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The Morning Star: A Herald of The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
Vol. 1- (1894- )

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The Morning Star: A Herald of The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ was produced in response to heightened interest in the subject of eschatology that proceeded the end of the nineteenth Century. The Editor, Dr. Robert McKilliam, promoted a futurist interpretation of prophecy and featured a number of notable authors. This view of prophecy places a great deal of emphasis on the future of the Jewish people and many of the articles are concerned with current events affecting the Jews, missions to Jewish people and speculation about a Jewish homeland. For this reason I have decided to host these hard-to-find journals here on rather than, which deals with eschatology in more detail.

Volume 1 (1894) Click here to download complete volumeView in PDF format pdf

  • January
  • Preface—Robert McKilliam
  • Index of Subjects
  • Index of Contributors
  • Textual Index
  • Change of Name—Robert McKilliam
  • Request
  • "Gentile Dominion Almost Over"—Henry Varley
  • Our Conferences
    • To the Conveners of Christian Conferences in the United Kingdom
    • The Liverpool Conference
    • The President's Address
  • Israel's Return—Rev. Samuel Schor
  • The Antichrist—Robert Anderson
  • Truth Needed For Our Times—Pastor Fuller Gooch
  • The Times of the Gentiles Almost Run Out—Dr. E.W. Bullinger
  • Christendom—Rev. A. Wilkes
  • The Jew or All About Israel
    • News About Palestine
    • General Jewish News
    • Ships on the Dead Sea!
  • Personalia

  • February
  • Many Thanks
  • Our Conferences
    • Scotland Begins to Welcome the Light
  • Short Easy Papers on Prophecy
  • Be Ready, He is Coming For Us—Rev James Hudson Taylor, China Inland Mission View in PDF format pdf
  • The Promise and its Fulfillment—James Sprunt
  • Is This the Final Dispensation?—Rev. W.L. Rosedale
  • Christ's Coming Kingdom—Henry Varley
  • Jewish Emigrants at Blackwall
  • "Morocco and its Races": Israel in Africa
  • Liverpool Conference Address (continued): The Church—Dr. Neatey
  • How the Thessalonians Waited for the Coming of the Lord—Dr. E.W. Bullinger
  • The Living Hope: The Blessed Hope: The Purifying Hope—Mr Sims
  • The Jews in Babylonia
  • Notices of Books
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • The Chovevei Zion Society—Rev. Samuel Schor
    • The Jews at the Present Day—Mr. David Baron
    • Appeal by Rabbi Lichtenstein
    • General Jewish News
    • Colonisation News
  • Personalia

  • March
  • Doing a Needed Work Coming Together
  • Glasgow
  • Short Easy Papers on Prophecy
  • The Coming Kingdom, and the King Who is Coming—H. Forbes Witherby
  • Saved by Faith: Saved by Hope—Rev. A. Wilkes
  • The Kingdom—J.H. Burridge
  • Conference Addresses (continued)
    • Our Life in the Light of the Lord's Coming—Robert Anderson
    • "Like Men That Wait for Their Lord"—Dr. Neathy
    • The Apostasy. A Study of 2 Thess. II.1-2—Rev Dr E.W. Bullinger
    • The Restoration of Israel—An Address by Pastor Fuller Gooch
  • Notices of Books
  • Correspondence
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • Announcement
    • The Story of the Safed Mission—Rev. Samuel Schor
    • General Jewish News
    • Colonisation News
  • Personalia
  • "The Witness of the Stars"
  • Publication Announcements

  • April
  • India Sends Greetings
  • Personalia
  • "The Monring Star" Free Distribution Account
  • Proprietary of "The Morning Star"
  • Short Easy Papers on Poprhecy. No. III—The Jew, The Gentile, and the Church of God
  • The Eleventh Hour Labourers. Matt. XX.1-16—Mr. J.E. Mathieson
  • Christ Our Hope—C.B. Hurditch
  • The Judgement of the Believer (2 Cor. v.10)—James Sprunt
  • The Coming Kingdom and the Coming of the King—H. Forden Witherby
  • Christ's Coming Kingdom—Henry Varley
  • The Heir, the Co-Heirs, and the Interitance
  • Plain Words on a Great Subject
  • Position of the Antichrist—Pastor F.E. Marsh, Sunderland
  • Bible Reading—David Baron
  • Origin of the World-wide Prayer Union
  • Notices of Books
  • Notices of Forthcoming Meetings
  • Colonisation News
  • Special Prayer of the Sabbath
  • The Day of His Espousals. Rom. xiii.12—E. Stacy-Watson
  • Publication Announcements

