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Pearls from the Pacific
Florence Selina Harriet Young [1856-1940]

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Book Description

Pearls from the Pacific
Publication Year:
London & Edinburgh
Marshall Brothers
Christian Missions, China, Solomon Islands
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Florence Selina Harriet Young [1856-1940], Pearls from the Pacific


  • Foreword
  1. Birth, 1856-1859, N.Z.
    Return To New Zealand, 1860-1865, N.Z.
    My Mother
    Invercargill and Victoria, 1866-1871, Vic.
    School in England, 1871-1874, Eng.
  2. From Darkness to Light, 1874, N.Z.
    Sydney, England, and Continent, 1878-1881, Eng.
  3. Fairymead, 1882-1886,  Q'ld.
    Queensland Kanaka Mission, 1886-1887 Q'ld.
    England and India, 1888-1889, Eng. & India
  4. Call to China, 1890-1891, China
    Testing, 1891, China
    Yang-Chau and Kao-Iu, 1891-1892, China
    Gain After Loss, 1892, China
  5. Inland China, 1892, China
    Kuei-K'I, 1892, China
    Shang-Ts'ing, 1893, China
    Letters, 1893, China
    Ho'k'eo, 1893-1894, China
    Another Change, 1893-1894, China
    Ien-Shan, 1894, China
    Conflict, 1894,  China
  6. Return to Australia, 1894-1895, Aus, N.Z.
    “Not In Vain”, 1896, Q'ld.
    Back to China, An-Ren, 1897, China
    House Building, 1898-1899, China
    Boxer Outbreak, 1900, China
    England and Switzerland, 1901-1902, Eng., Switz.
  7. Progress in Queensland, 1899-1900, Q'ld.
    Further Testimonies, 1901-1903, Q'ld.
    North Queensland, 19012-1902, Q'ld.
  8. The Regions Beyond, 1900-1904, Sol. Islands
    Solomon Islands, 1904, Sol. Islands
    First Journey to Malaita, 1904, Sol. Islands
    Initiatory Difficulties, 1904, Sol. Islands
  9. The Spirit of Prayer in Queensland, 1905,
    Second Journey to Malaita, 1905, Sol. Islands
    Revival in Queensland, 1906, Q'ld.
    The Year of Jubilee, 1906, Q'ld.
    Retrospect of Work in Queensland, 1882-1906, Q'ld.
  10. "Come Over and Help Us", 1907, Sol. Islands
    Guadalcanar and Makira, 1908, Sol. Islands
    "Is Anything Too Hard For the Lord", 1909, Sol. Islands
    Call Upon Me in the Day of Trouble", 1909, Sol. Islands
    Sinorango, 1909, Sol. Islands
    "A Little Child Shall Lead Them", 1909, Sol. Islands
    "Nobody Come Along You-Me", 1909, Sol. Islands
    "The Terror By Night", 1910, Sol. Islands
    "Behold I and the Children Which God Hath Given Me”, 1910, Sol. Islands
    "Rennell" Island, 1910, Sol. Islands
  11. The Martyr's Crown, 1911, Sol. Islands
    England and Palestine, 1912-1913, Eng., Pales.
    "Do It With Thy Might", 1913,  Sol. Islands
    "What I Do Thou Knowest Not Now", 1913, Sol. Islands
    "Some Believed", 1913, Sol. Islands
    "She Loved Much", 1913, Sol. Islands
    The Lame Take the Prey", 1913, Sol. Islands
    The Enduement of Power, 1914, Sol. Islands
    Fellow Workers, Sol. Islands
    "The Valley of the Shadow", Sol. Islands
  12. The Ship and the School, Sol. Islands
    Our Library, Sol. Islands
    Baptisms, Sol. Islands
    Sydney Office, Sydney
    "Make Us All Intense For Thee", 1924, Sol. Islands

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