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Jacob Chamberlain [1835-1908], In the Tiger Country and Other Stories of Missionary Work Among the Telugus of India

New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1896. Hbk. pp.218.

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Jacob Chamberlain [1835-1908], In the Tiger Country and Other Stories of Missionary Work Among the Telugus of India


Introduction by the Rev. F.E. Clark, D.D.
Preface, by the Author

  1. In the Tiger Jungle: Does God Hear Prayer?
  2. The Man with the Wonderful Books
  3. Encounter with a Ten-Foot Serpent, and its Results
  4. The Gospel River in India: How it Flows
  5. The Gospel River in India: The "Gospel in Song"
  6. The Gospel River in India: The Fleet-Footed Tract
  7. Establishing a New Station: Varieties in Mission Work
  8. Gospel Preaching Tours
  9. Gospel Preaching at Hindu Fairs
  10. Treated with a Shower of Stones
  11. A Fruitful Preaching Tour
  12. Our Village Cathedral
  13. The Building and Opening of a Free Reading-Room at Madanapalle
  14. A Brahman on the Bible
  15. The Village Magistrate's Death
  16. Narasappa's Mother; or, Christ's Hidden Ones
  17. An Audience of Monkeys
  18. The Stick-to-it Missionary
  19. Unhatchable Ink-Bottles; or, Taught by a Hen
  20. Winding Up a Horse
  21. Baptism of a Brahman
  22. Bimgani Ramanna; or, Unreckoned Fruits
  23. The Margosa-Tree and the Hindu Temple

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