  • May
  • An inquiry Column
  • Short Easy Papers on Prophecy. No. IV—The Gentiles
  • A Special Blessing on the Prophetic Student—Rev. W. Frith
  • Candlestick of Gold—PAStor W. Fuller-Gooch
  • Jerusalem: A Praise in the Earth—E.A. Rawlence
  • "When Jesus Comes"—F. Mustow
  • The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (Dan. ix.20-27)—John Storie
  • "Behold! He Cometh"—Rev.Albert A. Isaacs, M.A.
  • "This Gospel of the Kingdom"—T. Neatby, M.D.
  • Genesis I.: The Gateway of the Word of God—J.J. Sims
  • "The Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh"
  • Man's Day—F.F.Marsh, Sunderland
  • The Refugee Jews—Mrs. Warner Snoad
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • The Wonderful Story of the Rabinowitch Movement, compiled from various documents and papers by the Rev. Samuel Schor, Native of Jerusalem
  • Notices of Books
  • Publication Announcements

  • June
  • Our Ambition
  • A Good Example
  • Prophetic Conferences
  • Our Bank Holiday
  • Do You Believe all This?—Watchman
  • "In the Last Days Grevious limes shall Come" —Rev. A. Wilkes, B.A.
  • The Three Salvations—Pastor Otto Stock-Mayer
  • The Philosophy of Christ's Coming—Henry Varley
  • Promises to the Overcomer
  • The Day of Christ—Pastor F.E. Marsh
  • The World Estranged from God—W.R. Vines
  • The Approaching Marriage—James Sprunt
  • The Anarchists—W. Greene
  • Psalm CXVI.; or, "The Cup of Salvation"—a Hebrew Christian
  • "He shall Appear to your Joy"—Thomas Hunter
  • The Next Great Event—Rev. D.M. Stearns, D.D., of Philadelphia
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Answers to Correspondents
  • Notices of Books
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • The Present Condition of the Jews. By Rev. Samuel Schor, of Jerusalem
    • Colonisation News
    • General Jewish News
  • In Memoriam [Dr. Laseron & Ezekiel Margolioth]
  • Publication Announcements

  • July
  • Wlrnt God h:tth Wrought!
  • P'rophetic Conferences
  • Conference Adrlresses at Princes Hall
    • 'l'he Study of Prophecy—Dr. H. Anderson
    • The Age in which We Live—Rev. John Urquhart
    • The Apostasy that is Coming—J.J. Sims
    • Palestme—its Present and Future—Rev. J.M. Eppstein
  • Addresses at Clapham Prophetic Conference
    • The Seed of the Woman to Bruise the Serpent's Head—Rev. Canon A.R. Fausset
    • Prophetic Questions of Interest: The Two Beasts of the Apocalypse. Chap. XIII.—W. Scott, Hamilton, N.B.
    • The Rapture—Rev. James H. Brookes, D.D.
    • On Matt.xxiv.34; Mark xiii.30; Luke xxi. 32—Rev. A.R.C. Dallas M.A.
  • What Saith the Scripture?—T. Pool Bell
  • Jewish Signs
  • T'he Wonderful Story of "The Little Prophet," Hermann Warszawiak. Compiled from Various Sources by the Rev. Samuel Schor
  • General.Jewish News
  • Colonisation and Palestine News
  • Jewish Missionary News
  • Jewish Facts and.Figures
  • Notices of Books
  • Answers to Correspondents
  • Publication Announcements

  • August
  • "Satisfied with Favour: Full with the Blessinrr of the Lord!"
  • Short Easy Paper on Prophecy—The Editor: No. V: The Church of God
  • Some Further 1houghts on "Jerusalem a Praise rn the Earth"—E.A. Rawlence
  • Conference Addresses at Princes Hall
    • The Resurrections and the Future Judgments—Rev. Marmaduke Washington
    • Waiting for the Son from Heaven—Dr. Baedeker
    • Palestine—Its People and Progress—Thomas Chaplin, M.D.
    • Address at Chapham Prophetic Conference
    • Mount Olivet in Zech. xiv.—Rev. H.C. Sturdy, M.A.
  • Our Responsibility in Regard to the Jews—T. Boulter
  • The Day of the Lord—Pastor F.E. Marsh
  • Prophetic Exposition must be Strictly Literal—John Storie
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Personalia
  • Prophetic Conferences
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • The Story of the Abyssinian Mission. The Falashas—Rev. Samuel Schor
    • General Jewish News
    • Colonisation and Palestine News
    • Jewish Missionary News
  • Notices of Books

