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The Flaming Torch in Darkest Africa
William Taylor, The Flaming Torch in Darkest AfricaWilliam Taylor

New York: Eaton & Mains, 1898. Hbk. pp.675.

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William Taylor, The Flaming Torch in Darkest Africa


List of Illustrations

First Division

The Dark Land
Ancient Africa
The Invasions of Islam

Second Division

The Portuguese and Dutch
England and France Explore Africa
An African Association
Mungo Park
Horneman, Campbell, Tuckey,etc.
The New Era
About Lake Tchad
In Campbell's Footsteps

Third Division

Livingstone's Discoveries
Stanley's Discoveries

Fourth Division

Islam and the Natives
Commercial and Domestic
The Kaffirs a Century Ago
Native Religion and Fetichism
Worship of the Yorubas
Human Sacrifices
Cruel Native Tyrants - Uganda's Despot and Sepopo
Sacrified to Crocodiles
The Zulus and "Judicial" Murders
Religious Supersititions in Garenganze
The Legendary Lore
Folk Takes of Angola

Fifth Division

To a Sure Foundation
Apostolic and Early Modern Missions
Christianizing Wild Tribes
Increase of the Advancing Host
Scotch Missions and Methods
Abyssinia and Uganda
Triumphs in Madagascar
The Gospel in Mohammedan Centers
Land of the White Man's Grave
The Gospel on the Gold Coast
Missions West and Southwest
Light in the Valley of the Congo
The Gospel in South Central Africa
Mission to Garenganze
Methodist Industrial Missions
Practical Principals of Self-Support
Fate of the First Party
The Church in the Wilderness
Missionary Heroes and Heroines
Heroes of the Congo
Early Days of the Republic of Liberia
Heathen Tribes on the Cavalla
Advance up the Sinoe River
Kroo Coast Experiences
The Gospel in Tonga
The Torch in a Strong Hand
My Latest Evangelistic Tour

Sixth Division

Africa's Partition and Promise
Dr. Ravenstein's Political Division of Africa in1893
Africa: Present and Future
Africa's People and Languages
The Open Sore
The Mines at Kimberley
Retribution and Restitution

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