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Missionary Adventures. A Simple History of the S.P.G.
Georgiana M. Forde [1849/50-1923/1934]

London: Skeffington & Son, 1911. Hbk. pp.205.

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Georgiana M. Forde [1849/50-1923/1934], Missionary Adventures. A Simple History of the S.P.G.


  1. The Great Commission–Founding of the S.P.G. – The Discovery of America – The English Settlers in North America in 1607 – Princess Pocahontas – The Pilgrim Fathers – Slavery in the New World – The Rev. George Keith, the first S.P.G. Missionary – Perils of a Sea Voyage – Treatment of Negro Slaves

  2. The Rev. T. Barclay, Missionary to the Red Indians – Queen Anne visited by Red Indian Chiefs – Savage Warfare – War between the French and English in North America – The English victorious under Wolfe in 1759 – The Rev. J. Wesley an S.P.G. Missionary – The American Church asks in vain for Bishops – Revolution in the United States – Independence declared July 4th, 1776.

  3. 40,000 "United Empire Loyalists" settle in Canada and the S.P.G. Missionaries accompany them – Bishops consecrated for the United States – Rev. Charles Inglis in 1787 consecrated Bishop of Nova Scotia: our first Colonial Bishop – Travelling in Canada – The Story of the Shepherd Lad

  4. Newfoundland–The Bermuda Islands – West Indian Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes – Barbados and Codrington College – Jamaica–Diocese of Nassau – Confirmations in the West Indies–Diocese of Antigua – Trinidad – The Asphalte Lake – List of West Indian and South American Dioceses

  5. The. Panama Canal–Vasco Nuneo de Balboa – British Honduras – The Mosquito Indians – The Mahogany Cutters – British Guiana – The Rev. W. H. Brett – S.P.G. Missions to Redmen, East Indians, and Chinese

  6. The First Missionary to Africa, the Rev. Thomas Thompson – The First Black Clergyman, the Rev. Philip Quaque – The West India Church Mission to West Africa – The Rev. W. H. Leacock founds the Rio Pongo Mission – Mohammedanism – Chief Richard Wilkinson's Story – Foundation Stone laid of Fallangia Church – Rev. W.L. Neville's Ministry – Conversion of the Devil·man and the greatest Slave-dealer

  7. South Africa – Cape Town and the Rev. Henry Martyn – The first Bishop for South Africa consecrated in 1847 – Bishop Gray's Visitations and Death – The Wreck of the "Birkenhead," 1852 – The Bishoprics or Grahamstown and Natal founded – Mother Cecile – The Railway Mission – The Church Order of Ethiopia – Colenso, First Bishop of Natal, 1854 – Bloemfontein made a Bishopric, 1863. A diocese without a single church

  8. Chaka and the Zulu Nation – Bishop Colenso and King Panda – Persecution – The Zulu War: Defeat at Isandhlwana – St. Augustine's, Rorke's Drift – Archdeacon Waters, founder of the Church in Kaffraria – Bishop Key of Kaffraria – A Missionary's Letter – Diocese of Pretoria – The Rand, and the Community of the Resurrection – The Diocese of Mashonaland–Diocese of Lebombo – The Cape de Verde Islands – St. Helena–Ascension – Tristan d'Acunha – Madagascar and Mauritius

  9. The East India Company – St. Thomas and the Syrian Church – The Five Chaplains–Parliament grants W. Wilberforce's Request for Bishops – Calcutta and her first Bishops – Caste – Bishopric of Madras and Alfred Basil Wood – Bishopric of Bombay – Father Goreh – Lahore and Bishop French – Delhi and its first Christian Church – Burmah and Dr. Marks – The Andaman and Nicobar Islands – Chota Nagpur and the Kols – Tinnevelly and Nazareth – Ceylon

  10. Siam – The Malay Peninsula and Singapore – Borneo, Mr. James Brooke, and Dr. McDougall – The Story of Igoh – China – The Boxer Rising and the S.P.G. Martyrs – Corea: How Christianity first reached Corea – Japan – The Day of Intercession for Foreign Missions, 1872 – The Six Japanese Dioceses – The "Nippon Sei Ko Kwai," or the Holy Catholic Church of Japan

  11. The first European Peopling of Australia – Bishop Broughton – 1851, the Golden Year – Towns, Bush, Back Country, "Never, Never, Land" – Tasmania – New Guinea – New Zealand and its first Bishop

  12. John Coleridge Patteson, first Bishop of Melanesia – Norfolk Island – Pitcairn Island – Bishop Patteson martyred – Commander Goodenough murdered – Memorial Cross to Bishop Patteson – Bishop John Selwyn and the little Savage – Fiji and the Bishop of Polynesia – The Hawaiian Islands and American Missionaries – Henry Obookiah – Queen Kapiolane and the Goddess of Fire – S.P.G. Mission to the Chinese – Bishop Selwyn's Diocese sub-divided into Nine

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