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William E. Soothill [1861-1935], Timothy Richard of China. Seer, Statesman, Missionary & Most Disinterested Adviser the Chinese Ever Had

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Book Description

Timothy Richard of China. Seer, Statesman, Missionary & Most Disinterested Adviser the Chinese Ever Had
Publication Year:
Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd.
Christian Missions, China
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William E. Soothill [1861-1935], Timothy Richard of China. Seer, Statesman, Missionary & Most Disinterested Adviser the Chinese Ever Had


  1. Foreword
  2. Early Life in Wales
  3. China in the Sixties
  4. Pioneering in Shantung & Manchuria
  5. Chefoo
  6. Farewell to Chefoo
  7. Ch'ing-Choo-Fu
  8. Famine Relief: Shantung
  9. Famine Relief: Shansi
  10. Pioneering in Shansi
  11. Developments in Shansi
  12. T'ai-yuan, Ch'ing-Chou & Peking
  13. First Furlough
  14. In Exile
  15. Christian Literature Society: Work in Shanghai
  16. Chino-Japanese War
  17. T'ien-T'ai
  18. Enlightening the Government on Missions
  19. The Reform Society
  20. Second Furlough
  21. The Reform Movement
  22. Second Furlough
  23. The Reform Movement
  24. The Boxer Madness
  25. The Shansi University: A Dream Fulfilled
  26. Between the Boxers & The Revolution
  27. Conferences at Home
  28. Visits to Japan & Korea
  29. The Revolution
  30. Buddhism
  31. Home Again
  • Index

Book Review

"Reviews of Books," The Churchman 38.2 (April 1924): 62. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]

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