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Among the Hills and Valleys in Western China. Incidents of Missionary Work
Hannah Davies [1875-1904?]

London: S.W. Partridge & Co., 1901. Hbk. pp.326.

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Hannah Davies [1875-1904?], Among the Hills and Valleys in Western China. Incidents of Missionary Work


  1. The Journey to China
  2. China at Last
  3. Christmas in China
  4. One of His Jewels
  5. "Is It For Me?"
  6. Life at Iang-Cheo
  7. En Route For the Far West
  8. Sent Back
  9. Ta-Ku-T'ang
  10. Up the Yang-Tsi Again
  11. By Sedan-Chair Through Si-Ch'uan
  12. Arrival at Sin-Tien-Tsi
  13. What God Hath Wrought
  14. China's Sorrow
  15. Visiting Villages
  16. Daybreak in the Valleys
  17. Our Boys' School
  18. In and Out Among the People
  19. "Found of Him"
  20. Seekers After God
  21. "From Strength to Strength"
  22. Through Riverside Markets
  23. Shadows and Sunshine
  24. Day by Day
  25. "Made Nigh"
  26. The Opening of the Chapel
  27. Under His Shadow
  28. The Little Runaway
  29. "White Unto Harvest"
  30. Gathered Home
  31. "God Meant it For Good"
  32. Signs of Blessing
  33. More Baptisms
  34. Trouble in the North
  35. How the Promise Was Fulfilled
  36. Résumé of the Work of the Past Year

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