  • September
  • "With the King for His Work
  • Correspondence
  • God's Purposes regarding· Israel and the Nations—Rev. A. Wilkes, B.A.
  • A Glorious Temple—E.A. Rawlence
  • Prophetic Conference, Forest Gate. The Kingdom shall be the Lord's—Rev. D.M. Searns, D.D. of Philadelphia
  • Four Greatest Moments in the World's History—J.J. Sims
  • The Jews in Prophecy—Rev. Francis L. Denman,M.A
  • The Thousand Years—James Sprunt
  • Prophetic. Conferences
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • General Jewish News
    • Colonisation and Palestine News
    • Jewish Missionary News
    • Jewish Facts and Figures
  • Notices of Books

  • October
  • "Peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thy helprers; for thy God helpeth thee"
  • Short Easy Papers on Prophecy—the Editor. No. VI.—The Two Resurrections
  • A Glorious Temple.-II.—E.A. Rawlence
  • A Living Hope m the Heart—R. Anderson
  • God's Purposes regarding Israel and the Nations—Rev. A. Wilkes, B.A.
  • The Coming Kingdom and the Coming of the King—H. Forbes WItherby. III—The Feasts of Jehovah
  • The Future of the Jews and Judaism.—W. Theophilus Ord
  • The Litera! Fulfilment of Prophecy—Chas. Brewer
  • Watchman, What of the Night?—Thomas Newberry
  • A Brief Outline of "The Revelation."—Walter Scott
  • Notices of Books
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • The Story of the Persian Mission—Rev. Samuel Schor
    • General Jewish News
    • Colonisation and Palestine News
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Publication Announcements

  • Novvember
  • "The Lord his God is with him, and the shout of a King is among them
  • The Seven Churches of Asia—Pastor W.Fuller Gooch
  • The Unveiling—R.C. Morgan
  • God's Purposes regarding- Israel and th e Nations—Rev. A. Wilkes, B.A.
  • A Glorious Temple-III.—E.A. Rawlence
  • The Coming Kingdom and the Coming of the King: IV-The Feasts of Jehovah—H. Forbes Witherby
  • The Future of the Jews and Judaism. II—W. Theophilus Ord
  • The For the Body—Mrs Meredith
  • Our lnquiry Column
  • First Fruits—the Editor
  • Our First Volume
  • Prophetic Conferences
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • The Story of the Hebrew New Testament—Rev. Samuel Schor
    • General Jewish News
    • Jewish Missionary News
  • Notices of Books
  • Our First Volume
  • Publication Announcements

  • December
  • lmportant Notice
  • Editorial
  • Israel, whom I have Chosen—Rev. James H. Brookes, D.D., Editor of The Truth
  • Matthew xiii: The Last Three Parables—Rev. A. Wilkes, B.A.
  • The Power and Prerence of onr Lord Jesus Christ—Pastor W. Fuller Gooch
  • The Hope of Israel—Samuel Wilkerson
  • What the Lord's Coming Means to the Unsaved—the Rev. W.R. Mowki, M.A.
  • The Coming Kingdom and the Coming of the King. IV. The Feasts of Jehovah—H. Forbes Witherby
  • The Future of the Jews and Judaism. III—W. Theophilus Ord
  • Wonderful Preservation of our December Issue
  • The Sealed Book of Rev. V.—Rev. D.M. Stearns, D.D.
  • The Pools of Solomon—M. Greene, C.E.
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Conferences and Special Lectures
  • Important Notice
    • The Story of the Hebrew New Testament. II.—Rev. Samuel Schor
    • Jewish News
    • Colonisation News
    • Jewish Missionary News
  • Publication Announcements. Our First Volume

