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Alfred DeWitt Mason & Frederick J. Barny, History of the Arabian Mission

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Book Description

History of the Arabian Mission
Publication Year:
New York
The Board of Foreign Missions Reformed Church in America
Christiab Missions, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain
Alfred DeWitt Mason & Frederick J. Barny, History of the Arabian Mission


  1. The Land and its People
  2. History and Civilisation
  3. Religion and Education
  4. Early Contact with Christianity
  5. The Pioneers
  6. Possessing the Land
  7. Strengthening the Stakes
  8. Lengthening the Cords
  9. Years of the Right Hand of the Most High
  10. Women's Work for Women
  11. Sister Missions
  12. Conclusion
  • Appendices
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