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The Decisive Hour of Christian Missions
John Raleigh Mott [1865-1955]

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Book Description

The Decisive Hour of Christian Missions
Publication Year:
Baptist Missionary Society
Christian Mission, Baptist Missionary Society
Copyright Holder:

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John Raleigh Mott [1865-1955], The Decisive Hour of Christian Missions


  • Editorial Note
  • Author's Preface
  1. The Non-Christian Nations Plastic and Changing
  2. Critical Tendencies and Influences in the Non-Christian World
  3. The Rising Spiritual Tide in the Non-Christian World
  4. The Requirements of the Present Situation: An Adequate Plan
  5. The Requirements of the Present Situation: An Adequate Home Base
  6. The Requirements of the Present Situation: An Efficient Church on the Mission Field
  7. The Requirements of the Present Situation: The Superhuman Factor
  8. Possibilities of the Present Situation
  • Appendices
  • Bibliography
  • Index
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