Volume 2 (1895) Click here to download complete volumeView in PDF format pdf

  • Preface
  • Index of Subjects
  • Index of Contributors
  • Textual Index

  • January
  • 1895. Our Motto:"Nothing shall be impossible unto you"
  • "They shall be abundantly stisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and Thou shalt male them drink of the river of Thy pleasures."—J.H. Tritton
  • Possible—Even Probable—Pastor Fuller Gooch
  • Divine Wisdom and Human Folly—G.H. Pember, M.A.
  • Conference Addresses: The Typical Character of the Days of Noah—J.J. Sims
  • Waiting, Watching, and Working—Rev. J.J. Sims
  • The Second Coming of the Lord—Cheyne Brady
  • Matthew xii.—Rev. A. Wilkes, B.A.
  • Story of the Conversion of the Jewish Rabbi, Israel Sunlight—Philip E. Taylor
  • Present Signs of the Times—Rev. R. Middleton
  • The Restoration of Israel—James Sprunt
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Jewish Missionary Convention
  • Our Book Column
  • The Jew: or, All About Israel
    • One Year's Work for Godamong His Ancient People
    • General Jewish News
    • Palestine and Colonization News
    • Prayer Union for Israel

  • February
  • Editorial
  • The Man of Sin—Rev. J.S. Mabie, D.D.
  • The True Key to the Study of Prophecy—Pastor Fuller Gooch
  • The Star and the Sceptre—J.J. Sims
  • Jacob's Prophecy—G.W. Lancaster
  • Matthew xiii—Rev. A. Wilkes, B.A.
  • Present Signs of the Times—Rev. R. Middleton
  • The Partial Rapture
  • Thr Gathering of the Church—Rev. G.D. Hooper
  • The Restoration of Israel—James Sprunt
  • Round About Lebanon: Reminiscences of Syria Twenty-five Years Ago—Rev. J. Rose
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Tidings from Afar
  • Conference, Meetings, &c.
  • The Jew; or all About Israel
    • The Story of the New Testament Movement—Mr. Samuel Wilkinson
    • A Great and Good Work
    • General Jewish News
    • Palestine and Colonization News
  • Our Book Column
  • Publication Announcements. Renewal of Subscriptions, 1895
  • Our First Volume

  • March
  • Editorial
  • THe Man of Sin—Rev. J.S.Mabie, D.D.
  • Some Further Thoughts on Jerusalem: A Praise in the Earth—E.A. Rawlence
  • Matthew viii.—Rev. A. Wilkes, B.A.
  • Present Signs of the Times—Rev. R.Middleton
  • The Church Not Divided—the Editor
  • "Himself" (Poetry)
  • Road About Lebanon: Reminiscences of Syria Twenty-five Years Ago—Rev. J. Rose
  • The Baptism of Israel Sunlight
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Sunrise at Bethany (Poetry)
  • Bringing back the King—Dr. A.J. Gordon
  • No More Death (Poetry)
  • TIdings from Afar
  • A Prophetic Diagram
  • Our Book Column
  • The Jew; or all About Israel
  • The Story of the New Testament Movement—Dr. Samuel Wilkinson
  • General Jewish News
  • Palestine and Colonization News
  • Publication Announcements
  • Our First Volume

  • April
  • Editorial
  • The Epiphany of Grace and Glory—Rev. H.C. Strudy, M.A.
  • Jehovah-Shammah—E.A. Rawlence
  • The Beauty of Holiness—Rev. G. Studdert
  • "Watch ye" (poem)—H. Topham
  • The Four Judgments of Scripture—Cheyne Brady
  • The Coming of the Lord
  • God's Fullstope—George Soltau
  • "In a Moment" (poem)—W. Rickard
  • Matthew xii: The One Very Prevcious Pearl—Rev. A Wilkes, B.A.
  • Paul and the Resurrection—G.H. Lancaster
  • The Millennium: Its Character and Purpose—J.J. Sims
  • The Needed Revival
  • Romanism Embracing Socialism—Bernard Piffard
  • Roind About Lebanon - III—Rev. James Rose
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Letter on 1 Cor. xv.22
  • Our Book Column
  • Conference, Meetings, &c.
  • The Jew; or all About Israel
    • A Word of thanks from Israel Sunlight
    • General Jewish News
    • Jewish Missionary News
  • Light on Bible Difficulties
  • The Eustace Maxwell Memorial Fund
  • "Sing Hallelujah" (Poem)—Trevor Francis
  • Nathanial Starkey
  • Tidings from Afar

