid Barbrooke Grubb [1865-1930]

Book or monograph Webster E. Browning, John Ritchie & Kenneth G. Grubb. The West Coast Republics of South America. London: World Dominion Press, 1930. Hbk. pp.183.
On-line Resource Edward Francis Every [1862-1941], South American Memories of Thirty YearsEdward Francis Every [1862-1941], South American Memories of Thirty Years. London: SPCK, 1933. Hbk. pp.210. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Mrs T.E. Hudspith, "Notes on the Translation of the New Testament in Bolivian Quechua," Bible Translator 3.2 (April 1952): 66-68.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Charles Henry Robinson, History of Christian MissionsCharles Henry Robinson [1861-1925], History of Christian Missions. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1915. Hbk. p.419. [This material is in the Public Domain]

Countries in South America:

Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Ecuador | French Guiana | Guyana | Paraguay | Peru | Suriname | Uruguay | Venezuela

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