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Thirty Years in Madagascar with Sixty-Two Illustrations From Photographs and Sketches
Thomas Trotter Matthews [1842-1928]

London: The Religious Tract Society, 1904. Hbk. pp.383.

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Thomas Trotter Matthews [1842-1928], Thirty Years in Madagascar with Sixty-Two Illustrations From Photographs and Sketches


  1. A Land of Darkness
  2. 'The Killing Times'
  3. From Darkness to Dawn
  4. The Morning Breaking
  5. Bealking Up the Fallow Ground
  6. Early Experiences
  7. Shadow and Sunshine
  8. District Journeys and Incidents
  9. Development and Consolidation
  10. The Dead Past
  11. Progress All Along the Line
  12. Gathering Clouds
  13. Bible Revision and 'An Old Disciple'
  14. The Light Extending
  15. The Conquest of Madagascar
  16. Trials, Triumphs, and Terrors
  17. The End of the Monarchy
  18. The Triumph of the Gospel
  • Index

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