  • May
  • Editorial
  • The Last Watch of the Night (Poem)
  • Prophetic Conventon: The Rapture and the Revelation—W.C. Stevens
  • The Shekinah Glory—E.A. Rawlence
  • The Jew in his Relation to the Second Coming—the Ven. J. Hughes-Hames, D.C.L.
  • Christ's Millennial Reign—Geo. F. Trench
  • The Draw-Net—Alphaeus Wilkes, B.A.
  • The Beauty of Holiness—Rev. G. Studdert
  • Sleeping Through Jesus—Pastor F.E. Marsh
  • The Woman, the Man-Child, and the Dragon—Rev. G.D. Hooper
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Conferences, Meetings, &c.
  • The Jew; or all About Israel
    • Mrs. Baeyertz's: Her Life and Labour for Christ
    • General Jewish News
    • Jewish Missionary News
    • Palestine and Colonization News
  • Help for the Lepers
  • Our Subscription Column
  • Publication Announcements

  • June
  • Editorial
  • The Day of the Lord—Rev. M. Washington, M.A.
  • The Jew in his Relation to the Second Coming—the Ven. J. Hughes-Hames, D.C.L.
  • Prophetic Convention: The Rapture and the Revelation - II—Pastor W.C. Stevens
  • The Sheep and he Goats of Matt. xxv: Who are They?—James Sprunt
  • The Draw-Net—Alphaeus Wilkes, B.A.
  • A Soul Transforming Truth—"Eshcol," Toronto, Canada
  • On the Book of Esther—the late F.C. Bland
  • Round About Lebanon—James Rose
  • Present with the Lord
  • The Home Call
  • A Morning Meditation—Cheyne Brady
  • Short Easy Papers - No. VII. The Judgment Seat of Christ—the Editor
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • The Jew; or all About Israel
    • Life Sketches of Jewish Converts: August Neander
    • General Jewish News
    • Palestine and Colonisation News
    • Jewish Facts and Figures
    • Jewish Missionary News
  • Out Book Column
  • Correspondence
  • Publication Announcements
  • Donations and Subscriptions

  • July
  • Editorial
  • The Fallen Cherub of Ezekiel—J. Gosset-Tanner
  • The Last Time and the Many Antichrists—Pastor W. Fuller Gooch
  • The King's Throne—E.A. Rawlence
  • The Jew in his Relation to the Second Coming—the Ven. J. Hughes-Hames, D.C.L.
  • The Draw-Net—Alphaeus Wilkes, B.A.
  • Jonah: A Type of the Jewish Nation—the late F.C. Bland
  • "The Revelation of Jesus Christ"—J.J. Sims
  • Short Easy Papers on Prophecy - No. VII. THe Judgment Seat of Christ—the Editor
  • "We shall see Him as He is" (Poem)
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Pastor Gurland (of Courland)—Rev. Isaac Levinsohn
  • The Jew; or all About Israel
    • Life Sketches of Jewish Converts: Fraulein Haunchen
    • General Jewish News
    • Palestine and Colonization News
    • Jewish Missionary News
  • Correspondence
  • Our Book Column
  • Conference Notices
  • Publication Announcements
  • Our Subscription Column

  • August
  • Editorial
  • Watchman. What of the Night?—Rev. J.G. Gregory, M.A.
  • The Parousia Cloud—THe Shekinah Glory—Dr. Robert McKilliam
  • The Hope of Israel as displayed in the Psalms—Rev. John Urquhart
  • Christ as Preist and King—Rev. G.C. Needhman
  • The Silence of God—Rev. W. Firth
  • The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven—George Soltau
  • The King's Throne - II—E.A. Rawlence
  • Round About Lebanon - V.—Rev. James Rose
  • A Chart of the Seven Temples of Scripture—Lady Caroline Stirling
  • Echoes from Mildmay, 1895
  • Correspondence, His Coming (Poetry)
  • The Martyrs of Kucheng
  • At Cliff College
  • The Jew; or all About Israel
    • A Story of a Jewish Mission Hall—Rev. Samuel Schor
    • General Jewish News
    • Palestine and Colonization News
    • Jewish Missionary News, Jewish Facts and Figures
  • Our Book Column
  • The Morning Star for India and the East
  • Conference Notices, Publication Announcements
  • Our Subscription Column

