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An Unknown People in an Unknown Land. An Account of the Life and Customs of the Lengua Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco, With Adventures and Experiences During Twenty Years' Pioneering and Exploration Amongst Them
Wilfrid Barbrooke Grubb [1865-1930]

London: Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., 1925. Hbk. pp.330.

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Wilfrid Barbrooke Grubb [1865-1930], An Unknown People in an Unknown Land. An Account of the Life and Customs of the Lengua Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco, With Adventures and Experiences During Twenty Years' Pioneering and Exploration Amongst Them


  • Preface
  1. Rumour
  2. Dangers of Entrance
  3. Into the Unknown
  4. Early Experiences
  5. Origin of the Chaco Tribes
  6. Primitive Indian Life
  7. Arts and Industries
  8. Hunting
  9. Travel
  10. War
  11. Religion
  12. Shade-Land
  13. Dreams
  14. Superstitions
  15. Wizards and Witchcraft
  16. Burial Rites
  17. Rescue of a Child
  18. Feasts
  19. Indian Socialism
  20. General Characteristics
  21. Morals
  22. System of Dealing with Indians
  23. Teacher and Pupil
  24. Infanticide and Other Evils
  25. Murderous Attack
  26. In Danger of Burial Alive
  27. Poit's Defence and Fate
  28. Final Struggle of the Witch-Doctor
  29. 'Twixt Old and New
  30. Christianity and Heathenism
  • Appendix
  1. The Chaco, Its Tribes, Expeditions and Discoveries
  2. Geological, Structures, Climate, Fauna and Flora of the Chaco
  3. Language
  4. Outside Testimony
  • Index

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