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W. Holman Bentley: The Life and Labours of a Congo Pioneer
Hendrina Margo Bentley [1855-1938]

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Book Description

W. Holman Bentley: The Life and Labours of a Congo Pioneer
Publication Year:
The Carey Press
Christian Missions, Congo, Biography, W. Holman Bentley, Baptist Missionary Society
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
W. Holman Bentley: The Life and Labours of a Congo Pioneer


  • Preface
  1. Early Life and Home Influences
  2. The Voyage Out
  3. The San Salvador
  4. Early Days
  5. To Stanley Pool
  6. Manyanga
  7. 'In Journeys Oft'
  8. 'A People in Darkness'
  9. Arthington at Last
  10. First Furlough, and Many Labours
  11. To the Field Once More
  12. Up the River
  13. Settles at Wathen
  14. The Man and His Methods
  15. Mission Policy and Personal Dealings
  16. Itinerating: Privlieges and Perils
  17. Progress, Encouragement, and Trials
  18. Third Period in the Congo
  19. Last Days and Home-Call
  20. Recollections and Testimonies
  • Appendix
  • Index
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