  • September
  • Editorial
  • The Suffering Jew (Poetry)—Albert Midlane
  • The Day Know unto the Lord—Rev. James White
  • Characteristics of the Millennium—Rev. J.S. Mabie, D.D.
  • The Parousia Cloud - The Shekinah Glory—Dr. Roibert McKilliam
  • Fulfulled and Unfulfilled - A Consideration og Luke xxi—Rev. G.D. Hooper
  • "The Lord is at Hand"—Rev. H.C. Sturdy, M.A.
  • The King's Throne - III—E.A. Rawlence
  • The Prophetic Books of the Old Testament - An Introduction—Walter Scott
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Correspondence
  • Matthew xxiv.14
  • Conference at West Norwood
  • "There Remaineth Therefore A Rest"
  • The Jew; or all About Israel
    • Life Sketches of Jewish Converts. III - Emmanuel Tremellius—Rev. Samuel Schor
    • General Jewis News
    • Palestine And Colonization News
    • Jewish Missionary News
    • The Day of Atonement - A Call tp Prayer—Marcus S. Bergmann
  • Our Book Column
  • Our Subscription Column
  • The Morning Star for India and the East
  • Publication Announcements

  • October
  • Editorials
  • Characteristics of the Millenniun - II—Rev. J.S. Mabie, D.D.
  • Fulfilled and Unfulfilled - II. A Consideration of Luke xxi.—Rev. G.D. Hooper
  • Walking, Warring, Waiting, Watching, Working, Witnessing, Woshipping, in the Hope of the Lord's Return—Pastor F.E. Marsh
  • The Judgment of the Nations - I—Alphaeus Wilkes, B.A.
  • The Book of Revelation—James Sprunt
  • The Coming Kingdom—Rev. D.M. Stearns, D.D.
  • The Prophetic Books of the Old Testament - Obadiah; or the Doom of Edom—Walter Scott
  • Deceiving and Being Deceived—D.M. Panton
  • Genesis Typically Considered—the late F.C. Bland
  • Arnold Frank, the Hungarian Pastor—Rec. Isaac Levinsohn
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Conferences, &c.
  • A Missionary Trip Through Russia
  • The Jew; or all about Israel
    • Life Sketches of Jewish Converts - IV. Srah Machnos: or the Aged Jewess in the School of Christ—Rev. F.G. Kleinhenn
    • General Jewish News
    • Palestine and Colonization News
    • Peter Rudolph of Alexandria
  • Our Book Column
  • The Morning Star for India and the East

  • November
  • Editorial
  • A Fourfold Message from the Scripture of Truth—PAstor W. Fuller Gooch
  • The Practical Aspect of Prophetic Study—Rev. James Douglas, M.A.
  • Israel's Everlasting Salvation—Rev. J.M. Eppstein
  • Life and Service in the Light of the Lord's Coming—Walter B. Sloan
  • Prepared for the King—Rev. J. Gelson Gregson
  • The Prophetic Books of the Old Testament - III—Walter Scott
  • Fine Linen; or, Practical Righteousness—J.H. Burridge
  • The Salutation to the Seven Churches—James Sprunt
  • Round About Lebanon - VI—Rev. J. Rose
  • Entered into Rest
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Pastor A.C. Gaebelein
  • Correspondence
  • Conference at West Norwood
  • Extracts from Cardinal Vaughan's Speech at Preston
  • Wait for Him—Rev. F.A.C. Lillingston
  • The Jew; or all about Israel
    • A Visit to Jerusalem—Rev. Isaac Levinsohn
    • General Jewish News
    • Palestine and Colonization News
    • Jewish Missionary News
    • Jewish Facts and Figures

  • December
  • Editorials—The Lord's Servants—True Rulers
  • The Mystery of Iniquity: A Word of Warning—Pastor W. Fuller Gooch
  • Israel's Everlasting Salvation - II—Rev. J.M. Eppstein
  • The Lord's Coming in Relation to those who Obey Not the Gospel—Rev. R. Middleton
  • ANote on Matthew xxiv.3—J.S. Johnston, Chicago
  • The Prophetic Books of the Old Testament: Nahum; or, the Burden of Nineveh—Walter Scott
  • The Judgment of the Nations - II—Alpheus Wilkes, B.A.
  • Round About Lebanon - VII—Rev. James Rose
  • The Mosque of Omar—W. Greene
  • Our Inquiry Column
  • Lapping of the Water—Rev. A. Moody Stuart, D.D.
  • The Jew; or all about Israel
    • The Golden Gate: A Short Historical Sketch—E.A. Rawlence
    • General Jewish News
    • Jewish Missionary News
    • Palestine and Colonisation News
  • Our Book Column
  • Publication Announcements
  • The Monring Star for India and the East—Subscriptions
  • Our Subscription Column
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