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These Seventy Years. An Autobiography
Thomas Lewis [1859-1929]

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Book Description

These Seventy Years. An Autobiography
Publication Year:
The Carey Press
Christian Mission, Angola, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Autography, Baptist Missionary Society
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Thomas Lewis [1859-1929], These Seventy Years. An Autobiography


  • Preface
  1. Early Years
  2. At College
  3. Before the Candidate Committee
  4. Sailing For Africa
  5. Along the West African Coast
  6. Vixtoria and its Peoples
  7. My First Christmas in Africa
  8. Germany Annexes Cameroons
  9. Lasts Days in Cameroons
  10. My First Furlough
  11. First Voyage up the Congo River
  12. San Salvador and the First Baptisms
  13. Mostly Concerning Colleagues
  14. The King's Golden Necklace
  15. Developments of the Native Church
  16. Building a Mission Station
  17. Pioneering in Zomboland
  18. Moving the Tent
  19. Travels from Kibokolo
  20. Difficulties and Setbacks
  21. A Critical Period
  22. Further Travels
  23. Changes
  24. Kimpese and the Valley of the Shadow
  25. Unsettled Days and the Return to Kimpese
  26. A Fresh Start at Kibokolo
  27. "The Stones of Kibokolo"
  28. Reflections
  29. Nkand'a Nzambi—Book of God
  30. Final Words
  • Index
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