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The Sunday schools of Wales: their origin, progress, peculiarities, & prospects; with introductory chapters on the religious and intellectual state of the country from the Reformation to the beginning of the nineteenth century, containing an account of the Welsh versions of the Holy Scriptures, a centenary tribute
David Evans

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Book Description

The Sunday schools of Wales: their origin, progress, peculiarities, & prospects; with introductory chapters on the religious and intellectual state of the country from the Reformation to the beginning of the nineteenth century, containing an account of the Welsh versions of the Holy Scriptures, a centenary tribute
Publication Year:
Sunday School Union
Christian Mission, Wales, Sunday Schools
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
David Evans, The Sunday schools of Wales


  • Preface
  1. The Religious and Intellectual Condition of Wales From the Reformation to the Rise of Sunday Schools—translation and Circulation of Scriptures—The New Testament
  2. The Religious and Intellectual Condition of Wales From the Reformation to the Rise of Sunday Schools—translation and Circulation of Scriptures—The Whole Bible
  3. The Religious and Intellectual Condition of Wales From the Reformation to the Rise of Sunday Schools—Spread of General Literature
  4. The Religious and Intellectual Condition of Wales From the Reformation to the Rise of Sunday Schools—Direct Educational Provisions
  5. Hindrances and Oppositions to Progress
  6. The Rise of Methodism, and Early Years of Mr. Charles
  7. The Earliest Sabbath Schools of Wales
  8. The Founding of the Welsh' Sunday School System
  9. Charles's Coadjutors
  10. Peculiarities of the Sunday Schools of Wales—(a) Members and Subjects of Study
  11. Peculiarities of the Sunday Schools of Wales—(b) Internal Organization
  12. Later Modifications and Improvements
  13. The Sunday Schools of Wales and The British and Foreign Bible Society
  14. The Later Years of Charles's Life
  15. A Survey of the Present State of the Sunday Schools
  16. Conditions of the Future Prosperity of the Sunday Schools of Wales
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