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The Life of George Grenfell
George Hawker [1857-1932]

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Book Description

The Life of George Grenfell
Publication Year:
The Religious Tract Society
Christian Mission, Congo
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
George Hawker [1857-1932], The Life of George Grenfell


  • Introduction
  1. Early Years
  2. College Days
  3. At the Cameroons
  4. At the Cameroons (continued)
  5. Pioneering in the Lower Congo
  6. The Coming of the 'Peace'
  7. The Coming of the 'Peace' (continued)
  8. Boat Journey to the Equator
  9. The First Voyage of the 'Peace'
  10. From Autumn, 1884, to Autumn, 1887
  11. From Autumn, 1884, to Autumn, 1887 (continued)
  12. Forward Movements on the Upper River
  13. The Seizure of the 'Peace' and the Coming of the 'Goodwill'
  14. The Lunda Expedition
  15. Bolobo and Yakusu—1893 to 1896
  16. Missions and Social Results
  17. 'In Journeyings Often'
  18. Up the Aruwimi
  19. Illness and Last Furlough
  20. Letters to His Children
  21. Balked by the State
  22. To Yalemba at Last!
  23. 'The Death of "Tata" Finished'
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