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Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928]

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Primary Works

On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Between the Desert and the Sea (with 16 paintings). London & Edinburgh: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd., n.d. Hbk. pp.63. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Challenge to FaithIsabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Challenge to Faith. Algiers Mission Band, n.d. pp.12. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], FocussedIsabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Focussed. Algiers. Mission Band and North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.7. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], GUIDE pour ceux qui cherchent et pour ceux qui ont trouvĂ©Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], GUIDE pour ceux qui cherchent et pour ceux qui ont trouvé, pp.14. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Histoire de Trois GarçonsIsabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Histoire de Trois Garçons Du Temps Passé. Algiers: Nile Misson Press, n.d. pp.15. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Life on Fire. Algiers.Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Life on Fire. Algiers. Mission Band and North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.12. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Parables of the Cross: Parables of the Christ Life, and Focused: A Story and a Song. London & Edinburgh: MaMrshall Brothers, [1900?].
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Ripened LifeIsabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Ripened Life. Mission Band and the North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.8. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], "Les Sept SecretsIsabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], "Les Sept Secrets du Chemin de Dieu". Der Naama, Algeria: Imprimie Minerva, n.d. pp.77. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A South Land.Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A South Land. Reprinted from Daughters of Syria. n.d. pp.12. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Smouldering.Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Smouldering. Algiers Mission Band and the North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.11. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Vibrations.Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Vibrations. Algiers. Mission Band and North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.14. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], The Way of the Sevenfold Secret, 2nd edn. Cairo & Jerusalem: Nile Mission Press, 1926, 1927. Pbk. pp.62. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource R.M. Piepgrass & Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], The Bedouin and His Camel. pp.4. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]

Secondary Works

Book or monograph Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions. From Hudson Taylor to Present Day Africa. Oxford Sutherland, N.S.W.: Regnum in association with Lynx Communications; Albatross Books 1994. pp.428.  
Article in Journal or Book Gerald H. Anderson, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Christian MissionsJocelyn Murray, "Trotter, Isabella Lilias," Gerald H. Anderson, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions. Grand Rapids, MI: Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 1988. Pbk. ISBN: 0802846807. pp.680.  
Article in Journal or Book Moreau: Evangelical Dictionary of Christian MissionsJocelyn Murray, "Trotter, Isabella Lilias," A. Scott Moreau, ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Christian Missions. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000. Hbk. ISBN: 0801020743. pp.971-972.  
Book or monograph Constance E. Padwick, The Master of the Impossible. Sayings for the Most Part in Parable, From the Letters and Journals of Lilias Trotter of Algiers. London: SPCK, 1938. Hbk. pp.220.
Book or monograph Constance E. Padwick [1886-1968], Lilias Trotter of Algiers. Bury St. Edmunds, n.d. Pbk. pp.28.
On-line Resource Blanche Anne Frances Pigott [1849-1930], Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Founder of the Algiers Mission BandBlanche Anne Frances Pigott [1849-1930], Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Founder of the Algiers Mission Band. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, [1930]. Hbk. pp.245. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Patricia St. John [1919-1992]. Until the Day Breaks.OM Publishing, 1990.
On-line Resource Isobel Rosie Govan Stewart [1900-1983], The Love That Was Stronger. Lillias Trotter of AlgiersIsobel Rosie Govan Stewart [1900-1983], The Love That Was Stronger. Lilias Trotter of Algiers. London: Algiers Mission Band, 1958. Hbk. pp.96. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder AWM-Pioneers]

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