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Patteson of the South Sea Islands
Norman James Davidson [1860-1936]

London: Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., 1931. Hbk. pp.64.

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Norman James Davidson [1860-1936], Patteson of the South Sea Islands


  1. Coley Patteson's Childhood
  2. Schooldays at Eton - at Oxford - on the Continent
  3. Decides to go to New Zealand
  4. Getting to Know the Moaris
  5. First Voyage Among the Islands
  6. Patteson and His Black Boys
  7. The Winter School at Mota
  8. The First Bishop of Melanesia
  9. Pestilence and Bloodshed
  10. Moving to Norfolk Islands - Tree Houses - Feasts
  11. "Kill-Kill" Ships

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