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The Three Freds. Martyred Pioneers For Christ in Brazil
William John Waterman Roome [1865-1937]

London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1937. Pbk. pp.125.

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William John Waterman Roome [1865-1937], The Three Freds. Martyred Pioneers For Christ in Brazil



  1. "In the Train of His Triumph"
  2. Pioneering Amidst Primeval Forests
  3. The Call of Amazonia!
  4. Launching the Venture
  5. Facing the Foe!
  6. Giving the Word
  7. Buried Seeds!
  8. Gathered Fruit!
  9. Searching Out the Kayapos
  10. "Their Name Liveth For Evermore"


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