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George Cousins [1842-?], The Story of the South Seas

London: London Missionary Society, 1894. Hbk. pp.246.

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George Cousins [1842-?], The Story of the South Seas


  1. The Good Ship "Duff" and Her Strange Cargo
  2. "The Night of Toil"
  3. The Overthrow of Idolatry
  4. Spreading Out
  5. Carrying the Light to Other Groups
  6. The "Messenger of Peace" and Her Useful Work
  7. The Martyred Missionary Polynesia
  8. Further Extension
  9. Teaching and Training Heathen Converts
  10. Joining Hands to Save New Guinea
  11. Summing Up, or Work and Workers in the Older Stations
  12. Other Labourers in the Southern Ocean

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