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Wesleyan Missions

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Book or monograph George G. Findlay [1849-1919] & Mary Grace Findlay, Wesley's World Parish: A Sketch of the Hundred Years' Work of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1913. Hbk. pp.224.
On-line Resource George G. Findlay [1849-1919] & W.W. Holdsworth [1859-1939], The History of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 5 Vols. London: Epworth Press, 1921-1924. Hbk. pp.528+534+483+533+638. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource William Moister [1808-1891], A Hand Book of Wesleyan Missions. Briefly Describing Their Rise, Progress and Present State in Various Parts of the World. London: T. Woolmer, n.d. Hbk. pp.252. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource William Moister [1808-1891], A History pf Wesleyan Missions in All Parts of the World from their Commencement to the Present Time, 3rd revised edn.William Moister [1808-1891], A History pf Wesleyan Missions in All Parts of the World from their Commencement to the Present Time, 3rd revised edn. London: Ellis Stock, 1871, Hbk. pp.557. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource W. Arthur Tatchell [1869-1937], Medical Missions in China. In Connexion with the Wesleyan Methodist Church with Forty-Six IllustrationsW. Arthur Tatchell [1869-1937], Medical Missions in China. In Connexion with the Wesleyan Methodist Church with Forty-Six Illustrations. London: Robert Culley, [1909]. Hbk. pp.351. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource F. Rought Wilson [1865-1931], Life of George Sargeant. Wesleyan Missionarty and First Present of the West Indian ConferenceF. Rought Wilson [1865-1931], Life of George Sargeant. Wesleyan Missionary and First President of the West Indian Conference. London: Charles H. Kelly, 1901. Hbk. pp.180. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
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