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A.D., Until the Shadows Flee Away. The Story of the C.E.Z.M.S. in India and Ceylon. London: Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, n.d. Hbk. pp.247.

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Book Description

Until the Shadows Flee Away. The Story of the C.E.Z.M.S. in India and Ceylon
Publication Year:
Church of England Zenana Missionary Society
Christian Missions, Sri Lanka, India, Zenana Missions
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
A.D., Until the Shadows Flee Away. The Story of the C.E.Z.M.S. in India and Ceylon


Part 1: Outlines and Impressions

  1. India and its Peoples
  2. India Past and Present
  3. Religions of India
  4. Condition of India and its Women
  5. India's Women at the Crossing of the Way
  6. Folk-lore
  7. "Little Kings"
  8. The Church of England Zenana Missionary Society

Part 2: The Story of Work Amongst the Women of India and Ceylon

  1. The Border-Lnd and Over
  2. Through the Sindh to the Sea
  3. The Land of the Five Rivers
  4. The Plain of the Ganges
  5. The Central Provinces
  6. In the Telugu Country
  7. Madras and the Plateau of Mysore
  8. The Blue Mountains and the Lords of the Hills
  9. The Sacred Hedge
  10. The Land of the Conch Shell
  11. The Shining Land
  • Afterword—As the Stars
  • Appendices
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