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Alexina Harrison (Nee Mackay), The Story of the Life of Mackay of Uganda. Pioneer Missionary, 7th ednThe Story of the Life of Mackay of Uganda. Pioneer Missionary by His Sister, 7th edn.
Alexina Harrison (Nee Mackay)

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1898. Hbk. pp.323.

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Alexina Harrison (Nee Mackay), The Story of the Life of Mackay of Uganda. Pioneer Missionary, 7th edn.


  1. A Discovery
  2. Early Days
  3. Transmitted Impulses
  4. Rapid Changes
  5. Life in Berlin
  6. Uganda
  7. On the March
  8. The Coast Again
  9. A Rapid Journey
  10. The Silvery Sea
  11. At the Court of Mtesa
  12. Hostile Arabs
  13. The Plague
  14. Going to Market
  15. Mackay as Undertaker
  16. "The Eleanor"
  17. The King is Dead
  18. The Reign of Terror
  19. Deeds of Blood
  20. The Night is Gone
  21. The Iron Horse

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