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Challenge and Counter-Challenge

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Challenge and Counter-Challenge was a Bi-monthly Magazine for Young People desirous of learning more about the challenge of Islam, and of helping to counter it by the proclamation of the Gospel.

It was issued jointly by the following Societies:

  • Algiers Mission Band

    British Syrian Mission

    Central Asian Mission

    Egypt General Mission

    Fellowship Of Faith For Moslems

    Friends Of The Moslems In China

    North Africa Mission

Volume 1 (1949-1950) Download Complete Volume View in PDF format pdf

  • 1.1 (May/June 1949) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Editorial
    • Famer Beautiful
    • Overseas Mail
    • Islam Quiz
    • The People Who Sit
    • When Daddy does the Washing...
    • Missionary Mould.Part I. The Telegram
    • Answers to Islam Quiz
  • 1.2 (Sept. 1949) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Turning the World Upside Down
    • A Matter of Obedience—Iris C. Naish (British Syrian Mission)
    • Hassan and the Donkey—A.W. Whitehouse. Egypt General Mission
    • Orthography
    • Overseas Mail
    • Missionary Mould. Part 2. The Picture
  • 1.3 (Nov. 1949) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • What the Garden Said—B. Collinson
    • Burden-Bearers—J. Wakefield (British Syrian Mission)
    • Salsa, the Girl Martyr
    • "Pink Knees" comes to the Middle East—Alan East (All Nations' Bible College)
    • A True Story—A.T. Upson (From "The Christian")
  • 1.4 (Jan./Feb. 1950) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Is hey God Able?"—R.M. Piepgrass (Kaduma Jct., Nigeria)
    • The Bedouin and His Camel—The Late Miss Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band)
    • The Bible and Islam
    • Overseas Mail
    • Overheard in a Missionary's Study—H.W. Stalley (algiers Mission Band)
    • Missionary Mould. Part 3. The Hymn
  • 1.5 (Jan./Feb. 1950) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • ift Up Your Eyes and Look on the Fields"
    • "A Matter of Obedience". part II—Iris C. Naish (British Syrian Mission)
    • The Muslim Chief's Conversion—William V. Williams (Sudan Interior Mission)
    • Our Baby
    • Deep into the Atlas Mountains. The Berbers—Muriel Swan (Light of Africa Mission)
    • "Pink Knees" comes to the Middle East—Alan East (All Nations' Bible College)
  • 1.6 (May/June 1950) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Story of Geronimo
    • Somebody's Small Brother—O.M. Botham (Friends of the Moslems in China)
    • The Bible and Islam
    • Overheard in a Missionary Study (continued)—Harold W. Stalley (Algiers Mission Band)
    • Missionary Mould. Part 4.—The Bowler Hat
  • 1.7 (Sept. 1950) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Not Wanted on the Voyage—Miss N. Drew, Central Asian Mission, Kashmir
    • Batting the Batmen—Alan East (All Nations' Bible College)
    • The Bible and Islam
    • Hassan learns to De-horn Calves—A. Whitehouse, Egypt General Mission
    • Customs in Bible Lands—Elizabeth Martin, British Syrian Mission
    • Overseas Mail
  • 1.8 (Nov. 1950) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Catching Up?—B.H. Collinson, Fellowship of Faith to the Moslems
    • The Bible and Islam
    • In a Corner—H.L. Homes, Egypt General Mission
    • Humps—O. Botham, Friends of the Moslems in China
    • An Algerian Love-Feast—J.C. Stalley, Algiers Mission Band
    • Abraham and Mary—Rev. George K. Harris, China Inland Mission
    • Missionary Mould. Part 5—The Standard

Volume 2 (1951-1952) Download Complete Volume View in PDF format pdf

  • 2.1 (March 1951) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Stream and the Source—Alan East (All Nations Bible College)
    • "Behold, I have set before thee an open door"—"Go ye, therefore."—Elsa M. Thomson, British Syrian Mission
    • An Arab girl's testimony of Christ (written at her dictation)
    • The Bible and Islam. No. 6. "Predestination of Good and Evil"—F.A.R.
    • Hassan and the Bees—A. Whitehouse, Egypt General Mission
  • 2.2 (June 1951) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Chuldren's Crusades
    • It Broke in the Dark. A story of Iran (Persia)—reprinted by kind courtesy of the Church Missionary Society
    • Ersa and Life in New China—H. Wagner, China Inland Mission
    • Bedouin
    • Hassan and the Bees (Part 2)
    • Books
  • 2.3 (Sept. 1951) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • The Muezzin
    • Don Ramon—fool of Love (Part I.)
    • Vain Repetitions—Ethel Tongue—Bible Churchmen's Missionar Society
    • The Wordless Book—Helen L. Holmes, Egypt General Mission
    • The Weaving of Said, the Silk Weaver (tranlation of an Arabic story)
    • From the Librarian
  • 2.4 (Dec. 1951) Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • "Salaam alaykum" (Peace be upon you!)
    • Allor Nothing! (Astory told by an old Kabyle)—S. Arthur, Azazga, North Africa Mission (origially written in French)
    • Whose Yoke?—E.M. Thomson, British Syrian Mission
    • Don Ramon—fool ofLove (Part II.)
    • The Lights has Shone. A Chinese Muslim Schollboy Finds Christ—Raymond H. Joyce, China Inland Mission
    • A Desert Journey—Clara E. Peter, Swiss Evangelical Mission
    • Keshkoosha (Froth)—Margaret Pearce, North Africa Mission

Volume 3 (1952) Download Complete Volume View in PDF format pdf

  • 3.1 Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • A Letter for You!
    • A Giels; Club in Egypt—Miss F. Webb, Alexandria, Egypt
    • "Reading the Way to Discipleship of Christ"—Rev. Eric F.F. Bishop
    • The Cicada—Clara E. Peter, Swiss Evangelical Mission
    • Lebanese School Girls—Elizabeth Neill, British Syrian Mission
    • Hassan Learns to Build. Part I—A. Whitehouse, Egypt General Mission
  • 3.2 Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Editorial
    • The Camel
    • "Go Ye... and teach ALL..."—Dr. Lionel Gurney
    • A - Allah
    • B - Bakhsheesh
    • D - Dahabeeya
    • G - Gamoosha
    • Hussan Learns to Build (Part II)—Aubrey Whitehouse, Egypt General Mission
    • The Silver Cicada—The Librarian
    • Cross-Word Puzzle
  • 3.3 Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Cross or Crescent?—Margaret Pearce, North Africa Mission
    • A Visit to a Village Home—Miss Evelyn Jordan, Egypt General Mission
    • I Am Alive—S. Arthur, Azazga, Algiers
    • H - Hasheesh
    • I - Islam
    • M - Minaret
    • Q - Qur'an
    • A Daughter of Damascus—G.M. Harries, British Syrian Mission
    • Cross-word Puzzle
  • 3.4 Download Complete issue View in PDF format pdf

    • Valete—The Editor
    • The Robe of Er Rashid
    • R - Ramadan
    • S - Sheikh
    • T - Tarboosh
    • Z - Zeer
    • "JENNIE" de Mayer of Much Loved Memory (obiit May 3rd, 1951)—Eric F.F. Bishop, The University, Glasgow
    • A Bible in Syria—Elsa M. Thomson, British Syrian Mission
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