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Wonders of Grace in Russia
Archibald McCaig [?-1936]

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Book Description

Wonders of Grace in Russia
Publication Year:
Riga, Latvia
The Revival Press
Christian Mission, Russia
Copyright Holder:
Public domain


  • Foreword
  1. My Interest in Russia
  2. On the Way to St. Petersburg
  3. Arrival at St. Petersburg
  4. The Believers Saturday Night — First Sunday in Petersburg
  5. A Festal Day in the Forest of Novgorod
  6. Lesnoi again — A Gospel Expedition to Schlisselburg
  7. A Russian Bank Holiday
  8. Moscow Meetings
  9. A Day in Tolstoy's Neighbourhood
  10. A Spurgeonic Bishop
  11. Incidents of Gospel Work in Russia
  12. The Devout Russian in the Holy Land
  13. The Story of Simeon Stepanoff
  14. A Caucasian's Conversation
  15. A Midnight Meeting
  16. The Opening of the Dom Evangelia at St. Petersburg
  17. Dr. R. S. MacArthur at Spurgeon's Tabernacle
  18. Echoes from Spurgeon's Tabernacle
  19. The place of Russia at the Second Baptist Congress
  20. Among the Students of St. Petersburg
  21. Victories of the Cross in Riga
  22. A Day in Livonian Switerland
  23. My Fourth Visit to St. Petersburg
  24. Pastor Fetler's Marriage
  25. Past and Present: The Connecting Link
  26. Martyrs for Christ
  27. Churches and Chapels in Moscow in 1920
  28. On the track of the Revival in Poland
  29. In Riga after the Great War
  30. A Gospel Funeral Service
  31. Laying of the Memorial Stone of the Riga Tabernacle
  32. An Interview with the President of the Latvian Republic
  33. The Precious Blood of Jesus
  34. What about Russia-Are we Downhearted? — No! A Message of Hope from Pastor Fetler
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